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Final Exam Review

A group of people with a complex, organized society and a shared culture. civilization
How archeologists draw conclusions about prehistoric people. analize artifacts
An example of a primary source. diary, journal, eyewitness account
The civilization known as “the land between two rivers.” Mesopotamia
The religious belief of Mesopotamians. polytheistic
The Sumerians produced a stable food supply, so everyone had enough food to eat. Digging irrigation canals
These laws were significant in history because it was the first time laws were written down for everyone to see. Hammurabi's Code
The Egyptians depended on this for irrigation of crops, fresh drinking water, and a sense of direction. Nile River
One benefit for the Egyptians when the Nile river flooded was… Silt was deposited into the soil.
This is the order of the classes in Egypt’s social class pyramid. Pharoah, noblitity and priests, government officials, scribes, artisans, farmers, slaves
A misconception is something that many people believe even though it isn’t true. What is a misconception about slaves in Egypt? Slaves built the pyramids
Polytheism is the belief of many gods. What word means the belief in only one god? Monotheism
This discovery helped archaeologists translate hieroglyphics and understand how Egyptians lived. Rosetta Stone
Why was mummification important to the Egyptians? Because they believed that the soul (Ka) could recognize the body for the afterlife
These were built as burial tombs for the pharaohs. pyramid
The purpose of the Great Wall of China was to protect China from northern invaders
This invention allowed people to communicate more easily. paper
This made the Shang armies very powerful. bronze weapons
Describe Legalism: People are basically selfish, laws must be strict, punishments must be harsh
Where was the best place for the first inhabitants of China to settle? North China Plain
This was a valuable good in ancient China because only the Chinese knew how to produce it. Silk
The purpose of the oracle bones in ancient China was for the king to ask ancestors for advice on important matters
This is true about Athens and Sparta. The Greeks lived in isolated city-states because of the mountains
Describe a Monarchy: There is only one ruler who inherited power. Then, the ruler passed on leadership to his son.
The fact that only male citizens over 18 could participate in the Assembly describes which government in Athens? Democracy
If you traveled to Rome, what might you see that was familiar to Greece? columns
How did the geography of Greece affect the ancient Greeks? Both city-states were isolated by the mountains which made travel difficult
What was one outcome of the Persian Wars? The Greeks won with little resources and few soldiers.
Why did the Greeks set up colonies in distant lands? The Greeks did not have enough farmland to feed themselves
Rome’s founders were raised by… Wolves
In which form of government did elected leaders voted on all the important issues? Republic
In the Roman Republic, wealthy landowners were referred to as…. Patricians
The statement “I fight Rome’s Wars, but I can’t vote” would be stated by …. Plebeians
Who did the Roman Senate assassinate because they feared they would lose power if he declared himself king? Julius Caesar
What established to create law and order among the social classes during the Middle Ages? Feudalism
What had to happen in order for towns to develop during the Middle Ages? Feudalism had to end
Since many workers died during the plague, people were able to… Demand better paying jobs and more rights
What were built during the Middle Ages for Protection? Castles
What was used to prepare young men for knighthood? Jousting
Created by: user-1811810
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