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Veterinary root words, prefixes, and suffixes
Term | Definition |
Angi/o | Vessel |
Apo- | Away |
Chondr/o | Cartilage |
Fibr/o | Connective tissue |
Meta- | Beyond |
Onc/o | Tumor |
Papill/o | Nipple, disc like |
Path/o | Disease |
Plasi/i, plas/o | Formation |
-plasia, -plasm | Formation |
Stas/i, stasis, stat/i | Controlled, stopped |
-cyte | Cell |
-cytic | Pertaining to a cell |
Bi/o | Life |
Carcin/o | Cancerous, cancer |
Chem/i, chem/o, chemic/o | Drug, chemical |
Cyt/o | Cell |
Hem/o | Blood |
Hist/o | Tissue |
Lip/o | Fat |
Lymphaden/o | Lymph node |
My/o | Muscle |
Neo | New |
-logy | Study of |
-oma | Tumor |
-static | Controlled stopped |
Aort/o | Aorta |
Arteri/o | Artery |
Atri/o | Atrium |
Brady- | Slow |
Cardi/o | Heart |
Coron/o | Heart |
Electr/o | Electrical |
Endo- | Inside, within |
Hyper- | High, elevated |
Hypo- | Low, decreased |
Inter- | Between |
Isch/o | To hold back, back |
Man/o | Pressure |
Peri- | Around |
Phleb/o | Vein |
Sphygm/o | Pulse |
Steth/o | Chest |
Tachy- | Fast |
Thorac/o | Chest |
Thromb/o | Clot |
Valv/o | Valve |
Vas/o | Vein |
Ven/i | Vein |
Ventricl/o | Ventricle |
-scopy | Viewing with a scope |
Acr/o | Extremeties |
Adren/o | Adrenal Gland |
Andr/o | Male |
Calc/o | Calcium |
Cortic/o | Cortex (outer region) |
Crin/o | To secrete |
Home/o | Sameness |
Hormon/o | Hormones |
Kal/i | Potassium |
Keton/o | Ketone bodies |
Lact/o | Milk |
Natr/o | Sodium |
Parathyroid/o | Parathyroid glands |
Phys/o | Growth |
Pineal/o | Pineal gland |
Pituitar/o | Pituitary gland |
Somat/o | Body |
Thym/o | Thymus gland |
Thyr/o | Thyroid gland |
Toxic/o | Poison |
Ur/o | Urine, urinary tract |
Eu- | Good, normal, true |
Oxy- | Rapid, sharp, acid |
Estr/o | Female |
Gonad/o | Sex glands |
Ovari/o | Ovary |
Hyster/o | Uterus |
Orch/o | Testicle |
Dips/o | Thirst |
Gluc/o | Sugar |
Glyc/o | Sugar |
Insulin/o | Insulin |
Pancrea/o | Pancreas |
Albumin/o | Albumin |
Azot/o | Nitrogen |
Bacteria/o | Bacteria |
Crystall/o | Crystals |
Cyst/o | Urinary bladder |
Erythr/o | Red |
Glomerul/o | Glomerulus |
Hemat/o | Blood |
Ile/o | Ileum |
Lith/o | Stone |
Nephr/o | Kidney |
Olig/o | Too few |
Protein/o | Protein |
Py/o | Pus |
Pyel/o | Renal pelvis |
Ureter/o | Ureter |
Urethr/o | Urethra |
Bucc/o | Cheek |
Cheil/o | Lip |
Decidu/o | Shedding |
Dent/o | Tooth |
Faci/o | Face |
Gingiv/o | Gingiva |
Gloss/o | Tongue |
Gnath/o | Jaw |
Labi/o | Lips |
Lingu/o | Tongue |
Mandib/o | Lower jaw |
Maxill/o | Upper jaw |
Odont/o | Tooth |
Or/o | Mouth |
Palat/o | Palate |
Phag/o | Eat, swallow |
Sial/o | Saliva |
Sialaden/o | Salivary gland |
Stomat/o | Mouth |
Tonsil/o | Tonsils |
Col/o | Colon |
Copr/o | Feces |
Duoden/o | Duodenum |
Enter/o | Small intestines |
Esopha/o | Esophagus |
Gastr/o | Stomach |
Glycogen/o | Glycogen |
Hepat/o | Liver |
Herni/o | Hernia |
Inguin/o | Groin |
Jejun/o | Jejunum |
Lapar/o | Abdomen |
Muc/o | Mucus |
Peritone/o | Peritoneum |
Pharyng/o | Throat, pharynx |
