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Marketing research

Lecture 4

What're the sampling methods? -random sampling - non random sampling - probability sampling - non probability sampling
What is inference? the act of passing from statistical sampling data to generalization, usually with calculated degrees of certainty
Why is using a sample very common? small portion of population costs less than the entire population, needed if the population is large, little time/budget. Sampling is destructive
Probability sampling - each element has equal probability of being selected, needed if you want a representative sample - not easy, need a good sampling frame
non-probability sampling - relies on judgement - probability to be selected unknown
Probability sampling methods 1. simple random sampling (computer select from frame) 2. Systematic sampling 3. Stratified sampling, select strata of interest + sample from them w method 1/2 4. cluster sampling, randomly select area + get info from sample , reduces travel costs
non- probability sampling methods 1. Convenience sampling: Select people who are available 2. Judgmental sampling: select those who are judged 3. Quota sampling: match characteristics of sample to population 4. snowball sampling: let respondents recruit others
What're resulting errors when working with a sample? - sampling error: difference between true and sampling information (not representative for population) -non sampling error: measurement error, non response
How bad is non-response? - Coincidental nonresponse: respondents + nonrespondents dont systematically differ on imp variables. may give right image, need a bigger sample - systematic nonresponse: differ on imp variables, gives wrong image, need bigger + better sample
Check representativeness with smart comparisons 1. compare respondents to population data, secondary data 2. compare respondents to non-respondents with central question
How to cure non-response 1. Methods before data collection: prior notification, give incentives 2. Methods during data collection: Re-invite, approach again 3. Methods after data collection: incl socio-demographics in analysis, weighing (underrepresented categories more weight)
How to make sample more representative Weighing on important variables
What factors does sample size depend on? more is better. why? - required precision - confidence in statements - heterogeneity of the population - size of the population - need for segments - time, budget etc
Confidence intervals When estimating a mean, theres always uncertainty, confidence interval shows how much uncertainty. When the data collection is repeated 95% of sample holds true value. More observations means narrower confidence interval around the mean
Limitations of online surveys - no internet access - phone screen small for some question types - online invite easy to dismiss - clicking answers is easy so maybe to quick responses -control question may show many people not paying attention
Created by: janasultan
Popular Marketing sets




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