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Question | Answer |
abajo | down, downstairs, below |
inútil | useless |
izquierda | left |
jamás | never, ever |
asistir a | to attend |
el jardín | garden |
el jefe | boss, chief, head |
la joya | jewel |
judío(a) | Jew |
juez (el/la) | judge |
juntos | together |
el asunto | matter, affair |
el kilo(gram) | kilogram |
el kilómetro | kilometer |
la | the, her, it |
las | the, them |
el labio | lip |
el lado | side |
el ladrón | thief |
atrás | back, behind, backward |
la lana | wool |
largo | long |
la lástima | pity |
la lavabo | sink, lavatory |
lavar(se) | to wash (oneself) |
le | to him, to her, to you |
la lección | lesson |
lejos | far (away) |
atrasado | slow |
lentamente | slowly |
los lentes | eyeglasses |
la letra | (song) words |
el letrero | sign |
levantarse | to get up, stand up |
la ley | law |
libre | free |
atravesar | to cross, to go through, to run through |
ligero | light (weight) |
el límite | limit, boundary |
limpio | clean |
lindo | pretty |
el abrigo | overcoat |
la línea | line |
la lista | list, menu |
listo | ready, smart, bright |
el litro | liter |
lo | it, him, you |
atreverse | to dare, to adventure |
loco | crazy |
los | the them you |
la lucha | struggle, fight |
luego | then, after |
el lujo | luxury |
la luna | moon |
la luz | light |
la llamada | call |
llamar(se) | to call, to be called |
aunque | although |
la llave | light switch |
la llegada | arrival |
llenar | to fill |
lleno | full |
llorar | to weep, to cry, to whine |
llover | to rain |
la madera | wood |
el autobús | coach |
maduro | ripe |
maestro(a) | teacher |
mal(o) | bad, badly, ill |
la maleta | suitcase |
mandar | to send, command |
la manera | manner, way |
la mañana | morning, tomorrow |
el automóvil | automobile, car |
el mapa | map |
el mar | sea |
más | more |
me | (to me) |
la media | stocking |
la medianoche | midnight |
el médico | doctor |
la medida | size, measurement |
medio | half |
el mediodía | noon |
mejor | better, best |
menor | smaller, smallest; younger, youngest |
menos | less, least |
la mentira | lie |
a menudo | often |
la merienda | afternoon or morning snack |
el mes | month |
la avenida | avenue |
mesero(a) | waiter, waitress |
meter | to put (in) |
el método | method |
el metro | underground |
mi, mis | my |
el miedo | fear |
el miembro | member |
mientras que | while |
el milagro | miracle |
averiguar | to find out, to inquire, to investigate |
la mila | mile |
mío | mine |
mirar | to look, to look at, to watch |
mismo | same, oneslelf |
la mitad | half |
el modo | way manner |
mojar | to wet |
molestar | to disturb, bother, molest |
la molestia | bother |
la moneda | coin |
moreno | brunette, dark-complexioned |
morir | to die |
el mozo | porter, young man |
muchacho(a) | boy, girl |
mucho | much |
mudar | to change, move |
los muebles | furniture |
avisar | to inform, warn |
muerto | dead |
la muestra | sample |
la multa | fine (fee) |
el mundo | world |
la muñeca | doll |
el museo | museum, gallery |
muy | very |
el aviso | notice, warning |
nada | nothing |
nadar | to swim |
nadie | no one, nobody |
necesario | necessary |
necesitar | to need |
el negociante | businessman |
ayer | yesterday |
los negocios | businesses |
ni | neither, nor |
ningún, ninguno | none |
niño(a) | child, boy, girl |
el nivel | spirit level |
no | no, nor |
la noche | night |
el norte | north |
nos | (to) us |
nosotros(as) | we |
la noticía | news, piece of news |
novio(a) | boyfriend, girlfriend, fiancé, fiancée |
nublando | cloudy |
nuestro | our |
nuevo | new |
nunca | never |
o | or, either |
el objecto | object, purpose |
obligar | to oblige, force |
la obra | work |
obtener | to obtain, to get |
el océano | ocean |
ocupado | busy, occupied |
ocurrir | to occur, to happen |
odiar | to hate |
el oeste | west |
el oído | ear, hearing |
!ojalá! | I wish (that)! |
oler | to smell, to scent |
el oloer | odor, smell |
el baile | dance |
onza | ounce |
la oportunidad | opportunity |
el orden | sequence |
la orden | command, order (business) |
el ordenador | computer |
el oro | gold |
otro | other, another |
el país | country |
el paisaje | landscape |
la palabra | word |
el palacio | palace |
pálido | pale |
los pantalones | pants, trousers |
el papel | paper |
el paquete | package |
el par | pair |
bajo | low, short (stature) |
para | for, in order to |
la parada | stop |
el paraguas | umbrella |
parecer | to seem, to appear |
pariente (la/el) | relative |
el párrafo | paragraph |
la parte | part |
el partido | match, game |
pasado | past, last |
el pasajero | passenger |
pasar | to pass (by), to happen, to spend (time) |
el paseo | walk, ride |
el pasillo | corridor, hallway |
el paso | pace, opening |
la pastilla | tablet, lozenge |
el patrón | pedestrian |
el pecado | sin |
la bandera | flag |
el pecho | chest (human body) |
el pedazo | piece |
pegar | to beat, to hit, to slap, to stick, to glue, to paste |
la película | (camera) film |
el peligro | danger |
peligroso | dangerous |
el pelo | hair |
la pelota | ball |
la pena | ache, grief |
los pendientes | earrings |
la pensión | boardinghouse |
peor | worse, worst |
pequeño | small, little |
acá | here |
perder | to lose, miss |
el perdón | pardon (me), forgiveness |
permanecer | to remain, stay |
el permiso | permission, pass |
el baño | bath, bathroom |
permitir | to permit, allow |
pero | but |
pesado | heavy |
pesar | to weigh |
el peso | weight |
picante | hot, spicy |
pico | peak, a little |
barato | cheap, inexpensive |
la piel | skin |
la píldora | the pill |
pintoresco | picturesque |
la piscina | swimming pool |
el piso | floor, apartment |
planchar | to iron |
la plata | silver, money |
el plato | dish, course |
la playa | beach |
la plaza | plaza, public quare |
la pluma | pen, feather |
pobre | poor |
poco | little, small amount |
poder | to be able to, can |
la poesía | poetry |
el barco | boat, ship |
la policía | police |
policía (la/el) | police officer |
poner | to put, to place, to turn on (TV, radio) |
por | for, by, in exchange for |
porque | because |
?por qué? | why? |
el portero | doorman, porter |
el precio | price |
preguntar | to ask |
el barrio | district, neighborhood |
el premio | prize, award |
preparar | to prepare |
el presupuesto | budget |
primer, primero | first |
la prisa | hurry |
el problema | problem |
bastante | enough, sufficient |
la promesa | promise |
prometer | to promise |
pronto | soon |
la propiedad | property |
el propietario | owner, proprietor |
el propósito | purpose |
el provecho | profit, benefit |
próximo | next |
bastar | to be enough, to be sufficient, to suffice |
el proyecto | project |
la prueba | proof, test |
el puente | bridge |
la puerta | door |
el puerto | port, harbor |
el punto | point dot |
el baúl | trunk |
?qué? | what? |
quedar | to remain, be left |
la queja | complaint |
quejarse | to complain, to grumble |
querer | to want, wish, love |
quien | who, whom |
?quién? | who, whom? |
quitar | to take away |
quizás | perhaps |
rápido | rapid, quick |
rato | while |
la razón | reason |
tener razón | to be right |
real | royal |
el recado | message |
la receta | recipe, prescription |
el recibo | receipt |
recordar | to remember |
recuerdo | remebrance, regards, souvenir |
rechazar | to reject |
el régimen | rigime, diet |
la regla | rule, regulation |
regresar | to return, to go back, to regress |
regular | regular, OK |
la reina | queen |
bello | beautiful |
reír(se) | to laugh |
el renglón | line |
de repente | suddenly |
repitir | to repeat |
el resfriado | cold (respiratory) |
respirar | to breathe |
responder | to answer, to reply, to respond |
besar | to kiss |
el retraso | delay |
el retrato | picture (of people), portrait |
revelar | to reveal, develop (film) |
el rey | king |
rico | rich, delicious |
el rincón | corner |
robar | to rob, to steal |
roto | broken |
el ruido | noise |
la ruta | route |
la sábana | (bed)sheet |
saber | to know, to know how |
el saco | bag, sack, jacket (Spanish America) |
la biblioteca | library |
la sala | living room |
la salida | departure |
salir | to go out, to leave |
el salón | lounge, sitting room |
la salud | health |
laudar | to greet |
el saludo | greeting, regards |
satisfecho | satisfied |
se | himself, herself, yourself, themselves, yourselves, oneself, one another |
bien | well |
secar | to dry, to wipe dry |
seco | dry |
la sed | thirst |
la seda | silk |
seguir | to follow, to pursue, to continue |
según | according to |
el segundo | second |
seguro | sure, certain |
el seguro | insurance |
bienvenido | welcome |
la semana | week |
sencillo | simple, plain |
setarse | to sit down |
sentir | to feel sorry, to regret, to feel |
sentirse | to feel (well, ill) |
la señal | signal |
el señor | gentleman, sir, Mr. |
la señora | lady, madam, Mrs. |
la señorita | young lady, Miss |
separar | to separate, to detach, to sort, to set apart |
el billete | ticket, bill (bank note) |
serio | serious |
el servicio | service, restroom |
sí | yes |
siempre | always |
el siglo | century |
significar | to mean |
la blusa | blouse |
siguiente | following, next |
simpático | nice pleasant, congenial |
sin | without |
el sitio | place, spot |
sobre | over, about, on |
el sol | sun |
el sobre | envelope |
solamente | only |
solo | alone |
la boca | mouth |
sólo | only |
sonreír | to smile |
su | his, her, your, their |
sucio | dirty |
el sueño | sleep, dream |
la suerte | luck |
por supuesto | of course |
el sur | south |
el tabaco | tobacco |
tal | such |
la acción | action |
la talla | size |
el tamaño | size |
también | also, too |
tampoco | neither |
las tapas | snacks, appetizers (at a bar) |
el boleto | ticket |
tarde | late |
la tarde | afternoon |
la tarjeta | card |
la taza | cup |
el teatro | theater |
la tela | cloth, material |
temprano | early |
tener | to have, to hold |
el tiempo | time, weather |
las tijeras | scissors |
la tinta | ink |
típico | typical |
tirar | to pull, to draw, to pitch (a ball), to shoot (a gun), to throw, to fling |
la toalla | towel |
todavía | still, yet |
todo | all, everything |
todos | all, everybody |
la tormenta | thunderstorm |
la torre | tower |
la tos | cough |
el trabajo | work |
traducir | to translate |
el traje | suit, attire |
tranquilo | tranquil, calm, quiet |
tratar | to try, to treat a subject |
tu | your |
tú | you |
borracho | drunk; drunkard |
último | last |
usted | you |
útil | useful |
las vacaciones | vacations |
vacío | empty |
vale | OK, goodbye |
valer | to be worth, to cost |
various | several |
el vecino | neighbour |
vender | to sell |
venir | to come |
la ventaja | advantage |
la ventana | window |
de veras | really |
la verdad | truth |
botar | to fling, to cast (away), to throw (away), to launch |
verdadero | true, real |
la vergenza | shame |
vestirse | to dress oneself, to get dressed |
la vez | time (occasion) |
el viaje | journey |
el viajero | traveler, passenger |
viejo | old |
la botella | bottle |
el viento | wind |
vivir | to live |
volar | to fly |
volver | to return, to go back |
la voz | voice |
el vuelo | flight |
la vuelta | change, turn, stroll |
de vuelta | back |
el brazo | arm |
ya | already |
yo | I |
tener ángel/mal ángel | to be charming/lack charm |
tener buena/mala estrella | to be lucky/unlucky |
tener corazón de piedra | to be hard-hearted |
tener en la punta de la lengua | to have on the tip of one’s tongue |
tener líos | to have difficulties |
tener los huesos molidos | to be exhausted |
breve | brief |
tener madera para | to be cut out for |
tener mundo | to be sophisticated |
tener ojo de buen cubero | to have a sure eye |
tener ojos de lince | to have sharp eyes |
tener palabra | to keep one’s word |
tener por | to consider someone to be |
tener un disgusto | to have a falling out |
no tener donde caerse muerto | not to have a penny to one’s name |
no tener pelo de tonto | to be nobody's fool |
tomar algo a bien/a mal | to take something well/badly |
la broma | joke, jest |
tomar a pecho | to take to heart |
tomar aliento | to catch one’s breath |
tomar la palabra | to take the floor |
tomar partido por | to side with |
tomar la delantera | to get ahead of |
tomárselo con calma | to take it easy |
estar a sus anchas | to be comfortable |
estar como el pez en el agua | to be right at home |
estar con el alma en un hilo/en vilo | to be in suspense |
estar de más/de sobra | to be in excess |
buen, bueno | goodbye |
estar en condiciones | to be in good shape |
estar fuera de sí | to be beside oneself emotionally |
estar hecho polvo | to get worn out |
estar hecho una fiera | to get furious |
estar hecho una sopa | to get soaked |
estar loco de atar/de remate | to be completely crazy |
echar a perder | to ruin/spoil |
echar flores | to flatter/sweet-talk |
echar la bronca a uno | to get someone a dressing down |
echarse a | to start to |
el bulto | package, bundle |
echárselas de | to fancy oneself as/boast of being |
dar calabazas | to flunk |
dar cuerda a | to wind |
dar guerra | to make trouble |
dar la hora | to strike the hour |
dar la lata | to make a nuisance of oneself |
dar tiendo suelta a | to give free reign to |
dar vueltas a algo | to think something over |
darse la mano | to shake hand |
hacer (buenas) migas | to hit it off with someone |
el buque | ship, boat |
hacer de las suyas | to be up to one’s old tricks |
hacer juego | to match |
hacer la vista gorda | to turn a blind eye |
hacer las paces | to make peace |
hacer época | to be sensational |
hacer su agosto | to make a killing |
hacérsele agua la boca | to make someone's mouth water |
ir al grano | to go straight to the point |
ir sobre ruedas | to run smoothly |
ir tirando | to get by |
buscar | to look for, to seek |
llevar la contratia | to take an opposite point of view |
llevarse como el perro y el gato | to be always squabbling |
quedar boquiabierto | to be left bewildered |
meter las narices | to snoop around |
meterse en donde no le llaman | to meddle |
meterse en la boca del lobo | to enter the lion’s den |
meterse en un callejón sin salida | to get into a jam |
poner en redículo | to make look ridiculous |
poner los puntos sobre las íes | to dot the I’s and cross the t’s |
poner pleito | to sue |
ponérsele a uno la carne de gallina | to get goose pimples |
ponérsele los cabellos | to have one’s hair stand on end |
ser de buena pasta | to be a good guy |
ser de película | to be sensational |
ser de poca monta | to be of little value |
ser el colmo | to be the limit |
ser harina de otro costal | to be a horse of different color |
ser el ojo derecho | to be someone's pet |
ser la flor y nata | to be the cream/best |
ser otro cantar | to be a horse of a different color |
caber | to be contained, to fit into |
ser pan comido | to be as easy as pie |
ser un cero a la izquierda | to be of no value/count for nothing |
ser uña y carne | to be as close as can be |
no ser cosa del otro jueves | to be nothing out of the ordinary |
andar de boca en boca | to be generally known |
andarse por las ramas | to beat around the bush |
armarse un escándolo | to cause a row |
buscar tres pies al gato | to split hairs |
no caber en sí/su piel | to be beside oneself with joy/anger/etc |
caerse el alma en los pies | to be down in the dumps |
la cabeza | head |
decirle cuatro verdades | to tell someone a thing or two |
dorar la píldora | to sugarcoat something |
dormir a pierna suelta | to sleep like a log |
dormir la mona | to sleep off a hangover |
dormirse en/sobre los laureles | to rest on one’s laurels |
hablar hasta por los codos | to talk incessantly |
mardar a freír espárragos | to tell someone to go jump in a lake/go fly a kite |
llamar al pan pan y el vino vino | to call a spade a spade |
matar dos pájaros de un tiro | to kill two birds with one stone |
pasar las de Caín | to go through hell |
cada | each |
pedir peras al almo | to expect the impossible |
no pegar ojo en toda la noche | not to sleep a wink all night |
quemarse las cejas | to burn the midnight oil |
no saber a qué carta quedarse | to be unable to make up one’s mind |
sacar/salir a luz | to publish |
sacar en limpio/en claro | to make clear |
salirse con la suya | to get one's own way |
saltar a la vista | to be obvious |
tragarse la píldora | to be taken in/swallow a lie |
valer la pena | to be worthwhile |
caer | to fall |
valer un mundo | to be worth a fortune |
venir de perlas | to be just the thing |
verlo todo color de rosa | to see life through rose-tinted glasses |
verlo todo negro | to be pessimistic |
no poder verlo ni en pintura | to not be able to stand the sight of someone |
acerca de | about |
volver a las andadas | to go back to one’s old ways |
¡A otro perro con ese hueso! | Don’t give me that!/nonsense |
a pedir de boca | perfectly/smoothly |
contra viento y marea | against all odds |
Dios mediante | God willing |
el qué dirán | what people say |
en un abrir y cerrar de ojos | in the twinkling of an eye |
está chupado | it's a piece of cake |
hay gato encerrado | there's something fishy |
hay moros en la costa | the coast isn't clear |
sin más ni más | without further hesitation |
toda el santo día | the whole darn day |
trato hecho | it's a deal |
a lo hecho pecho | it's no use crying over spilled milk |
a | to, at |
la caja | box, cash register |
abatir | to knock down, to overthrow, to throw down |
abrazar | to embrace, to hug; to clamp |
aburrirse | to be bored, to grow tired, to grow weary |
cajero(a) | cashier |
abstenerse | to abstain |
aburir | to annoy, to bore, to vex |
aceptar | to accept |
el calcetín | sock |
abrasar | to burn, to set on fire |
abrir | to open |
acabar | to finish, to end, to complete |
acelerar | to accelerate, to speed, to hasten, to hurry |
la calentura | fever |
acercar | to bring near, to place near |
aclarar | to explain, to clarify, to make clear, to rinse, to clear |
aconsejar | to advise, to counsel |
acordar | to agree upon |
caliente | warm, hot |
acuchillar | to knife, to cut, to slash, to cut open |
acudir | to attend, to be present frequently, to respond (to a call), to come to the rescue |
el calor | heat, warmth |
adquirir | to acquire, to get, to obtain |
advertir | to advise, to give notice, to give warning, to take notice of, to warn |
afeitarse | to shave oneself |
agarrar | to grasp, to obtain, to seize, to catch, to clutch, to come upon |
agitar | to agitate, to wave, to shake up, to stir |
agotar | to exhaust, to shake up |
agradar | to please, to be pleasing |
agrandar | to enlarge, to grow larger, to increase, to exaggerate |
agravar | to aggravate, to make worse |
la calle | street |
acostumbrar | to be accustomed, to be in the habit of |
acusar | to accuse |
adelantar | to advance, to keep on, to progress, to go ahead |
adivinar | to divine, to foretell, to guess, to solve |
admirar | to admire |
admitir | to admit, to grant, to permit |
adoptar | to adopt |
adorar | to adore, to worship |
acertar | to hit the mark, to hit upon, to do (something) right, to succeed in, to do something right |
aclamar | to acclaim, to applaud, to shout, to hail |
la cámara | camera |
agregar | to add, to collect, to gather, to aggregate, to collate |
agrupar | to group |
aguardar | to expect, to wait for |
ahorrar | to economize, to save |
alcanzar | to reach, to overtake |
acercarse | to approach, to draw near |
alegrarse | to be glad, to rejoice, to be happy |
almorzar | to lunch, to have lunch |
alquilar | to hire, to rent |
alumbrar | to illuminate, to light, to enlighten |
alumbrarse | to be (get) high, to get tipsy, to become lively (from liquor) |
alzar | to heave, to lift up, to pick up, to raise (prices) |
amar | to love |
andar | to walk |
anunciar | to announce, to foretell, to proclaim |
apagar | to put out (flame, fire), to extinguish, to turn off (flame, fire, light) |
aparcer | to appear, to show up |
aplaudir | to applaud |
apoderarse | to take power, to take possession |
apreciar | to appreciate, to appraise, to esteem |
el camarero | waiter |
aprender | to learn |
apresurarse | to haste, to hurry, to rush |
aprobar | to approve, to pass a test |
aprovecharse | to take advantage, to avail oneself |
apurarse | to fret, to grieve, to worry |
arrancar | to root up (out), to pull up (out), to tear off (away), to snatch, to start (a motor), to boot up (a |
arreglar | to fix, to arrange, to adjust, to regulate, to settle, to repair |
arrojar | to fling, to hurl, to throw |
articular | to articulate, to pronounce distinctly |
asir | to seize, to grasp |
asistir | to attend, to assist, to be present |
asustarse | to be frightened, to be scared |
atacar | to attack |
atenerse | to rely on, to depend on |
atraer | to attract, to allure, to charm |
avanzar | to advance |
el cambio | change exchange |
ayudar | to help, to aid, to assist |
bailar | to dance |
bajar | to lower, to let down, to come down, to go down, to descend |
balbucear | to stammer, to hesitate (in speech) |
bañarse | to bathe oneself, to take a bath |
bautizar | to baptize, to christen |
beber | to drink |
caminar | to move, to walk along |
bendecir | to bless, to consecrate |
borrar | to erase, to cross out |
bastezar | to yawn, to gape |
broncear | to bronze, to tan |
bullir | to boil, to bustle, to stir |
burlarse | to make fun of, to poke fun of, to ridicule |
caerse | to fall, to fall down, to tumble |
calentar | to heat (up), to warm (up) |
callarse | to be silent, to keep quiet |
calzar | to shoe, to put on (shoes), to wear (shoes) |
cambiar | to change, to exchange |
cansarse | to become tired, to become weary, to get tired |
cantar | to sing |
caracterizar | to characterize |
cargar | to load, to burden, to charge a battery |
celebrar | to celebrate, to praise |
