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Unfamiliar Words 1

Unfamiliar GRE Word List 1

• mutable adjective * liable to change; likely to change [Barron]
• renege noun * person that deserts a cause, political party, religious group, etc [Barron]
• granary noun * building where grain is stored [Barron]
• incumbents noun * official duties [Nandigam]
• fleece noun * woolly hair of a sheep or similar animal [Barron]
• comity noun * friendly social atmosphere; social harmony [Barron]
• credulity noun * willingness to believe or trust too readily, esp. without proper or adequate evidence; gullibility [Webster]
• demean verb * ~ oneself: lower oneself in dignity; deprive oneself of others' respect [Barron]
• brassy adjective * being shamelessly bold [Taisha]
• provisory adjective * containing or subject to a proviso; conditional [Taisha]
• exponent noun * one that expounds or interprets [Taisha]
• acerbity adjective * sourness of taste, character, or tone. [Barron] * bitterness of speech and temper [Nandigam]
• automaton noun * robot [Barron] * mechanism that imitates actions of humans; machine that works by itself [Nandigam]
• equable adjective * free from extremes of heat or cold; moderate [Barron] * marked by lack of noticeable, unpleasant, or extreme variation or inequality [Taisha] * steady, regular [Nandigam]
• itinerant adjective * travelling from place to place [Barron] * wandering; traveling [Nandigam]
• craven adjective * cowardly; contemptibly timid; pusillanimous [Webster]
• proscenium noun * the part of the stage in front of the curtain [Barron]
• treatise noun * long written work dealing systematically with one subject [Barron]
• inane adjective * without meaning; silly or stupid [Barron] * lacking significance, meaning, or point; silly [Taisha] * silly, senseless [Nandigam]
• antediluvian adjective * of the time before Noah's Flood [Barron] * made, evolved, or developed a long time ago [Taisha] * antiquated; ancient [Nandigam]
• beatific adjective * showing or giving great joy and serenity; blissful [Barron] * giving or showing bliss; blissful [Nandigam]
• surcharge noun * additional load/charge [Nandigam]
• finical adjective * too fussy about food, clothing, etc. [Nandigam]
• deface verb * to mar the surface or appearance of; disfigure: to deface a wall by writing on it [Webster] * spoil the appearance or legibility of by marking or damaging the surface [Barron]
• intrepid adjective * steadfast and courageous [Princeton Review] * fearless; brave [Barron] * characterized by resolute fearlessness, fortitude, and endurance [Taisha] * fearless, brave, undaunted [Nandigam]
• stylus noun * an instrument for writing, marking, or incising [Taisha]
• squalor noun * squalid state [Barron]
• indistinct adjective * not easily heard, seen, clearly marked [Nandigam]
• diabolize transitive verb * 1. to make diabolical or devilish 2. to represent as diabolical [Webster]
• ventilate verb * cause air to enter and move freely through [Barron] * admit fresh air into to replace stale air [Nandigam]
• bifurcated adjective * divided into two branches; forked [Nandigam]
• libidinous adjective * having or showing strong sexual feelings; lustful [Barron]
• galvanize verb * to stimulate or excite as if by an electric shock [Barron]
• exterminate verb * to get rid of completely usually by killing off [Taisha]
chicanery noun * trickery or subterfuge [Princeton Review] * use of clever but misleading talk in order to trick sb, esp in legal matters; dishonest practice [Barron] * deception by artful subterfuge or sophistry; trickery [Taisha]
• polity noun * form or process of government [Barron]
• analogy noun * partial similarity between two things that are compared [Barron] * 1. resemblance in some particulars between things otherwise unlike; similarity 2. comparison based on such resemblance
• dissonance noun * discord [Barron] * lack of agreement; especially: inconsistency between the beliefs one holds or between one's actions and one's beliefs [Taisha]
• ostentation noun * pretentious or conspicuous show, as of wealth or importance; display intended to impress others [Webster] * display to obtain admiration or envy [Nandigam]
• imponderable adjective * of which the effect or importance cannot be measured or estimated [Barron]
