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AICP Housing


Housing Act of 1934 Created the Public Works Administration (PWA) and Federal Housing Administration (FHA)
Housing Act of 1949 Established the goal: “A decent home for every family in a suitable environment.”
Housing Act of 1954 Established comprehensive planning grants (Section 701) for communities.
Provided Federal insurance and mortgage lending by private institutions to property owners for construction of new homes. The Housing Act of 1934
This Housing Act laid the foundation for most of the Federal housing programs for the next 40 years and established the established U.S. Housing Authority. The Housing Act of 1937
Housing Act of 1949 Established planning and implementing a code enforcement program and Section 502, Section 504, Title V, and Rural Housing Loans
Emphasized a three-part approach: slum clearance, rehabilitation, conservation? Housing Act of 1954
Housing Act of 1937 Provided $500 million in home loans local housing authorities for the development of low cost housing. This Act tied slum clearance to public housing.
Made racial discrimination in the sale or rental of housing illegal. The Civil Rights Act of 1968
Housing & Community Development Act of 1974 Set up Community Development Block Grants (CDBG) to replace the categorical grants in-aid program.
CDBG entitlement grants were established by what act Housing & Community Development Act of 1974
CDBG Established to eliminate slums and blight, conserve and expand the nation’s housing stock, and improve the quality of life
Section 701 of the 1954 Housing Act Established comprehensive planning grants to for cities under 25,000.
Housing & Urban Development Act of 1965 Most comprehensive extension of fed. housing/ urban devel. since 1947 Fed. rent supplements: difference between 25% of family income & rent 3% loans for low/mod-income families Subsidies for 240,000 additional low-rent public housing units
Model Cities Program Established that local citizen participation was positive/valuable
What opened the lands of the Public Domain to settlers for a nominal fee and five years residence? The Homestead Act of 1862
Homer Hoyt's influential "sector theory" of urban structure The Structure and Growth of Residential Neighborhoods in American Cities (1939)
Jacob Riis's powerful stimulus to housing and neighborhood reform. How the Other Half Lives (1890)
Southern Burlington County N.A.A.C.P. v. Mount Laurel Township (1983) The New Jersey Supreme Court rules that all 567 municipalities in the state must build their "fair share" of affordable housing.
Section 8 Housing Eligible families lease a unit in the private sector and pay a portion of the rent and the local housing authority pays the the remaining rent.
HOPE VI Program (1992) Provides funds for the redevelopment of severely distressed public housing, including physical improvements, management improvements, and social/community services and allows for the demolition/dispersed reconstruction of public housing.
What was developed as a result of recommendations by National Commission on Severely Distressed Public Housing? HOPE VI
HOME Program Provides formula grants to States and localities to fund a range of activities that build, buy, and/or rehabilitate affordable housing for rent or homeownership or provide direct rental assistance to low-income people. Often use non-profit partners.
Community Development Block Grant(CDBG) Created in 1974 to provide communities with resources to address a wide range of unique community development needs; it is one of the oldest of all federal block grant programs & is administered by HUD's Office of Community Planning and Development (CPD)
Government Sponsored Enterprises (GSE) A group of financial services corporations created by the US Congress. Function is to reduce interest rates for specific borrowing sectors of the economy, farmers, and homeowners. Publicly traded. Ex: Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac
Fannie Mae: Federal National Mortgage Association (FNMA) Established 1938, this is a Federally-chartered corporation that purchases residential mortgages, securitizes them, and sells them to investors; this provides lenders with funds for new homebuyers.
The New Markets Tax Credit (NMTC) Program Encourages redevelopment in low income neighborhoods by providing a Federal income tax credit.
NY's Tenement House Act of 1867 The country's first comprehensive housing reform law.
Freddie Mac: Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (FHLM) Estab. 1970 - Federally-chartered corporation that purchases residential mortgages, securitizes them, and sells them to investors; provides lenders with funds for new homebuyers.
Ginnie Mae: Government National Mortgage Association (GNMA) Gov. owned corporation overseen by HUD, pools FHA-insured and VA-guaranteed loans to securities for private investment; guarantee backed by "full faith and credit" of US Gov't
New Markets Tax Credits Encourges private-sector capital investment into the nation's urban and rural low-income areas to help finance community development projects, stimulate economic growth and create jobs.
Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) Created by the Tax Reform Act of 1986.
Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) An alternate method of funding housing for low- and moderate-income households.
The first model tenement was built in New York City in what year? 1855
The first "dumbbell" tenement was built in what year? 1879
What is a dumbbell tenement? This form of housing was built throughout New York City but often had poor lighting, lack of air, and little space.
Requirements of the Tenement House Law of 1867 New tenement buildings to provide a narrow air shaft between adjacent structures, windows that open into the shaft, two toilets on each floor, and a one square yard window in each room. This represented the first major housing code in the U.S.
What law outlawed dumbbell tenements? The Tenement House Law of 1901 (NY State)
Consolidated Plan Estab. 1995 - Required to receive funding from a number of HUD programs - identifies housing, homeless and community development needs, establishes multi-year goals, priorities, strategies & an annual action plan
1949 Housing Act Represented the first comprehensive housing act, had a goal of constructing 800,000 housing units and was also known as the Wagner-Ellender-Taft bill.
Created by: cwardplan



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