cenar | to have supper, to eat supper, to dine, to have dinner |
cepillar | to brush |
cerrar | to close |
certificar | to certify, to registar (a letter), to attest |
chupar | to suck |
la camisa | shirt |
coger | to seize, to take, to grab, to grasp, to catch, to get (understand) |
colocar | to put up, to place |
comenzar | to begin, to start, to commence |
comer | to eat supper (dinner) |
componer | to compose |
comprar | to buy, to purchase |
comprender | to understand |
conducir | to lead, to conduct, to drive |
la camiseta | T-shirt, undershirt |
confesar | to confess |
constituir | to constitute, to make up |
construir | to construct, to build |
contra | against |
contener | to contain, to hold, to restrain |
contribuir | to contribute, to pay taxes |
la campana | bell |
convencer | to convince |
convenir | to agree, to convene, to be fitting |
convertir | to convert |
convocar | to call together, to convene, to convoke, to summon |
corregir | to correct |
acompañar | to accompany, to escort, to go with, to keep company |
cortar | to cut, to cut off, to cut out |
costar | to cost |
crecer | to grow |
creer | to believe, think |
criar | to breed, to raise, to bring up (rear) |
cruzar | to cross |
cubrir | to cover |
cuidarse | to take care (of oneself) |
dar | to give |
decidir | to decide |
declarar | to declare |
dedicarse | to devote oneself |
defender | to defend |
demostrar | to demonstrate, to prove |
denunciar | to denounce |
depender | to depend |
derribar | to knock down, to overthrow, to tear down, to throw down |
desayunarse | to breakfast, to have breakfast |
descansar | to rest |
describir | to describe, to delineate |
desear | to desire, to wish, to want |
desempeñar | to play (a part), to act (a part), to discharge, to perform (a duty), to take out of pawn |
deshacer | to undo, to destroy, to take apart |
despedirse | to take leave of, to say good-bye to |
despegar | to detach, to unglue, to unstuck, to take off (airplane) |
desperezarse | to stretch oneself, to stretch one's arms and legs |
despertarse | to wake up oneself |
destruir | to destroy |
desvestirse | to undress oneself, to get undressed |
detener | to stop (someone or something), to detain |
detenerse | to stop (oneself) |
dibujar | to design, to draw, to sketch |
dirigir | to direct |
disculparse | to apologize, to excuse (oneself) |
discutir | to discuss, to debate |
dispensar | to excuse, to dispense, to distribute, to exempt |
distinguir | to distinguish |
divertirse | to have a good time, to enjoy oneself, to amuse oneself |
la capital | capital (city) |
divorciarse | to be (get) divorced |
doler | to ache, to pain, to hurt, to cause grief, to cause regret |
ducharse | to take a shower, to shower oneself |
dudar | to doubt |
echar | to cast, to fling, to furl, to pitch, to throw |
ejecutar | to execute, to carry out, to perform |
ejercer | to exercise, to practice (a profession) |
elegir | to elect, to select, to choose |
embeber | to soak in, to soak up, to suck in, to imbibe |
el capital | capital (money) |
emplear | to employ, to use |
encerrar | to enclose, to lock up, to confine |
enfadarse | to become angry, annoyed, irritated |
enfermarse | to get sick, to fall sick, to become sick to fall ill, to become ill |
enojarse | to become angry, to get angry, to get cross |
enseñar | to teach, to show, to point out |
entender | to understand |
la cara | face |
entregar | to deliver, to hand over, to give |
enunciar | to enunciate, to state |
enviar | to send |
envolver | to wrap up |
equivocarse | to be mistaken, to make a mistake |
erguir | to raise, to stand up straight |
errar | to err, to wander, to roam, to miss |
escoger | to choose, to select, to pick |
!caramba! | gosh! |
escuchar | to listen (to) |
esquiar | to ski |
establecer | to establish, to set up |
estar | to be |
estimar | to estimate, to esteem, to respect, to value |
explicar | to explain |
expresar | to express |
fabricar | to fabricate, to manufacture |
faltar | to be lacking, to be wanting, to lack, to miss, to need |
felicitar | to congratulate, to felicitate |
festejar | to feast, to entertain, to celebrate |
confiar | to confide, to trust |
fijarse | to take notice, to pay attention, to settle |
fingir | to feign, to pretend |
formar | to form, to shape |
el cariño | affection, love |
freir | to fry |
ganar | to earn, to gain, to win |
gastar | to spend (money), to wear out, to waste |
gemir | to grieve, to groan, to moan, to howl |
gobernar | to govern, to rule |
gozar | to enjoy |
gruñir | to grumble, to grunt, to growl, to creak |
guiar | to lead, to guide |
gustar | to be pleasing, to like |
haber | to have (as an auxiliay, helping verb to form the compound tenses) |
habitar | to inhabit, to dwell, to live, to reside |
hablar | to talk, to speak |
helar | to freeze |
heredar | to inherit |
herir | to harm, to hurt, to wound |
caro | expensive |
huir | to escape, to flee, to run away, to slip away |
ignorar | to be ignorant of, not to know |
impedir | to hinder, to impede, to prevent |
importar | to matter, to be important |
imprimir | to imprint, to impress, to print, to fix in the mind |
incluir | to include, to enclose |
inducir | to induce, to influence, to persuade, to lead |
influir | to influence, have an influence on |
informarse | to inform oneself, to find out |
inscribirse | to enroll, to register, to sign up |
insistir | to insist, to persist, to stress |
interesarse | to be interested in |
introducir | to introduce |
invitar | to invite |
ir | to go |
irse | to go away |
jugar | to play (a game, sport) |
juntar | to join, to unite, to connect |
jurar | to swear, to take an oath |
la carta | letter, playing card |
juzgar | to judge |
lanzar | to throw, to hurl, to fling, to launch |
lastimarse | to hurt oneself, to feel sorry for, to complain, to regret |
lavarse | to wash oneself |
leer | to read |
levantar | to lift, to raise |
limpiar | to clean |
limpiarse | to clean oneself |
llamar | to call, to name |
llamarse | to be called, to be named |
llegar | to arrive |
llevar | to carry (away), to take (away), to wear |
el abanico | fan (to move air) |
luchar | to fight, to strive, to struggle, to wrestle |
maldecir | to curse |
manejar | to manage, to handle, to drive, to operate (a vehicle) |
mantener | to maintain, to keep up, to support, to provide for |
marcar | to mark, to note, to observe |
marchar | to walk, to march, to function (machine), to run (machine) |
marcharse | to go away, to leave |
matar | to kill |
medir | to measure, to weigh, to scan (verses) |
mejorar | to improve, feel better |
mencionar | to mention |
mentir | to lie, to tell a lie |
merecer | to merit, to deserve |
la casa | house, home |
mirarse | to look at oneself |
mojarse | to get wet, to wet oneself |
montar | to mount, to go up, to climb, to get on, to wind (a watch) |
morder | to bite |
mostrar | to show, to point out, to display |
mover | to move, to persuade, to excite |
mudarse | to change one's clothes, to change one's place of residence, to move |
nacer | to be born |
casado | married |
negar | to deny |
nevar | to snow |
obedecer | to observe, to notice |
ocultarse | to hide oneself |
ocupar | to occupy |
ofrecer | to offer |
oír | to hear |
casarse | to get married, to marry |
olvidar | to forget |
oponer | to oppose |
ordenar | to order, to command, to put in orger, to arrange |
organizar | to organize, to arrange, to set up |
osar | to dare, to venture |
pagar | to pay (for) |
parar | to stop (someone or something) |
pararse | to stop (oneself) |
casi | almost |
parecerse | to resemble each other, to look alike |
partir | to leave, to depart, to divide, to split |
pasearse | to take a walk, to parade |
pedir | to ask for, to request |
acordarse | to remember, to agree |
peinarse | to comb one's hair |
pensar | to think, intend |
percibir | to perceive |
el caso | case, matter, thing |
perdonar | to pardon, to admit, to allow, to grant |
pertenecer | to pertain, to appertain, to belong |
pintar | to paint |
pintarse | to make up (one's face), to tint, to color (one's hair, lips, etc.) |
pisar | to tread (on), to step on, to trample |
placer | to gratify, to humor, to please |
platicar | to chat, to talk over, to discuss |
ponerse | to put on clothing, to become, to set (of sun) |
el castillo | castle |
poseer | to possess, to own |
practicar | to practice |
predecir | to predict, to forecast, to foretell |
predicar | to preach |
preferir | to prefer |
pregutar | to ask, to inquire,to question |
preocuparse | to be concerned, to worry, to be worried |
prepararse | to be prepared, to get ready, to prepare oneself |
presentar | to present, to display, to show, to introduce |
la casualidad | chance, coincidence |
prestar | to lend |
principar | to begin |
probar | to test, to prove, to try, to try on |
probarse | to try on (clothes) |
proclamar | to proclaim, to promulgate |
producir | to produce, to cause |
prohibir | to prohibit, to forbid |
pronunciar | to pronounce |
proteger | to protect |
quedarse | to remain, to stay |
quitarse | to take off (clothing), to remove oneself, to withdraw |
raer | to scrape, to rub off, to erase, to wipe out, to fray |
realizar | to realize, to carry out, to fulfill |
reconocer | to recognize, to acknowledge, to be grateful for |
referir | to refer, to relate |
regalar | to give as a present, to make a present of, to give as a gift |
reírse | to laugh |
reñir | to scold, to quarrel |
reparar | to mend, to repair, to notice, to observe |
repetir | to repeat |
resolver | to resolve, to solve (a problem) |
retirar | to retire, to withdraw |
retrasar | to delay, to retard |
reunirse | to assemble, to get together, to meet, to gather |
revocar | to revoke, to repeal |
revolver | to revolve, to turn around, to turn over, to turn upside down |
rogar | to supplicate, to ask, to ask for, to request, to beg, to pray |
romper | to break, to shatter, to tear |
sacar | to take out, to get |
recibir | to receive, to get |
recoger | to pick (up), to gather, to harvest, to collect |
recomendar | to recommend, to commend, to advise |
el centro | center, business district |
recorder | to remember, to recall, to remind |
regar | to water, to irrigate, to sprinkle |
reír | to laugh |
rellenar | to refill, to fill again, to stuff |
remitir | to remit, to forward, to transmit |
el cepillo | brush |
sacudir | to shake, to jerk, to jolt |
saltar | to jump, to leap, to hop, to spring |
saludar | to greet, to salute |
satisfacer | to satisfy |
señalar | to signal, to indicate, to point out, to show |
cerca de | near |
sentarse | to sit down |
ser | to be |
acostarse | to go to bed, to lie down |
sofocar | to choke, to smother, to suffocate, to stifle |
soler | to be accustomed to, to be in the habit of, to have the custom of |
sollozar | to sob, to whimper |
someter | to subdue, to subject, to surrender, to submit |
cerrado | closed |
sonar | to ring, to echo, to resound, to sound |
soñar | to dream |
soplar | to blow, to blow out |
sorprender | to surprise, to astonish |
sospechar | to suspect |
sostener | to sustain, to support, to maintain, to uphold |
subir | to go up, to come up, to climb, to mount, to get on (a train, bus, etc.) |
subrayar | to underline, to underscore, to emphasize |
subscribir | to subscribe, to agree on, to sign |
suceder | to happen |
sufrir | to suffer, to endure, to bear up, to undergo |
sugerir | to hint, to insinuate, to suggest |
sumergir | to submerge, to plunge, to immerse, to sink |
suponer | to suppose, to assume |
suprimir | to suppress, to abolish, to cancel (in mathematics) |
surgir | to surge, to spout up, to spurt up, to spring up, to arise, to appear, to emerge, to loom up |
suspirar | to sign |
tañer | to pluck, to play (a stringed musical instrument |
telefonear | to telephone |
la cesta | basket |
telegrafiar | to telegraph, to cable |
temblar | to tremble, to quake, to quiver, to shake, to shiver |
temer | to fear, to dread |
tender | to extend, to offer, to stretch, to spread out, to hang out (washing) |
tentar | to examine by touch, to feel with the fingers, to attempt, to try |
terminar | to end, to terminate, to finish |
tocar | to play (music or musical instrument), to touch |
tomar | to take, to have (something to eat or drink) |
ciego | blind |
tostar | to toast, to tan, to roast (coffee) |
trabajar | to work, to labor |
traer | to bring |
tropezar | to stumble, to blunder |
unir | to connect, to unite, to join, to bind, to attach |
usar | to use, to employ, to wear |
utilizar | to utilize |
el cielo | sky, haven |
velar | to stay awake, to guard, to watch over |
vencer | to conquer, to overcome, to defeat |
ver | to see |
viajar | to travel |
vigilar | to watch (over), to keep guard), to look out for |
visitar | to visit |
cierto | certain, sure, true |
votar | to vote, to vow |
yacer | to lie down, to by lying down, to lie in a grave |
zumbar | to buzz, to hum, to flutter around |
zurcir | to darn, to mend |
a fuego lento | on a slow heat, on a low flame |
el abrebotellas | bottle opener |
el abrelatas | can opener |
la alacena | kitchen closet, cupboard |
el cine | movie theater, movies |
asar | to roast |
el batidor de huevos | eggbeater |
la batidora | mixer, blender |
la cacerola | casserole, (type of) pot |
la cazuela | (type of) pot, casserole meal |
la cernidera | strainer |
cernir (ie) | to strain, to sift |
cocer (ue) | to cook (in water) |
cocinar | to do the cooking |
colar (ue) | to strain |
la congeladora | freezer |
derretir (i, i) | to melt |
el desagüe | drain |
la despensa | pantry |
el escurridero | rinsing board, drainboard |
el estropajo | dishrag, mop |
la estufa | stove, range |
el fregador | dishrag |
guisar | to cook |
hervir (ie, i) | to boil |
la/el hornilla(o) | burner on a stove |
el lavadero | sink |
la lavadora (de platos, de vajilla) | dishwasher |
la cita | appointment, date |
llevar a la ebullición | to bring to a boil |
el mango | handle, knob |
la olla | (type of) pot |
actual | present, current |
la pila | sink |
la pileta | sink |
el polvo de lavar | washing powder |
el refrigerador | refrigerator |
saltear | to sautée |
la/el sartén | frying pan |
el secador | dish towel |
el tapón | plug, stopper |
el tarro de basura | garbage can |
la tortera (tartera) | baking pan |
el trinchante | carving knife |
claro | clear, light (color) of course |
el trinche | carving knife |
la alfombrilla de baño | bath mat |
la baldosa | tile |
el baldosín | small tile |
la bañera | bath(tub) |
la bata de baño | bathrobe |
la clase | class, lesson, classroom |
el botiquín | medicine cabinet |
el dentífrico | toothpaste |
la ducha | shower |
el espejo | mirror |
la gorra de baño | bath cap |
el inodoro | toilet |
el/la cliente | client, customer |
el jabón de afeitar | shaving soap |
la jabonera | soap dish |
el lavamanos | washbasin |
la navaja | razor |
el paño | face cloth |
el papel higiénico | toilet paper |
la pasta dentífrica | toothpaste |
el retrete | toilet |
secarse | to dry one's self |
la tina | bathtub |
la toalla de baño | bath towel |
el toallero | towel rack |
el azucarero | sugar bowl |
cobrar | to collect, charge, cash |
el calientaplatos | plate warmer |
el conmensal | (fellow) diner |
la copa | (wine) glass, drink |
la cucharita | teaspoon |
la ensaladera | salad dish, salad bowl |
levantarse de la mesa | to get up from the table |
el mantel | tablecloth |
el mantequero | butter dish |
la mantequillera | butter dish |
el pimentero | pepper shaker |
poner la mesa | to set the table |
quitar la mesa | to clear the table |
el salero | salt shaker |
la salsera | gravy boat |
servir (i, i) | to serve |
la sobremesa | conversation at table after a meal; dessert |
la sopera | soup bowl |
el vaso | glass |
la alfombra | rug, carpet |
cocinero(a) | cook |
la bibliotecca | bookcase |
la butaca | armchair |
el convidado(a) | guest |
la cortina | curtain |
charlar | to chat, to prattle |
la chimenea | fireplace, mantlepiece |
el disco | record |
el estante | bookcase, bookshelf |
la lámpara de pie | floor lamp |
la librería | bookcase |
el living | living room |
el acuerdo | agreement |
la sala de estar | living room |
el sillón | armchair |
la televisión | television |
la cola | line (queue), tail |
el armador | hanger |
la cama | bedroom |
la colcha | bedspread |
el colchón | mattress |
la cómoda | bureau, chest of drawers |
el cuarto | room, quarter, fourth |
la cubrecama | bedspread |
el despertador | alarm clock |
el collar | necklace |
dormir (ue, u) | to sleep |
dormirse (ue, u) | to fall asleep |
el dormitorio | bedroom |
la frazada | (Spanish America) blanket |
la frisa | blanket |
la funda | pillowcase |
el gancho | hook, hanger |
hacer la cama | to make the bed |
la manta | (Spain) blanket |
la comedia | play, comedy |
la percha | clothes hanger |
la recámara | bedroom |
la sobrecama | bedspread |
el velador | night table |
la aspiradora | vacuum cleaner |
aspirar | to vacuum-clean |
el balde de basura | garbage can |
barrer | to sweep, to whisk |
el comedor | dining room |
la basura | garbage |
el basurero | garbage can |
el cuba de basura | garbage can |
la escoba | broom |
escobar | to sweep |
la esponja | sponge |
fregar (ie) | to scrub, to wash (dishes) |
el lavado | laundry |
la lavadora | washing machine |
lavar | to wash |
limpiar el polvo | to dust |
el planchado | ironing |
pulir | to polish |
los quehaceres domésticos | housework |
la ropa | clothing, clothes |
la tabla de plancha | ironing board |
el trapo | rag |
apagar la luz | to turn out (off) the light |
atascado | clogged, stopped up |
la bombilla | light bulb |
la cañería | pipes, plumbing |
el cuadro de fusibles | fuse box |
los comestibles | foods, groceries |
el (la) electricista | electrician |
encender (ie) la luz | to turn on the light |
enchufar | to plug in |
el enchufe hembra | socket |
el (la) fontanero(a) | plumber |
fundido | blown out |
el fusible | fuse |
gotear | to drip, leak |
el interruptor | light switch |
el panel de fusibles | fuse panel, fuse box |
el (la) plomero(a) | plumber |
poner la luz | to turn on the light |
quemarse un fusible | to blow a fuse |
el suiche | switch |
el tablero de fusibles | fuse box |
vaciar | to empty |
como | as, like |
doméstico | domestic |
adelante | ahead, forward |
manso | tame |
el gato | cat |
cómodo | comfortable |
el perro | dog |
la perra | bitch |
el cachorro | puppy |
felino | feline |
ladrar | to bark |
canino | canine |
compañero(a) | companion, friend |
el animal doméstico | pet |
la compaña | company |
maullar | to mew |
la garra | claw |
vigilante | watchful |
el perro guardián | watch dog |
la raza | breed |
el galgo | greyhound |
el pastor alemán | alsatian/german shephard |
la tortuga de agua dulce | terrapin |
el hámster | hamster |
el acuario | aquarium |
acuático | aquatic |
relinchar | to neigh |
el semental | stallion |
el potro | colt |
la yegua | mare |
el burro, el asno | donkey |
rebuznar | to bray |
el mulo | mule |
el compromiso | engagement |
el macho | male |
la hembra | female |
el ganado | livestock |
el asta, el cuerno | horn |
la pata | paw |
la pezuña | hoof |
el rabo, la cola | tail |
el rebaño | flock |
con | with |
mugir | to low |
el ternero | calf |
la novilla | heifer |
el carnero | ram |
el cerdo, el puerco | pig |
cebar | to fatten |
salvaje | "wild, savage" |
carnicero, carnívoro | carnivorous |
herbívoro | herbivorous |
omnívoro | omnivorous |
el cuádrupedo | quadruped |
el bípedo | biped |
el mamífero | mammal |
de sangre caliente | warm blooded |
la conferencia | conference, lecture |
el depredador | predator |
la presa | prey |
el león | lion |
la leona | lioness |
el cachorro de león | lion cub |
bramar, rugir | to roar |
la melena | mane |
el tigre | tiger |
la tigresa | tigress |
el leopardo cazador | cheetah |
confuso | confused |
el leopardo | leopard |
el lince | lynx |
la puma | mountain lion |
la pantera | panther |
el carcayú | wolverine |
además | moreover, besides |
la hiena | hyeana |
el chacal | jackal |
la carroña | carrion |
el jaguar | jaguar |
el tapir | tapir |
conmigo | with me |
el búfalo | buffalo |
la mangosta | mongoose |
el puerco espín | porcupine |
el armadillo | armadillo |
la mofeta | skunk |
el perezoso | sloth |
el rinoceronte | rhinoserous |
el hipopótamo | hippopotamus |
el lobo | wolf |
la manada | pack |
conocer | to know, to be acquainted with |
el oso | bear |
invernar | to hibernate |
la cebra | zebra |
el bisonte | bison |
apacentar | to graze |
el pasto | pasture |
el jabalí | wild boar |
feroz | ferocious |
la cerda | bristle |
el elefante | elephant |
conseguir | to attain, to get, to obtain |
el colmillo | tusk |
la trompa | trunk |
el camello | camel |
la giba | hump |
la llama | llama |
el ciervo, el venado | deer |
la gama | doe |
el ciervo | stag |
el álce | elk |
el consulado | consulate |
el álce de Amérca | moose |
la cuerna | antler |
el zorro | fox |
astuto | cunning, crafty |
la astucia | cunning, craft |
la liebre | hare |
el tejón | badger |
la nutria | otter |
el lirón | dormouse |
la musaraña | shrew |
contar | to count, tell |
el erizo | hedgehog |
la comadreja | weasel |
el visón | mink |
el castor | beaver |
el topo | mole |
la topera | molehill |
la ratonera | mousetrap |
el conejo | rabbit |
contento | content, glad |
la conejera | rabbit hutch |
la rata | rat |
el murciélago | bat |
noctúrno | nocturnal |
el primate | primate |
el gorila | gorilla |
el mono | monkey |
el orangután | orang-utan |
el mandril | baboon |
el chimpancé | chimpanzee |
contestar | to answer, to reply (to) |
el gibón | gibbon |
el marsupial | marsupial |
el canguro | kangaroo |
la coala | koala |
el panda gigante | giant panda |
el invertebrado | invertebrate |
