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Compartir To share
Enviar To send
Recibir To recieve
gritar Shout,yell
Quebrar,Romper To break
Engañar to decieve
Mentir to lie
leer to read
Contradecir to contradict
Resucitar to resurrect
Textear to text
Revelar to reveal
Obedecer to obey
Ocupar to occupy,take place of something
Publicar to post
Contribuir to contribute
Desarrollar to develop
Decidir to decide
Esconder to hide
Atrapar to catch
Encontrar to find
Responder to respond,to reply
Enamorar to fall in love
Recomendar to recommend
Aconsejar to advise
recordar To remember
Orar,Rezar to pray
Alabar to worship
Elegir to choose
Negar,Denegar to deny
Aceptar to accept
Escudriñar to scrutinize
Acabar to end up
Sostener to hold
Discutir to argue
Permanecer to stay,to last
Huir to flee
Rescatar to rescue
Perdonar to pardon,to forgive
Aferrarse to hold on
Habitar to dwell
Derrotar to defeat
Mejorar to improve
Superar to get over,to overcome
Bastar to be enough
Tropezar to trip,to stumble
Rendir to yield,to surrender
Culpar to blame
Inmigrar to immigrate
Atar to bind
apóstol Apostle
confesar, admitir, reconocer Confess
el Creador The creator
La cruz The cross
Castigo punishment
Castigar to punish
el testigo the witness
exaltar,glorificar to exalt,glorify
la santidad holiness
las creencias the beliefs
definitivamente definitley
por seguro for sure
la toalla towel
ducharse to shower
la medusa jellyfish
profunda deep
la lavadora the washing machine
a través de through;across
recoger to collect;to take
examinar to examine
restaurar to restore
la olla pot
desbloquear to unlock
parecer to look;to seem
ignorar to ignore
estándar standard
obligar to force;to obligate
aparentemente apparently
desaparecer to disappear
descarrilar to derail
enojar to anger
imaginar to imagine
cualquier any
peor worse
mejor better
hacia towards
tender to tend
ni siquiera not even
comun common
inciar to start
comenzar to begin
lograr to achieve
desentrañar to unravel
maravilloso/a marvelous
rodear to surround
suponer to guess;to suppose
faltar to lack
carecer to lack
recuperar to recover
volver to come back
regresar to go back;to come back
ancha/ancho wide
notar to notice
dominar to dominate
largo long
el anillo ring
tal vez maybe
mientras meanwhile
aunque even though;even if;though
denotar to denote
antes before
después after
utilizar to use
inventar to invent
tontería nuisance
alineación alignment
contenido content
cotidiana everyday
merecer to deserve
sorprender to suprise
perecer to perish
temblar to tremble
mencionar to mention
acostarse to lie down
sobrenatural supernatural
obediencia obedience
juzgar to judge
descubrir to discover
cumplir to fufill
apoyar to support;to lean on
manifestar to manifest
mandar to send (person)
predecir to predict
proclamar to proclaim
casi almost
gozosamente joyfully
la alegría joy
misericordia mercy
retirarse to withdraw
agarrar to grab
previo/antepasado previous
asqueroso disgusting
la trinchera the trench
cavar to dig
la pala shovel
la ampolla the blister
el jabón soap
referirse to refer
fiel faithfull
la herramienta the tool
nadie no one
negociar to negociate
el extranjero Stranger
Segar to reap
el raíz root
la propaganda propaganda
hinchado swollen
el signo the sign
el niñez childhood
joven young
prender to turn on
enciender to turn on (lights,etc)
pecar to sin
ciego blind
capaz able
preservar to preserve
fructificar to fructify
observar to observe
la espada the sword
Created by: Xuehuapiaopiao
Popular Spanish sets




Use these flashcards to help memorize information. Look at the large card and try to recall what is on the other side. Then click the card to flip it. If you knew the answer, click the green Know box. Otherwise, click the red Don't know box.

When you've placed seven or more cards in the Don't know box, click "retry" to try those cards again.

If you've accidentally put the card in the wrong box, just click on the card to take it out of the box.

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When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

To see how well you know the information, try the Quiz or Test activity.

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