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eng wessk 12th L5-6

assuage provide physical relief, as from pain
brandish exhibit aggressively
contingent determined by conditions or circumstances that follow
contrite feeling or expressing pain or sorrow
disabuse free somebody from an erroneous belief
dissemble make believe with the intent to deceive
epithet a defamatory or abusive word or phrase
exhort spur on or encourage especially by cheers and shouts
inculcate teach and impress by frequent repetitions or admonitions
mollify cause to be more favorably inclined
ornery having a difficult and contrary disposition
posterity all future generations
prosaic not challenging; dull and lacking excitement
redolent noticeably odorous
repose freedom from activity
sedulous marked by care and persistent effort
spurious plausible but false
tacit implied by or inferred from actions or statements
vacillate be undecided about something
wanton unprovoked or without motive or justification
austerity self-denial, especially refraining from worldly pleasures
canvass solicit votes from potential voters in an electoral campaign
commensurate corresponding in size or degree or extent
countenance the human face
demur politely refuse or take exception to
deprecate cause to seem or feel unimportant; belittle
dissolute unrestrained by convention or morality
equivocal open to two or more interpretations
exigent demanding immediate attention
garrulous full of trivial conversation
inextricable incapable of being disentangled or untied
nascent being born or beginning
precocious characterized by exceptionally early development
presentiment a feeling of evil to come
prostrate stretched out and lying at full length along the ground
sidle move unobtrusively or furtively
solicitous full of anxiety and concern
temerity fearless daring
upbraid express criticism towards
vapid lacking significance or liveliness or spirit or zest
Created by: Sr. Guinn
Popular English Vocabulary sets




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