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El Armario
Spanish | English |
la lucha libre | wrestling |
casi | almost |
ultimamente | recently |
las cosas | things |
se dieron cuenta de que | they realised that |
aunque | although |
escóndete | Hide yourself |
un muerto en el armario | a skeleton in the closet (a secret) |
una chismosa | a gossipy girl |
golpear | to hit |
darte la mano | shake your hand |
la mentira | the lie |
me está poniendo los cuernos | cheating on me |
aquí hay un gato encerrado | there's something fishy going on here |
las apariencias engañan | appearances can be deceiving |
¿Te acuerdas? | Do you agree? |
se agachó | he/she bent down |
leal | loyal |
paella | traditional Spanish rice dish |
un ruido | noise |
en cámera lenta | in slow motion |
antes de que pudiera impedirlo | before I could stop it |
estornudar | to sneeze |
el moño | hair tie |
un hueco | hole |
el sótano | basement |
máquinas extrañas | strange machines |
moribundo | dying |
los párpados | eye lids |
gateando | crawling |
entre la espada y la pared | between the sword and the wall (to be in bad situation) |
tiró | he/she threw |
cerrada con seguro | locked |
huele | it smells |
humo | smoke |
hubiera visto | he/she would have seen |
se traicionan | they betrayed one another |
ceniza negra | black soot |
parilla | grill |
alterada | altered |
hay que callar | you have to shut up |
agradecido | thankful |
giró | he/she turned |