• maraud noun * a sudden short attack; search for plunder [Barron]
• acme noun * highest stage of development; point of perfection [Barron] * the highest point or stage [Taisha] * peak; pinnacle; highest point [Nandigam]
• connoisseur noun * an informed and astute judge in matters of taste; expert [Princeton Review]
• desecrate verb * treat in an unworthy or evil way [Barron] * to violate the sanctity of; profane [Taisha]
• pervade verb * to permeate throughout [Princeton Review] * to become diffused throughout every part of suffuse [Taisha]
• distrait adjective * absent-minded; not paying attention [Barron]
• demerit noun * fault; defect [Barron]
• consternation noun * a sudden, alarming amazement or dread that results in utter confusion; dismay [Webster]
• dour adjective * stern; severe; gloomy-looking; joyless [Barron] * stern; harsh [Taisha] * sullen; stubborn [Nandigam]
• dullard noun * a stupid or unimaginative person [Taisha]
• elegiac adjective * like an elegy; mournful [Nandigam]
• recreant noun, adjective * (person who is) cowardly, unfaithful or treacherous [Barron]
• adulate verb * to flatter or admire excessively or slavishly [Taisha]
• outset noun * start [Nandigam]
• untenable adjective * indefensible; not viable; uninhabitable [Princeton Review] * that cannot be defended [Barron] * not able to be defended [Taisha]
• downcast adjective * looking downwards [Barron]
• thematic adjective * of or related to a theme [Barron]
• paradigm noun * set of all the different forms of a word [Barron] * example; pattern; especially: an outstandingly clear or typical example or archetype [Taisha] * a model, example, or pattern [Nandigam]
• pejorative adjective * expressing criticismor scorn; derogatory; disparaging [Barron] * having negative connotations; especially: tending to disparage or belittle; depreciatory [Taisha]
• nerve verb * to give strength or courage to; supply with physical or moral force [Taisha]
• nostrum noun * medicine falsely recommended as effective; quack remedy [Barron] * a quack remedy, an untested cure [Nandigam]
• odious adjective * evoking intense aversion or dislike [Princeton Review] * 1. deserving or causing hatred; hateful; detestable 2. highly offensive; repugnant; disgusting [Webster]
• underbid verb * make a lower bid then somebody else [Nandigam]
• vulpine adjective * of or like a fox [Barron]
• ensconce verb * ~ oneself/sb in sth: establish or settle oneself in a safe, secret, comfortable, etc place [Barron] * settle comfortably [Taisha]
• neutralize verb * to counteract the activity or effect of; make ineffective [Taisha]
• defection noun *1. desertion from allegiance, loyalty, duty, or the like; apostasy: His defection to East Germany was regarded as treasonable. 2. failure; lack; loss: He was overcome by a sudden defection of courage
• gasification noun * conversion into gas; especially: conversion of coal into natural gas [Taisha]
• brattish noun * an ill-mannered annoying child [Taisha]
• epithet noun * adjective or descriptive phrase that refers to the character or most important quality of sb/sth eg Alfred the Great, Attila the Hun [Barron] * adjective [Nandigam]
• discretionary adjective * left to discretion; exercised at one's own discretion [Taisha]
• rave verb * talk wildly or furiously as if in a fever or mad [Barron] * act with excessive enthusiasm [Nandigam] noun * an extravagantly favorable criticism [Taisha]
• incorporeal adjective * without a body or material form [Barron] * immaterial; without a material body [Nandigam]
• incantation noun * series of words used as a magic spell or charm [Barron] * singing or chanting of magic spells; magical formula [Taisha]
• snivel verb * (derog) cry and sniff in a miserable, usu self-pitying, way [Barron]
• ferocity noun * savage cruelty [Nandigam]
• substantiation noun * giving facts to support (statement) [Nandigam]
• incur verb * cause oneself to suffer (sth bad); bring upon oneself [Barron]
• verisimilitude noun * appearance or semblance ofbeing true or real [Barron] * appearing true or real [Nandigam]
• frowsy adjective * 1. dirty and untidy; slovenly 2. ill-smelling; musty [Webster] * having a slovenly or uncared-for appearance [Taisha] * slovenly; unkempt; dirty [Nandigam]
• disport verb * ~ oneself: amuse oneself energetically [Barron]
