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Verbs- o>ue
Present tense stem-changing Spanish Verbs o to ue
Question | Answer | Sample Sentence | Translation | Comment |
absolver (to absolve): third person singular | absuelve | El juez absuelve al acusado. | The judge acquits the defendant. | |
acordarse (de): (to remember): second person (tú) | te acuerdas¿Te acuerdas de mi nombre? | ¿Te acuerdas de mi nombre | Do you remember my name? | |
almorzar (to have lunch): third person singular | almuerza | Mi padre almuerza ahora. | My father has lunch now. | |
aprobar (to approve/pass an exam): third person plural | aprueban | Los estudiantes aprueban el examen. | The students pass the exam. | |
cocer (to boil/bake): first person | cuezo | Cuezo arroz para la cena. | I'm cooking rice for dinner. | Spelling change c to z in first person. |
colgar (to hang (up): second person (tú) | cuelgas | Cuelgas la ropa para que se seque. | You hang up the clothes to dry. | |
conmover (to move): third person singular | conmueve | Su historia me conmueve. | Her story moves me. | |
contar (to count/to relate): third person plural | cuentan | Me cuentan una historia interesante. | They tell me an interesting story. | |
costar (to cost): third person singular | cuesta | Cuesta mucho dinero comprar una casa. | It costs a lot of money to buy a house. | |
demoler (to demolish): third person plural | demuelen | Demuelen el edificio antiguo para construir uno nuevo. | They demolish the old building to build a new one. | |
demostrar (to demonstrate/prove): third person singular | demuestra | Demuestra su inteligencia con sus buenas notas. | He demonstrates his intelligence with his good grades. | |
devolver (to return): third person plural | devuelven | Me devuelven el dinero que pagué. | They return the money I paid. | |
disolver (to dissolve): third person | disuelve | El azúcar se disuelve en el agua. | The sugar dissolves in the water. | |
doler (to hurt/to mourn): first person | duelo | Duelo la muerte de mi abuela. | I mourn the death of my grandmother. | Also reflexive "me duele" to indicate a bodily pain. |
dormir (to sleep): second person (tú) | duermes | ¿Duermes bien por la noche? | Do you sleep well at night? | |
encontrar (to find): third person plural | encuentran | Encuentran el tesoro perdido. | They find the lost treasure. | |
envolver (to wrap): first person | envuelvo | Envuelvo el regalo en papel de regalo. | I wrap the gift in wrapping paper. | |
llover (to rain): third person | llueve | Llueve afuera. | It is raining outside. | This is a so-called "defective" verb. |
morder (to bite): second person (tú) | muerdes | Te muerdes las uñas. | You bite your fingernails. | |
moler (to grind): third person singular | muele | Muele el café para hacer una taza de café. | He grinds the coffee to make a cup of coffee. | |
morir (to die): third person plural | mueren | Muchos animales mueren en los incendios forestales. | Many animals die in the wildfires. | |
mostrar (to show): first person | muestro | Muestro mi pasaporte al agente de aduanas. | I show my passport to the customs officer. | |
mover (to move): second person (tú) | mueves | Mueves la mesa para que tenga más espacio. | You move the table to make more room. | |
poder (to be able to): third person singular | puede | Puede hablar varios idiomas. | He can speak several languages. | |
probar (to taste, to prove): third person plural | prueban | Prueban la comida para asegurarse de que esté buena. | They taste the food to make sure it's good. | |
promover (to promote): first person | promuevo | Promuevo la paz y la justicia. | I promote peace and justice. | |
recordar (to remember): second person (tú) | recuerdas | Recuerdas el día que me conocí. | You remember the day you met me. | |
remover (to remove): third person singular | remueve | Remueve la olla del fuego cuando esté lista. | He removes the pot from the heat when it's ready. | |
resolver (to resolve): third person plural | resuelven | Resuelven el misterio del asesinato. | They solve the murder mystery. | |
retorcer (to twist): third person plural | retuerce | Retuerce la tapa de la botella para abrirla. | He twists the cap of the bottle to open it. | |
revolver (to mix/shake): first person | revuelvo | Revuelvo los huevos en una sartén. | I mix (scramble) the eggs in a pan. | |
rogar (to beg): second person (tú) | ruegas | Tu ruegas que te perdone. | You beg me to forgive you. | |
soler (to be accustomed to): third person singular | suele | Suele llover en primavera. | It usually rains in the spring. | |
sonar (to sound): third person plural | suenan | Las campanas suenan a mediodía. | The bells ring at noon. | |
torcer (to twist): second person (tú) | tuerces | Tuerces la llave para abrir la puerta. | You turn the key to open the door. | |
tronar (to thunder): third person plural | truenan | Truena y relampaguea. | It's thundering and lightning. | |
volar (to fly): third person plural | vuelan | Los pájaros vuelan en el cielo. | The birds fly in the sky. |