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Spanish 3 Viva El To

Alrededor Around.
Parecer To seem.
Quedarse To stay.
La Mejilla Cheek.
Gracioso Funny.
El Lugar The place.
El Edificio The building.
Reír To laugh.
Propio Own.
La Tierra The land.
Buscar To look for.
Los Alumnos Students.
La Hermosura Beauty.
Las Maletas Suitcases.
Estrechas Narrow.
Redondo Round.
Los Arboles Trees.
La Cobija Blanket.
La Gente The people.
La Apariencia The appearance.
Acercarse To approach.
Bello Beautiful.
Todavía Still.
Las Estatuas Statues.
Dorado Gold.
Pesada Heavy.
Las Razas Races.
El Cartero Mailman.
Sonreìr To smile.
Parecidas Similar/alike.
Extrañar To miss.
Las Fuentes Fountains.
Casi Almost.
La Pared A wall.
Flamenco A dance.
Hemingway An author from Spain.
Picasso Created the Guernica, which protested war.
Cercantes Wrote Don Quijote.
Torre de Oro First military watch point. -Was a jail, then turned into a museum.
Cathedral de Sevilla Second largest in all of Europe. Christopher Columbus may be buried here.
Enrique Iglesias Wrote bailando. Famous singer.
La Maestranza Bull fighting arena.
Give two facts about Sevilla. -South of Spain. -"Frying Pan" of Spain. -Has second largest cathedral.
Comenzar To start.
Los Sacerdotes Priests.
Placer A pleasure.
Esperar To wait or to hope.
Las Escuelas Particulares Private schools.
Soprendida Surprised.
Responder To respond.
Agarrar To grab.
La Capilla Chapel.
El Muchacho Teenage boy.
Charlar To chat.
Las Aceitunas Olives.
Las Monjas Nuns.
Acabar To finish.
La Sonrisa Smile.
Mientras While.
La Alhambra Land of Hemingway, Red Fortress, last Moorish.
What type of trees did the Marcos have? Limones y naranjas.
Who is Fransisco Franco? Dictator of Spain for a long time.
What are tapas? Has pieces of fish, cheese, meat, olives, and vegetables.
What are the differences between school in Spain and in California? -More time for lunch in Spain. -Longer school day in Spain.
Who's Julio? He's a boy Christina thinks is handsome.
Ocurrir To occur.
Pues Well/ummm.
Caro Expensive.
Matar To kill.
Aun Even.
Volver To return.
Contar To tell/to count.
La Manera The way.
Torero Bull fighter.
Tener Razon To be right.
Encontrar To find.
Los Boletos Tickets.
El Mundo World.
Valiente Brave.
Por Supuesto Of course.
Adivinar To guess.
La Sombra The shade.
Entender To understand.
Seguir To continue.
Claro Clearly.
Los Asientos Seats.
Perseguir To chase.
Plata Silver.
Pegar To hit.
Tener Ganas To have desires.
Demostrar To demonstrate.
El Cesped Grass.
Hacer Dano To hurt.
Dorado Gold.
Sin Without.
Detestar To hate.
El Coraje Courage.
El Disfile Parade.
Los Cuernos Horns.
Los Palos Sticks.
De Repente Suddenly.
Darse Vuelta To turn around.
La Espada Sword.
El Alcalde Mayor.
En Seguida Immediately.
Peligrosso Dangerous.
Quedarse To stay.
Adorar To adore.
How many types of bull fighters are there? What are the types? 3. 1.) Banderillas. 2.) Matadores. 3.) Picadores.
How many parts of the bull fight are there? Three. Tercios, Tercio de Muerte (Kill the bull), and Tercio de Banderillos.
What starts the bull fight? Sound of the trumpet.
Why is Christina upset with Pedro? He hit her while jumping up and down.
Seguir To follow.
Perder To lose.
Evitar To avoid.
Odiar To hate.
Extranar To miss.
Todavia Still.
Detener To stop.
Alegrarse To be happy.
Tener Verguenza To have shame.
Premio Award/prize.
Por Lo Menos At least.
Pata Hoof/paw.
Cascada Waterfall.
Caber To fit.
What did Juan Cortes win from the bull fight? Oreja (ear), cola (tail), and pata (hoof).
