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Viel Spass 2 chap 10

Imperfect tense

In reading comprehensions, you will see verbs in a past tense called the imperfect tense. Put the regular verbs in the imperfect tense below into the present tense by removing the 2nd last -t-. ich sagte (I said) ich lachte (I laughed) ich sage (I say) ich lache (I laugh)
Put the regular verbs in the imperfect tense below into the present tense by removing the 2nd last -t-. ich kochte (I cooked) ich backte (I baked) ich übte (I practised) ich koche (I cook) ich backe (I bake) ich übe (I practise)
Put the following regular verbs in the imperfect tense below into the present tense by removing the 2nd last -t- & -te for zeichnete. ich malte (I painted) ich zeichnete (I drew) ich hörte (I heard) ich male (I paint) ich zeichne (I draw) ich höre (I hear)
Put the following regular verbs in the imperfect tense below into the present tense by removing the 2nd last -t- & -te for arbeitete. ich arbeitete es regnete ich kletterte (I worked It rained I climbed) ich arbeite es regnet ich klettere (I work It rains I climb)
Put the following regular verbs in the imperfect tense below into the present tense by removing the 2nd last -t-. ich verdiente ich kaufte ich verkaufte (I earned I bought I sold) ich verdiene ich kaufe ich verkaufe (I earn I buy I sell)
Put the following regular verbs in the imperfect tense below into the present tense by removing the 2nd last -t-. ich sparte ich brauchte ich benutzte (I saved I needed I used) ich spare ich brauche ich benutze (I save I need I use)
Put the following regular verbs in the imperfect tense below into the present tense by removing the 2nd last -t-. ich spielte ich schälte ich tippte (I played I peeled I typed) ich spiele ich schäle ich tippe (I play I peel I type)
Some irregular verbs in the imperfect are like English: What do you think the following mean? Tip: change last letter of verbs 2 and 3: es sank ich sah ich war it sank I saw I was
Some irregular verbs in the imperfect are like English: What do you think the following mean? Tip: change either the first or last letter of verbs 2 and 3: ich trank ich schwamm ich gab I drank I swam I gave
Some irregular verbs in the imperfect are like English: What do you think the following mean? Tip: change the last letter of verbs 1 and 3: ich saß ich sprang ich aß I sat I sprang I ate
Put the following regular verbs in the imperfect tense below into the present tense by removing the 2nd last -t-. ich telefonierte ich servierte ich reservierte (I phoned I served I reserved) ich telefoniere ich serviere ich reserviere (I phone I serve I reserve)
Some irregular verbs in the imperfect are like English: Guess the following by changing or removing the last letter(s) of verbs 1,2 & 3. der Hund biss (1) mich; der Schultag begann (2); sie rannte (3) aus dem Haus; bit began ran
Irregular verbs in the imperfect tense change their first 'a' to a 'u' fahren becomes fuhr- tragen becomes ......? laden becomes .....? schlagen becomes ....? to drive, to wear, to load, to hit trug- lud- schlug- wore, loaded, hit
Irregular verbs in the imperfect tense change their 'ei' to an 'ie' bleiben becomes blieb- schreiben becomes ......? treiben becomes .....? scheinen becomes ..._ reiben becomes...? to stay, to write, to pursue/do, to rub/grate. to shi blieb schrieb trieb rieb schien wrote, pursued, grated, shone-shined
Some irregular verbs in the imperfect are like English: Guess the following irregular imperfect tenses: er fand es; der Bus kam; es stank nach Fisch! found came stank
Irregular verbs in the imperfect tense change their 'ie' to an 'o' fliegen becomes flog- fliehen becomes ......? fließen becomes .....? frieren becomes...? to fly, to flee, to flow, to freeze flog floh floss fror flew, fled, flowed, froze
gehen, lesen do not follow a particular pattern in the imperfect tense, do you remember what they are? ging las (went, read)
Formation of regular imperfect verbs: Remove the -en and add? -te -test -te x 4 (er sie es man) -ten -tet -ten x 2 (Sie, sie)
Formation of irregular imperfect verbs: Change first vowel, remove the -en and add: - -st - x 4 (er sie es man) -en -t -en x 2 (Sie, sie)
treffen, helfen, stehen are irregular and change their first vowel 'e' to 'a' in the imperfect. 'stehen' changes more than that, can you guess them? traf half stand (met, helped, stood)
Translate into English: Wir waren in Deutschland. We were in Germany.
