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Sp 202 L4 set 2 new

Sp 202 L4 set 2 new books

la adolescencia adolescence
el/la adolescente adolescent, teenager
el/la adulto/a adult
la edad adulta adulthood (una etapa de la vida)
la juventud youth
la muerte death
el nacimiento birth
la niñez childhood
el/la niño/a child
la vejez old age
la ascendencia The heritage or ancestry of a person
la brecha generacional generation gap
la patria homeland
el prejuicio social social prejudice
la raíz root
el sexo gender
heredar to inherit
parecerse to look alike
realizarse to fulfill
sobrevivir to survive
el ajedrez chess
el/la colega buddy
el/la enclenque weakling
el/la niñato/a spoiled brat (Esp.)
el recogedor A dustpan
antipático/a unfriendly
desagradecido/a ungrateful
hiriente hurtful
huraño/a unsociable
tembloroso/a trembling
torpe clumsy
apetecer to feel like
chillar to scream
escribir a máquina To type on a typewriter or keyboard
pulsar to press
el/la abogado/a lawyer
el/la asistente assistant
el cargo A job or position, especially in an organization or company; position
la cima The highest point or summit of something; top
la encarnación The representation or embodiment of something; personification
el/la juez(a) judge
el sueño dream
convertirse (e:ie) en To undergo a change and become something; to become
rechazar To refuse to accept or consider; to turn down
superar to exceed
tomar en cuenta To consider or take into consideration
controvertido/a controversial
propio/a own (Belonging to oneself)
sabio/a wise
en contra against
a cabalidad fully
el amorío love affair
el árbol genealógico family tree
la crianza The care and upbringing of a child; nurture
el escalafón hierarchy; rank
los lazos familiares family ties
la mecedora rocking chair
el parentesco kinship; relationship
la partida de nacimiento birth certificate
asentarse (e:ie) to settle (down)
ocultar to hide
entrecano/a Beginning to turn gray, especially of hair; graying
estirado/a standoffish
inscrito/a registered
pícaro/a mischievous; naughty
Created by: mamos7
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