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Unit 4.1: sports

Spanish 2 Unit 4 part 1 (competitions-sports)

animar to cheer
calentarse (ie) to warm up
comenzar (ie) to begin
competir (i) to compete
correr to run
disfrutar (de) to enjoy
divertirse (ie) to have fun
durar to last
empezar (ie) to begin
empatar to tie
entrenar to train
estirarse to stretch
ganar to win
gritar to yell
hacer ejercicios to exercise
jugar a (ue) to play (sports/games)
levantar pesas to lift weights
llorar to cry
lograr/realizar to achieve
luchar to fight/wrestle
marcar to score
mejorar to improve
participar en to participate in
perder (ie) to lose
ponerse + adjective to become (adjective)
practicar to practice/scrimmage
sentirse (ie) to feel
terminar to end/finish
tocar to play (music)
el/la aficionado/a fan
el/la atleta athlete
el/la campeón/a champion
el/la deportista athlete
el/la entrenador/a trainer/coach
el/la jugador/a player
el participante participant
el público audience/crowd
el campeonato championship
la carrera race
la competencia competition
el desafío challenge
el entrenamiento training
el partido game/match
la práctica practice
el tanteo score
el torneo tournament
hacer to make/do
el baloncesto basketball
el ciclismo cycling
el béisbol baseball
el boxeo boxing
el fútbol soccer
el fútbol americano football
la natación swimming
el patinaje skating
el deporte de animadoras cheerleading
la lucha libre wrestling
el Taekwaondo Taekwaondo
el tenis tennis
el voleibol volleyball
los videojuegos videogames
las artes marciales martial arts
el atletismo track & field
hay there is/there are
el campo field
la cancha court (tennis
la pista track
el estadio stadium
al aire libre outside
bajo techo indoors (under a roof)
el auditorio auditorium
la piscina pool
Created by: profeknox
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When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

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