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Environmental Health Test 3 - Municipal Solid Waste

What are the 2 biggest concerns with landfills? Methane Gas and Leachate
What is the largest component in Municipal Solid Waste? Paper
List 4 general categories (sources) of municipal solid waste. Municipal, Industrial, Agricultural, and Hazardous
What are leachates? Liquid that accumulates at the bottom of the landfill.
What problems are caused by leachates? Groundwater contamination which poses an environmental health threat
What are changes in composition of MSW? Technological advances, Lifestyle changes, and Regulatory changes
List the parts of a landfill. Once the hole is dug into the ground, you have the bottom liner, leachate collection system, and methane gas recovery system.
What are 3 household variations responsible for the quantities of MSW? Size of family, Income of family, Attitudes on Recycling, and Regional differences.
True or False: Larger families generate more waste. False. Larger families recycle, making them generate a smaller amount of waste. Smaller families generate MORE waste
True or False: Lower income families generate less waste than higher income families. True. Higher income families are more disposable because they can afford to be. Lower income families buy less items that generate waste; more canned goods.
How does seasonal variations affect the composition of MSW? More trash generate depending on the season
How does "attitudes" affect the generation of waste? Affect quantity of municipal solid waste. Change habits and lifestyles
What does the natural breakdown of garbage release? Methane gas
What are white goods? Old appliances
What is the garbage project? William L. Rathje dug into landfills to discover what people were throwing away. Discovered a lot of garbage myths, due to finding out biodegradation slows down.
What does the waste in landfills do? Mummifies
What does Oregon have? A bottle bill.
What is a bottle bill? A refundable deposit on beer and soft drink containers.
Describe waste to energy plants. Process of generating energy in the form of electricity/heat from waste/garbage
What is a materials recovery facility? MURF Centralized facility where all of the recyclables go to be further processed.
What is RCRA? Regulates hazardous waste, underground storage tanks
What is NIMBY? Not in my backyard. Opposition of locating a landfill in your city, town, neighborhood.
What is a tipping fee? Cost to bury a ton of MSW. $55.36 per ton in 2019
After completion of the landfill, what could the site be used for? Can be used for parks, golf courses, or other recreational facilities.
What is the number one strategy of waste management? Source reduction
What is source reduction? Reducing the amount of waste at the source
How much of our waste goes into a landfill? 55%
When do recyclables return to the shelf? After 90 days
What are the 3 benefits of recycling? 1. Resource Conservation 2. Energy Conservation 3. Pollution abatement
What is pollution abatement? Cutting down on pollution
What can cooking oil be recycled into? Biodiesel
List 3 benefits of composting 1. Increase the organic matter content 2. Improves the physical properties and supplies nutrients 3. Enhances the soil's ability to support plant growth 4. Conserve moisture, control weeds 5. Reduce erosion, improve appearance
***List 4 requirements for efficient decomposition during composting 1. Maintaining the activity of decomposer microbes 2. Any factor that slows or halts the growth of these microbes also slows the composting process
What is Vermicomposting? Practice of using worms to make compost. Feeding them your food waste
***List 5 items discarded as electronic waste. 1. Printers 2. Cartridges 3. Computer Peripherals 4. Radios 5. Light bulbs containing heavy metals
List 3 environmental health issues associated with E-waste 1. Open air burning and acid baths 2. Expose workers to harmful substances 3. Toxic materials leaching into the environment 4
What is cadium? Has no constructive purpose in the human body, extremely toxic even in low concentrations, bioaccumulates in organisms and ecosystems
List 3 threats posed by the careless disposal of hazardous waste. 1. Direct contact 2. Fire/Explosion 3. Poison via food chain
Generators of hazardous waste come under 3 major categories, what are they? Chemical and allied products, metal related industries, petroleum and coal
List 3 methods used in the disposal of hazardous waste? Deep well injection, secure landfill (double lined), and BIF (burned, incinerated, and furnace)
What are the consequences of environmental racism? A large amount of waste management facilities, such as landfills and deep wells, are located in poor or minority neighborhoods
What is the purpose of the superfund? CERCLA - Deals with abandoned sites on the NPL ~ clean up abandoned, uncontrolled hazardous waste sites
What is the National Priority List? A list of abandoned sites that qualify for federal cleanup, consider threatening to Public Health
What are Brownfields? Funding/grants and regulatory relief to clean up abandoned hazardous waste sites for businesses/potential buyers
What is Times Beach Missouri story? Town disincorporated, people evacuated after the discovery of associated chemical, dioxin: a highly lethal chemical
What is the Love Canal? Poster child for improper disposal of hazardous waste. Hooker chemical company dumped chemicals into abandoned canal made by Mr. Love. Canal was covered and the land was sold. Residents began noticing health problems, CDC finds area highly contaminated
What is the biggest threat for improper removal of hazardous waste? Groundwater contamination
Created by: cjbarlow123
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