• politic adjective * (of actions) well judged; prudent [Barron] * characterized by shrewdness in managing, contriving, or dealing [Taisha]
• fulsome adjective * excessive and insincere [Barron] * disgusting, offensive due to excessiveness [Nandigam]
• alacrity noun * eager and enthusiastic willingness [Princeton Review] * prompt and eager readiness [Barron] * promptness in response; cheerful readiness [Taisha]
• caulk verb * make (esp a boat) watertight by filling the seams or joints with waterproof material [Barron]
• proliferate verb * to grow or increase swiftly and abundantly *1. to grow or produce by multiplication of parts, as in budding or cell division, or by procreation 2. to increase in number or spread rapidly and often excessively
• loll verb * rest, sit or stand lazily, often while leaning against sth [Barron] * to act or move in a lax, lazy, or indolent manner; lounge [Taisha] * rest, to sit or stand in a lazy way; hang (dog's tongue) [Nandigam]
• catechism noun * summary of the principles of a religion in the form of questions and answers [Barron] * a similar book of instruction in other subjects [Webster]
• detain verb * prevent from leaving or doing sth; delay [Barron] * to hold or keep in or as if in custody [Taisha]
• animadversion noun * criticism [Barron] * critical remark [Nandigam]
• arch- prefix * chief; most important [Barron]
• blandishment noun * (fml) flattering or coaxing words and actions [Barron] * something that tends to coax or cajole; allurement [Taisha]
• coagulate verb * change from a liquid to a thick and semi-solid state; clot [Barron]
• engender verb * be the cause of (a situation or condition) [Barron] * to cause to exist or to develop; produce [Taisha] * cause, produce, give rise to [Nandigam]
• centrifuge noun * rotating machine using centrifugal force to separate substances, eg milk and cream [Barron]
• lugubrious adjective * dismal; mournful [Barron] * mournful; especially: exaggeratedly or affectedly mournful [Taisha] * mournful, excessively sad [Nandigam]
• excruciate verb * to subject to intense mental distress [Taisha]
• pallid adjective * pale, esp because of illness [Barron] * having an abnormally pale or wan complexion [Taisha]
• warmonger noun * person who stirs up war [Nandigam]
• indigence noun * poverty [Barron]
• archipelago noun * (sea surrounding a) group of many islands [Barron] * an expanse of water with many scattered islands [Taisha] * group of closely located islands [Nandigam]
• contort verb * to twist, bend, or draw out of shape; distort [Webster]
• hive noun * (also beehive) box or other container for bees to live in [Barron] * a place swarming with activity [Taisha]
• rubric noun 1. a title, heading, direction, or the like, in a manuscript, book, statute, etc., written or printed in red or otherwise distinguished from the rest of the text 2. any established mode of conduct or procedure; protocol
• stentorian adjective * (of a voice) loud and powerful [Barron] * extremely loud [Taisha] * extremely loud and powerful [Nandigam]
• bugaboo noun * bugbear; object of baseless terror [Barron]
• proclivity noun * a natural predisposition or inclination [Princeton Review] * (fml) natural inclination to do sth (esp sth bad); tendency [Barron] * a natural propensity or inclination; predisposition [Taisha] * inclination
• unregenerate adjective * unrepentant; unreformed [Barron]
• dispassionate adjective * not influenced by emotion; impartial [Barron] * not influenced by strong feeling; especially: not affected by personal or emotional involvement [Taisha] * free from passion [Nandigam]
• madrigal noun * song for several voices, usu without instrumental accompaniment, on the themes of love and/or nature [Barron]
• purvey verb * to supply (as provisions) usually as a matter of business [Taisha] * provide, supply [Nandigam]
• fray noun * the fray fight, contest or argument; lively or challenging action [Barron]
• nuance noun * subtle difference in meaning, colour, feeling, etc [Barron] * a subtle distinction or variation [Taisha]
• acquiescent adjective * disposed to acquiesce or consent tacitly [Webster]
• quorum noun * minimum number of people who must be present at a meeting (of a committee, etc) before it can proceed and its decisions, etc can be considered valid [Barron]
• perfunctorily adverb * lacking in interest or enthusiasm [Taisha]