el dermatoesqueleto | exoskeleton |
el insecto | insect |
el zumbido | humming |
continuar | to continue, go on |
la antena | antenna |
el gusano | worm |
serpentear | to worm |
la lombriz | earthworm |
la lombriz intestinal | tapeworm |
el parásito | parasite |
el escarabajo | beetle |
el ciervo volante | stag beetle |
el gusano de seda | silkworm |
la oruga | caterpillar |
la crisálida | chrysalis |
la metamorfosis | metamorphosis |
metamorfosear | to metamorphose |
la mariposa | butterfly |
la mariposa nocturna | moth |
la mosca | fly |
la moscarda | bluebottle |
la araña | spider |
la telaraña | web |
devanar | to spin |
contrario | contrary |
la avispa | wasp |
el avispón | hornet |
la abeja | bee |
adentro | inside |
la obrera | "worker (bee, ant)" |
el abejorro | bumblebee |
la abeja madre | queen bee |
la colmena | beehive |
el zángano | drone |
la miel | honey |
el panal | honeycomb |
el saltamontes | grasshopper |
infestar | to infest |
el grillo | cricket |
la luciérnaga | glow-worm |
la hormiga | ant |
el corazón | heart |
el hormiguero | anthill |
hormiguear | to itch |
el hormigueo | itch |
la termita | termite |
molesto | "troublesome, bothersome" |
el mosquito | mosquito |
el mosquitero | mosquito net |
la malaria | malaria |
la pulga | flea |
la tijereta | earwig |
la mantis religiosa | praying mantis |
el escorpión, el alacrán | scorpion |
el caracol | snail |
el limaco, la babosa | slug |
el piojo | louse |
piojoso | lousy |
el ciempiés | centipede |
el milpiés | milliped |
correcto | correct |
el reptil | reptile |
de sangre fría | cold-blooded |
la tortuga | tortoise |
la tortuga marina | turtle |
el cocodrilo | crocodile |
el caimán | alligator |
el serpiente | serpent |
la culebra | snake |
el lución | slowworm |
inofensivo | harmless |
el correo | mail, post office |
arrastrarse | crawl |
la víbora | viper |
el pitón | python |
la anaconda | anaconda |
la serpiente de cascabel | rattlesnake |
la cobra | cobra |
el veneno | poison, venom |
el antídoto | antidote |
venenoso | poisonous |
el pájaro | bird |
la avería | breakdown |
el avestruz | ostrich |
el ala | wing |
incapaz de volar | flightless |
poner (huevos) | to lay (eggs) |
anidar | to nest |
correr | to run, to race, to flow |
el canario | canary |
el pitirrojo | robin redbreast |
el pinzón | chaffinch |
el ruiseñor | nightingale |
el gorrión | sparrow |
la golondrina | swallow |
la alondra | lark |
el cuclillo | cuckoo |
la urraca | magpie |
la corrida (de toros) | bullfight |
el mirlo | blackbird |
el cuervo | crow |
graznar | to caw |
la gaviota | seagull |
el albatros | albatross |
el cormorán | cormorant |
la perdiz | partridge |
el faisán | pheasant |
la cigüena | stork |
el buho, la lechuza | owl |
el canto de gallo | cockcrow |
cacarear | to crow |
quiquiriquí | cock-a-doodle-doo |
desplumar | to pluck |
el pollo | chicken |
empollar | to brood |
la paloma | pigeon |
el pato | duck |
el cisne | swan |
el loro | parrot |
adiós | goodbye |
el tucán | toucan |
el pavo real | peacock |
el colibrí | hummingbird |
el ave del paraíso | bird of paradise |
corto | short |
rapaz | rapacious |
el ave de rapiña | bird of prey |
el águila | eagle |
el buitre | vulture |
el halcón peregrino | peregrine falcon |
el halcón | falcon, hawk |
el halconero | falconer |
la halconería | falconry |
la cosa | thing |
la rana | frog |
la rana toro | bullfrog |
el sapo | toad |
la salamandra | salamander |
el cangrejo | crab |
coser | to sew |
abatirse | to swoop |
el cóndor | condor |
cernerse | to hover (hawk) |
anfibio, el anfibio | amphibious, amphibian |
el renacuajo | tadpole |
la costa | coast |
el crustáceo | crustacean |
la gamba | prawn |
el pez, el pescado | fish |
el pez de colores | goldfish |
la piraña | piranha |
voraz | voracious |
el esturión | sturgeon |
el caviar | caviar |
la merluza | hake |
la sardina | sardine |
la raya | skate |
la anguila | eel |
la anguila eléctrica | electric eel |
la costumbre | custome |
el arrecife de coral | coral reef |
la concha | shell |
el calamar | squid |
la sepia | cuttlefish |
el cardumen, el banco | school (fish) |
el coral | coral |
criado(a) | servant |
la aleta | flipper |
las agallas | gills |
la escama | scale (animal) |
el pulpo | octopus |
el tentáculo | tentacle |
el ástaco | crayfish |
el crimen | crime |
la langosta | lobster |
el erizo de mar | sea urchin |
el caballito de mar | sea horse |
la estrella de mar | starfish |
el molusco | shellfish |
el tiburón | shark |
la ballena | whale |
la orca | killer whale |
el delfín | dolphin |
la foca | seal |
el león marino | sea lion |
la morsa | walrus |
la selección natural | natural selection |
la superviviencia de los más aptos | survival of the fittest |
adónde | where |
evolución | evolution |
evolucionar | to evolve |
la zoología | zoology |
el zoólogo, la zoóloga | zoologist |
la cruz | cross |
el habitat | habitat |
extinto | extinct |
el dinosaurio | dinosaur |
el mamut | mammoth |
el dodó | dodo |
el yeti | yeti |
mítico | mythical |
el mito | myth |
el unicornio | unicorn |
el dragón | dragon |
el cuaderno | notebook |
la cuadra | (city) block |
el cuadro | picture, painting |
?cuál? | which, which one? |
cuando | when |
?cuándo? | when |
?cuánto? | how much |
la aduana | customs house |
abierto | open |
el cuento | story, tale |
el cuero | leather |
el cuidado | care |
el aeropuerto | airport |
cumplir | to fulfill, to keep (a promise), to reach one's birthday (use with años) |
el cura | priest |
la chaqueta | jacket |
chico(a) | boy, girl, kid |
el chiste | joke, jest |
chocar | to collide, crash, shock |
el chófer | driver |
la drama | lady |
el daño | harm, damage |
debajo | underneath |
deber | should, ought to, to owe |
decir | to say, to tell |
afuera | outside |
dejar | to let, to permit, to violate the law |
delante de | in front of |
demás | (the) rest |
demasiado | too, too much |
dentro | inside, within |
dependiente (el/la) | salesclerk |
el agente | agent |
derecho | right, straight |
desarrollar | to develop |
desayunar(se) | to eat breakfast |
descubrir | to discover, to reveal, to uncover, to unviel |
desde | since |
la desgracia | misfortune |
agradable | pleasant |
desmayarse | to faint |
despacio | slowly |
desedirse | to say goodbye |
después (de) | after |
el destino | destination, destiny |
detrás (de) | behind, in back of |
devolver | to return (an object), to refund, to give back |
el día | day |
el dibujo | drawing, sketch |
agradecer | to thank, to be thankful for |
el diente | tooth |
difícil | difficult, hard |
el dinero | money |
el Dios | God |
la dirección | direction, address |
la distancia | distance |
doblar | to turn, fold |
la docena | dozen |
el dólar | dollar |
la agua | water |
el dolor | pain, ache |
donde | where |
?dónde? | where? |
dueño(a) | owner |
dulce | sweet |
durante | during |
aguantar | to stand |
durar | to last |
duro | hard, difficult |
el edificio | building |
el efectivo | cash |
el efecto | effect |
el ejemplo | example |
el ejército | army |
ellos | they |
la aguja | needle |
el | him |
ella | her |
la embajada | embassy |
embargo, sin | nevertheless |
empezar | to begin, to start |
epleado(a) | employee |
el empleo | employment, job |
empujar | to push |
ahora | now |
encima de | above, on top of |
encontrar | to meet, to encounter, to find |
enfermo | sick, ill |
enfrente | opposite, facing |
engañar | to deceive |
enojar | to annoy |
el aire | airport |
entonces | then, at that time |
la entrada | entrance, admission |
entrar | to enter, to go (in), to come (in) |
entre | between, among |
el entramés | appetizer, intermission |
el equipaje | luggage, baggage |
al + infinitive | on, upon |
esconder | to hide |
escribir | to write |
eschuchar | to listen |
la escuela | school |
el ese | that, those |
el esfuerzo | effort |
el espacio | space |
la espalda | back, shoulder |
la España | Spain |
el español | spanish |
el espectáculo | spectacle, show |
esperar | to expect, to hope, to wait (for) |
estacionar | to park |
el estado | state, condition |
la alcoba | bedroom |
los Estados Unidos | United States |
el este | east |
este | this, thes (estos) |
el estómago | stomach |
estrecho | narrow, tight |
la estrella | star |
estudiante (el/la) | student |
estudiar | to study |
arriba | up, above |
estupendo | stupendous, wonderful |
la Europa | Europe |
exigir | to demand, to urge, to require |
el éxito | success |
el extranjero | foreigner, stranger, foreign |
extrañar | (Spanish America) to miss |
extraño | strange |
fácil | easy |
la falta | mistake, lack |
la familia | family |
famoso | famous |
la fe | faith |
la fecha | date (in time) |
las felicitaciones | congratulations |
el/la arte | art |
el ferrocarril | railroad |
la fiebre | temperature, fever |
la fiesta | holiday, party |
el fin | end |
firmar | to sign |
flamenco | flamenco, Gypsy dancing and music |
la flor | flower |
el fósforo | match |
frascar | to fail |
la Francia | France |
la frase | sentence, phrase |
el frente | front |
la frente | forehead |
frito | fried |
la frontera | border |
el/la artista | artist |
el fuego | fire |
fuera (de) | outside |
fumar | to smoke |
la función | function, show, performance |
funcionar | to function, work |
las gafas | eyeglasses |
la gana | desire |
asado | roasted |
la gente | people |
el gerente | manager |
el abrazo | embrace, hug |
el gobierno | government |
el golpe | blow, knock |
la gota | drop |
gracias | thanks |
gran, grande | big, large, great |
gritar | to shout, to scream, to shriek, to cry out |
el grito | shout |
el grupo | group, band |
el guante | glove |
el/la guardia | guard, police officer |
la guerra | war |
el/la guía | guidebook |
asegurar | to assure, to affirm, to assert, to insure |
el gusto | pleasure |
la habitación | room |
hacer | to do, to make |
hacia | toward |
hallar | to find, to discover, to locate |
la hambre | hunger |
hasta | until |
hay | there is, there are |
los aseos | (pl) restroom, toilets |
hermoso | beautiful |
el hielo | ice |
hola | hi, hello |
el hombre | man |
la hora | hour, time |
hoy | today |
la huelga | strike |
huésped (el/la) | guest |
el humo | smoke |
así | thus, this way |
la ida | going, leaving |
el idioma | language |
igual | equal, same |
igualmente | likewise |
el impuesto | tax |
el incendio | fire |
indicar | to indicate, to point out |
el asiento | seat |
la Inglaterra | England |
inmediatamente | immediately |
el entrés | interest |
el / la adolescente | teenager |
el adulto | adult |
el año | year |
el apellido | surname |
la autoridad | authority |
el caballero | gentleman, sir |
el carnet de identidad | identity card |
el chico | child |
la ciudad | city hall, town hall |
el código postal | post code |
el divorciado | divorcee |
el domicilio | place of residence |
la edad | age |
la esposa | wife, spouse |
el estado civil | marital status |
la fecha de nacimiento | date of birth |
la firma | signature |
la hija | daughter |
el hijo | son |
el lugar de nacimiento | place of birth |
el marido | husband |
el matrimonio | marriage |
la muerte | death |
la nacionalidad | nationality |
el niño | boy |
el nombre | name |
el nombre de pila | first name |
el número | number |
el país de orígen | country of birth |
la pareja | couple |
el pasaporte | passport |
la persona | person |
el sexo | sex |
el soltero | bachelor, unmarried |
el / la titular | holder |
la vida | life |
la viejo | old man |
la viuda | widow |
el viudo | widower |
el carnet de conducir | driving license |
la abuela | grandmother |
el abuelo | grandfather |
los abuelos (m) | grandparents |
la ahijada | goddaughter |
el ahijado | godson |
el amigo | friend |
el conocido | acquaintance |
la cuñada | sister-in-law |
el cuñado | brother-in-law |
la hermana | sister |
la hermanastra | half-sister |
el hermanastro | half-brother |
el hermano | brother |
el hermano mayor | older brother |
el hermano menor | younger brother |
la madre | mother |
la madrina | godmother |
la mamá | mum |
la abuelita | gran |
la mujer | woman, wife |
la nieta | granddaughter |
el nieto | grandson |
los nietos (m) | grandchildren |
la novia | girlfriend |
la nuera | daughter-in-law |
el padre | father |
el padrino | godfather |
el papá | dad |
le abuelito | grandpa |
el primo | cousin |
la sobrina | niece |
el sobrino | nephew |
el suegro | father-in-law |
la tatarabuela | great-grandmother |
el tatarabuelo | great-grandfather |
la tía | aunt |
el tío | uncle |
el yerno | son-in-law |
el amigo por correspondencia | penpal |
la amabilidad | kindness |
la amistad | friendship |
el amor | love |
la belleza | beauty |
la bondad | kindness |
la calma | calm |
los celos (m) | jealousy |
la confianza | confidence |
la debilidad | weakness |
el egoismo | selfishness |
la elegancia | elegance |
el encanto | charm |
el enfado | anger |
el entusiasmo | enthusiasm |
la envidia | envy |
la esperanza | hope |
la estupidez | stupidity |
la fealdad | ugliness |
le felicidad | happiness |
la generosidad | generosity |
la imaginación | imagination |
la impaciencia | impatience |
la inquietud | worry |
la inteligencia | intelligence |
el interés | interest |
el orgullo | pride |
la pereza | laziness |
el sentido del humor | sense of humour |
el valor | bravery |
el asco | disgust, revulsion |
activo (activa) | active |
alegre (alegre) | cheerful |
alto (alta) | big, tall |
amable (amable) | nice, friendly |
antipático (antipática) | nasty |
asustado (asustada) | scared |
atolondrado (atolondrada) | scatterbrained |
bajo (baja) | small |
bonito (bonita) | pretty |
bronceado (bronceada) | suntanned |
bueno (buena) | kind, nice |
callado (callada) | quiet |
celoso (celosa) | jealous |
contento (contenta) | pleased, happy |
cortés (cortés) | polite |
curioso (curiosa) | inquisitive |
débil (débil) | weak |
decepcionado (decepcionada) | disappointed |
delgado (delgada) | thin, slim |
deportivo (deportiva) | sporty |
deshonesto (deshonesta) | dishonest |
distraido (distraida) | absent-minded |
divertido (divertida) | funny |
dolido (dolida) | spoiled |
dotado (dotada) | gifted |
educado (educada) | well-behaved |
eficiente (eficiente) | efficient |
egoista (egoista) | selfish |
encantador (encantadora) | charming |
enfadado (enfadada) | angry |
entusiasmado (entusiasmada) | excited |
estricto (estricta) | strict |
estúpido (estúpida) | stupid |
feliz (feliz) | happy |
feo (fea) | ugly |
flaco (flaca) | skinny |
fuerte (fuerte) | strong |
furioso (furiosa) | furious |
generoso (generosa) | generous |
gordo (gorda) | fat |
guapo (guapa) | good-looking |
hablador (habladora) | chatty |
honesto (honesta) | honest |
idiota (idiota) | stupid/silly |
impaciente (impaciente) | impatient |
infeliz (infeliz) | unhappy |
inteligente (inteligente) | clever, intelligent |
interesante (interesante) | interesting |
joven (joven) | young |
listo (lista) | clever |
loco (loca) | mad, crazy |
maleducado (maleducada) | rude, impolite |
musculoso (musculosa) | well-built |
nervioso (nerviosa) | nervous |
optimista (optimista) | optimistic |
paciente (paciente) | patient |
perezoso (perezosa) | lazy |
pesado (pesada) | pain in the neck |
pesimista (pesimista) | pessimistic |
preocupado (preocupada) | worried |
raro (rara) | odd, strange |
serio (seria) | dependable |
servicial (servicial) | helpful |
severo (severa) | strict |
simpático (simpática) | nice, kind |
testarudo (testaruda) | stubborn |
tímido (tímida) | shy |
torpe (torpe) | clumsy |
trabajador (trabajadora) | hardworking |
tranquilo (tranquila) | calm |
triste (triste) | sad |
valiente (valiente) | brave |
viejo (vieja) | old |
mono (mona) | cute |
atractivo (atractiva) | atractive |
calvo (calva) | bold |
cansado (cansada) | tired |
cariñoso (cariñosa) | affectionate |
enamorado (enamorada) | in love |
¡adiós! | goodbye |
¡bravo! | well done! |
¡buena suerte! | good luck |
¡buenas noches! | good evening!; good night! |
¡buenas tardes! | good afternoon |
¡buenos días! | good morning / afternoon |
¡de nada! | you're welcome! |
¡felicidades! | congratulations! |
¡feliz año nuevo! | happy new year |
¡feliz cumpleaños! | happy birthday |
¡feliz Navidad! | happy Christmas |
¡genial! | brilliant! |
¡gracias! | thank you |
¡hasta luego! | see you later |
¡hasta mañana! | see you tomorrow |
¡hasta pronto! | see you soon |
¡lo siento! | I'm sorry! excuse me! |
¡no te preocupes! | don't worry |
¡qué pasa! | what's the matter? |
¡qué verguenza! | what a shame! |
¡socorro! | help |
¡fantástico! | fantastic! |
¡perdón! | sorry |
¡por favor! | please |
¿cómo estas? | how are you? |
¿qué tal? | alright? |
¡nos vemos! | see you in a bit |
¡ay! | ouch |
bien, gracias | fine thanks |
dale recuerdos a tus padres | say hello to your parents |
!que tengas un buen día! | have a nice day |
¡que raro! | I'd be surprised |
¡chitón! | shh! |
creo que sí | I think so |
de acuerdo | I agree |
encantado (encantada) | pleased to meet you! |
¿a ver? | let me have a look |
no está mal | that's alright |
¡ahí está! | there he is! |
me da igual | I don't mind |
¡aquí estoy! | there I am! |
no creo | I don't think so |
no importa | it doesn't matter |
te presento a … | have you met...? |
¡jo! | bother! |
¡adelante! | come in/! |
¡Buen viaje! | Have a good trip/! |
la barba | chin, beard |
la barbilla | chin |
el bigote | moustache |
la cadera | hip |
la ceja | eyebrow |
la cintura | waist |
el codo | elbow |
la complexión | complexion |
el cuello | neck, collar |
el cuerpo | body |
el dedo | finger |
el hombro | shoulder |
la lengua | language, tongue |
la mano | hand |
la mejilla | cheek |
la nariz | nose |
el ojo | eye |
la oreja | ear |
las pestañas (f) | eyelashes |
el pie | foot |
la pierna | leg |
el puño | fist |
la rodilla | knee |
la uña | nail |
la vista | sight, view |
el beso | kiss |
el accidente | accident |
la anestesia general | general anaesthetic |
la anestesia local | local anaesthetic |
la apendicitis | appendicitis |
la artritis | arthritis |
el asma | asthma |
la bronquitis | bronchitis |
el cáncer | cancer |
la ceguera | blindness |
el ciego | blind person |
la embolia | stroke |
la diabetes | diabetes |
la diarrea | diarrhoea |
el dolor de muelas | toothache |
la enfermedad | illness |
el estornudo | sneeze |
la fiebre del heno | hay fever |
la fractura | fracture |
la gripe | flu |
la hemorragia | haemorrhage |
la hepatitis | hepatitis |
la herida | wound |
el infarto | heart attack |
la inflamación | inflammation |
la insolación | sunburn |
la intoxicación alimenticia | food poisoning |
la inyección | injection |
la neumonía | pneumonia |
las paperas (f) | mumps |
los puntos de sutura (m) | stitches |
la quemadura | burn |
la rubeola | German measles |
la sangre | blood |
el sarampión | measles |
el sida | Aids |
el sordo | deaf person |
la torcedura | sprain |
la transfusión sanguínea | blood transfusion |
la varicela | chicken pox |
el esparadrapo | plaster, band - aid |
el apartamento | flat |
el ascensor | lift, elevator |
le balcón | balcony |
la bodega | cellar (wine) |
el buzón | letter box, mailbox |
el cajón | drawer |
la calefacción central | central heating |
el casero | landlord |
la cocina | kitchen, stove, range, cuisine |
la decoración | décor |
el desván | loft |
el duplex | maisonette |
la electricidad | electricity |
el enchufe | (electric) plug |
la escalera | stairs, staircase |
el estudio | bedsit, studio apartment |
el garaje | garage |
el gas | gas |
el mueble | piece of furniture |
la pared | wall |
el patio | patio |
la persiana | venetian blind |
la planta baja | ground floor |
la puerta corredera | sliding door |
la puerta principal | front door |
el radiador | radiator |
el rellano | landing |
el sótano | basement |
el suelo | floor |
el techo | ceiling, roof |
el trastero | utility room |
la vivienda adosada | semi-detached house |
la vivienda unifamiliar | detached house |
el aire acondicionado | air conditioning |
la alarma | alarm |
el despacho | study |
el adorno | ornament |
el cenicero | ashtray |
el cojín | cushion |
la estantería | shelving |
las flores (f) | flowers |
el jarrón | vase |
la lámpara | lamp |
el marco | frame |
la mesa | table |
la mesita | coffee table |
la moqueta | wall-to-wall carpeting |
los muebles (m) | furniture |
el papel de pared | wallpaper |
el papelera | wastepaper basket |
el piano | piano |
la planta de interior | houseplant |
el reloj | clock, watch |
la repisa de la ventana | window sill |
el reproductor de cd | CD player |
el sofá | sofa, divan |
el taburete | stool |
el teléfono | telephone |
el almuerzo | lunch |
el aparador | buffet, sideboard, credenza |
el candelabro | candlestick |
la cena | dinner, supper |
la cesta del pan | bread basket |
los cubiertos (m) | cutlery |
el cubremanteles | place mat |
la cuchara | soup spoon, tablespoon |
la cucharilla | teaspoon |
el cuenco | bowl |
el desayuno | breakfast |
los entrantes (m) | starters |
el frutero | fruit bowl |
la jarra | jug |
el platillo | saucer |
el plato de sopa | soup plate |
el posavasos | coaster |
el postre | dessert |
la servilleta | napkin |
la silla | chair |
la tetera | teapot |
el vaso de vino | wine glass |
la vela | sailing |
la bandeja | tray |
el tarro | storage jar |
la hervidora | kettle |
la cafetera | coffee maker |
le cajón | drawer |
la calentador | boiler |
la cocción | cooking time |
el colador | strainer, colander |
el congelador | freezer |
la cuchara sopera | tablespoon |
la cucharada | spoonful |
la especia | spice |
el extractor | extractor hood |
las finas hierbas (f) | herbs |
el fregadero | sink |
el grifo | faucet, tap |
el horno | oven |
el horno microondas | microwave oven |
el ingrediente | ingredient |
la lata | tin |
el lavavajillas | dishwasher |
el libro de cocina | cookbook |
la manopla para el horno | oven gloves |
