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study chemistry


chemistry the science that deals with the composition of matter and the changes that may occur in the composition.
matter includes solids, liquids, and gases that are in our bodies and in the environment around us.
elements substances that cannot be broken down into simpler substances by chemical reaction.
about 98% of an organisms mass is composed of only six element... oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, calcium, and phosphorus
trace elements some elements, such as iodine and copper, are trace elements because they are present in small amounts.
chemical symbols system of abbreviations. usually the first one or two letters of the english of latin name of the element.
atom the smallest unit of an element that retains the characteristic chemical properties of that element.
atomic structure an atom is composed of smaller components called subatomic particles.
the three types of atomic structures protons, neutrons, and electrons
protons particle with a positive charge located in the nucleus of the atom.
neutrons neutral in charge, uncharged particles also located in the nucleus of the atom. have about the same mass as protons.
electrons particles with a negative charge and an extremely small mass. electrons exist in the space surrounding the atomic nucleus.
atomic number each kind of element has a fixed number of protons in the atomic nucleus. it is the chemical identity of the atom.
mass number the total number of protons plus neutrons in the nucleus is termed the Mass Number. this is known as atomic weight.
levels of electron shells an atom may have several energy levels, or electron shells, where electrons are located. the lowest energy level can acomodate a maximum of 2 electronsin the first shell.
orbitals within energy levels, electrons occur in characteristic regions of space known as orbital. orbitals represent the place where electrons are most probably found.
molecules two or more atoms may chemically combine to form a molecule. when two atoms of oxygen combine chemically, a molecule of oxygen is formed.
chemical compounds a substance comprimises two or more different elements combined in a fixed ratio.
what are the two types of formulas? chemical formula and structural formula
chemical formulas shorthand method for describing the chemical composition of a molecule. chemical symbols are used to indicate the types of atoms n the molecule and subscript numbers are used to indicate the number of each type of atom present
structural formulas shows not only the types and numbers of atoms in a molecule, but also their arrangement.
reactants substances that participate in the reaction and are written on the left side of the equation.
products substances formed by the reaction and are written on the right side.
chemical bond is the attractive force that holds two atoms together.
what are the two primary types of bonds covalent and ionic
covalent bonds involve the sharing of electrons between atoms.
ionic bonds atoms with one, two or three electrons in the outer shell tend to donate electrons to other atoms. when an atom looses an electron it becomes positively charged, when an atom gains an electron it becomes negatively charged.
cations positively charged ions.
anion atoms with 5, 6 or 7 electrons in their outer shell tend to gain electrons from other atoms and become negatively charged.
ionic bond an ionic bond forms when one aton donates an electron to another. each atom becomes electrically charged as a result of this exchange, and because of these opposite charges the atoms are attracted to one another.
mixtures a mixture is a combination of two of more substances, in varying proportions that can be separated by ordinary physical means.
solutions are mixtures in which the component particles remain evenly distributed.
solute substance that is present in the smaller amount which is being dissolved.
solvent usually liquid or gas, is the component that is present in the larger amount and that does the dissolvinf. water is the most common solvent and is called the universal solvent.
Created by: elsie1030
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