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4/AP Belleza 1

charisma el carisma
nose la nariz
looks parecerse
looks la apariencia
hair el cabella, el pelo
physique el físico
eyelashes las pestañas
muscles los músculos
forearm el antebrazo
hobbies la aficiones, los interéses
height la talla, la estatura
pottery la cerámica
aesthetic La estetica
confidence la confianza
jawline la mandíbula
expectation la expectativa
glasses los lentes
feature la caracteristica, el rasgo
passionate apasionado(a)
optimistic optimista
clear Skin la piel clara
insecure inseguro(a)
style el estilo
inside (preposition) adentro
sense of humor el sentido de humor
loyalty la lealtad
insecurities las inseguridades
trustworthy confiable
vibe la onda
symmetrical simétrico(a)
acne el acné
hairstyle el peinado
imperfections las imperfecciones
tanner skin la piel bronceada
freckles las pecas
standards los estándares
personality la personalidad
manners los modales
flow Fluir
eyebrows las cejas
outside (preposition) afuera
fit adaptar
muscular musculoso(a)
tan moreno(a), bronceado(a)
outside (noun) el exterior
inside (nount) el interior
loyal leal
Created by: ProfeJ
Popular Spanish sets




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When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

To see how well you know the information, try the Quiz or Test activity.

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