la mezcla | mixture |
la mesa de cocina | kitchen table |
el molde | cake tin |
el trozo | piece |
la nevera | fridge |
el hueso | stone, pit |
la olla a presión | pressure cooker |
el papel de aluminio | kitchen foil |
el papel de cocina | kitchen paper |
la pasta | pastry; paste |
el pelapatatas | potato peeler |
el armario | wardrobe, closet |
la encimera | work surface |
la tabla de cocina | chopping board |
la tabla del pan | breadboard |
la rebanada | slice |
el multi-robot | food processor |
la sartén | frying pan |
el delantal | apron |
la tapadera | lid |
el sacacorchos | bottle-opener |
el paño de cocina | tea towel |
la tostadora | toaster |
la vajilla | crockery, dishes |
el vegetariano | vegetarian |
el cubo de basura | dustbin |
el albornoz | bathrobe |
la almohada | pillow |
la bata | dressing gown |
el cepillo de dientes | toothbrush |
el cepillo de uñas | nailbrush |
la crema hidratante | moisturizer |
el cuarto de baño | bathroom |
el desodorante | deodorant |
la sábana elástica | fitted sheet |
el edredón | quilt, duvet |
la espuma de afeitar | shaving cream |
la manopla del baño | flannel |
el gel de ducha | shower gel |
la funda del edredón | quilt cover |
la laca | hair spray |
el lavabo | handbasin |
el maquillaje | make-up |
la maquinilla de afeitar | razor |
el oso de peluche | teddy |
la pasta de dientes | toothpaste |
el peine | comb |
el pijama | pyjamas |
la pinza de depilar | tweezers |
la radio | radio |
le secador del pelo | hairdryer |
los servicios (m) | toilet |
la cama de matrimonio | double bed |
el aerosol | aerosol |
la bolsa de basura | bin liner |
el embaldosado | tiled floor, tiling |
la cera | polish |
el cesto de la ropa | linen basket |
la pinza de tender | clothes peg |
el cubo | bucket |
el desinfectante | disinfectant |
el detergente | washing powder |
la escobilla | handbrush |
la grasa | grease |
el guante de goma | rubber glove |
el jabón lavavajillas | washing-up liquid |
la lejía | bleach |
la limpiadora | cleaning lady |
la máquina | machine |
la máquina de coser | sewing machine |
la limpieza | housework |
la plancha | iron |
el plumero | duster |
el polvo | dust |
los productos de limpieza (m) | cleaning products |
el recogedor | dustpan |
la secadora | tumble drier |
el suavizante | fabric softener |
la tabla de planchar | ironing board |
la tarea | job |
el tendal | washing line |
el alcohol | alcohol |
los aperitivos (m) | nibbles |
el anfitrión | host |
el aniversario de boda | wedding anniversary |
el Año Nuevo | New Year |
el árbol de navidad | Christmas tree |
la bebida | drink, beverage |
la bebida sin alcohol | soft drink |
los cacahuetes (m) | peanuts |
la cámara de fotos | camera |
el cava | cava |
la cerveza | beer |
la cocacola | coke |
el cumpleaños | birthday |
el día de Año Nuevo | New Year's Day |
el día de la Madre | Mother's Day |
el día de Navidad | Christmas day |
el día de San Valentín | St Valentine's Day |
el día del Padre | Father's Day |
el Día festivo | bank holiday |
le drapeau | flag |
la día de fiesta | festival |
los fuegos artificiales (m) | firework |
la invitación | invitation |
el invitado | guest |
el Martes de Carnaval | Shrove Tuesday |
la Navidad | Christmas |
la Nochebuena | Christmas Eve |
la Nochevieja | New Year's Eve |
el plato de papel | paper plate |
el regalo | present |
la Semana Santa | Easter, Holy Week |
la servilleta de papel | paper napkin |
la sidra | cider |
la tarta | cake, tart |
el vaso de plástico | plastic cup |
el zumo de frutas | fruit juice |
la boda | wedding |
ablandar | to soften |
aclararar | to rince |
aderezar | to garnish |
añadir | to add |
asar a la plancha | to grill / toast |
batir | to beat |
cocer | to cook (something) |
descongelar | to defrost |
deshuesar | to bone |
dorar | to brown |
echar pimienta | to add pepper |
echar sal | to salt |
encender | to incite, to inflame, to kindle, to light |
enfriar | to cool |
filetear | to fillet |
hervir a fuego lento | to simmer |
mezclar | to mix |
pelar | to pare, peel |
picar | to chop, mince |
poner en ebullición | to bring to the boil |
quemar | to burn, to fire |
rebanar | to slice thinly |
rociar | to baste |
sazonar | to season |
servir | to serve |
trinchar | to carve |
cocinado (cocinada) | cooked |
congelado (congelada) | frozen |
crudo (cruda) | raw |
fino (fina) | fine, thin |
fresco (fresca) | fresh |
frío (fría) | cold |
grueso (gruesa) | thick |
líquido (líquida) | liquid |
picado (picada) | chopped, minced |
suave (suave) | smooth |
templado (templada) | lukewarm |
el balance | balance sheet |
la caja de ahorros | savings bank |
el cajero automático | cashpoint |
la cambio | change |
el cartero | postman |
el cheque | check, bill (restaurant) |
el cheque de viaje | traveller's cheque |
la chequera | chequebook |
la cuenta bancaria | bank account |
la cuenta de ahorro | savings account |
el descubierto | overdraft |
la domiciliación bancaria | direct debit |
el empleado | counter assistant |
el sobre acolchado | padded envelope |
el giro postal | postal order |
la hipoteca | mortgage |
el impreso | form |
el ingreso | deposit |
la libra esterlina | pound |
la libreta de ahorros | bank card |
el préstamo | loan |
la recogida de correo | postal collection |
el sello | stamp |
la sucursal bancaria | branch |
la tarjeta de crédito | credit card |
la tarjeta postal | postcard |
la transferencia | transfer |
el depósito | deposit |
la agencia de viajes | travel agency |
la agencia inmobiliaria | estate agent's |
el autoservicio | self-service |
el banco | bank, bench |
la caja registradora | checkout, cash register |
el cajero | checkout assistant |
la carnicería | butcher's |
el carrito | trolley |
el centro comercial | shopping centre |
la charcutería | delicatessen |
el cliente | customer |
la compra | purchase |
la confitería | sweetshop |
el dependiente | shop assistant |
la venta al detalle | retail |
la droguería | hardware shop |
el escaparate | (shop) window |
el estanco | tobacconist's |
la farmacia | pharmacy |
la ferretería | ironmonger's |
la frutería | grocer's |
la galería de arte | art gallery |
la ganga | bargain |
los grandes almacénes (m) | department store |
la joyería | jeweller's |
la lista de la compra | shopping list |
la herboristería | healthfood shop |
la marca | brand |
el mercado | market |
el mostrador | counter, desk |
la mueblería | furniture shop |
la óptica | optician |
la panadería | baker's |
la papelería | stationer's |
la pastelería | cake shop |
la peluquería | hairdresser |
la perfumería | perfumery |
la pescadería | fishmonger's |
las rebajas (f) | sales |
el supermercado | supermarket |
la tenda de deportes | sports shop |
la tienda | store, shop |
la tienda de antiguedades | antiques shop |
la tienda de periódicos | newsagent's |
la tienda de ropa | clothes shop |
el tienda de ultramarinos | convenience store |
la tienda del hogar | bric-a-brac shop |
la tintorería | dry cleaner's |
la verdulería | greengrocer |
la vinatería | wine merchant |
la zapatería | shoeshop |
el zapatero | cobbler |
la barra | bar counter |
el casco | helmet |
el descuento | discount |
le bañador | swimming trunks |
el bolsillo | |
la bota | boot |
las bragas (f) | knickers |
los calzoncillos (m) | underpants |
los calzones (m) | boxer shorts |
el camisón | nightdress |
el chaleco | vest |
el chándal | tracksuit |
el conjunto | (woman's) suit |
el top | top |
el escarpín | court shoe |
la falda | skirt |
el impermeable | raincoat |
el jersey | jumper |
la manga | sleeve |
las medias (f) | tights |
el mocasín | loafer |
los pantalones (m) | trousers |
el pantalón corto | shorts |
el gabán | overcoat |
la braguita | knickers |
las zapatillas deportivas (f) | trainers |
el número de zapato | (shoe) size |
el probador | fitting room |
la rebeca | cardigan |
las sandalias (f) | sandals |
el smoking | dinner jacket |
la sudadera | sweatshirt |
el sujetador | bra |
el traje de baño | swimsuit |
los vaqueros (m) | jeans |
el vestido | dress |
la zapatilla | slipper |
la zapatilla de deporte | trainer |
el zapato | shoe |
el botón | button |
el acero | steel |
el acero inoxidable | stainless steel |
el alicatado | tiling |
los alicates (m) | pliers |
la anchura | width |
el baldosa | tile |
le bandeja | tray |
el barniz | varnish |
la broca | drill |
la brocha | paintbrush |
el cable | wire |
el cemento | cement |
el cincél | chisel |
el cobre | copper |
el decapante | paint stripper |
el destornillador | screwdriver |
la escalera de mano | stepladder |
el esmalte | gloss paint |
la herramienta | tool |
el hierro | iron |
el latón | brass |
la llave inglesa | spanner |
la longitud | length |
el martillo | hammer |
las medidas (f) | measurements |
el metal | metal |
el papel de lija | sandpaper |
el pegamento | glue |
el plano | plane |
el plástico | plastic |
el rodillo | rolling pin |
la sierra | saw |
el taco | rawlplug |
el tornillo | screw |
la tubería | pipe |
el cristal | glass, crystal |
el accesorio | accessory |
el acondicionador | conditioner |
el after shave | after-shave |
el algodón hidrófilo | cotton wool |
la alianza | wedding ring |
el anillo | ring |
el anillo de compromiso | engagement ring |
los artículos de baño (m) | toiletries |
el baño de espuma | foam bath |
la barra de labios | lipstick |
la base de maquillaje | foundation |
el bastoncillo de algodón | cotton bud |
la bisutería | jewellery |
la bolsa | bag, purse |
el bolso | handbag |
el bolso de bandolera | shoulder bag |
el gorro de lana | woolly hat |
el broche | brooch |
la bufanda | (square) scarf |
el cepillo del pelo | hairbrush |
el champú | shampoo |
la cinta | hairband |
el cinturón | belt |
el colgante | pendant |
la colonia | toilet water |
el colorete | blusher |
la corbata | tie |
la crema depilatoria | hair-removing cream |
el depillo de dientes | toothbrush |
el desmaquillador | make-up remover |
el esquche de maquillaje | make-up bag |
el jabón | soap |
la laca de uñas | nail varnish |
la lima de uñas | nail file |
el llavero | keyring |
el maletín | briefcase |
el maquillaje en polvo | face powder |
la mochila | rucksack |
la moda | style, fashion |
el monedero | purse |
el neceser | toilet bag |
la pajarita | bow tie |
el pañuelo | handkerchief |
el pañuelo de papel | tissue |
el par de guantes | pair of gloves |
el pasador | hairslide, barette |
el pendiente | earring |
el perfume | perfume |
las pinzas de depilar (f) | tweezers |
la pulsera | bracelet |
el quitaesmaltes | nail varnish remover |
el reloj de pulsera | watch |
el rímel | mascara |
el secador del pelo | hairdryer |
la sombra de ojos | eye shadow |
el sombrero | hat |
la abadía | abbey |
el aparcamiento | car park |
el ayuntamiento | city hall, town hall |
el bloque de oficinas | office block |
el bloque de pisos | tower block |
la catedral | cathedral |
el colegio | school |
la comisaría | police station |
la estación | station, season |
la estación de metro | underground station |
la estación de autobuses | coach station |
la fábrica | factory |
la gasolinera | petrol station |
el hospital | hospital |
el hotel | hotel |
la iglesia | church |
el club de jóvenes | youth club |
la mezquita | mosque |
el monumento | historic building |
la oficina de correos | post office |
la oficina de turismo | tourist information office |
el parque | park |
la sinagoga | synagogue |
el teatro | theatre |
el templo | Protestant church |
la universidad | university |
el zoo | zoo |
las afueras (f) | outskirts |
la cárcel | jail, prision |
la cervecería | public house |
la circulación | traffic |
la acera | pavement |
el atasco | traffic jam |
el bulevar | avenue |
el buzón de correos | postbox |
la cabina de teléfonos | telephone box |
la calle de una dirección | one-way street |
el centro ciudad | town centre |
el cruce | junction; crossroads |
la esquina | (street) corner |
la farola | street lamp |
la fuente | serving platter |
el lugar | place |
el muro | wall |
la papelera | litter bin |
la parada de autobús | bus stop |
el paso de cebra | pedestrian crossing |
el paso subterráneo | subway |
el peatón | pedestrian |
el pórtico | gate |
le pueblo | village |
la circunvalación | bypass |
la ronda de circunvalación | ring road |
la rotonda | roundabout |
el semáforo | traffic lights |
el suburbio | suburb (poor) |
los columpios (m) | playground |
el tráfico | traffic |
el transeúnte | passer by |
el vehículo | vehicle |
la población | town |
la zona peatonal | pedestrian zone |
la ambulancia | ambulance |
el ambulatorio | health centre |
el análisis de sangre | blood test |
el apéndice | appendix |
la articulación | joint |
la camilla | stretcher |
el cerebro | brain |
el cirujano | surgeon |
la clínica | private hospital |
la consulta | surgery |
el / la dentista | dentist |
el diagnóstico | diagnosis |
el enfermo | sick person |
el / la especialista | specialist |
la garganta | throat |
el médico de cabecera | GP |
la mutua | mutual insurance company |
la operación | operation |
el paciente | patient |
el pulmón | lung |
el quirófano | operating theatre |
la revisión médica | check-up |
el riñón | kidney |
la sala de espera | waiting room |
la sala de partos | delivery room |
la sala de hospital | hospital ward |
el SAMUR | mobile accident unit |
el servicio de urgencias | emergency services |
el síntoma | symptom |
el tobillo | ankle |
el tratamiento | treatment |
las urgencias (f) | A & E |
el vientre | abdomen, stomach |
la alergia | allergy |
la alergia al polen | hay fever |
el analgésico | painkiller |
el antibiótico | antibiotic |
el antiséptico | antiseptic |
la aspirina | aspirin |
la cápsula | capsule |
el catarro | cold (respiratory) |
la compresa | sanitary towel |
el dolor de barriga | stomach pains |
el dolor de cabeza | headache |
la dolor de oídos | earache |
la escayola | plaster cast |
el farmacéutico | pharmacist |
el frasco | bottle |
la indigestión | indigestion |
la irritación de garganta | sore throat |
el jarabe para la tos | cough mixture |
el laxante | laxative |
el medicamento | medicine |
las pastillas para la garganta (f) | throat lozenges |
la picadura | sting |
la pomada | ointment, cream |
el preservativo | condom |
la quemadura solar | sunburn |
la receta médica | prescription |
el remedio | remedy, cure |
el somnífero | sleeping tablet |
el supositorio | suppository |
el tampón | tampon |
el tubo | tube |
la venda | bandage |
el aceite | cooking oil |
el aceite de oliva | olive oil |
el aceite vegetal | vegetable oil |
el arroz | rice |
el azucar | sugar |
la bolsita de té | tea bag |
el cacao instantáneo | drinking chocolate |
el café en grano | coffee beans |
el café instantáneo | instant coffee |
el café molido | ground coffee |
el caramelo | sweet |
los cereales (m) | cereals |
el chocolate | chocolate |
los comestibles (m) | groceries |
la comida | food, meal |
la comida para animales | pet food |
las conservas (f) | tinned goods |
el crepe | pancake, crêpe |
las especias (f) | herbs and spices |
los fideos (m) | noodles |
los frutos secos (m) | dried fruit |
la galleta | biscuit, cookie |
la harina | flour |
el helado | ice cream |
las lentejas (f) | lentils |
los licores (m) | spirits |
la mermelada | jam |
la mostaza | mustard |
las patatas fritas (f) | crisps |
el paté | pâté |
los pepinillos (m) | gherkins |
la pimienta | pepper |
el potíto | baby food |
la salsa de tomate | tomato sauce |
la sopa | soup |
la pastel | cake |
el tomate frito | fried tomato sauce |
el vinagre | vinegar |
el vino | wine |
el zumo de naranja | orange juice |
el bombón | chocolate (one) |
el aguacate | avocado |
el ajo | garlic |
el albaricoque | apricot |
la alcachofa | artichoke |
el apio | celery |
el arándano | blueberry |
la berenjena | aubergine |
el brócoli | broccoli |
el calabacín | courgette |
la castaña | chestnut |
la cebolla | onion |
la cereza | cherry |
el champiñón | mushroom |
la ciruela | plum |
la ciruela pasa | prune |
la col de bruselas | Brussels sprout |
la coliflor | cauliflower |
la chalota | shallot |
la endivia | chicory |
el espárrago | asparagus |
las espinacas (f) | spinach |
la frambuesa | raspberry |
la fresa | strawberry |
las fruta (f) | fruit |
la grosella | blackcurrant |
el guisante | pea |
el haba | broad bean |
el higo | fig |
la judía verde | green bean |
el kiwi | kiwi fruit |
la lechuga | lettuce |
el lima | lime |
el limón | lemon |
el maíz | sweetcorn |
la mandarina | tangerine |
la manzana | apple |
el melocotón | peach |
el melón | melon |
el nabo | turnip |
la naranja | orange |
la nectarina | nectarine |
la nuez | nut |
la patata | potato |
el pepino | cucumber |
la pera | pear |
el pimiento verde | green pepper |
la piña | pineapple |
el plátano | banana |
el pomelo | grapefruit |
el puerro | leek |
el repollo | cabbage |
el tomate | tomato |
la uva | grape |
la uva pasa | raisin |
la verdura | vegetables |
la zanahoria | carrot |
la aceituna | olive |
la col | cabbage |
el agua mineral | mineral water |
el café | coffee |
el café con leche | coffee with milk |
el cortado | expresso with milk |
la caña | glass of beer |
el chocolate a la taza | hot chocolate |
la coca cola | cola |
el express | expresso |
la limonada | lemonade |
el refresco | fizzy drink |
el té | tea |
el vino blanco | white wine |
el vino espumoso | sparkling wine |
el vino tinto | red wine |
el agua | water |
el batido | milkshake |
la anchoa | anchovie |
el arenque | herring |
el atún | tuna |
el bacalao | cod |
el bistec | steak |
el bocadillo | bread roll |
la caballa | mackerel |
la carne | meat |
la carne de vaca | beef |
la carne picada | mince |
el carne de cerdo | pork |
la chuleta | cutlet, chop |
la chuleta de cerdo | pork chop |
el cruasán | croissant |
el eglefino | haddock |
el filete | fillet |
el lenguado | Dover sole |
el hígado | liver |
el hígado de pollo | chicken liver |
el huevo | egg |
el jamón | ham |
la leche | milk |
la leche descremada | skimmed milk |
la leche entera | full-cream milk |
la leche semidescremada | semi-skimmed milk |
la mantequilla | butter |
el mejillón | mussel (food) |
los moluscos (m) | shellfish |
la morcilla | black pudding |
la nata | cream |
la ostra | oyster |
el pan integral | wholemeal bread |
el pan | bread |
el pan de centeno | rye bread |
el pavo | turkey |
la pechuga de pollo | chicken breast |
la pierna de cordero | leg of lamb |
la pintada | guineafowl |
los productos lácteos (m) | dairy products |
el queso | cheese |
el queso fresco | fromage frais |
la salchicha | sausage |
el salchichón | (slicing) sausage |
el salmón | salmon |
las sardinas (f) | sardines |
la ternera | veal |
el tocino | streaky bacon |
la tostada | toast |
la trucha | trout |
el venado | venison |
el yogur | yoghurt |
la zanca de pollo | chicken leg |
los calamares (m) | squid |
el caldo | soup, stock |
el chorizo | pork sausage with paprika |
el aperitivo | drink [before a meal] |
la bandeja de quesos | cheese tray |
el bar - restaurante | bar-restaurant |
la camarera | chambermaid, watress |
la cerilla | match |
la cerveza de barril | draught beer |
el cigarrillo | cigarette |
la comida rápida | fast food |
la crepería | crêperie |
el cubierto | place-setting |
el cuchillo | knife |
la cuenta | check, bill (restaurant) |
el embutido | cold meat |
el encendedor | lighter |
la ensalada mixta | mixed salad |
la garrafa | jug, carafe |
los hielos (m) | ices |
la jarra de vino | jug of wine |
el marisco | sea food |
el menú del día | today's special |
el menú fijo | fixed price menu |
la parrillada | grills |
el pescado | fish (food) |
los produtos de la región (m) | local specialities |
la propina | tip |
la repostería | tarts and pastries |
la reserva | booking |
el restaurante | restaurant |
el sabor | flavour |
el sandwich de jamón | ham sandwich |
el segundo plato | main course |
el tenedor | fork |
el tentenpié | snack |
la tortilla francesa | omelette |
las verduras (f) | raw vegetables |
el churro | flour fritter |
el cocido | stew |
la albahaca | basil |
el anís | aniseed |
la canela | cinnamon |
el cebollino | chives |
el chile | chilli |
el cilantro | coriander |
el clavo | cloves |
el coco | coconut |
el comino | cumin |
la cúrcuma | turmeric |
el curry | curry powder |
el estragón | tarragon |
el hinojo | fennel |
la hoja de laurel | bay leaf |
el jengibre | ginger |
la mayonesa | mayonnaise |
la mejorana | marjoram |
la menta | mint |
la nuez moscada | nutmeg |
el orégano | oregano |
el perejil | parsley |
el pimentón | paprika |
la pimienta negra | black pepper |
el rábano | horseradish |
el romero | rosemary |
la sal | salt |
la salvia | sage |
el tomillo | thyme |
la vainilla | vanilla |
el autobús urbano | bus |
la autocaravana | camper van |
el autoestop | hitch-hiking |
la autopista | motorway |
el AVE | high-speed train |
el avión | aeroplane |
el barca | boat (small) |
le barco | ship |
la bicicleta | bike |
la bicicleta de montaña | mountain biking |
el billete de ida y vuelta | return (ticket) |
el billete de sólo ida | single (ticket) |
el camión | truck; bus (mexico) |
el camión articulado | articulated lorry |
la caravana | caravan |
la carretera | highway |
la carretera nacional | (major) road |
el ciclomotor | moped |
el coche | car, coach |
el código de circulación | highway code |
el cuatro por cuatro | four-wheel drive |
la curva | bend |
la furgoneta | van |
el horario | schedule, timetable |
el hovercraft | hovercraft |
la línea de metro | underground line |
la moto | motorbike |
la oficina de objetos perdidos | lost property office |
el paso a nivel | level crossing |
el peaje | tollbooth |
el permiso de conducir | driving licence |
la preferencia | right of way |
la RENFE | Spanish Railway |
el semáforo en rojo | red light |
el semáforo en verde | green light |
la tarifa | fare |
el taxi | taxi |
