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Veterinary root words, prefixes, and suffixes

Angi/o Vessel
Apo- Away
Chondr/o Cartilage
Fibr/o Connective tissue
Meta- Beyond
Onc/o Tumor
Papill/o Nipple, disc like
Path/o Disease
Plasi/i, plas/o Formation
-plasia, -plasm Formation
Stas/i, stasis, stat/i Controlled, stopped
-cyte Cell
-cytic Pertaining to a cell
Bi/o Life
Carcin/o Cancerous, cancer
Chem/i, chem/o, chemic/o Drug, chemical
Cyt/o Cell
Hem/o Blood
Hist/o Tissue
Lip/o Fat
Lymphaden/o Lymph node
My/o Muscle
Neo New
-logy Study of
-oma Tumor
-static Controlled stopped
Aort/o Aorta
Arteri/o Artery
Atri/o Atrium
Brady- Slow
Cardi/o Heart
Coron/o Heart
Electr/o Electrical
Endo- Inside, within
Hyper- High, elevated
Hypo- Low, decreased
Inter- Between
Isch/o To hold back, back
Man/o Pressure
Peri- Around
Phleb/o Vein
Sphygm/o Pulse
Steth/o Chest
Tachy- Fast
Thorac/o Chest
Thromb/o Clot
Valv/o Valve
Vas/o Vein
Ven/i Vein
Ventricl/o Ventricle
-scopy Viewing with a scope
Acr/o Extremeties
Adren/o Adrenal Gland
Andr/o Male
Calc/o Calcium
Cortic/o Cortex (outer region)
Crin/o To secrete
Home/o Sameness
Hormon/o Hormones
Kal/i Potassium
Keton/o Ketone bodies
Lact/o Milk
Natr/o Sodium
Parathyroid/o Parathyroid glands
Phys/o Growth
Pineal/o Pineal gland
Pituitar/o Pituitary gland
Somat/o Body
Thym/o Thymus gland
Thyr/o Thyroid gland
Toxic/o Poison
Ur/o Urine, urinary tract
Eu- Good, normal, true
Oxy- Rapid, sharp, acid
Estr/o Female
Gonad/o Sex glands
Ovari/o Ovary
Hyster/o Uterus
Orch/o Testicle
Dips/o Thirst
Gluc/o Sugar
Glyc/o Sugar
Insulin/o Insulin
Pancrea/o Pancreas
Albumin/o Albumin
Azot/o Nitrogen
Bacteria/o Bacteria
Crystall/o Crystals
Cyst/o Urinary bladder
Erythr/o Red
Glomerul/o Glomerulus
Hemat/o Blood
Ile/o Ileum
Lith/o Stone
Nephr/o Kidney
Olig/o Too few
Protein/o Protein
Py/o Pus
Pyel/o Renal pelvis
Ureter/o Ureter
Urethr/o Urethra
Bucc/o Cheek
Cheil/o Lip
Decidu/o Shedding
Dent/o Tooth
Faci/o Face
Gingiv/o Gingiva
Gloss/o Tongue
Gnath/o Jaw
Labi/o Lips
Lingu/o Tongue
Mandib/o Lower jaw
Maxill/o Upper jaw
Odont/o Tooth
Or/o Mouth
Palat/o Palate
Phag/o Eat, swallow
Sial/o Saliva
Sialaden/o Salivary gland
Stomat/o Mouth
Tonsil/o Tonsils
Col/o Colon
Copr/o Feces
Duoden/o Duodenum
Enter/o Small intestines
Esopha/o Esophagus
Gastr/o Stomach
Glycogen/o Glycogen
Hepat/o Liver
Herni/o Hernia
Inguin/o Groin
Jejun/o Jejunum
Lapar/o Abdomen
Muc/o Mucus
Peritone/o Peritoneum
Pharyng/o Throat, pharynx
Procto/o Anus and rectum
Prote/o Protein
Pylor/o Pyloric sphincter
Rect/o Rectum
Rug/o Wrinkle or fold
Vill/i Tuft of hair, thread-like projection from membrane
-ectomy Removal
-lithiasis Abnormal stone production
-megaly Enlargement
-pexy Fix in place
-stomy Making a permanent hole
-tomy Making an opening
Adlip/o Fat
Albin/o White
Cornu/o Horn or structure that looks like a horn
Cutane/o Skin
Derm/o Skin
Dermat/o Skin
Erythema/o Redness
Follicul/o Hair
Hidr/o Sweat
Ichythy/o Dry, scaly
Kerat/o Hard
Melan/o Black
Myc/o Fungus
Onych/o Nail
Pil/o Hair
Seb/o Sebum
Sebac/o Sebum
Squam/o Scale
Sudor/o Sweat
Therm/o Heat
Trich/o Hair
Ungul/o Nail
Xer/o Dry
-derma Skin
-rrhea Flow or discharge
Axill/o Armpit
Globulin/ Protein
Immun/o Immune, protected
Lymph/o Lymph
Pyr/o, pyrex/o Fever
Seps/o, sept/o Infection
Splen/o Spleen
Staphyl/o Clusters
Strept/o Twisted chains
Tox/o Poison
Amph Around, both sides
Arthr/o Joint
Aricul/o Joint
Branchi/o Arm
Chondr/o Cartilage
Costal/o Rib
Crani/o Skull
Dactyl/o Digits, toes
De Removal
Ero/o Work
Lamin/o Tendon
Myel/o Bone marrow, spinal cord
Necr/o Death
Orth/o Bone
Oss/e Bone
Oste/o Bone
Pan All
Ped/o Child, foot
Rhabdomy/o Skeletal muscle
Rheumat/o Watery flow
Sarc/o Connective tissue
Spondyl/o Vertebrae
Ton/o Tension
-algia Pain
-blast immature