Translate into English. Er war sehr schüchtern. He was very shy.
Translate into English. Es war kalt und regnerisch. It was cold and rainy.
Translate into English. Wie war das Wetter? What was the weather like?
Translate into English. Die Sonne schien die ganze Zeit. The sun shone/shined the whole time.
Translate into English. Es war heiß. It was hot.
Translate into English. Es war warm und trocken. It was warm and dry.
Translate into English. Es war neblig. It was foggy.
Translate into English. Es war fantastisch. It was fantastic.
The verb haben is irregular in the imperfect tense. Can you remember what it is? ich hatte du hattest er-sie-es-man hatte wir hatten ihr hattet Sie-sie hatten
Translate into English. Wir waren alle froh. We were all happy.
Translate into English. Wir hatten viel Spaß. We had a great time.
Translate into English. Wir hatten Angst. We were afraid.
Translate into English. Wir hatten Hunger. We were hungry.
Translate into English. Wir hatten Durst. We were thirsty.
Translate into English. Er trank eine Flasche Cola. He drank a bottle of cola.
Translate into English. Sie aß einen Apfel. She ate an apple.
Translate into English. Wir aßen im Schulhof. We ate in the schoolyard.
Translate into English. Wir spielten Fußball im Garten. We played soccer in the garden.
Translate into English. Ich las ein interessantes Buch. I read an interesting book.
Translate into English. Ich sah fern. I watched TV.
Translate into English. Ich hörte Musik auf meinem Handy. I listened to music on my mobile phone.
Translate into English. Ich kaufte neue Klamotten. I bought new clothes.
A sentence in the imperfect tense to describe your holiday. Tranlsate into English: Ich war in der Gaeltacht. I was in the Gaeltacht.
A sentence in the imperfect tense to describe your holiday. Tranlsate into English: Wir waren in Frankreich. We were in France.
A sentence in the imperfect tense to describe your holiday. Tranlsate into English: Das Wetter war wunderbar. The weather was wonderful.
A sentence in the Perfect tense (chapter 7) to describe your holiday. Tranlsate into English: Ich bin ins Ausland gefahren. I went abroad.
A sentence in the Perfect tense (chapter 7) to describe your holiday. Tranlsate into English: Ich habe eine Austausch gemacht. I did an exchange.
A sentence in the Perfect tense (chapter 7) to describe your holiday. Tranlsate into English: Ich habe einen Sprachkurs gemacht. I did a language course.
A sentence in the Perfect tense (chapter 7) to describe your holiday. Tranlsate into English: Wir haben ein Ferienhaus in Kerry gemietet. We rented a holiday house in Kerry.
A sentence in the Perfect tense (chapter 7) to describe your holiday. Tranlsate into English: Wir haben einen Campingurlaub gemacht. We went on a camping holiday.
A sentence in the Perfect tense (chapter 7) to describe your holiday. Tranlsate into English: Wir haben in einem Wohnwagen gewohnt. We stayed in a caravan.
A sentence in the Perfect tense (chapter 7) to describe your holiday. Tranlsate into English: Wir haben in einem Wohnmobil gewohnt. We stayed in a motor home.
A sentence in the Perfect tense (chapter 7) to describe your holiday. Tranlsate into English: Ich habe viel Sport gemacht. I did a lot of sports.
A sentence in the Perfect tense (chapter 7) to describe your holiday. Tranlsate into English: Ich habe mich mit meinen Freunden getroffen. I met my friends.
A sentence in the Perfect tense (chapter 7) to describe your holiday. Tranlsate into English: Wir haben viel Spaß gehabt. We had a great time.
Created by: Derval McGrath
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