el transbordador | ferry |
el transporte público | public transport |
el tren | train |
el túnel | tunnel |
el vagón | coach (of train) |
el vehículo pesado | HGV |
la velocidad | speed, gear |
la vía de acceso | slip road |
la vía del tren | railway |
el carril | lane (on road) |
el abedul | birch |
el abeto | fir tree |
el árbol | tree |
el arbusto | shrub, bush |
la azalea | azalea |
el brezo | heather |
el bulbo | bulb |
el capullo de rosa | rose bush |
el castaño | chestnut tree |
el cerezo | cherry tree |
el clavel | carnation |
la clemátide | clematis |
la corteza | bark |
el fertilizante | fertilizer |
el follaje | foliage |
el fresno | ash |
el geranio | geranium |
la glicinia | wysteria |
la haya | beech (tree) |
la hiedra | ivy |
la hoja | leaf |
la hortensia | hydrangea |
la lila | lilac |
el lirio | lily |
el manzano | apple tree |
la margarita | daisy |
el narciso | daffodil |
el olmo | elm |
la orquídea | orchid |
el pensamiento | pansy |
el pétalo | petal |
el pino | pine |
el polen | pollen |
la raíz | root |
la rama | branch |
la rosa | rose |
el sauce llorón | weeping willow |
la semilla | seed |
el tallo | stem |
el tronco | trunk |
el tulipán | tulip |
el anticiclón | high pressure |
el barómetro | barometer |
la brisa | breeze |
la bruma | mist |
el chaparrón | shower (rain) |
el clima | climate |
el frío | cold |
el grado | degree |
el granizo | hail |
la helada | frost |
la humedad | humidity, dampness |
el invierno | winter |
la lluvia | rain |
el mapa del tiempo | weather map |
la niebla | fog |
la nieve | snow |
la ola de calor | heatwave |
el otoño | autumn |
la previsión del tiempo | weather forecast |
la primavera | spring |
el pronóstico metereológico | weather forecast |
el rayo | lightning |
el relámpago | flash of lightning |
la temperatura | temperature |
la tempestad | storm |
el termómetro | thermometer |
el trueno | thunder |
el verano | summer |
el alumno | pupil |
el año escolar | school year |
la aritmética | arithmetic |
la asignatura | subject |
el borrador | duster |
la calculadora | calculator |
la carpeta de anillas | ring binder |
la cartera | wallet, purse |
la aula | classroom |
el colegio mixto | mixed school |
el colegio privado | private school |
el colegio público | state school |
el curso | course, class |
los deveres (m) | homework |
el diccionario | dictionary |
el director | headmaster |
la directora | headmistress |
la educación | education |
el ejercicio | exercise |
la escuela primaria | (primary) school |
el escuela secundaria | secondary school |
el / la estudiante | student |
el examen | exam |
la experiencia | experiment |
el gimnasio | gym |
la goma de borrar | eraser |
la guardería | nursery |
la hoja de papel | sheet of paper |
el instituto | sixth-form college |
el internado | boarding school |
el interno | boarder |
el laboratorio | laboratory |
el libreta | notebook, scratch pad |
el libro de consulta | reference book |
el libro de ejercicios | exercise book |
el libro de texto | textbook |
la licenciatura | (English) degree |
el maestro | (primary) schoolteacher |
las notas (f) | marks |
la página | page |
el parvulario | nursery schoollsection |
el patio de recreo | playground |
el pausa | break |
la pizarra | blackboard |
la pluma estilográfica | ink pen |
la pregunta | question |
el profesor de universidad | professor |
el pupitre | (school) desk |
el recreo | playtime |
la redacción | essay |
la residencia | dormitory |
la respuesta | answer, reply |
el retroproyector | overhead projector |
el rotulador | felt tip |
el subdirector | deputy headmaster |
el tablón de anuncios | noticeboard |
la tiza | chalk |
la traducción | translation |
el trimestre | term |
el uniforme | uniform |
el vídeo | video (cassette) |
el vocabulario | vocabulary |
la actividad | work, task |
la carrera universitaria | university degree |
el compañero | classmate |
la arquitectura | architecture |
la biología | biology |
el derecho | law |
las económicas (f) | economics |
la educación física | physical education |
la filosofía | philosophy |
la física | physics |
el francés | French |
la geografía | geography |
la historia | history |
los idiomas (m) | foreign languages |
el inglés | English |
las letras (f) | humanities |
las manualidades (f) | handicraft |
las matemáticas (f) | maths |
la medicina | medicine |
la pintura | painting |
la psicología | psychology |
la química | chemistry |
la sociología | social studies |
las empresariales (f) | business studies |
el aduanero | customs officer |
el / la agente de policía | police officer |
el ama de casa | housewife |
el arquitecto | architect |
el / la artista | performer |
el / la asistente de vuelo | flight attendant |
el / la asistente social | social worker |
el abogado | lawyer |
la azafata | air hostess |
el bombero | firefighter |
el camionero | lorry driver |
el / la cantante | singer |
el carpintero | carpenter |
el / la científico | scientist |
el cocinero | cook |
la comadrona | midwife |
el / la comerciante | shopkeeper, trader |
el compositor | composer |
el conductor de autobús | bus driver |
el conductor de tren | train driver |
el / la conserje | caretaker |
el / la contable | accountant |
el decorador | interior designer |
el diseñador | designer |
el ejecutivo | executive |
el electricista | electrician |
el empleado de la limpieza | cleaner |
la enfermera | nurse |
el escultor | sculptor |
el / la florista | florist |
el / la fontanero | plumber |
el fotógrafo | photographer |
el funcionario | civil servant |
el / la gerente | manager |
el hombre de negocios | businessman |
el informático | computer scientist |
el ingeniero | engineer |
el jardinero | gardener |
el / la juez | judge |
la maestra | (primary) school teacher |
el mecánico | mechanic |
el / la médico | doctor |
el minero | miner |
el / la músico | musician |
el obrero | building worker |
el oficinista | office worker |
el / la óptico | optician |
el peluquero | hairdresser |
el barbero | barber |
el / la periodista | journalist |
el / la piloto | pilot |
el pintor | painter |
el profesor | (secondary) teacher |
el químico | (laboratory) chemist |
el / la representante | salesman |
el secretario | secretary |
el / la soldado | soldier |
el / la taxista | taxi driver |
el / la técnico | technician |
el vendedor | sales assistant |
el veterinario | vet |
el albañil | builder, construction worker |
el alcalde | mayor |
la alcaldesa | mayoress |
el alpinista | mountaineer |
el ambulanciero | ambulance man |
el carnicero | butcher |
el cobrador | collector, conductor |
el constructor | builder |
el ascenso | promotion (job) |
el / la aprendiz | trainee |
el aprendizaje | apprenticeship |
el archivador | filing cabinet |
los artículos de papelería (m) | stationery |
el aspirante | applicant |
el bolígrafo | ballpoint pen |
la cafetería | bar with food service |
la agenda | notebook |
el carpeta | folder |
la centralita | switchboard |
la cinta adesiva | sellotape |
el clip | paperclip |
el coche de empresa | company car |
el / la colega | colleague |
la colocación | placement |
el contrato | contract |
el contrato de duración determinada | fixed-term contract |
las cualificaciones (f) | qualifications |
el Curriculum Vitae | CV |
los datos personales | personal details |
el departamento | department |
el despido | redundancy |
el despido improcedente | unfair dismissal |
el director general | managing director |
la empresa | company |
la entrevista | interview |
la entrevista de trabajo | job interview |
el expediente | file |
la experiencia profesional | work experience |
la formación | training |
el formulario | form |
la fotocopiadora | photocopier |
la grapa | staple |
la grapadora | stapler |
el informe | report |
el jefe de personal | personnel manager |
el lápiz | pencil |
la máquina de escribir | typewriter |
la oficina | office |
el paro | unemployment |
la pausa | break |
la perforadora | hole punch |
la prima | bonus |
la profesión | profession |
el projecto | project |
la promoción | promotion (sales) |
el puesto | post, stand, job, position |
la recepción | reception |
el / la recepcionista | receptionist |
las referencias (f) | references |
la reunión | meeting, reunion |
el secretario personal | PA |
la sede central | head office |
la solicitud | application |
el sueldo | salary |
el taller | workshop |
el tiempo completo | full- time |
el tiempo parcial | part- time |
las tijeras (f) | scissors |
el Tippex | Tippex |
el título | qualification |
el ajedrez | chess |
el bricolage | DIY |
la cámara | camera |
el camping | camping, campsite |
la caña de pescar | fishing rod |
la carpintería | carpentry |
la cerámica | pottery |
la colección | collection |
el concurso | quiz |
la costura | sewing |
las damas (f) | draughts |
la danza | dancing |
el descanso | rest |
el excursionismo | rambling |
la fotografía | photograph, photography |
el jardinería | gardening |
el juego | game |
el juego de cartas | game of cards |
el juego de mesa | board game |
el juego de ordenador | computer game |
el juguete | toy |
la labor de punto | knitting |
la lectura | reading |
el modelismo | model-making |
la monopatín | skateboard |
el pasatiempo | pastime |
los patines (m) | rollerskate |
el patinete | skate |
la pesca | fishing |
el picnic | picnic |
la pista de patinaje | ice rink |
el saco de dormir | sleeping bag |
el surf | surfing |
la tabla de windsurf | windsurfing |
el tapizado | tapestry |
la tienda de campaña | tent |
el videojuego | video game |
el aburrimiento | boredom |
la barbacoa | barbecue |
el acompañamiento | accompaniment |
el arco | bow |
el arpa | harp |
el / la bajista | bass player |
el bajo | bass, bass guitar |
el barítono | baritone |
la batería | drums |
la canción | song |
el clarinete | clarinet |
el concierto | concert |
el conductor | driver |
el contrabajo | double bass |
la contralto | contralto |
el coro | choir |
la cuerda | string |
el director de orquesta | conductor |
el fagot | bassoon |
la flauta | flute |
la grabación | recording |
la guitarra | guitar |
la guitarra acústica | acoustic guitar |
la guitarra eléctrica | electric guitar |
el / la guitarrista | guitarist |
el instrumento | instrument |
el / la intérprete | interpreter |
el libreto | libretto |
la melodía | melody |
la nota | note |
el oboe | oboe |
el órgano | organ |
la orquesta | orchestra |
el letrista | lyricist |
la partitura | score |
la percusión | percussion |
el / la pianista | pianist |
el ritmo | rhythm |
el saxófono | saxophone |
la soprano | soprano |
el tambor | drum |
la tecla | (piano) key |
el teclado | keyboard |
el tema | tune |
el tenor | tenor |
la tiple | treble |
el tono | tone (on recorded message) |
el trombón | trombone |
la trompeta | trumpet |
la viola | viola |
el violín | violin |
el / la violinista | violinist |
el violoncelo | cello |
el actor | (film) actor |
el actor de teatro | (stage) actor |
la actriz | (film) actress |
el anfiteatro | circle |
el bailarín | dancer |
el ballet | ballet |
los bastidores (m) | wings |
el bis | encore |
la carpa | big top |
el circo | circus |
el depacho de billetes | ticket office |
los dibujos animados (m) | cartoon |
el director de cine | director |
la discoteca | disco, nightclub |
la entrada de artistas | stage door |
el escenario | stage |
la escultura | sculpture |
la exposición | exhibition |
la feria | fair |
la fila | row |
el granuja | villain |
el guardarropa | cloakroom |
el héroe | hero |
la heroína | heroine |
la historia de amor | love story |
el mago | magician |
el malo | baddie |
la pase | showing (film) |
el patio de butacas | stalls |
el payaso | clown |
la película de animación | cartoon |
la película de aventuras | adventure movie |
la película de miedo | horror movie |
la película policíaca | detective movie |
el personaje | character |
la pista de baile | dance floor |
el cartel | poster |
el preestreno | preview |
el productor | producer |
la público | audience |
la representación | performance |
la sala de conciertos | concert hall |
los subtítulos (m) | subtitles |
la taquilla | ticket office, box office |
el telón | curtain |
la tragedia | tragedy |
la trama | plot |
la estatua | statue |
el aerobic | aerobics |
el alpinismo | mountaineering |
el árbitro | referee |
las artes marciales | martial arts |
el atletismo | athletics |
el baloncesto | basketball |
la equitación | horse-riding |
el boxeo | boxing |
el gol | goal |
el polideportivo | leasure centre |
el campeón | champion |
el campeonato | championship |
las botas de fútbol (f) | football boots |
la carrera | race |
la carrera de fondo | long distance race |
la carrera de salto de vallas | hurdles |
la carrera de obstáculos | steeplechase |
la pista de tenis | tennis court |
el culturismo | body-building |
el ciclismo | cycling |
el precalentamiento | warm-up |
los zapatillas de deporte (m) | trainers |
el equipo | team |
el fútbol | football |
el golf | golf |
la gimnasia | gymnastics |
el balonmano | handball |
el footing | jogging |
el jugador | player |
el judo | judo |
el camiseta | (sports) shirt |
el banador | swimsuit |
el empate | draw (sports) |
la natación | swimming |
el patinaje sobre ruedas | roller-skating |
el patinaje sobre hielo | ice-skating |
los patines de ruedas (m) | roller skates |
los patines en línea (m) | line skates |
la raqueta | racquet |
el rugby a 13 | rugby league |
el rugby a 15 | rugby union |
el salto de altura | high jump |
el salto de longitud | long jump |
el ski | skiing |
el espectador | spectator |
el deporte | sport |
el estadio | sports stadium |
la tabla de surf | surfboard |
el tenis | tennis |
el tenis de mesa | tennis de table |
la cancha de baloncesto | basketball court |
el campo de fútbol | football pitch |
el vesturario | changing room |
el voleibol | volleyball |
el aficionado | fan, amateur |
la afición | hobby, pastime |
el atleta | athlete |
la bola | ball |
el balón | ball (big) |
la competición | competition (sports) |
el esquí | skiing |
el esquí acuático | water skiing |
el equipo de música | personal stereo |
el boletín de noticias | report, bulletin |
la pletina | cassette player |
la cinta de vídeo | video (cassette) |
el canal | channel |
la cadena de música | stereo |
el cantante | singer |
el video clip | pop video |
el cómico | comedian |
el documental | documentary |
la pantalla | lampshade |
el programa | programme |
la telenovela | soap |
las noticias | news |
el jazz | jazz |
el informativo | TV news |
el reproductor de DVD | DVD player |
el programa informativo | news programme |
la grabadora | cassette recorder |
el video | VCR |
el músico | musician |
la música | music |
la ópera | opera house |
la obra de teatro | play |
el disco compacto | CD player |
el presentador | presenter |
los anuncios (m) | adverts |
el programa deportivo | sports programme |
la actuación | performance |
la serie | series |
el mando a distancia | remote control |
el telespectador | viewer |
la televisión por cable | cable television |
la televisión por satélite | satellite television |
el entrevistador | interviewer |
la subscripción | subscription |
la actualidad | current affairs |
los negocios (m) | business |
el anuncio | advertisement |
el artículo | article |
el autor | songwriter |
la autobiografía | autobiography |
la aventura | adventure |
la tira cómica | comic strip |
la biografía | biography |
el corresponsal | correspondent |
la crítica | review |
el folleto | leaflet |
la edición | issue |
el escritor | writer |
el editor | publisher |
la ficción | fiction |
el titular | headlines |
la revista semanal | weekly magazine |
la imagen | picture |
el periódico | newspaper |
el quiosco | kiosque |
el libro | book |
la revista | magazine |
la revista del corazón | glossy magazine |
la revista de moda | fashion magazine |
la revista para mujeres | women's magazine |
el crucigrama | crossword |
la página de deportes | sports page |
los anuncios por palabras (m) | small ads |
la foto | photo |
la política | politics |
la prensa | press |
la prensa amarilla | tabloid press |
la prensa seria | quality press |
el periódico diario | daily (newspaper) |
el redactor | editor |
el reportero | reporter |
la revista de actualidad | news magazine |
la novela | novel |
la novela policíaca | detective novel |
la columna | section, column |
el escándalo | scandal |
la ciencia-ficción | science- fiction |
la dirección de correo electrónico | e-mail address |
la guia telefónica | telephone directory |
la arroba | @ sign |
la barra de herramientas | toolbar |
la base de datos | database |
la agenda de direcciones | address book |
el CD-Rom | CD- Rom |
la chatline | chatline |
el destinatario | receiver |
la llamada telefónica | (phone) call |
el correo electrónico | e-mail (message) |
el cursor | cursor |
el disco duro | hard disk |
el disquete | diskette |
el documento | document |
el fichero | file |
el proovedor de servicios | service provider |
el hipervínculo | hyperlink |
el icono | icon |
la impresora | printer |
el prefijo | dialling code |
la informática | computing |
el / la Internet | the Internet |
el lenguaje | language |
la programación | software |
el hardware | hardware |
la memoria | memory |
el menú | menu |
el buzón de voz | voice mail |
el módem | modem |
el monitor | monitor |
la contrasena | password |
el buscador | search engine |
el navegador | browser |
el número de teléfono | telephone number |
el teléfono gratuito | freephone number |
el byte | byte |
el operador | operator |
el ordenador portátil | laptop |
la página de inicio | homepage |
la página web | web page |
el busca | pager |
las páginas amarillas (f) | Yellow Pages |
el ordenador personal | PC |
el documento adjunto | attachment |
el pirata informático | hacker |
el tipo de letra | font |
el teléfono móvil | mobile phone |
la extensión | extension |
el programador | computer programmer |
la RAM | RAM |
la información telefónica | directory enquiries |
el contestador automático | answering machine |
la red | network |
la ROM | ROM |
la copia de seguridad | back-up |
el escáner | scanner |
el servidor | server |
el marcador | bookmark |
el sitio internet | site |
el mensaje de texto | text message |
el documento impreso | printout |
el ratón | mouse |
el sistema operativo | operating system |
la hoja de cálculo | spreadsheet |
el fax | fax machine |
la tarjéta telefónica | a cardphone |
el teléfono de monedas | coin-operated phone |
el teléfono inalámbrico | cordless phone |
la terminal | terminal |
la señal de marcado | dialling tone |
el procesador de textos | word processing |
la unidad de disco | disk drive |
el virus | virus |
la conversación | conversation, talk |
la correspondencia | mail, correspondence |
el cordero | lamb |
el agricultor | farmer |
la agricultura | farming |
el árbol frutal | fruit tree |
el trigo | wheat |
el buey | bullock |
el campo | country, field |
el prado | field |
el camino | lane, path |
el caballo | horse |
la cabra | goat |
la valla | fence |
el gallo | cockerel |
el corral | farmyard |
la cosecha | crop, harvest |
el establo | stable (horse) |
el estanque | pond |
la granja | farm |
la flor salvaje | wild flower |
el heno | hay |
el granero | barn |
el seto | hedge |
la aldea | hamlet |
la hierba | grass |
la oveja | sheep |
la nube | cloud |
el ganso | goose |
la sombra | shade, shadow |
la cebada | barley |
el granjero | farm worker |
la paja | straw |
la piedra | stone |
el peral | pear tree |
la gallina | hen |
la pradera | meadow |
el ciruelo | plum tree |
la recolección | harvest |
el remolque | trailer |
el ribera | river bank |
la río | river |
el riachuelo | stream, small river |
la corriente | stream |
el centeno | rye |
el sendero | footpath |
el toro | bull |
la tierra | earth, soil |
el tractor | tractor |
la vaca | cow |
el huerto | orchard |
el vinador | winegrower |
el vinedo | vineyard |
el pueblo | village, town |
el campesino | farmer, peasant |
el carro | cart, wagon |
la colina | hill |
el afluente | tributary |
la cala | cove |
el archipiélago | archipelago |
la bahía | bay |
el canón | canyon |
el cabo | cape |
la cordillera | mountain range |
la cascada | waterfall |
la cima | top, summit |
el continente | continent |
la ladera | hillside |
el estrecho | strait |
la desembocadura | mouth, estuary |
el acantilado | cliff |
el fiordo | fjord |
el río | river |
el bosque | forest, woods |
el bosque tropical | tropical rainforest |
el golfo | gulf |
la isla | island |
el lago | lake |
la laguna | lagoon |
el litoral | coastline |
el pantano | marsh |
la salina | salt marsh |
el macizo | massif |
la montaña | mountain |
la península | peninsula |
el pico | beak, bill |
la llanura | plain |
la meseta | plateau |
la ribera | river bank |
el manantial | spring |
el terreno | land |
el valle | valley |
el volcán | volcano |
la contaminación | pollution |
¿Diga? | Hello |
llamar a la policia | to call the police |
llamar a los bomberos | to call the fire brigade |
llamar a una ambulancia | to call an ambulance |
No contesta | There's no answer |
¿De parte de quién? | Who shall I say is calling? |
está ocupado | it's engaged |
coger el teléfono | to pick up the phone |
¿Está Miguel? | Is Michel there? |
el número no figura en la guía | to be ex-directory |
marcar el 16 12 47 39 23 | to dial 16 12 47 39 23 |
marcar un número | to dial a number |
En este momento está al teléfono | He's on the phone at the moment |
Perdone me he equivocado | I must have got the wrong number |
Estoy buscando el número de … | I'm looking for the number for… |
No puedo encontrar el número | I can't get through |
¿Quiere dejar un mensaje? | Would you like to leave a message? |
¿Puedes darle un mesaje? | Could I leave a message? |
Llamaré más tarde | I'll call back later |
