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Stem changing e>ie verb

acertar (to guess, etc.) first person singular
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Stem changing e>ie verb

atender (to attend to) second person (tú) singular
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Verbs - e>ie

Present tense stem-changing Spanish verbs: e to ie

Stem changing e>ie verbAnswerExample SentenceTranslationComment
acertar (to guess, etc.) first person singular acierto Acierto en la lotería. I won the lottery. I win the lottery.
atender (to attend to) second person (tú) singular atiendes La recepcionista atiende a los clients. The receptionist attends to the customers.
atravesar (to go through/cross) third person singular atraviesa El río atraviesa la ciudad. The river runs through the city.
calendar (to warm/heat third person plural calientan Los rayos del sol calientan la tierra. The sun's rays warm the earth.
cerrar (to close) first person singular cierro Cierro la puerta antes de salir. I close the door before leaving.
comenzar (to begin) second person (tú) singular comienzas Comienzas un nuevo capítulo en tu vida. You are starting a new chapter in your life.
confesar (to confess) third person singular confiesa El acusado confiesa su crimen. The accused confesses to his crime.
helar (to freeze): third person plural hielan Las temperaturas bajan y las casas se hielan. Temperatures drop and the homes freeze.
defender (to defend): first person singular defiendo Defiendo mis derechos y los de los demás. I defend my rights and the rights of others.
descender (to descend): second person (tú) singular deciendes Deciendes la escalera con cuidado. You descend the stairs carefully.
despertarse (to wake up): third person singular se despierta El despertador suena y el niño se despierta. The alarm clock goes off and the child wakes up.
divertirse (to have fun): third person plural se divierten Los amigos se divierten en la fiesta. The friends are having fun at the party.
empezar (to begin): first person singular empiezo Empiezo a trabajar a las 8 de la mañana. I start work at 8 in the morning.
encender (to light/ignite): second person (tú) singular enciendes Enciendes la luz para leer un libro. You turn on the light to read a book.
encerrar (to enclose): third person singular encierra El ladrón encierra a la víctima en una habitación. The thief locks the victim in a room.
entender (to understand): third person singular entiende El profesor explica la lección y el alumno la entiende. The teacher explains the lesson and the student understands it.
fregar (to scrub/wash): second person (tú) singular friegas Friegas los platos después de la cena. You wash the dishes after dinner.
gobernar (to govern): third person singular gobierna El presidente gobierna el país con justicia. The president governs the country with justice.
mentir (to tell a lie): third person plural mienten No les creas, ellos mienten mucho. Don't believe them, they lie a lot.
negar (to deny): first person singular niego Niego las acusaciones en mi contra. I deny the accusations against me.
nevar (to snow): third person singular nieva Nieva en las montañas durante el invierno. It snows in the mountains during the winter. This is a so-called "defecitve" verb.
pensar (to think): second person (tú) singular piensas ¿En qué piensas tú? What are you thinking about?
perder (to lose): third person singular pierde El equipo pierde el partido por un gol. The team loses the game by one goal.
preferer (to prefer): third person plural prefieren Prefieren irse al cine que quedarse en casa. They prefer to go to the movies than stay home.
querer (to wan): second person (tú) singular quieres ¿Qué quieres beber? What do you like to drink?
remendar (to mend/patch): second person (tú) singular remiendas Remiendas la ropa. You mend the clothing.
sentar(se) (to sit down): third person singular se sienta Ella se sienta en la silla. She sits on the chair.
sentir (to feel): third person plural sienten Sienten trieste por que su equipo nunca gana. They feel sad because their team never wins.
sugerir (to suggest): first person singular sugiero “Sugiero que te vayas a dormir ya; es tarde. I suggest you leave and sleep now; it is late.
tener (to have): second person (tú) singular tienes Tienes much dinero. You have a lot of money. First pereson singular is "tango"
tropezar (to stumble): third person singular tropieza Tropieza en la escalera. He trips on the stairs.
venir (to come): second person (tú) singular vienes Vienas a un buen tiempo. You come at a good time.
Created by: Cjsmuz
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