Who's the only person on Christina's side after the fight? Pedro.
Olvidarse To forget.
Aconstumbrada To be accustomed to.
Bromeo Joke.
Correo Post office.
La Cosa The thing.
Alejarse To go away from.
Amistosa Friendly.
La Voz Voice.
Vale Ok.
Tener Nostalgia To be home sick.
Acercarse To approach.
What does Christina want to do so she's not homesick? Do fun things, see Spain, visit the antique churches in Sevilla, go to the Plaza del Cabildo to buy the olives, try the candies from the nuns, and see Spanish movies with her new friends.
What day do Julio and Christina plan to go to the soccer game? Sunday.
El Ruido The sound.
Dejar To leave/allow.
La Taquilla Ticket Office.
Saludar To greet.
Hacer Cola To wait in line.
Subirse To climb.
What do Julio and Christina take to the soccer game? Un vespino.
Why can't they go to the soccer game? The people at the ticket box lost the tickets.
Julio's family members were.... Bull fighters.
Sonar To sound.
Los Disfraces Costumes.
La Gente The people.
Honrar To honor.
Nacer To be born.
What's an indulto? A pardon for the bull. Where the bull fighter doesn't want to fight/kill the bull.
Spain thinks that bull fights are ____________. An art.
Who is Luis Romero? A bull fighter who almost died two years ago and gave the bull an indulto.
How many bull fighters are in a fight? 1 matador + 3 banderillos + 2 picadores = 6.
A bull needs to be how old before they can fight? 4 years old.
Every bull fight has ___ matadores and _____ different bulls. -3. -6.
Normally, the fights are in the _____ of spain. Sur.
Bull fighting season goes on between which months? March to October.
The flamenco is from who? Los Gitanos.
How many parts of the flamenco are there? What are these parts? 3. 1.) The song. 2.) The dance. 3.) The guitar.
Give two facts about tapas. -Come from the Romans, Moors, and Vikings as well. -Made salty so people drink more. -Comes from "topear", so tapas went on top of the drink.
Guadi was building a... Monument, but died in the process.
Barcelona is known for what? Gypsy dancing.
Bull chasing happens in which city? Pamplona.
What is Spain's capital? Madrid.
What is La Reina Sofia? A modern art museum.
What city has the oldest university? Salmanca.
What is the pilgrimage of Santiago de Compostela? Was an important trade route. -250 km. -Religious journey ending in Spain (possibly Paul walked on?).
Why do people white wash their house? Reflects the sun and prevents disease.
What is the Semana Santa? The Holy Week.
What happens during the Semana Santa? Throw rose petals, yell "guapa", carry the Mary statues.
What is produced in the Southern part of Spain? Aceintunas, or olive.
Gypsies migrated out of __________ into Spain. India.
What are the two main groups of Gypsies? Give some differences. 1.) Gitanos: In Southern part of Spain. Street venders+entertainers. 2.) Hungaros: Central Europe. More poor than gitanos. Known for begging and stealing.
Give six facts about the Spanish Civil War. -The Nationalists and the Loyalists were the two sides. -Franco won and then held a 40 year rein. Juan Carlos was then the successor. -"Taken on a walk". Divided families. -People from America helped. -Loyalists were divided by internal conflicts.
Christina studied for which subject? History.
What type of religion was the Marco family? Catolica.
What do the audience wave for the bull fighters? Panuelos, or handkerchiefs.
Who doesn't want to eat the bull tail? Christina.
Why was it dangerous for Carol to send letters to her father? Franco would kill them.
Why did Carol and her mother go to Spain? To say goodbye to the grandma.
Who is Maruja? The mother's former teacher and Tomiche's tutor.
What was the relationship between Carol's uncle and her mother? They were engaged.
Pelear To fight.
Placio Alhambra Granda-Las Moorish
Segrada Familia is a church in _________. Barcelona.
What is a typical meat in Spain? Ham.
How was Carol's mom different? She wore pants and smoked.
How was Carol different? -She had short hair. -Dressed like a boy. -Wasn't Catholic. -Spoke her mind.
Who attended school with nuns and priests? Laurita and Pedro.
Created by: OliviaRoark
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