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Question | Answer |
la alergia | alergy |
el antibiotico | antibiotic |
la aspirina | aspirin |
estar resfriado/a | to have a cold |
estornudar | to sneeze |
la fiebre | fever |
el grado centigrado | centigrade/Celsius degree |
la gripe | flu |
el jarabe | syrup |
la tos | cough |
el corazon | heart |
el musculo | muscle |
el oido | ear |
el pecho | chest |
aconsejar | to advise |
contener | to contain |
desarrollar | to develop |
evitar | to avoid |
exigir | to demand |
incluir | to include |
quejarse | to complain |
saltar (una comida) | skip a meal |
tomar | to take, to drink |
abdominales | crunches |
el calambre | cramp |
debil | weak |
ejercicios aerobicos | aerobics |
estar en forma | to be fit |
estirar | to stretch |
flexionar | to flex, to stretch |
fuerte | strong |
la fuerza | strength |
hacer bicicleta | to use a stationary bike |
hacer cinta | to use a treadmill |
hacer flexiones | to do push-ups |
relajar(se) | to relax |
respirar | to breathe |
yoga | yoga |
la alimentacion | nutrition, feeding |
los alimentos | food |
apropriado/a | appropriate |
el calcio | calcium |
el carbohidrato | carbohydrate |
la comida basura | junk food |
la dieta | diet |
la edad | age |
la energia | energy |
equilibrado/a | balanced |
la estatura | height |
la fibra | fiber |
el habito alimenticio | eating habit |
el hierro | iron |
lleno/a | full |
la merienda | snack |
nutritivo/a | nutritious |
el peso | weight |
la proteina | protein |
saludable | healthy |
vacio/a | empty |
la vitamina | vitamin |
aguantar | to endure, to tolerate |
aunque | despite, even when |
el consejo | advice |
la manera | way |
el nivel | level |
caerse de sueno | to be exhausted, sleepy |
concentrarse | to concentrate |
confianza en si mismo/a | self-confidence |
estar de buen/mal humor | in a good/bad mood |
estar en la luna | to be daydreaming |
el estres | stress |
estresado/a | stressed out |
preocuparse | to worry |
sentirse fatal | to feel awful |