• predilection noun * a disposition in favor of something; preference * a tendency to think favorably of something in particular; partiality; preference: a predilection for Bach * ~ (for sth): special liking (for sth); preference
• unseemly adjective * (of behaviour,etc) not proper or seemly; unbecoming [Barron]
• conglomerate noun * anything composed of heterogeneous materials or elements [Webster] adjective * gathered into a rounded mass; consisting of parts so gathered; clustered [Webster]
• deviate verb * ~ from sth: stop following [Barron] * to turn aside, as from a route, way, course, etc [Webster]
• lackadaisical adjective * without interest, vigor, or determination; listless; lethargic: a lackadaisical attempt [Webster] * lacking vigour and determination; unenthusiastic [Barron]
• gossamer noun * fine silky substance of webs made by small spiders, floating in calm air or spread over grass, etc [Barron] * something light, delicate, or insubstantial [Taisha] * soft, light, delicate material [Nandigam]
• carat noun * 1. a unit of weight in gemstones, 200 milligrams 2. a unit for measuring the fineness of gold, pure gold being 24 carats fine [Webster]
• totem noun * natural object, esp an animal, considered by N American Indians as the emblem of a clan or family [Barron]
• miff noun * a trivial quarrel [Taisha]
• gouge noun * tool with a sharp semicircular edge for cutting grooves in wood [Barron] * tool for cutting grooves in wood [Smirnov]
• inverse adjective * reversed in position, direction or relation [Barron] noun * the opposite [Nandigam]
• pathos noun * quality, esp in speech, writing, acting, etc that causes a feeling of pity or sadness [Barron]
• impetuous adjective * hastily or rashly energetic; impulsive and vehement * acting or done quickly and with little thought or care; rash or impulsive * marked by impulsive vehemence or passion * having sudden energy, impulsive, thrusting ahead, forceful
• pellucid adjective * transparentor translucent; very clear [Barron] * easy to understand [Taisha] * transparent, easy to understand [Nandigam]
• indissoluble adjective * that cannot be dissolved or broken up; firm and lasting [Barron]
• armada noun * large fleet of ships [Barron] * fleet of warships [Nandigam]
• glacial adjective * of the Ice Age [Barron]
• combustion noun * process of burning [Smirnov]
• perspicuous adjective * clearly expressed or presented; lucid [Webster] * expressed clearly [Barron]
• implode verb * burst or collapse inwards [Barron] * to collapse inward as if from external pressure; also: to become greatly reduced as if from collapsing [Taisha]
• furor noun * a general commotion; public disorder or uproar [Barron]
• domicile oun * a person's place of residence, esp as officially established for purposes of taxation, etc [Barron] * a dwelling place; place of residence; home [Taisha]
• transcendental adjective * going beyond the limits of humanknowledge, experience or reason, esp in a mystical or religious way [Barron]
• quietude noun * stillness; calm [Barron]
• volition noun * act of using one's will in choosing, making a decision, etc [Barron]
• executive adjective * concerned with the management and carrying out of plans, decisions, etc [Barron]
• libelous adjective * defamatory; injurious to the good name of a person [Barron]
• suffuse verb * ~ sth: (esp of colour or moisture) spread all over sth [Barron] * to spread over or through in the manner of fluid or light; flush; fill [Taisha]
• defalcation noun * misappropriation of money or funds held by an official, trustee, or other fiduciary [Webster]
• incarnation noun * person that prominently displays a particular quality
• abjure verb * promise or swear to give up (a claim, an opinion, a belief, etc); renounce formally [Barron] * to renounce upon oath [Taisha] * promise or swear to give up [Nandigam]
• apex noun * top or highest point [Barron] * the highest or culminating point [Taisha] * tip; summit; climax; highest point [Nandigam]
• brass noun * yellow metal (mixing copper and zinc) [Smirnov]
• alloy noun * metal formed of a mixture of metals or of metal and another substance [Barron] verb * to debase by mixing with something inferior [Smirnov]
Created by: tigerseye402
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