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Unit 6 Voc. quiz

reconstruction Time period after the civil war in which southern states rejoin the U.S.
amnesty A pardon from political crimes
assassination The murder of someone for political reasons
elective franchise The right to vote in an election
oath of allegiance A promise to support and be loyal to a country
pardon An expression of the president's forgiveness
amendment A low passed by congress added to the constitution
freedmen An emancipated slave
enfranchise Give the right to vote to
radical One with extreme political views
radical republican Republicans with extreme political views
suffrage Process of gaining the right to vote in political elections
disenfranchise Process of losing the right to vote in political elections
veto When congress passes an bill but the president refused to sign into law, congress can override the veto with a majority vote
impeached Charged with misconduct-leads to an impeachment trial
bureau An office or department responsible for certain jobs
civil rights The rights of citizens to political and social freedom and equality
involuntary servitude A person laboring against that person's with benefit another, under some form of scheme
refugee A person who has been forced to leave their country in order to escape war, persecutions, or natural disaster
convict lease system Southern government leased prisoners to private industries receiving no par and brutal working conditions
white supremacy Belief that white people are the superior race and should dominate society
sharecropping When a landowner allows a tenant to use his land in exchange for a share of the crops
massacre A brutal slaughter of people
paramilitary An unofficial armed force
carpetbagger A person from the Northern states who went to the South after the Civil War to profit from the Reconstruction
scalawag A white Southerner who collaborated with Northern Republicans during Reconstruction, after for personal profit
literacy laws A test on U.S. government and history one had to pass in order to cast a vote
poll tax A fee paid in order to cast a vote
racism The belief that different races possess characteristics, abilities, or qualities, inferior or superior to another
segregation The separation of races in public areas
vagrancy laws Forced employment for up to 3 months at a time for anyone appearing to be unemployed or homeless
Created by: gavinmoser1
Popular American Government sets




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