-desis Tie together, surgical fixture
-dynia Pain
-genesis Growing, forming
-ification Making
-malacia Softening
-physis Grow
-plasty Surgical repair
-sclerosis Hardening
-sthenia Strength
Arachn/o Spider like
Astr/o Star like
Cephl/o Head
Cerebe/o Cerebrum
Dendr/o Tree like
Em- Into
En- Into
Encephal/o Brain
Gli/o Glue
Hemi Half
Lept/o Thin, fine
Mening/o Membranes that enclose the spinal cord and brain
Neur/o Nerve
Tax/o Coordinated movement
-cele Hernia
-esthesia Nervous system
-kinesia Movement
Amni/o Amnion, amnion sac
Cervic/o Cervix, neck
Colp/o Vagina
Crypt/o Hidden
Epididym/o Epididymis
Episi/o Vulva
Galact/o Milk
Gen/o Producing
Genit/o Related to birth, reproductive organs
Gest/o Pregnancy
Gynec/o Woman
Hydr/o Water
Later/o Side
Mamm/o Mammary glands
Metr/o Uterus, womb, measure
O/o Egg
Obstetro/o Midwife, one who receives
Oopho/o Ovary
Ov/o Egg
Ocul/o Eye
Part/o Birth, labor
Pen/i Penis
Perine/o Perineum
Priap/o Penis
Prostat/o Prostate gland
Radi/o X-rays, radius, radioactivity
Semin/i Semen
Sperm/o Spermatoza, semen
Test/o Testis, testicles
Theri/o Beast
Uter/o Uterus, womb
Vagin/o Vagina
Viv/o Life
Vulv/o Vulva
Zo/o Animal life
Alveo/o Alveoli, air sacs
Bronch/o Bronchial tube
Capn/o Carbon dioxide
Cyan/o Blue
Diaphragmat/o Diaphragm
Epiglott/o Epiglottis
Glott/o Glottis
Laryng/o Larynx
Lob/o Lobe
Mediastin/o Mediastinum
Ox/o Oyxgen
Pector/o Chest
Phargm/o Wall
Phren/o Diaghragm
Pleur/o Pleura
Pneum/o Lung, air, gas
Pulmon/o Lung
Trache/o Trachea, windpipe
Tuss/i Cough
Anis/o Unequal
Aque/o Water
Blephar/o Eyelid
Canth/o Corner of the eye or eyelid
Conjunctiv/o Conjunctiva
Cor/o Pupil
Corne/o Cornea
Cyct/o Ciliary body of the eye, cycle
Dacry/o Tear
Dacryoaden/o Tear gland, tear duct
Dipl/o Double
Glauc/o Gray
Goni/o Seed, angle
Ir/i Iris
Lacrim/o Tear, duct. lacrimal duct
Lens/o Lens
Mi/o Smaller, less
Mydr/o Wide
Nyct/o Night
Opt/i Eye, vision
Ophthalm/o Eye
Palpebr/o Eyelid
Phac/o Lens of the eye
Phot/o Light
Pupill/o Pupil
Retin/o Retina
Scler/o Sclera
Tars/o Edge of the eyelid, tarsus
Uve/o Uvea
Vitre/o Glassy
Vitr/o Vitreous body
Acoust/o Hearing
Aud/i Ear, hearring
Aur/i Ear
Myring/o Tympanic membrane, eardrum
Ot/o Ear
Pinna/i External ear
Tympan/o Tympanic membrane, eardrum
Nas/o Nose
Olfact/o Smell
Rhin/o Nose
Anter/o Front
Caud/o Tail
Dextr/o Right
Dist/o Far away
Dors/o Back
Ecto Outside
Medi/o Middle
Palm/o Back of fore feet
Plant/o Back of rear feat
Poster/o Rear
Proxim/o Nearest
Rostr/o Nose
Sinstr/o Left
Trans/o Across
Ventr/o Ventral
Abdomin/o Abdomen
Leuk/o White
A- No, not, without
Ante- Forward, before
Anti- Against
Auto Self
Brachy- Short
Bi- Two
Co- Together
Dia- Through, complete
Dis- Absence, negative, apart
Dys- Abnormal, painful, difficult
Epi- Above, upon, on
Extra- Outside
In- In, into, not
Intra- Within
Mes- Middle
Micro- Small
Mono- Singular, one
Para- To bring forth
Per- Through
Poly- Many
Post- Behind, after
Pro- Before, forward
Pre- Front, before
Re- Back, again, backward
Retro- Behind, back, backward
Sub- Under, below
Supra- Above
Uni- One
-al Pertaining to
-ic Pertaining to
-centesis Surgical puncture to remove fluid or gas
-cytosis Increase in cell number
-drome To run
-emia Blood condition
-gram The record
-graphy Process of recording
-ia, -ism Condition
-ion Process
-ist Specialist
-itis Inflammation
-lysis Reduction, breakdown, separation, destruction
-metry Measurement
-one Hormone
-opsy View of
-osis Abnormal condition
-otic Abnormal, pertaining to
-pathy Disease condition
-pnea Breath, pertaining to
-plasm Formation
-raphy Suturing
-sis State of
-therapy Treatment
-trophy Development
-type Classification
Created by: JessieCrawford
Popular Veterinary sets




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