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Los Quehaceres
Household chore vocabulary
Spanish | English |
ayudar en casa | to help at home |
hacer la tarea | to do homework |
limpiar | to clean |
lavar los platos | to wash dishes |
secar los platos | to dry dishes |
lavar la ropa | to wash clothes |
poner la mesa | to set the table |
quitar la mesa | to clear the table |
hacer la cama | to make the bed |
estudiar | to study |
cortar el césped | to mow the lawn |
arreglar mi dormitorio | to straighten up my room |
dar de comer al perro | to feed the dog |
dar un paseo al perro | to walk the dog |
preparar la cena | to prepare dinner |
pasar la aspiradora | to vacuum |
sacar la basura | to take out the trash |
sacudir los muebles | to dust the furniture |
quitar el polvo | to dust the furniture |
barrer el piso | to sweep the floor |
¿Cuáles son tus quehaceres? | What are you chores? |
Yo tengo que | I have to |
los quehaceres | the chores |