Procto/o | Anus and rectum |
Prote/o | Protein |
Pylor/o | Pyloric sphincter |
Rect/o | Rectum |
Rug/o | Wrinkle or fold |
Vill/i | Tuft of hair, thread-like projection from membrane |
-ectomy | Removal |
-lithiasis | Abnormal stone production |
-megaly | Enlargement |
-pexy | Fix in place |
-stomy | Making a permanent hole |
-tomy | Making an opening |
Adlip/o | Fat |
Albin/o | White |
Cornu/o | Horn or structure that looks like a horn |
Cutane/o | Skin |
Derm/o | Skin |
Dermat/o | Skin |
Erythema/o | Redness |
Follicul/o | Hair |
Hidr/o | Sweat |
Ichythy/o | Dry, scaly |
Kerat/o | Hard |
Melan/o | Black |
Myc/o | Fungus |
Onych/o | Nail |
Pil/o | Hair |
Seb/o | Sebum |
Sebac/o | Sebum |
Squam/o | Scale |
Sudor/o | Sweat |
Therm/o | Heat |
Trich/o | Hair |
Ungul/o | Nail |
Xer/o | Dry |
-derma | Skin |
-rrhea | Flow or discharge |
Axill/o | Armpit |
Globulin/ | Protein |
Immun/o | Immune, protected |
Lymph/o | Lymph |
Pyr/o, pyrex/o | Fever |
Seps/o, sept/o | Infection |
Splen/o | Spleen |
Staphyl/o | Clusters |
Strept/o | Twisted chains |
Tox/o | Poison |
Amph | Around, both sides |
Arthr/o | Joint |
Aricul/o | Joint |
Branchi/o | Arm |
Chondr/o | Cartilage |
Costal/o | Rib |
Crani/o | Skull |
Dactyl/o | Digits, toes |
De | Removal |
Ero/o | Work |
Lamin/o | Tendon |
Myel/o | Bone marrow, spinal cord |
Necr/o | Death |
Orth/o | Bone |
Oss/e | Bone |
Oste/o | Bone |
Pan | All |
Ped/o | Child, foot |
Rhabdomy/o | Skeletal muscle |
Rheumat/o | Watery flow |
Sarc/o | Connective tissue |
Spondyl/o | Vertebrae |
Ton/o | Tension |
-algia | Pain |
-blast | immature |
-desis | Tie together, surgical fixture |
-dynia | Pain |
-genesis | Growing, forming |
-ification | Making |
-malacia | Softening |
-physis | Grow |
-plasty | Surgical repair |
-sclerosis | Hardening |
-sthenia | Strength |
Arachn/o | Spider like |
Astr/o | Star like |
Cephl/o | Head |
Cerebe/o | Cerebrum |
Dendr/o | Tree like |
Em- | Into |
En- | Into |
Encephal/o | Brain |
Gli/o | Glue |
Hemi | Half |
Lept/o | Thin, fine |
Mening/o | Membranes that enclose the spinal cord and brain |
Neur/o | Nerve |
Tax/o | Coordinated movement |
-cele | Hernia |
-esthesia | Nervous system |
-kinesia | Movement |
Amni/o | Amnion, amnion sac |
Cervic/o | Cervix, neck |
Colp/o | Vagina |
Crypt/o | Hidden |
Epididym/o | Epididymis |
Episi/o | Vulva |
Galact/o | Milk |
Gen/o | Producing |
Genit/o | Related to birth, reproductive organs |
Gest/o | Pregnancy |
Gynec/o | Woman |
Hydr/o | Water |
Later/o | Side |
Mamm/o | Mammary glands |
Metr/o | Uterus, womb, measure |
O/o | Egg |
Obstetro/o | Midwife, one who receives |
Oopho/o | Ovary |
Ov/o | Egg |
Ocul/o | Eye |
Part/o | Birth, labor |
Pen/i | Penis |
Perine/o | Perineum |
Priap/o | Penis |
Prostat/o | Prostate gland |
Radi/o | X-rays, radius, radioactivity |
Semin/i | Semen |
Sperm/o | Spermatoza, semen |
Test/o | Testis, testicles |
Theri/o | Beast |
Uter/o | Uterus, womb |
Vagin/o | Vagina |
Viv/o | Life |
Vulv/o | Vulva |
Zo/o | Animal life |
