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DSM drugs list 2

Second category must know drugs list, class, indications, mechanism

1 Acyclovir antiviral, HSV
2 Activated charcoal Rx most poisoning. not useful cyanide, alkali, mineral acids. Not v. useful ethanol or methanol.
3 Adrenaline heart faster, stronger, coarsen arrhyth, make shockable, bronchodilates. Give in anaphylaxis
4 Amiodarone antiarrythmic class III, Wiki says effects consistent all 4 classes. Used refract VT, VF, also AF, prophyl those having heart surgery, ppl with implantable cardioverter-defibrillators and symptomatic shocks..
5 Amoxicillin type penicillin, ENT strep, staph, H. influenza, S. pneumoniae, urinary infections E coli. Skin, strep, staph. Must beta lactamase neg., If have beta lactamase, use augmentin (has clavulanic acid)
6 Azathioprine immune suppressant, anti rejection post transplant eg kidneys ADR INCR RISK Ca
7 Bezafibrate incr HDL, decr LDL
8 Caffeine related uric acid. tremors, bad for sleep
9 Cannabis irritability and aggressiveness on withdrawal.
10 Carbamazepine anticonvulsant, Na block. Epilepsy, pain trigeminal neuralgia, adjunct in some psych conditions (Borderline PD, schiz, others, BiP I)
11 Cefaclor 2nd gen cephalosporin. Ceph. Sp. Broad, septicaemia, pneumonia, meningitis
12 Celecoxib NSAID selective type Cox 2, prevents PG synth. Gastro protective. Ank spon, RA.
13 Ciprofloxacin fluoroquinolone, cystitis, UTI’s, abd infections, empiric febrile neutropenia.
14 Doxazosin BPH, improves blood flow, relaxes musc prostate, improves flow.
15 Doxycycline broad spectrum tetracycline. UTI, Chlamydia, gonorrhoea. Anthrax. Prophylaxis malaria.
16 Felodipine Ca2+ chan block. HPN
17 Flucloxacillin narrow spectrum semi synthetic penicillin. Skin, soft tissue. Community acq. Gram pos Staph aur, strep pyo.. 9 deaths cholestatic hepatitis
18 Heparin short term blood thinner. Binds to antithrombin, enhances inactivation thrombin, Xa, Xia
19 Ipratropium antichol. Dilator. bronchodilator for bronchospasm in COPD
20 Isosorbide mononitrate causes NO released. Angina. Pill.
21 Levodopa/carbidopa carbi used with levo, so levo not turned into DA in periphery in parkinsons dis.
22 Lithium mood stabiliser
23 Losartan angiotensin rec blocker, like candesartan. HPN, diabetic nephropathy
24 Metformin incr gluc uptake peripherally. DM II
25 Methotrexate antimetabolite. Psoriasis, breast/lung cancer, ALL (acute lymphocytic leukemia), RA
26 Metoclopromide anti emetic. Incr motility upper GI tract.
27 Naloxone opioid antag
28 N-acetylcysteine mucolytic in respiratory dis. Binds to NAPQI (toxic metabolite) in paracetamol overdose. Given IV. Sometimes used to prevent radiocontrast-induced nephropathy.
29 Ondansetron antiemetic, inhib 5-HT rec in chemo rec zone or GI tract
30 Promethazine of class phenothiazine, anti allergy. Post op nausea types anaesthesia.
31 Rifampicin part of triple therapy TB
32 Sildenafil enhance effect NO. Erectile dysfunc
33 Sotalol nonselective beta blocker. Also blocks K+ chan, HPN, antiarrhyth class III. Used Rx VT, VF, prolongs PR and QT. Also Sotalol AF for Rx AF
34 Streptokinase old fashioned anti-thrombotic given with 3 hours MI
35 Sumatriptan selective 5-HT1 blocker, constrict cranial arteries. Migraines, acute cluster headaches
36 Theophylline xanthine derivative. Treat or prevent bronchospasm in asthma or COPD
37 Thyroxine thyroid hormone
38 Trimethoprim Abx, UTI
39 Zopiclone sleeping tablet.. class cyclopyrolone derivative, unrelated benzos but similar pharmacological profile. Used short term
Created by: briary
Popular Pharmacology sets




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