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City Vocab
Term | Definition |
la ciudad | The city |
la zona comercial | Commercial Zone |
el rascacielos | The skyscraper |
el edificio | The building |
la oficina | The office |
la zona industrial | The industrial zone |
las afueras | The outskirts |
la fåbrica | The Factory |
el/la obrero(a) | The worker |
la zona residencial | The residential area |
el apartamento (departamento) | The apartment |
el condominio | The condo |
la casa privada | The private house |
el plano | The plane |
la plaza | The square |
la avenida, el bulevar | The avenue, bolevard |
la calle | The street |
el barrio Viejo | The old neighborhood |
la esquina | The corner |
la acera | The sidewalk |
los peatones | The pedestrians |
el semåforo | the traffic light |
el cruce de peatones | Crosswalk |
caminar | Walk |
cruzar | cross |
desembocar | lead |
pintoresco(a) | Pictureque |
ancho | Wide |
angosto(a) | Narrow |
la estaci6n del metro | Subway Station |
la boca del metro | The subway |
la escalera mecånica | The escalator |
el tique | The ticket |
el torniquete | The turnstile |
la ranura | Slot |
la parada del bus | The bus stop |
el autobtås, la guagua, el carni6n | The bus |
el campo | The field |
el pueblo | The village |
la finca | The farm |
la casa de campo | The cottage |
el campesino | The peasant |
la siembra | Planting |
la cosecha | Harvest |
el mafz | Corn |
el trigo | The wheat |
los cereales | The cereal |
la huerta | The garden |
los vegetales | The vegatables |
el huerto | The garden |
el manzano | The apple tree |
el peral | The pear tree |
cultivar | Cultivate |
sembrar | Sow |
cosechar | Harvest |
criar los animales | Raise Animals |
el ganado | The cattle |
la vaca | Cow |
el cerdo | The pig |
la gallina | The hen |