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p. 2 La cocina
p. 2 En la cocina y los verbos
Spanish | English |
cocinar | to cook |
freír ((e-i) | to fry |
revolver (o-ue) | to stir/toss |
limpiar | to clean |
rallar | to grate/shred |
cortar | to cut |
poner al fuego | to turn up (the flame/heat) |
hervir (e-ie) | to boil |
engrasar | to baste/oil |
calentar (i-ie) | to heat up |
pelar | to peel |
apagar | to turn off |
encender (e-ie) | to turn on |
asar | to grill/roast |
agregar | to add |
añadir | to add |
picar | to mince/cut really small |
rebanar | to slice |
tapar | to wrap up/cover |
retirar del fuego | to turn down (the flame/heat) |
verter (e-ie) | to pour |
enfriar | to chill/freeze |
hornear | to bake |
batir | to whip/beat |
la gastronomía | cuisine/gastronomy (food common to a specific area/culture) |
la alimentación | diet (what a person typically eats in a day/week/month/year) |
la estufa | stove |
el horno | oven |
el horno de microondas | microwave |
la nevera | freezer |
el/la sartén | frying pan |
la cazuela | casserole |
la parrilla | grill |
el alimento | la comida |
los comestibles | groceries |
la receta | recipe |
el hornillo/la hornilla | griddle |
el refrigerador | fridge |
el congelador | freezer |
la olla | pot |
la tapa | lid/cover/top |
la rebanada | piece/slice of something |
el trocito | crumb |
el pedacito | nibble |