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Trennbar List 1

German Separable Verb List Grammar Review

What does AB mean? It means off, away or down
What does AN mean? It means on, at, or to
What does AUF mean? It means up, open or on
What does AUS mean? It means out or off
What does EIN mean? It means in or into
What does FERN mean? It means distant or far off
What does FORT mean? It means away or forth
What does LOS mean? It means loose, as in a detachment of some kind is being indicated
What does MIT mean? It means with or along [with]
What does NACH mean? It means after or behind
What does UM mean? It means around, over or about
What does VOR mean? It means before, ahead of time (i.e. pre-)
What does VORBEI mean? It means by or past
What does WEG mean? It means away
What does WEITER mean? It means farther, further, additionally or continually
What does ZU mean? It means to, toward, closed or shut off
What does ZURÜCK mean? It means back
What does AB means? It means off, away or down
abfahren to drive off
abholen to pick up
abnehmen to take off weight
abschließen to lock, complete
abschreiben to copy
What does AN mean? It means on, at or to
anfangen to begin
anhören to listen to
ankommen to arrive
anmachen to turn on
anrufen to call up (on the phone)
ansehen to look at, watch
What does AUF mean? It means up, open or on
aufheben to lift up
aufhören to stop, cease
aufmachen to open up
aufpassen to pay attention
aufräumen to straighten up, clean
aufstehen to stand/get up
aufwachen to wake up
What does AUS mean? It means out or off
ausbrechen to break out
ausgeben to spend
ausgehen to go out
auslachen to mock, make fun off
ausmachen to turn out, turn off
aussehen to look, appear
austauschen to exchange
ausziehen to pull off, undress
What does EIN mean? It means in or into
einführen to introduce
einkaufen to shop
einladen to invite
eintreten to enter, step into
What does Fern mean? It means distant or far off
fernsehen to watch TV
What does FORT mean? It means away or forth
fortfahren to depart (by vehicle)
fortgehen to depart (on foot)
fortsetzen to continue, set forth
What does LOS mean? It means a kind of detachment is occurring
loslassen to let go, let loose
loslösen to detach
losschneiden to cut loose
loswerden to get rid of
What does MIT mean? It means with or along [with]
mitbringen to bring along
mitgehen to go along
mitkommen to come along
mitmachen to participate
mitspielen to play with
mitteilen to inform, tell
What does NACH mean? It means after or behind
nacherzählen to retell
nachgeben to give in
nachschlagen to look up
What does UM mean? It means around, over or about
umdrehen to turn around
umkippen to tip over
umsteigen to transfer (train, bus)
umziehen to move (one's residence)
What does VOR mean? It means before, ahead of time (pre-)
vorbereiten to prepare
vorgehen to run fast (clock)
vorhaben to intend
vorlesen to lecture, read aloud
vorschlagen to suggest
vorstellen to introduce
What does VORBEI mean? It means by or past
vorbeifahren to drive by
vorbeikommen to come by
vorbeilaufen to run by
What does WEG mean? It means away
wegfahren to drive away
weggehen to go away
weglaufen to run away
wegstellen to put away
wegwerfen to throw away
What does WEITER mean? It means further, farther, additionally or continually
weiterfahren to travel farther
weitergehen to go farther
weiterlesen to read further
weitermachen to carry on
What does ZU mean? It means to, toward, closed or shut off
zuhören to listen to
zumachen to close
zunehmen to gain/put on weight
zwinken to wave to/at
What does ZURÜCK mean? It means back
zurückbleiben to stay behind
zurückbringen to bring back
zurückgehen to go back
zurückkommen to come back
zurückwerfen to throw back
What does ZUSAMMEN mean? It means together
zusammenarbeiten to work together, collaborate
zusammenbinden to tie/bind together
zusammenbrechen to collapse
zusammenbringen to bring together, join
zusammenkommen to come together, assemble
zusammenstellen to put/place together
Created by: Henretta84
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