¿Está el senor Lecler? | Is that Mr Lecler? |
Te paso con él | I'll put you through to him |
Quisiera hablar con el señor Lecler | I'm trying to contact Mr Lecler |
No se oye bien | It's a very bad line |
Su teléfono está estropeado | Their phone is out of order |
Espere un momento por favor | Hold the line please |
Se cortó | We were cut off |
¿Cuándo podría volver a llamar? | When would be convenient to call back? |
colgar | to hang (up) |
llamar al operador (la operadora) | to phone the operator |
llamar a alguien | to give someone a ring |
llamar a información | to phone directory enquiries |
hacer una llamada a cobro revertido | to make a reverse-charge call |
Un momento por favor | One moment please |
¿Puede esperar? | Would you like to hold? |
Afganistán | Afghanistan |
África | Africa |
Sudáfrica | South Africa |
Albania | Albania |
Argelia | Algeria |
Alemania | Germany |
América del norte (Norteamérica) | North America |
América del Sur (Sudamérica) | South America |
Inglaterra | England |
Angola | Angola |
las Antillas (f) | West Indies |
Arabia Saudita | Soudi Arabia |
Argentina | Argentina |
Asia | Asia |
Australasia | Australasia |
Australia | Australia |
Austria | Austria |
Bangladés | Bangladesh |
Bélgica | Belgium |
Benin | Benin |
Birmania | Burma |
Bolivia | Bolivia |
Brásil | Brazil |
Burkina Faso | Burkina Faso |
Camboya | Cambodia |
Camerún | Cameroon |
Canadá | Canada |
Chile | Chili |
China | China |
Chipre | Cyprus |
Colombia | Columbia |
Korea del Norte | North Korea |
Korea del Sur | South Korea |
Córcega | Corsica |
Costa de Marfil | Ivory Coast |
Creta | Crete |
Croacia | Croatia |
Cuba | Cuba |
Dinamarca | Danish |
Escocia | Scotland |
Egipto | Egypt |
Ecuador | Equador |
Espana | Spain |
Estonia | Estonia |
los Estados Unidos (m) | United States |
Etiopía | Ethiopia |
Europa | Europe |
Finlandia | Finland |
Francia | France |
Gabón | Gabon |
Gana | Ghana |
Gran Bretana | Great Britain |
Grecia | Greece |
Groenlandia | Greenland |
Guadalupe | Guadeloupe |
Guatemala | Guatemala |
Guinea | Guinea |
Guyana | Guyana |
Haití | Haiti |
Holanda | Holland |
Honduras | Honduras |
Hungría | Hungary |
la India | India |
Indonesia | Indonesia |
Irak | Iraq |
Irán | Iran |
Irlanda del Norte | Northern Ireland |
Irlanda del Sur | Southern Ireland |
Israel | Israel |
Italia | Italy |
Jamaica | Jamaica |
Japón | Japan |
Jordania | Jordan |
Kenia | Kenya |
Laos | Laos |
Latvia | Latvia |
Líbano | Lebanon |
Liberia | Liberia |
Libia | Libya |
Lituania | Lithuania |
Luxemburgo | Luxembourg |
Madagascar | Madagascar |
Malasia | Malaysia |
Malawi | Malawi |
Mali | Mali |
Malta | Malta |
Marruecos | Marocco |
Martinica | Martinique |
Isla Mauricio | Mauritius |
Mauritania | Mauritania |
México | Mexico |
Oriente Medio | Middle East |
Mozambique | Mozambique |
Namibia | Namibia |
el Nepal | Nepal |
Nicaragua | Nicaragua |
Níger | Niger |
Nigeria | Nigeria |
Noruega | Norway |
Nueva Zelanda | New Zealand |
Nueva Caledonia | New Caledonia |
Uganda | Uganda |
Pakistán | Pakistan |
Panamá | Panama |
Paraguay | Paraguay |
Gales | Wales |
Países Bajos | The Netherlands |
Perú | Peru |
Filipinas | The Philippines |
Polonia | Poland |
Puerto Rico | Puerto Rico |
Portugal | Portugal |
la República Centroafricana | Central African Republic |
la República Dominicana | Dominican Republic |
la República Checa | Czech Republic |
la Isla Reunión | La Réunion |
Rumanía | Romania |
el Reino Unido | United Kingdom |
Rusia | Russia |
San Salvador | San Salvador |
Cerdena | Sardinia |
Senegal | Senegal |
Serbia | Serbia |
Sicilia | Sicily |
Sierra Leona | Sierra Leone |
Eslovaquia | Slovakia |
Eslovenia | Slovenia |
Somalia | Somalia |
Sudán | Sudan |
Sri Lanka | Sri Lanka |
Suecia | Sweden |
Suiza | Switzerland |
Siria | Syria |
Tanzania | Tanzania |
Chad | Chad |
Tailandia | Thailand |
el Tíbet | Tibet |
Togo | Togo |
Tunez | Tunisia |
Turquía | Turkey |
Ucrania | Ukraine |
Uruguay | Uruguay |
Vietnam | Vietnam |
Yemen | Yemen |
Zaire | Zaïre |
Zambia | Zambia |
Zimbawe | Zimbabwe |
triste | sad |
repartir | to distribute, to deal cards |
que | that, which, who |
en | in, on, at |
de | from / about / with |
Comemos para vivir | We eat to live |
Bill estudia para enfermero | Bill studies to be a nurse |
La reunión es para comentar el libro | The meeting is to discuss the book |
Necesito una caja para mis cosas | I need a box for my things |
Para una revista de modas, es muy cara | For a fashion magazine, it is very expensive |
Es precoz para ser un niño de siete años | He is precious for a seven year old boy |
La cita es para el martes por la mañana. | The appointment is for Tuesday morning |
Termina el informe para las diez | Finish the report by ten o'clock |
¿éste es el libro para el profesor? | Is this book for the professor? |
¿Sale ella para Africa? | Is she leaving for Africa? |
Para ser un liberal, tiene las ideas tradicionales | For a liberal, he has traditional ideas |
¿Te entrenas para los juegos olympicos? | Are you (tú) training for the Olympic games? |
Necesito una lámpara para mi dormitorio | I need a lamp for my bedroom. |
Deben estar aquí para las cuarto | They must be here by four o'clock |
Este café es para nosotros | This coffee is for us |
Lucille lee el periódico para encontrar un apartamento | Lucille reads the newspaper in order to find an apartment |
¿es para Susan esta carta? | Is this letter for Susan? |
¿Para qué necesitas este dinero? | What do you need this money for? |
Necesito el dinero para una computadora nueva | I need the money for a new computer. |
¡Compra los zapatos por $20! | Buy the shoes for $20! |
Quiero cambiar mi auto por tu moto | I want to exchange my car for your motorbike |
Corrieron por el parque | They ran through the park |
Estudiaron por tres horas | They studied for three hours |
Nos vamos por la mañana | We leave in the morning |
El turista viene por tren | The tourist comes by train |
Por no jugar bien no vas a ganar el partido | Because you do not play well, you are not going to win the game |
El caso fue estudiado por los especialistas | The case was studied by the specialists |
¿Escribes solo viente palabras por minuto? | You can type only twenty words per minute? |
Lo envio por correo aéreo | I send it by air mail |
Regresamos por las paquetes | We came back for the packages |
Pregunten por Manuel | Ask for Manuel |
Estamos por terminar | We are about to finish |
Ellos están por un aumento de sueldo | They support a pay rise |
Mario confirmó su reservacion | Mario confirmed his reservation |
Mario recibirá su billete por correo electrónico | Mario will receive his ticket by e-mail |
Mario duda que el agente de viajes confirme su reservación | Mario doubts the travel agent will confirm his reservation |
Marta quiere que Ana mande la carta | Marta wants Ana to send the letter |
Espero que tu hermana acepte mi oferta | I hope that your sister accepts my offer |
Preferimos que los miembros del equipo viajen en tren | We prefer the members of the team travel by train |
El aviso dice que la sesión termina por la tarde | The notice says that the session ends in the afternoon |
El investigador duda que el interrogatorio termine antes de las seis | The investigator doubts the interrogation will end before six. |
El taxista duda que el cliente deje una buena propina | The taxi driver doubts that the client will leave a good tip |
El gerente exige que los empleados recojan los periódicos de ayer | The boss demands that the staff tidy up yesterday's papers |
Los ciudadanos prefieren que el senador adandone la campaña politica | The inhabitants prefer that the senator abandons his political campaign |
Yo dudo que esta proposición ayude a solucionar el problema | I doubt that this proposision will help solve the problem |
Prefiero que tú escogas el regalo | I prefer that you choose the present |
Mi maestro quiere que yo repita las oraciones en voz alta | My teacher wants me to repeat the scentences out loud |
Los estudiantes prefieren que el profesor no exija un examen final | The students prefer that the professor doesn't demand a final exam |
Marta dice que el tren llega tarde | Marta says the train will arrive late |
El vendedor duda que este joven compre un auto nuevo | The salesman doubts that the youth will buy a new car |
Los ciudadanos prefieren que el gobernador acabe la corrupción en el gobierno | The citizens prefer that the governor ends the corruption in the government |
En la carta, Ana comenta que mañana celebra su cumpleaños | In the letter, Ana commenst that tomorrow she's celebrating her birthday |
¿Quién duda que el actor reciba el premio Oscar? | Who doubts that the actor will receive the Oscar? |
Quiero que practiques este baile | I want you (tú) to practice this dance |
Marco quiere que almorzemos en este restaurante | Marco wants us to have lunch at this restaurant |
Prefieren que explicemos nuestro plan | They prefer that we explain our plan |
Queremos que busquéis la repuesta | We want you (Ud.) to look for the answer |
La cajero duda que paguen en efectivo | The cashier (f.) doubts that you'll (Uds.) pay cash |
El publico prefiera que Lamas toque la guitara | The public prefers that Lamas plays the guitar |
Marta y yo dudamos que saque el dinero | Marta and I doubt that he'll take out the money |
el viudo | widower |
el cautivo | captive |
la espada | sword |
el rumbo | direction; course |
la sabiduria | wisdom |
el tatuaje | tatoo |
vago | vague |
franco | frank |
para serte franco | to be frank |
el porro | joint; spliff |
el puro | cigar |
acoger | to accept; to take in |
el llanto | crying |
rastro | trace |
sin dejar rastro | without a trace |
la oveja | sheep |
el sabio | wise-man |
sabio | wise |
el ruego | request |
los escombros | rubble |
el vendaje | dressing |
la ceniza | ash |
la llama | flame |
colegir | to deduce |
la ganancia | profit |
el huérfano | orphan |
orgulloso | proud |
el pozo | well; pool |
el tejido | fabric |
aturdido | stunned |
la cumbre | summit |
la ausencia | absence |
ancho | wide |
el rincón | corner (of a room) |
el ladrillo | brick |
sensato | sensible |
el alambre | wire |
el botón | button |
mareado | sick; queasy |
amargo | bitter (taste) |
desconcertado | disconcerted |
los estragos | ravages (of war) |
el tirón | tug; pull |
la llaga | sore; wound |
la derrota | defeat |
la caracjada | guffaw |
el aji | chili |
el abismo | abyss |
el abril | April |
acerca de | about |
la actitud | atitude |
actuar | to act; to behave |
adelgazar | to lose weight |
agosto | August |
el aguinaldo | bonus; Christmas gift |
ambos/as | both |
amistoso | friendly |
arañar | to scratch |
el arete | earring |
avergonzado | embarassed |
la baraja | deck of cards |
el/la bilingüe | bilingual |
la burbuja | bubble |
el césped | lawn |
una cometa | comet; kite |
una mariquita | ladybird |
es siempre difícil cuando hay dinero de por medio | its always difficult when money is involved |
que igual que tu | and you do too |
manejar | to handle |
cómico/a | funny |
comportarse | to act; to behave |
con tal que | providing that |
conceder | to grant |
el consejo | advice |
el contado | cash |
convidar | to invite |
la costumbre | custom |
cuando quiera | whenever |
la cuestión | issue; matter |
tener la culpa | to be to blame |
cultivar | to grow plants |
cuyo/a | whose |
dañar | to break |
deprimido/a | depressed |
el desastre | disaster |
descortés | impolite |
el desfile | parade |
destacar(se) | to stand out |
dieta; estar a la dieta | diet; to be on a diet |
el disfraz | disguise |
dondequiera | wherever |
la emboscada | ambush |
la emisora | radio station |
empacar | to pack |
el empleo | job; work |
el enigma | enigma; puzzle |
la escena | scene |
el/la espia | spy |
el estante | shelf |
el florero | vase |
la ganga | bargain |
la gravedad | gravity |
honrado | honest |
la huelga | strike |
la inundación | flood |
inundar | to flood |
la jaula | cage |
la juegateria | toy shop |
el juicio | trial |
el julio | July |
el junio | June |
la juventud | youth |
ladrar | to bark |
la leyenda | legend |
maduro/a | ripe |
maldecir | to curse |
la mancha | spot, mark |
el marrón | brown |
el marzo | march |
la máscara | mask |
la materia | matter; (school) subject |
medir (e > i) | to measure |
morder (o > ue) | to bite |
mudarse | to move; to change residence |
la muela | tooth; molar |
la nevada | snow storm |
la pantalla | screen |
la perla | pearl |
perseguir (e > i) | to pursue |
la pulgada | inch |
regar (e > ie) | to water |
la regla | ruler |
rezar | to be; to pray |
la riqueza | richness; wealth |
la risa | laughter |
el rompecabezas | puzzle |
el ropero | closet |
sabroso/a | delicious |
sacudir | to shake |
sacudir el polvo | to dust |
sano/a | healthy |
subrayer | to underline |
sustituir | to substitute |
la taquilla | box office |
la tela | fabric; cloth |
el terremoto | earthquake |
trágico | tragic |
el trueno | thunder |
el vecindario | neighbourhood |
la vela | candle |
el vidrio | glass |
hogar | to set up home |
acción | action |
demonio | devil |
maldito | damn |
auxilio | help |
amenazar | to threaten |
las tropas | troops |
alejar | to move away |
la tumba | grave; tomb |
tumbar | to knock down |
la huella | footprint |
la venganza | revenge |
la magia | magic |
la búsqueda | search |
largar | to let out |
el orgullo | pride |
discar | to dial |
la mina | mine |
el guerrero | warrior |
la celda | cell |
una pieza | piece |
la porquería | dirt |
florido | flowery |
el lanzamiento | throwing; dropping; launch |
la alteza | nobility |
hartar | to make sick off |
soportar | to put up with |
el asombro | astonishment |
asombrar | to amaze |
la patrulla | patrol |
patrullar | to patrol |
el aprecio | esteem |
el/la traidor | traitor |
el perdedor | loser |
la lealtad | loyalty |
el cazador | hunter |
la deuda | debt |
la secuencia | sequence |
el truco | trick |
el coraje | courage |
la piedad | mercy |
el hoyo | hollow; pit; hole |
el maricón | homosexual |
adecuado | suitable |
el obispo | bishop |
el revés | the inverse; the back; the wrong side |
apropriado | suitable |
el muelle | pier; wharf; jetty |
el maldad | evilness |
la jaula | cage |
rondar | to patrol |
el monje | monk |
el guión | script |
el enano | dwarf; midget |
el vaquero | cowboy |
la pieza | piece |
el cohete | rocket |
el tanque | tank; cyclinder; bottle |
el rehén | hostage |
la ubicación | location |
¡guau! | woof; bow-wow |
el/la rebelde | rebel |
el gatillo | trigger |
el brindis | toast |
la pandilla | gang |
la fianza | bail (get out of jail) |
el vidrio | glass (window) |
el fracaso | failure |
la marica | fag; poof |
el heredero | heir |
el almacén | wharehouse |
agachar | to lower |
la hada | fairy |
alejado | out of the way |
la beca | grant; scholarship |
el voto | vote |
la agalla | gill; guts (pl) |
el cráneo | skull; cranium |
el nido | nest |
espantoso | apalling; atrocious |
el tiroteo | shooting |
tirotear | to shoot |
el susto | fright |
orinar | to urinate |
la ramera | prostitute |
forense | forensic |
el seso | brain |
la muralla | city wall |
el rehén | hostage |
la mamita | breast |
la cacería | hunt; shoot |
la condena | sentence (jail) |
estatal | state (of the) |
la orina | urine |
encajar | to fit |
bárbaro | barbarian |
la plaga | plague |
malvado | wicked; evil |
conque | so |
la caballería | cavalry |
el/la cobarde | coward |
cobarde | cowardly |
la órbita | orbit |
la garra | claw; talon |
el mito | legend; myth |
la enhorabuena | congratulations |
gilipollas | jerk |
el pito | whistle |
pitar | to blow a whistle |
destrozado | ruined |
huevón | dumb |
el enlace | link |
el canciller | chancellor |
el huracán | hurricane |
el timón | rudder |
drogar | to drug |
torpe | clumsy; awkward |
la orilla | shore; bank |
el nudo | knot |
el escudo | shield |
escudar | to shield |
el bicho | creepy-crawly |
apestoso | stinking |
navegar | to sail |
ginebra | gin |
acceder | to gain access to something |
el varón | boy; man; male |
el ataúd | coffin |
el cargamento | cargo; load |
la peste | plague |
el pum | bang |
el malentendido | misunderstanding |
la bóveda | vault |
el asilo | home; institution |
el tórax | thorax |
el reno | reindeer |
los calzoncillos | underpants |
el bobo | fool |
bobo | silly |
demorar | to take time |
apretar | to press (button) |
la yarda | yard |
sumamente | extremely |
el maní | peanut |
tierno | tender (meat, heart) |
el/la soplón | telltale |
el arreglo | repair |
el yate | yacht |
el manicomio | mental hospital |
el estribor | starboard |
hondo | deep |
asqueroso | disgusting; filthy |
el flujo | flow |
ebrio | drunk |
la cobertura | cover (news; vegetation) |
ardiente | ardent |
la escotilla | hatch |
el escondite | hide-out |
la dulzura | sweetness |
el veredicto | verdict |
el ácido | acid |
el pañal | diper |
el maletero | trunk (car) |
el cohete | rocket |
arder | to burn; to burn up |
todopoderoso | all-powerful |
el paracaídas | parachute |
mear | to piss |
honrar | to honour |
cojo | lame; shaky; weak |
la semilla | seed |
la canalla | riff-raff |
la cerradura | lock |
la emboscada | ambush |
la margen | bank; side; margin |
la creencia | belief |
el/la chiflado | nutcase |
aterrador | terrifying |
el seno | breast |
la aprobación | approval; blessing |
el/la delincuente | criminal |
el/la jinete | horseman/woman |
la cuarentena | quarantine |
cometer | to commit |
la quemadura | burn |
el pátan | lout; yob |
pudrir | to rot |
la cueva | cave |
anual | annual |
el linaje | descent; lineage |
la bañera | bathtub |
el chicle | chewing-gum |
acondicionado | equipped |
morder | to bite |
la etapa | stage |
el cofre | jewel-case |
la valentia | bravery; courage |
el trato | deal |
la merced | favour |
la maravilla | wonder |
el panqueque | pancake |
cavar | to dig |
volador | flying |
el trineo | sleigh |
el monje | monk |
el molino | grinder; mill |
la cifra | figure (numbers) |
el terremoto | earthquake |
el alboroto | excitement; disturbance |
la nuca | back or nape of neck |
el cartucho | cartridge |
aislado | remote; isolated |
perseguir | to pursue |
la palanca | lever; crowbar |
confiable | reliable; trustworthy |
tenso | tight; tense |
el matón | thug; bully |
la matanza | killing; slaughter |
la cuna | craddle; crib |
¿tienes cosquillas? | are you ticklish |
el coro | choir |
atardecer | to get dark |
el atardecer | dusk |
la panza | belly; paunch |
la leña | wood; firewood |
el mocoso | squirt; pip-squeak |
la comarca | region |
el rasguño | scratch |
rasguñar | to scratch |
el quebrado | fraction |
quebradar | to break |
peludo | hairy |
el babor | port (side of a ship) |
arar | to plough |
la tripa | intestine |
la carnada | bait |
orar | to pray |
la niñez | childhood |
la lancha | launch; motorboat |
desesperado | desperate |
la vibora | viper |
pésimo | dreadful; abysmal |
la esfera | sphere |
el arquero | archer; goalkeeper |
retroceder | to go back; to retreat |
encubrir | to cover up |
atento | attentive |
lazo | ribbon; bow |
la guarida | den; hide-out |
arañar | to scratch |
la alucinación | hallucination |
esgrimir | to brandish (a sword) |
el botín | ankle boot |
la daga | dagger |
delantero | forward |
las migajas | breadcrumbs; leftovers |
la postura | position; stance |
la peluca | wig |
la grúa | crane; wrecker; breakdown truck |
estrellar | to smash |
la ardilla | squirrel |
la ventaja | advantage |
la tubería | pipe; piping |
el suministro | supply (water, gas) |
suministrar | to supply |
el puñado | handful |
el/la aliado | ally |
la tranvia | streetcar; tram |
redondo | round |
la estancia | large room |
chispa | tipsy |
la chispa | spark |
el atraco | robbery; raid |
unido | close; united |
la patada | kick |
atrevido | sassy; cheeky |
rodear | to surround |
latir | to beat; to pulsate; to throb |
empeorar | to get worse |
enfocar | to focus on |
la verga | penis; cock |
los bolos | bowls |
la barriga | belly; stomach |
yacer | to lie |
la ruptura | breaking-off |
la maniobra | manouver |
el generador | generator |
exhausto | exhausted |
el suero | saline solution; serum |
forzar | to force |
el disturbio | disturbance |
el rencor | grudge |
el/la alienigena | alien |
la tregua | truce |
la realeza | royalty |
el trofeo | trofy |
la escoria | slag; dregs |
el balazo | shot; bullet-wound |
ahogado | drowned |
ahogar | to drown |
la punteria | shot |
la canasta | basket; hamper |
tramar | to devise |
el sarcófago | sarcofagus |
el portador | carrier; bearer |
la popa | stern (of a boat) |
el/la francotirador | sniper |
ausente | absent |
anochecer | to get dark |
soler (o -> ue) | to do something usually |
el charco | puddle |
la red | net; network |
el ciclo | cycle; season |
el simio | ape |
el órgano | organ |
la hoguera | bonfire |
el salvavidas | life-jacket |
la matriz | womb; mold; matrix |
el pulgar | thumb; big-toe |
el ático | attic; garret |
el orfanato | orphanage |
el luto | mourning |
apartar | to move away; to set aside |
el pis | piss; wee |
el obsequio | gift |
el calabozo | cell; guardroom |
el tope | limit |
fallar | fail |
el bolsón | overnight bag |
temible | fearsome |
el alcaide | jailer; keeper |
el ramo | bunch |
el pabellón | block; building |
podrido | rotten |
la llanta | rim; tire |
el lema | motto |
el gabinete | office; surgery |
denegar | to refuse; to turn-down |
abordar | to tackle; to deal-with |
el zurdo | left-handed person |
la deriva | drift |
la yegua | mare; whore |
el chantaje | blackmail |
la víspera | day before |
la nalga | buttock |
lucir | to look good |
guiar | to guide |
la fogata | bonfire |
arriesgar | to risk |
la masa | dough; pastry |
el jabalí | wild boar |
el burdel | brothel |
el álamo | poplar |
el señuelo | bait; decoy |
el opio | opium |
