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French Friendship

To meet each other se rencontrer
To get to know her/him for the first time faire sa connaissance
To know someone connaître/connu
To go out Sortir/ être +sorti
To play sports (balls) or board games jouer au/ à la/ aux
To play sports (other than balls) faire du/de la/des/de l’
To play music jouer de la/du/de l’/des
To talk/to discuss/ to chat parler/ bavarder/discuter/chatter
To see (se)voir = see (each other)
To visit (someone) rendre visite à
To sleep at someone’s house dormir/se coucher chez.
To party faire la fête/ organiser une boum.
To stay at someone’s house rester chez
to console (each other) (se)consoler
To call (each other) s’appeler/ (se)téléphoner
To comfort (each other) (se)réconforter
To give advice donner des conseils
To laugh rire/ rigoler
makes me laugh me fait rire
to smile at sourir à
To help( each other) aider/s’entraider
To listen to (each other) s’écouter
To take someone out to a place /accompany emmener
To count on someone/rely on compter sur
To believe (in)someone croire (en)
To confide in someone se confier à
To trust avoir confiance en / faire confiance à
To get along s’entendre/sympathiser
To argue/to fight se disputer/ se chamailler.
To lie to someone mentir à
To get upset with se fâcher contre
to get angry être en colère/ galérer/s'énerver
To feel (towards) se sentir (envers)
To get together at a place se retrouver
to gather around se réunir
To like each other S’aimer .
To tell (to each other) se raconter.
to say (to each other) se dire.
To lend /borrow prêter/emprunter
To share partager
To make fun of se moquer de
To tease (each other) (se)taquiner
To admire admirer
To appreciate apprécier
To fall in love tomber amoureux/ amoureuse de
To break up rompre/une relation rompue
To leave each other/separate se quitter/se séparer
to be jealous of être jaloux/jalouse de
to be complice être complice(s)
Created by: 26forwood
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