Alveo/o | Alveoli, air sacs |
Bronch/o | Bronchial tube |
Capn/o | Carbon dioxide |
Cyan/o | Blue |
Diaphragmat/o | Diaphragm |
Epiglott/o | Epiglottis |
Glott/o | Glottis |
Laryng/o | Larynx |
Lob/o | Lobe |
Mediastin/o | Mediastinum |
Ox/o | Oyxgen |
Pector/o | Chest |
Phargm/o | Wall |
Phren/o | Diaghragm |
Pleur/o | Pleura |
Pneum/o | Lung, air, gas |
Pulmon/o | Lung |
Trache/o | Trachea, windpipe |
Tuss/i | Cough |
Anis/o | Unequal |
Aque/o | Water |
Blephar/o | Eyelid |
Canth/o | Corner of the eye or eyelid |
Conjunctiv/o | Conjunctiva |
Cor/o | Pupil |
Corne/o | Cornea |
Cyct/o | Ciliary body of the eye, cycle |
Dacry/o | Tear |
Dacryoaden/o | Tear gland, tear duct |
Dipl/o | Double |
Glauc/o | Gray |
Goni/o | Seed, angle |
Ir/i | Iris |
Lacrim/o | Tear, duct. lacrimal duct |
Lens/o | Lens |
Mi/o | Smaller, less |
Mydr/o | Wide |
Nyct/o | Night |
Opt/i | Eye, vision |
Ophthalm/o | Eye |
Palpebr/o | Eyelid |
Phac/o | Lens of the eye |
Phot/o | Light |
Pupill/o | Pupil |
Retin/o | Retina |
Scler/o | Sclera |
Tars/o | Edge of the eyelid, tarsus |
Uve/o | Uvea |
Vitre/o | Glassy |
Vitr/o | Vitreous body |
Acoust/o | Hearing |
Aud/i | Ear, hearring |
Aur/i | Ear |
Myring/o | Tympanic membrane, eardrum |
Ot/o | Ear |
Pinna/i | External ear |
Tympan/o | Tympanic membrane, eardrum |
Nas/o | Nose |
Olfact/o | Smell |
Rhin/o | Nose |
Anter/o | Front |
Caud/o | Tail |
Dextr/o | Right |
Dist/o | Far away |
Dors/o | Back |
Ecto | Outside |
Medi/o | Middle |
Palm/o | Back of fore feet |
Plant/o | Back of rear feat |
Poster/o | Rear |
Proxim/o | Nearest |
Rostr/o | Nose |
Sinstr/o | Left |
Trans/o | Across |
Ventr/o | Ventral |
Abdomin/o | Abdomen |
Leuk/o | White |
A- | No, not, without |
Ante- | Forward, before |
Anti- | Against |
Auto | Self |
Brachy- | Short |
Bi- | Two |
Co- | Together |
Dia- | Through, complete |
Dis- | Absence, negative, apart |
Dys- | Abnormal, painful, difficult |
Epi- | Above, upon, on |
Extra- | Outside |
In- | In, into, not |
Intra- | Within |
Mes- | Middle |
Micro- | Small |
Mono- | Singular, one |
Para- | To bring forth |
Per- | Through |
Poly- | Many |
Post- | Behind, after |
Pro- | Before, forward |
Pre- | Front, before |
Re- | Back, again, backward |
Retro- | Behind, back, backward |
Sub- | Under, below |
Supra- | Above |
Uni- | One |
-al | Pertaining to |
-ic | Pertaining to |
-centesis | Surgical puncture to remove fluid or gas |
-cytosis | Increase in cell number |
-drome | To run |
-emia | Blood condition |
-gram | The record |
-graphy | Process of recording |
-ia, -ism | Condition |
-ion | Process |
-ist | Specialist |
-itis | Inflammation |
-lysis | Reduction, breakdown, separation, destruction |
-metry | Measurement |
-one | Hormone |
-opsy | View of |
-osis | Abnormal condition |
-otic | Abnormal, pertaining to |
-pathy | Disease condition |
-pnea | Breath, pertaining to |
-plasm | Formation |
-raphy | Suturing |
-sis | State of |
-therapy | Treatment |
-trophy | Development |
-type | Classification |