el lote | batch |
el aventón | lift (in a car) |
el hilo | thread |
el poste | post |
huido | on the run |
sutil | subtle |
la válvula | valve |
el padrastro | stepfather |
burlar | to evade; to get around |
el liderazgo | leadership |
pujar de | to struggle |
el forastero | stranger; outsiders |
el éxtasis | extasy |
la antorcha | torch |
la pulga | flea |
el/la farsante | fraud; fake |
la sede | seat; headquaters |
la brecha | breech; opening |
el sádico | sadist |
el jaque | check (chess) |
la vena | vein |
la reja | grille; bars |
la olla | pot |
la rejilla | grille |
el atajo | shortcut |
la varilla | stick; wand |
la escopeta | shotgun |
el mástil | mast; post; neck |
pulir | to polish |
el regazo | lap |
el abono | fertilizar |
ajetrear | to tire out |
un día ajetreado | a tiring day |
atar | to tie |
mudo | dumb (and deaf) |
el escalón | stair; step |
el talón | heel |
esquivar | to evade; avoid |
el cerro | hill; back (animal) |
acribillar | to riddle; pepper |
corromper | to corrupt |
estropeado | broekn down |
la calada | drag (cigarette) |
traicionar | to betray |
apechugar | to shoulder; face up to |
aleatorio | lucky; fortuitous |
generado aleatorámente | renadomly generated |
el rabillo | corner (eye); stalk; small tail |
caleto | nude |
el bombeo | bulge; camber |
la jeringa | syringe |
otear | to scan; look down/over |
cojear | to limp |
la cojera | limp |
el amarre | mooring |
noquear | to knock out |
despuntar | to break; to blunt |
el embustero | liar; fibber |
la metralleta | submachinegun |
precavido | wary; guarded |
el empollón | swot |
el apuro | difficulty |
un ateo | atheist |
uan queja | complaint; grumble |
tercero | third |
cuarto | fourth |
quinto | fifth |
sexto | sixth |
séptimo | seventh |
octavo | eigth |
noveno | ninth |
décimo | tenth |
surgir | to appear; spring (forth) |
dispuesto | willing, ready |
el recurso | resource; recourse; means |
comprobar | to verify; prove |
el intento | attempt; try |
escaso | scarce; very little |
arrastrar | to drag; pull |
lejano | distant |
ajeno | not belonging to; detached |
rechazar | to reject |
pendiente | aware of; pending |
cotidiano | daily |
quejar | to complain |
el ámbito | sphere; space |
digno | worthy |
la raza | race; lineage |
el reflejo | reflection |
ubicar | to find; locate |
desprender | to detach; release; remove |
explotar | to explode; exploit |
el palo | stick; pole |
prever | to foresee; anticipate; forecast |
tapar | to cover; wrap |
el afán | eagerness; zeal; effort |
la onda | wave; ripple |
abarcar | to encompass; comprise |
otorgar | to give; grant; award |
mutuo | mutual |
humilde | humble; modest |
equilibrar | to balance |
asomar | to appear; show; stick |
estallar | to break out; explode; start |
apretar | to squeeze; tighten; compress |
el partidario | supporter; partisan |
el eje | axis; shaft; crux |
proseguir | to continue; carry on |
la nave | spacecraft; ship |
el suceso | event; incident |
la barrera | barrier; obstacle |
imprescindible | essential |
la presa | dam; prisoner |
el respaldo | support; backing |
dorado | golden; gold-plated |
cálido | warm |
inconsciente | unconscious; thoughtless |
enseguida | immediately; at once |
difundir | to spread (out) |
sonoro | loud; resounding |
el porvenir | future; time to come |
contraer | to contract; shrink; abbreviate |
blando | soft; limp; gentle |
privar | to deprive (of) |
redactar | to edit; write; compose |
tropezar | to trip; stumble |
proveer | to provide |
tejer | to sew; weave |
suscitar | to arouse; provoke |
la seriedad | seriousness |
desplegar | to unfold; deploy |
el cauce | (river) bed; ditch |
el rango | rank; range |
la escasez | scarcity; shortage |
despreciar | to despise; scorn |
clavar | to nail |
ensayar | to test |
la carencia | lack; shortage |
la fortaleza | fortress; strength |
la renta | rent; income |
regir | to rule; govern; manage |
temporal | temporary |
rozar | to touch (lightly) |
procedente | coming (from) |
tornar | to transform; turn |
perjudicar | to endanger |
la pauta | guideline; standard; rule |
la jerarquía | hierarchy; rank |
el hallazgo | finding; discovery |
la estadística | statistic |
la paja | straw; thatching |
tardío | late; belated |
traspasar | to go beyond; cross over |
costoso | costly; expensive |
semejanza | similarity; likeness |
la seña | sign; mark; seal |
espeso | thick; dense; stiff |
la víspera | eve |
sumo | utmost; highest |
el fundador | founder |
recobrar | to recover; regain |
vaciar | to empty; pour out |
tibio | luke warm |
parir | to give birth |
el planteamiento | proposal; exposition |
florecer | to flower; bloom; flourish |
acarrear | to bring up; entail |
liso | smooth; flat; straight |
el umbral | threshold; outset |
estirar | to stretch; strain |
respetuoso | respectful |
la franja | strip; stripe; fringe |
fomentar | to foster; promote; encourage |
reanudar | to renew; resume |
prescindir | to do without |
la fachada | front of a building |
pardo | brown; dark; dim |
la cabecera | head; header |
la cuna | cradle; birth; lineage |
tendido | spread; hung; laid (out) |
el lecho | (river) bed; couch |
la redacción | editing; wording; essay |
la ficha | index card; chip; token |
penoso | painful; laborious |
desenvolver | to clear up; unwrap |
el diputado | deputy; member |
preso | imprisoned; confined |
el pulso | pulse; pulsation |
radicar | to lie; be situated |
sobresalir | to stand out; excel |
vigente | in force; valid |
el recorte | clipping; cutting; trimming |
apretado | tight; jammed |
la etiqueta | label; etiquette |
albergar | to lodge; harbour |
la rienda | rein; restraint |
acontecer | to happen; come out |
el ansia | anxiety; anguish |
desbordar | to overflow; spill out |
alegar | to plead; argue |
encarar | to front; confront |
la pertenencia | membership; property |
áspero | rough; coarse; harsh |
desechar | to discard |
la hazaña | deed; heroic feat |
la retirada | retreat; withdrawal |
estrenar | to use for the first time; debut |
el pasto | grass; pasture |
el rendimiento | yield; output; efficiency |
la lentitud | slowness |
propiciar | to favour; foster; aid |
antaño | in days gone by; last year |
insólito | unusual; uncommon |
el aporte | contribution |
el fallo | mistake; blunder; fault |
el enfoque | focus; approach |
la parcela | piece of property |
desafiar | to defy; stand up to |
despojar | to deprive; rob |
el elogio | praise; eulogy; compliment |
la consigna | watchword; motto; slogan |
grosero | crude; rude; crass |
la vejez | old age |
la tira | strip; strap |
trepar | to climb |
súbito | sudden |
rematar | to finish off; finish up |
deterioro | deterioration; damage |
poblar | to populate; ihabit |
contradecir | to contradict; be inconsistent |
la faena | task; job; performance |
proveniente | coming from |
rebajar | to discount |
arrasar | to raze; ravage |
la burla | mockery; joke; trick |
el seguidor | follower; supporter; fan |
enterado | aware of |
palpar | to feel; touch; fondle |
el arroyo | brook; stream; gutter |
derramar | to shed; pour out |
liviano | light; frivolous |
encaminar | to head for; guide |
ostentar | to flaunt; show off |
configurar | to make up; comprise |
supuestamente | supposedly; allegedly |
prevalecer | to prevail |
el amparo | protection; shelter |
el caudal | volume; abundance |
el trastorno | confusion; trouble; upheval |
ceñir | to adhere to; fit tightly |
constatar | to prove; verify |
llamativo | striking |
el contorno | outline; perimiter; edge |
la contienda | contest; dispute |
el ocio | leisure (time) |
efímero | ephemeral; short-lived |
aferrar | to grasp; clutch |
el pleito | litigation; suit; dispute |
descalzo | barefoot |
minucioso | meticulous; thorough |
acariciar | to stroke; fondle; caress |
la tonelada | ton |
el anhelo | longing; yearning |
silvestre | wild |
el estallido | crash; outbreak; explosion |
el/la asesor | advisor; consultant |
la tertulia | get together; meeting of friends |
dichoso | fortunate; happy |
la gama | range; musical scale |
indagar | to investigate |
vertiginoso | dizzying |
el peón | unskilled labourer; field hand |
enredar | to entangle; ensnare |
la sobra | excess; surplus; leftover |
la tasa | rate; fee; levy |
despejar | to clear (up) |
soberbio | proud; arrogant |
premiar | to award |
la senda | path; lane |
la dicha | fortune; happiness; luck |
el acta | (meeting) proceedings; minutes |
la pala | shovel |
el rescate | rescue; randsom |
la cautela | caution |
la tregua | truce; rest |
ligar | to tie; link; bind |
endurecer | to harden; make hard |
vislumbrar | to glimpse |
la destreza | skill |
las entrañas | insides; bowles |
el atentado | (terrorist) attack; offense |
la vereda | path; sidewalk |
la reivindicación | claim; demand |
el chiquillo | kid; youngster |
la pugna | battle; struggle |
hueco | hollow |
el pabellón | pavillion; sports hall |
el astro | star |
el roce | brush; graze |
aflojar | to loosen |
la limosna | alms; charity |
soberano | soverign; self-assured |
la grieta | crack; opening; slit |
rebasar | to exceed; pass over |
el recelo | mistrust; suspicion |
la vara | rod; stick |
la frialdad | coldness; indiference |
encomendar | to commend; entrust |
el retroceso | movement backwards |
previsible | forseeable |
incidir | to influence; affect |
la rigidez | rigidity |
vengar | to take revenge; avenge |
el encaje | lace |
estropear | to ruin; mess up |
siniestro | sinister |
dialogar | to confer; talk |
callejero | of the street |
adherir | to adhere; attach |
contundente | decisive; blunt; forceful |
la complejidad | complexity |
carente | lacking; devoid |
nítido | clear; clean; neat |
imponente | impressive; magnificent |
el olfato | sense of smell |
la envergadura | breadth; expanse |
la fiera | (wild) beast |
verter | to pour; spill; shed |
inestable | unstable; unsteady |
decaer | to decay; wane |
la cal | lime; whitewash |
la delicadeza | gentleness; tenderness |
irrumpir | to burst in; raid |
la penumbra | darkness; twilight |
la jugada | move; play |
New card | |
hundirse | to sink |
me rindió el sueño | I was overcome by sleep |
tanto trabajo rinde a cualquiera | working that hard is enough to exhaust anyone |
el alambrado | wire fence |
el asentamiento | settlement |
le asestó un duro golpe a su orgullo | it dealt a harsh bloe to his pride |
me asestó una puñalada/un puñetazo | he stabbed/punched me |
el asueto | time-off |
tomarse un día de asueto | to take a day off |
atajar | to catch; intercept |
la manera de atajar este problema | the way to keep this problem under control |
atajaron por una callejuela | they took a short cut down an alley |
atónito | astonished; amazed |
el azote | whip; lash |
azotar | to whip; lash |
batir palmas | to clap |
blandir | to brandish; wave |
el chasquido | click; snap |
coetáneo | contemporary |
deambular | to wander around |
deleitar | to delight |
desgarbado | gangling; awkward |
desvelar | to keep awake |
el café me desvela | coffee keeps me awake |
me desvelé anoche | I couldn't sleep last night |
yo me desvelo por él | I go out of my way for him |
la embestida | rush; charge |
embestir | to charge (at something) |
las olas embestian contra el malecón | the waves were pounding against the pier |
empatar | to draw level |
vamos empatados | we're level at the moment |
enconado | heated; passionate |
el enrejado | railing |
ensoñador | dreamy |
el entorno | environment |
entretener | to entertain |
pintar me entretiene | I enjoy painting |
es una tonteria pero a mi me entretiene | it's silly but it keeps me amused |
no te entretengo más | I won't keep you any longer |
un amigo me entretuvo | a friend kept me talking |
se entretiene con cualquier cosa | she's easily amused |
envalentonar | to make bolder |
el estándar | standard |
la exigencia | demand |
¡no me vengas con exigencias! | don't start making demands |
el fondo del mar | the bottom of the sea |
no toco fondo | I can't touch the bottom |
en el fondo de su corazón | deep down in his heart |
llegaré al fondo de esta cuestión | I'll get to the bottom of this matter |
hay un fondo de verdad en eso | there's an element of truth in that |
tiene poco fondo | its not very deep |
recaudar fondos | to raise funds |
un cheque sin fondos | rubber check |
estoy mal de fondos | I'm short of cash |
una limpieza a fondo | a thorough clean |
rendir frutos | bear fruits |
el fruto de su trabajo | the fruits of her labor |
todo fue fruto de su imaginación | it was all a figment of his imagination |
fue fruto de casualidad | it happened by chance |
el fulgor | brightness; brilliance |
el ganadero | rancher; stockbreeder |
tú te lo guisas, tú te lo comes | you've made your bed now you must lie in it |
guisar | to cook |
guisa muy bien | he's a very good cook |
aceptó gustoso el puesto | he gladly accepted the job |
recibo gustoso el honor que me hacen | I gladly accept the honor you bestow on me |
el hedor | stench; reek |
henchir | to fill |
henchido de orgullo | swollen with pride |
hinchar | to inflate; blow up |
hiriente | hurtful; wounding |
una vida de holganza | a life of leisure |
la holganza | idleness |
la honda | slingshot |
en lo hondo de su alma | in the depths of his soul |
en lo más hondo de mi corazón | deep in my heart of hearts |
en el hondo del valle | at the bottom of the valley |
hostigar | to bother; pester |
el tema de los salarios es inabordable | we can't broach the subject of salaries |
inabordable | unapproachable |
inculcar | to instill |
las ideas que les inculcan | the ideas they fill their heads with |
ingerir | to consume |
lamer | to lick |
la llanura | plain, prairie |
medir | to measure |
¿me mide tres metros de esta tela? | can you measure me off three meteres of this material? |
mido 60 cm de cintura | I'm 60cm around the waist |
la tela mide 90cm de ancho | the cloth is 90cm wide |
¿cuánto mide de alto/largo? | how long/tall is it? |
medir las consecuencias de algo | to consider the consequences of something |
medir los pros y los contras de algo | to weigh up the pros and the cons of something |
mide tus palabras | choose your words carefully |
menospreciar | to despise; look down on |
la meta | finishing line; aim; goal |
su única meta es ganar dinero | his only aim is to earn money |
se ha trazado metas incalcanzables | she has set herself impossible goals |
meter la llave en la cerradura | to put the key in the lock |
quiero meter todo esto en un folio | I want to fit all of this on one sheet |
no le metas esas ideas en la cabeza | don't put ideas like that into her head |
puedo meter cuatro personas en mi coche | I can put four people in my car |
lo metieron en la cárcel | they put him in jail |
consiguió meterlo en la empresa | she managed to get him a job in the company |
metela tercera | put it into third (gear) |
meter la marcha atrás | to get into reverse |
no metas ruido | keep the noise down |
meterle miedo a alguien | to frighten somebody |
me metí en el agua | I went into the water |
se metió en la cama | he got into bed |
ya sabes dónde te lo puedes meter | you know where you can stick it |
te has metido en un buen lío | you've got yourself into a fine mess |
¡no te metas donde no te llaman! | mind your own business |
la mortandad | loss of life |
la muleta | crutch |
la osadía | daring; audacity |
pasmar | to amaze; stun |
la pezuña | hoof |
pingüe | huge; fat |
la prole | kids; offspring |
rasgar | to tear; rip |
rugoso | rough; bumpy; wrinkled |
el vástago | descendant; offspring; stem |
padecer | suffer, endure; bear; trouble; know; undergo |
desmoronarse | to collapse; crumble; fall |
darle un codazo a alguien | to nudge someone |
se abrió camino a codazos | he elbowed his way through |
abastecer | to supply |
una zona bien abastecida de agua | an area with a plentiful water supply |
apetitoso | appetizing |
el denuedo | valor |
luchar con denuedo | to fight valiantly |
la crudeza | severity; harshness |
abrumador | overwhelming |
piden mejores dotaciones | they are asking for increased funding |
una dotación de 50 bomberos | a team of 50 firefighters |
es nacionalista a ultranza | he's a fanatical nationalist |
a ultranza | out-and-out; fanatical |
luchó a ultranza por sus ideales | she fought tooth and nail to defend her ideals |
el acopio | gathering, accumulation; collection; hoarding |
acopiar | to gaher; collect; amass; hoard |
la habichuela | kidney bean; string bean; bean |
abarcar | to include |
Quien mucho abarca, poco aprieta | You can bite off more than you can chew |
estar como abeja en flor | to feel really great |
estar abocado al fracaso | to be doomed to fail |
estar abocado a un desastre | to be heading for a disaster |
ser un aborto del diablo | to be ugly as sin |
un aborto | miscarriage |
abrasarse de sed | to be dying of thirst |
abrasarse en deseo | to be aflame with desire |
abrasarse de amores | to be madly in love |
aburrirse como una ostra o una almeja | to be bored to death |
¡Acabáramos! | Now I see; now I get it |
acaparar | to hoard |
acaparar la palabra | to not let anyone get a word in |
acaparar la atención | to be in the lime light |
acaparar todas las miradas | all eyes are on |
ser de la otra acera | batting for the other team |
tener nervios de acero | to have nerves of steel |
un vestido adecuado para una boda | a suitable dress for a wedding |
la persona adecuada para el cargo | the right person for the job |
el momento adecuado | the right moment |
no disponemos de los medios adecuados | we do not have adequate or necessary resources |
estar entre la espada y la pared | to be caught between the devil and the deep blue sea |
caminar sin rumbo fijo | to wander aimlessly |
partió (con) rumbo a Toluca | he set off for Toluca |
navegar con rumbo norte/sur | to sail in a northerly/southerly direction |
poner rumbo a | to set a course for |
los acontecimientos tomaron un rumbo trágico | events took a tragic turn |
un clima de franca cordialidad | an atmosphere of genuine warmth |
aclarar las cosas | to clear the air |
Agua pasada no mueve molino. | Its no use crying over spilt milk |
estar con el agua al cuello | to be up to one's neck (in problems/debt, etc..) |
venir como agua de mayo | to come at just the right time |
sacar agua de las piedras | to try and get blood from a stone |
ser agua pasada | to be water under the bridge |
ha corrido/pasado mucha agua bajo el puente | a lot of water has flowed under the bridge |
estar entre dos aguas | to be in two minds |
buscar una aguja en un pajar | to look for a needle in a haystack |
azotar el aire | to waste one's time |
el alacrán | scorpion |
la alafia | verbosity; wordiness |
la albondiguilla | bogey; little meatball |
hacer albondiguillas | to pick one's nose |
las alegrías | male genitals |
comer más que un alguacil | to eat like a horse |
el apagabroncas | bouncer |
la apaña | lover |
cambiar babas | to have a good snog |
el bacalao | vagina |
¡Anda a bañarte! | go take a running jump |
henchir el baúl | to stuff one's face |
el beo | vagina |
la blanca | coke/heroine |
las bolas | testicles |
la bollera | lesbian/dyke |
el bolo | skittle/penis |
dar el bote a alg. | to sack someone |
el braguetazo | marriage for money |
estar bruto | to be randy/horny |
las cachas | buttocks |
la cagalera | diarrhea |
cagar | to shit |
cagar algo | to cock something up |
el calcetín | condom/rubber |
el calé | money/dough |
el calvo | prick/cock |
calco | bald |
calzar | to fuck s.o. |
tocar la campana | to jerk off |
el canco | queer |
ser la flor de la canela | to be the best of the best |
las canicas | marbles/testicles |
ponerse el capuchón | to be put behinf bars |
cascar | to crack; to break |
el cascarón | eggshell |
estar chalado | to be nuts |
el Charly | coke/snow |
echar el cierre | to shut one's trap |
la cigüeña | stork |
el cimbel | decoy |
ciscar | to soil; dirty |
poner un clavo a una | to bang a woman |
comerse el coco | to wrack one's brains |
dar la coña a alg. | to get on s.o's nerves |
la coña | annoyance |
descojonarse | to wet oneself laughing |
¿Lo has diquelado? | Did you get/twig it? |
empalmarse | to get a hard on |
escoñar | to screw Up |
el felpudo | bush/pubic hair |
echar una firma | to relieve o.s. |
el ful/la mandanga | hash/pot |
¡Hasta que/cuando meen las gallinas! | Pigs might fly |
el garguero | throat |
gilipollear | to do Stupid |
hinchar a alg. | to get s.o. pregnant |
estar hinchada | to have a bun in the oven |
la jai | bird/chick |
papar una jumera | to get drunk |
la leche | semen; spunk |
las marmellas | knockers/tits |
mocarse | to blow one's nose |
la mui | tongue/mouth |
la narizota | big nose |
el parné | dough |
dar a alg. una patada en el culo | to give s.o. a kick up the arse |
la pava | fag butt |
el pedo | fart |
la pesetera | cheap tart |
sacar la piedra | to cum |
el púcher | pusher/dealer |
quilar | to screw |
el rapaterrones | hick |
saber a rayos | to taste awful |
oler a rayos | to smell awful |
el remoquete | nickname |
el revientapisos | burglar |
la tetorra | big breasts |
el tortazo | punch |
la torti | lesbian/dyke |
chungo | nasty (person); dicey (situation) |
me pirran los helados | I love ice cream |
el talud | slope; incline |
agasajar | to greet; welcome |
anejar | to join; attach |
anejo | joined; attached |
otrora | formerly; in olden times |
hosco | dark; gloomy |
estólido | dull; stupid |
a la or al postre | in the end; finally |
en aras de | for the sake of |
la alcurnia | ancestry; lineage |
procaz | indecent; lewd |
amedrentar | to scare; frighten |
el acicate | spur; incentive |
atenuante | attenuating |
esquilar | to shear; fleece |
de buena pasta | good-natured |
recoleto | in retreat; withdrawn |
para más, o mayor inri | and to make it worse |
el escarnio | ridicule; mocking |
agraviar | to offend; insult |
un problema en sí | a problem in itself |
llegar en punto | to arrive on time |
volver a considerar | reconsider |
como consecuencia | as a consequence |
afligido | afflicted |
creído, engreído | big-headed |
mandón | bossy |
receloso | distrustful |
soso, aburrido | dull; boring |
envidiable | enviable |
envidioso | envious |
coqueta | flirtatious |
perjudicial | harmful |
ronco | hoarse |
indebido | improper |
fundido | melted |
pastoso | pasty |
juguetón | playful |
pelirrojo | red-haired |
chocante | shocking |
pegajoso | sticky |
tacaño | stingy |
juicioso | wise |
a chorros | abundantly |
a matacaballo | at breakneck speed |
a carrera abierta | at full speed |
por consiguiente | consequently |
a todas horas | continually |
a escondidas | covertly |
con audacia | daringly |
a la larga | in the long run |
a sabiendas | knowingly |
de puntillas | on tiptoe |
en balde | pointlessly |
ante todo | primarily |
bajo cuerda | underhandedly |
de improviso | unexpectedly |
sin reserva | unreservedly |
roer | to nibble at; gnaw |
raer | to scrape |
tañer | to strum |
teñir (e->i) | to dye |
bruñir | to polish |
tender | to hang (clothes); lay out |
yacer | to lie (corpse) |
fortalecer | to strenthen; make stronger; reinforce |
en rueda de prensa | in a press conference |
el guardameta | goalkeeper |
empañar | to steam; mist up |
poner peros | to complain about |
dolido | hurt |
dos errores en defensa | 2 errors in defense |
sólidos atrás | solid in defense |
se nos juntó todo | everything came together for us |
con gran acierto | with great skill |
una jugada | play; move |
hay que llevar la cara bien alta | one has to keep one's head held high |
mirar hacia adelante | to look forwards |
cauto | cautious |
avecinar | to get closer |
por inesperada que fuera | unexpected though it was |
la tutela | guardianship |
tutelar | to be in charge of |
destapar | to take the lid off; uncover (fig.) |
el patinazo | skid; blunder; slip-up |
el tramo | phase; flight (of stairs); half (football) |
descarrilar | to derail |
aliviar | to relieve |
fabular | to come up against |
marca a puerta vacía | he scores in an empty goal |
expulsó por roja directa | he was red carded |
amonestar | to caution (football) |
someter | to subjugate |
los delanteros | forwards (football) |
un suplicio | torture; a real nightmare |
pases dislocados | wayward passes |
malos controles | mis-controls |
acartonado | wooden (movement, style) |
atosigar | to pester; hassle |
agobiar | to weigh down; smother |
desenfreno | wild abandon |
curtido | weather-beaten; hardened |
el tanto | goal; point (tennis) |
apuntarse un tanto | to score a point |
esposar | to pull back (football) |
el remate | smash (en tenis); spike (en vóleibol); shot (en fútbol) |
pellizcar | to pinch (also fig.) |
¿cómo va el marcador? | what's the score |
el marcador | bookmark; scoreboard |
el eje | axis |
lo costado | side |
abrocharse | to do up |
el embudo | funnel |
susurrar | to whisper |
acunar | to rock (child) |
New card | |
la bala pasó silbando | the bullet whistled past |
se silban los oídos | I've got a whistling in my ears |
silbar | to whistle |
alisar | to smooth out |
babosear | to dibble; to slobber |
balancearse | to rock |
descomponer | to decompose |
encandilar | to dazzle; stir up; arouse |
nivelar | to level |
sacralizar | to idolize |
encarcelar | to imprison |
empaquetar | to pack |
empapelar | to wallpaper |
enharinar | to coat with flour |
ensillar | to saddle |
burbujear | to bubble; fizz |
parpadear | to blink |
chorrear | to drip |
anteceder | to precede |
poseer | to possess |
es aqua pasada tio | its old news dude |
parece que hace cienn años desde que | it seems like 100 years since |
estraño es decir poco | strange to say the least |
el columpio | swing |
el balancín | seesaw |
salvo | save (except) |
salvo que | except |
todos estaban presentes salvo el secretario | everyone was there except the secretary |
no me eches la culpa a mí | don't put the blame onto me |
un féretro | coffin |
la profundidad del campo | depth of field (photo) |
la abertura del diafragma | aperture (photo) |
la distancia del motivo | the distance of the subject (photo) |
la distancia focal del objetivo | the focal length of the lense (photo) |
la velocidad de obturación | shutter speed |
pulsar el disparador | press the button (to take a photo) |
una foto bien expuesta | a well exposed photo |
agilizar | to speed up; make more lively |
superar | to exceed; go beyond |
supera eso! | do better than that! |
gafar | to jinx |
la hinchazón | swelling |
lo intentaron por todos los medios | they tried everything they could |
lo mismo digo | I say the same |
Si que quiero | Yes I do |
la cofradía | brotherhood |
quedatelo | keep it |
la espuela | spur (riding) |
proveer | to provide |
proveerse | to provide yourself; provison |
¿Te vaya bien? | its okay with you? |
a bordo | on board |
a caballo | on horse back |
a chorros | abundantly |
a conciencia | conscientiously |
a continuación | right afterwards |
a destiempo | inopportunely |
a empujones | pushingly, intermittently |
a gatas | on hands and knees |
a la fuerza | necessarily; by force; to have no option |
díselo a las claras | tell her straight |
la clara de huevo | egg white |
a regañadientes | unwillingly |
a saltos | jumping |
bajo cuerda | underhandedly |
con cuentagotas | stingily |
con esperanza | hopefully |
con valor | courageously |
de continuo | continuously |
de costumbre | customarily |
de buena gana | de buena gana |
de frente | head on |
de golpe | suddenly |
de improviso | unexpectedly |
de locura | foolishly |
de mala gana | unwillingly |
de memoria | by memory |
de ordinario | ordinarily |
dentro de poco | shortly |
en broma | jokingly |
en cambio | on the other hand |
sin empacho | uninhibitedly |
columpiar | to push |
columpiarse | to swing |
abofetear | to slap |
el capullo | cocoon; bud; idiot |
volverse tarumba | to go crazy (colloq.) |
tarumba | crazy |
la manguera | hosepipe |
es un verdadero lastre | she's a positive liability |
ser la peste | to be a pest |
decir or echar or hablar pestes de alguien | to slag someone off |
dejar de echar pestes de mi | stop slagging me off |
rebobinar | to rewind |
arrepentirse de algo | to regret something |
la vejiga | bladder |
retocar | to touch up (make-up); add finishing touches (to a text) |
date la vuelta | turn around! |
refréscame la memoria | remind me |
todo salió torcido | it all cam out twisted |
abastecer a alguien de algoto supply to someone something | |
afrimarse en algo/alguien | to hold onto something/one |
apiadarse de alguien | to take pity on somebody |
apoyarse en algo | to support yourself on something |
arraigar | to take root; become settled |
arremeter contra algo/alguien | to charge at someone/thing |
bastar con | to be enough |
carecer de algo | to lack something |
comprometerse a algo | to promise something |
consistir en algo | to consist of something |
cumplir con algo | to fulfill something |
empeñarse en | to strive to |
encargarse de algo/alguien | to take care of something/one |
enterarse de algo | to find out about something |
enterar a alguien de algo | to inform someone of something |
esmerarse en algo | to go to a lot of trouble |
obstinarse en | to insist on something |
negarse a | to refuse to |
optar por | to choose to |
presume de guapo | he thinks he's good looking |
presume de intelectual | he fancies himself as an intellectual |
presumir de algo | to show off |
recurrir a alguien | to turn to somebody |
recurrir contra algo | to appeal against something |
supeditarse a | to abide by |
una bronca | row |
¡qué coñazo! | she's a pain in the neck |
mullido | soft; springy |
consumir antes de | best before date |
hediondo | foul-smelling |
plomizo | grey (sky) lit leaden |
fétido | fetid |
celeste | celestial |
agudo | sharp |
empalagoso | sickly |
desvaído | washed-out |
estridente | shrill; shocking |
el calambre | cramp |
La almohadilla | # |
el invernadero | greenhouse |
una fuga | leak |
una rejilla | grid (camara) |
el recuadro | box, area (of a photo) |
el contenido | contents |
la nitidez | clarity, vividness |
nítido | clear; in focus (photo) |
borroso | blurred (photo); vahue (idea) |
aplazar | to put off |
desangrar | to bleed |
un banquete | feast |
birlar | to swipe; pinch |
la envergadura | importance |
la choza | hut; shack |
la capa | layer |
la pilar | pillar |
las gradas | (grand) stands |
por doquier | all around (lit) |
la maleza | undergrowth; weeds |
difunto | deceased |
santiguarse | to cross oneself |
el matiz | shade; nuance |
el marjal | marsh |
el junco | rush; reed |
croar | to croak |
jadear | to pant |
disubicado | out of place |
sombrío | dark; gloomy |
risueño | cheerful; bright |
benigno | mild (climate); benign (tumour) |
hacerle caso a alguien | to pay attention to someone |
¿acaso no te lo dije? | I told you didn't I? |
¿acaso tengo yo la culpa? | Is it my fault? |
¿acaso no sabes que …? | don't you know that … ? |
por si acaso | just in case |
por si acaso no te lo han dicho | (just) in case nobody's told you |
si acaso me necesitaras | if you need me |
si acaso un poco largo | a bit long perhaps |
acaso sea cierto lo que dijo | maybe what she said is true |
quiero ponerme morena | I want to get a tan |
tener pupila para los negocios | you have a good head for pusiness |
la pupila | pupil (eye) |
no hace falta | it isn't necessary |
No Hace Falta Que Lo Digas | you don't need to say it |
el aro | hoop (e.g. padlock, circus) |
el barrote | bar; crosspiece |
la trenza | plait |
el recinto | showground; site |
una losa | tombstone; flagstone |
la caldera | boiler; cauldron |
averiado | broken-down |
la mugre | filth; grime |
la eslora | length |
bucear | to dive; swim underwater |
soslayar | to avoid (question o obstacle) |
la jerga | slang; jargon |
el brote | shoot (plant) |
el plazo | period |
saldar | to settle; pay off |
cuadrar | to add up; tally |
la cartulina | card |
los andamios | scaffolding |
el yeso | plaster |
enyesar | to plaster |
talar | to cut down |
cortar en trozos | to cut up |
cuanto más gracioso, mejor | the funnier the better |
caducar | to expire; go out of date |
dar calabazas | to brush someone off |
sacar calabazas | to get bad marks |
sacar buenas notas | to get good marks |
colarse | to jump a queue |
el lecho | bed (cama) or river bed |
dilucidar | to solve; clear up |
el espejismo | mirage; ilusion |
a plena luz del día | in broad daylight |
tantear | to weigh up; size up (situation) |
pulcro | neat and tidy |
chillar | to screech; scream; yell |
tozudo | obstinate |
desveriar | to be delerious; talk nonsense |
ponerse o quedar en evidencia | to show oneself up |
quiero dominar un amplio vocabulario | I want to have a wide vocabulary |
lidiar | to battle with something/someone |
desatar | to untie |
pasar la página | to move on |
lo hecho hecho está | what's done is done |
la brújula | compass |
¿de qué se trata? | What is this about? |
doblar | to dubb |
despejado | clear (sky) |
el torbellino | tornado |
acechar | to lie in wait for |
agrietar | to crack (ground) |
el cordón | shoelace |
amontonar | to pile up |
brotar | to bud; sprout |
colorear | to colour |
de nueva cuenta | once again |
hacer a un lado | to set aside |
expertos en armar la fiesta | experts at organizing a party |
dar con ella | to run into her |
se amerita | it deserves |
sin ningún contratiempo | without any setbacks |
una vez que hayas visto | once you've seen |
cuando se trata de ver | when it comes to it |
de perdis | at the very least |
verídico | truthful |
en mi recae | I'm responsible for |
estar en desventaja | to be at a disadvantage |
poner a alguien en desventaja | to put smbdy at a disadvantage |
rehusar | to refuse; decline |
fortuito | fortuitous |
quedar estancado | to stagnate |
aguas remansadas | stagnant waters |
la sosería | silliness |
el menester | necessity; need; want |
la presteza | promptness; swiftness |
la pólvora | gunpowder |
la perdiz | partridge |
el sabueso | bloodhound; sluth |
el pringue | grease; dirt; gunk |
la gama | range; spectrum |
menudo | slight (person); fine (chopped) |
el buitre | vulture |
rechoncho | dumpy |
lo aqueja un fuerte dolor de espalda | he is suffering from severe back-pain |
a la zaga | irse/quedarse in the rear; behind |
el acontecimiento | event |
la quijada | jaw; bone |
al acecho | lying in wait |
la talega | sack |
la tez | complexion |
el pliegue | fold; crease |
atisbar | to spy; watch furtively |
la fusta de montar | riding crop |
el párpado | eyelid |
la comisura | corner (of mouth) |
abrupto | abrupt (change); steep (way); rough (terrain) |
hojear | to leaf through |
tener las cosas claras | make things clear |
¡qué palo! | how boring |
se quedan en tu mente | they stick in your mind |
la bellota | acorn |
el roble | oak |
las cosas importantes tienen orígenes humildes | out of tiny acorns grow great oaks |
el taladro | drill |
taladrar | to drill |
decidirse | to make up your mind |
ingenuo | naive |
crédulo | gullible |
¿qué quiere ser de mayor? | what do you want to be when you grow up? |
hacer/decir un cumplido | to pay a compliment |
partirse el culo | to laugh a lot |
hacer una paja | to give a blow job |
aborrecer | to abhor |
abrumar | to crush; overwhelm;opress |
acaparar | to buy up; hoard |
acrecentar | to increase |
acrecer | to augment, to increase |
adicionar | to add |
adscribir | to ascribe, to assign, to attribute |
afanar | to hurry; to rob, to steal |
afear | to deform, to make ugly |
afianzar | to fasten |
aficionar | to induce a liking for |
aficionarse a | to become fond of |
afligir | to afflict, to distress |
agriar | to make sour |
aguar | to dilute |
ahumar | to cure in smoke, to fill with smoke |
alardear | to boast, to brag, to show off |
alentar | to breathe; to encourage, to inspire |
almacenar | to store |
apaciguar | to pacify, to calm, to sooth |
arrendar | to lease, to let, to rent, to hire |
asomar | to appear slowly (as through an opening) |
asomarse | to lean out, to look out (as out of a window) |
atender | to look after, to attend to , to pay attention |
avenir | to reconcile |
aventurarse | to venture, to risk |
ayunar | to fast, to go without food |
blasfemar | to blaspheme, to curse |
bogar | to row |
brincar | to bounce, to jump, to skip |
cabecear | to nod one's head when sleepy |
calar | to drench, to soak |
calcar | to trace, to copy |
calificar | to assess, to rate, to classify |
capar | to castrate, to cut off |
castrar | to castrate; to dry a wound |
catar | to sample, to taste |
causar | to cause |
censurar | to censure |
cercar | to fence in, to enclose |
cesar | to cease, to stop |
chamuscar | to singe, to scorch |
chapar | to cover, to plate with silver or gold |
charlar | to chatter, to prattle |
chiflar | to whistle, to blow a whistle |
chinchar | to annoy, to irritate |
chismear | to gossip |
citar | to make an appointment, to cite, to quote |
cobijar | to cover, to shelter |
colorear | to color, to tint |
complacer | to please |
concebir | to conceive; to imagine |
contraponer | to compare, to contrast |
convalecer | to convalesce |
decantar | to exaggerate; to pour off |
delatar | to denounce, to accuse |
desalojar | to move out, to vacate |
desamparar | to abandon, to forsake |
desanimar | to discourage |
desbaratar | to ruin, to wreck |
descolgar | to unhook, to take down from a hanging position |
descuidarse | to be negligent, careless |
desgajar | to rip off, to tear off |
desordenar | to disarrange |
desterrar | to banish, to exile |
desviar | to divert |
diferir | to differ; to defer, to postpone, to delay |
digerir | to digest |
diseminar | to disseminate, to spread |
divulgar | to divulge, to make known |
driblar | to dirbble (sports) |
empapar | to drench, to soak |
enjuagar | to rinse |
enmendar | to amend, to revise, to correct |
enrollar | to wind, to roll up |
entrever | to catch a glimpse |
equiparar | to compare, to match, to make equal |
escarnecer | to ridicule, to mock |
escupir | to spit |
esforzarse | to make an effort |
espantar | to frighten, to scar |
expedir | to expedite |
extraer | to extract, to draw out |
fastidiar | to annoy, to pester |
frotar | to rub |
fruncir | to knit (eyebrows); to purse (lips) |
fusionar | to combine, to merge |
fustigar | to whip |
gandulear | to idle, to loaf |
garabatear | to scribble |
garlar | to chatter, to prattle |
gatear | to crawl |
gorjear | to warble, to gurgle |
hacinar | to pile up, to stack |
halagar | to flatter |
hambrear | to starve |
haraganear | to idle, to loaf |
heder | to stink |
hervir | to boil |
inocular | to inoculate |
jabonar | to soap, to lather |
jactarse | to boast, to brag |
jalar | to pull |
llagar | to injure, to hurt, to wound |
llamear | to blaze, to flame |
lloriquear | to whimper, to whine |
lloviznar | to drizzle |
lustrar | to polish, to cleanse |
magullar | to batter, to bruise |
majar | to crush, to mash |
malgastar | to squander, to waste |
maliciar | to fear, to suspect |
maltratar | to maltreat, to abuse |
manchar | to spot, to stain, to blot |
mendigar | to beg |
mimar | to pamper, to spoil, to indulge |
obcecar | to blind |
ofuscar | to dazzle |
ornar | to adorn, to decorate |
paladear | to savor, to taste, to relish |
perdurar | to last a long time |
plegar | to fold, to pleat |
querellarse | to file a legal complaint, to bring suit against |
quietarse | to calm oneself |
reforzar | to reinforce, to strengthen |
regalarse | to indulge oneself |
remojar | to soak |
retar | to challenge |
retardar | to retard, to slow down |
rizar | to curl |
rociar | to spray, to sprinkle |
rotular | to label |
salpicar | to splash |
saltear | to hold up, to rob |
segar | to cut, to mow |
semejar | to resemble |
sintonizar | to tune |
sitiar | to besiege |
sobregirar | to overdraw |
sobreponer | to superimpose |
soplarse | to gobble up, to wolf down |
sorber | to sip |
sortear | to raffle; to avoid, to dodge |
sosegar | to quiet, to calm down |
soterrar | to bury; to hide |
subvencionar | to subsidize |
surcar | to plow |
surtir | to supply, to stock, to provide |
tachar | to cross out, to strike out, to eliminate |
tambalear | to stagger |
tapiar | to wall up, to wall in |
tapizar | to upholster, to hang tapestry |
tartamudear | to stammer, to stutter |
tejar | to tile |
tejer | to weave |
teorizar | to theorize |
testar | to make a will, testament |
testificar | to testify, to bear witness |
timar | to cheat, to swindle |
timbrar | to put a seal or stamp on |
tontear | to act foolishly |
torturarse | to worry excessively |
tostarse | to become sunburned |
trabar | to bind, to join, to lock |
trabarse de palabras | to insult each other |
tragar | to swallow |
trajinar | to rush about |
transigir con | to agree to |
trasladarse | to move, to change residence |
traspasar | to pierce |
trasquilar | to shear, to clip, to crop (hair) |
trastornar | to turn upside down, to upset, to disturb |
tratarse de | to be a question of |
tricotar | to knit |
trinchar | to slice (meat) |
triplicar | to triplicate, to triple |
triturar | to crush, to grind |
triunfar | to triumph |
trocar | to exchange |
trompicar | to trip, to stumble |
tronar | to thunder |
trotar | to trot |
tundir | to clip, to shear; to beat, to thrash |
turbar | to disturb, to upset, to worry |
ufanarse | to boast of |
ultimar | to finish off |
ultrajar | to outrage |
ulular | to ululate, to howl, to screech, to hoot |
uncir | to yoke |
unificar | to unify |
untar | to apply ointment, to spread butter on |
urdir | to scheme, to plot |
urgir | to urge, to be urgent |
vagabundear | to roam, to idle |
vagar | to roam, to wander |
vaguear | to idle, to loaf |
valorar/valorear | to value, to increase in value |
variar | to vary |
vedar | to prohibit, to forbid |
vendar | to bandage |
vengar | to avenge |
veranear | to spend the summer |
volcar | to overturn, to turn over, to tilt |
voltear | to turn over, to roll over |
yuxtaponer | to juxtapose |
zaherir | to wound with words, to reproach, to reprimand |
zampar | to stuff, to cram food down one's throat, to gobble down |
zapatear | to tap one's feet |
zurrar | to spank, to wallop |
la ninfa | nymph |
el quicio | doorjam |
el/la corzo | roe deer |
enmarañado | tangled; complicated; involved |
la chanza | derisive comment |
la chufla | joke |
el alud | avalanche; landslide |
el fulano | guy; so-and-so |
meloso | sickly-sweet |
el hollín | soot |
el mechón | lock; tuft (hair, wool) |
los mechones | highlights |
el simulacro | sham; thing pretended |
Quedarse con la miel en los labios | to be left wanting to do something |
el apaño | scam |
ceñido | tight |
me queda muy ceñido | its very tight on me |
el chorlito | plover |
el risco | crag |
la greda | clay |
vacilar | to hesitate |
la horca | pitchfork |
las horcas | gallows |
el desgarro | tear; rip |
alcanzar | to reach; cath up with |
el palmar | palm grove |
la copa | top (of a tree) |
soltar | to let go; release |
crujir | to creak |
estirado | snooty; stuck-up |
salpicar | to splash |
paradójico | paradoxical |
reblandecer | to soften |
abonarse | to subscribe; buy season ticket |
abrígate el pecho | wrap-up warm |
acechar | to lie in wait for |
acompasar los movimientos a la música | to keep in time to the music |
afianzar | to consolidate |
bregar | to struggle; work hard |
desmentir | to deny; refute |
Lo/la conozco como la palma de mi mano | I know it like the back of my hand |
Cambio y fuera | over and out |
embalar | to pack; crate |
emborronar | to smudge |
ha dejado entrever que | she has hinted that |
tienes que esforzarte más | you have to try harder |
esforzar | to strain |
fallar | to fail |
malear | to corrupt; pervert |