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Selected herbs

Chapter 9 Herbal Therapy with Nursing Implications

Common name/botanical nameClass and part usedActions and UsesDosageInteractions/PrecautionsSide/Adverse Effectsusesprecautions
Dong QuaiAngelica Sinensis Class 2b (root)Roots, rhizomes Phytoestrogen activity; vasodilation, small muscle relaxationDecreased IgE antibody production Tea: 1–4 c/d (equivalent 1–2 g dried herb)Tincture: ½-4 ml, Max: 6×/d Herb-Drug Interaction: additive bleeding effect with anticoagulants, aspirin, NSAIDs Rash and photosen- sitivity; fever, bleeding PMS, menopausal symptoms, cardiovascular support AVOID USE OF THIS HERBAvoid use with prescription anticoagulants, history of bleeding disorders, pregnancy, if at risk for breast cancer
Echinacea (purple coneflower)E. purpura; E. angustifolia, E. pallida Class 1 (root/seed)Aerial parts of E. pallida; root of E. pallida and angustifolia Stimulates immune system; antibacterial, antiviral, antipyretic;Antifungal as topical Tab: 500 mg-1 g t.i.d.Tea: 1–5 c/dTincture: max: 2 tsp t.i.d. Short-term use: 2 wk; 8 wk if low dose; may be hepatotoxic if taken continuously Lozenge/tincture: Temporary numbness or tingling of tongueCross-sensitivity in clients allergic to daisy family, GI upset, diarrhea Prevention and early treatment of colds and flu; recurrent respiratory, ear, and urinary tract infectionsTopical: Canker sores, fungal infectionsInvestigational use: Stimulate immune system of HIV/AIDS clients Avoid use with immunosup- pressants such as cortico- steroids (may counteract); persons with chronic systemic disease of immune system (e.g., SLE, HIV, TB, MS)Safety not determined in pregnancy lactation, and in children <2 y
Evening primroseOenothera biennis Class 4Oil of seed Natural estrogen promoter Take with meals (increases absorption):Oil: PMS: 3–6 g/d for 6 mo, 14 days before mensesInflammatory conditions: 4–8 g/d for 3–4 moMS: 500 mg/d for 3 wk with exacerbation Avoid use during pregnancy and lactationMay lower seizure threshold if taken with anticonvul- sants; anticonvulsant dose may need modification or do not use concurrently GI upset, nausea, headache, rash. Immunosuppression with long- term use PMS, problems with synthesis of fatty acids, abnormal prostaglandin production, diabetic neuropathies, chronic inflammatory conditions (eczema), overactive immune systems Avoid use during pregnancy and lactationMay lower seizure threshold if taken with anticonvul- sants; anticonvulsant dose may need modification or do not use concurrently. H/F, H/H: None known
FeverfewTanacetum parthenium; chrysanthemum parthenium Class 2b (whole herb)Leaves, flowering tops Interferes with platelet aggregation, inhibits release of serotonin from platelets, blocks proin- flammatory mediators, digestive relaxant Cap/tab (at least 2% parthenolide) 125 mg/d; increase to 1–2 g with acute attack May be 4–6 wk before effect; continuous use for best outcomeCross sensitivity to plants in daisy familyAvoid with pregnancy, lactation, with prescription anticoagulants, and in children <2 y Possible gastric distress or mouth sores if using raw leaves; muscle stiffness; may have rebound headache if discontinued abruptlyMay interfere with SSRI antidepressants (e.g., Prozac) Prevention and long- term management of migraine headaches; rheumatoid arthritis; menstrual problems; allergies Consult HCP before using herb if taking prescription NSAIDs (decreases effectiveness)May interfere with SSRI antidepressants (e.g., Prozac)
GarlicAllium sativum Class 2cBulb Detoxifies body and increases immune function; decreases platelet aggregation; increases HDL and decreases cholesterol and triglycerides, broad antimicrobial activity, mild antihypertensive; hypoglycemia Caps (enteric coated): (ED of 5000 mcg of allicin/d in divided doses)Raw garlic clove is best source; minimum: 1/d Avoid use during pregnancy and lactation (may stimulate labor or cause infant colic) and hypothyroidismBlood pressure may decrease in 30 min and return to baseline in about 2 hr Heartburn,flatulence, gastric irritation, decreased RBCs; dizzines,diaphoresis Hypercholesterolemia, mild HTN, colds and flu Caution: Use with anticoagulants because of increased fibrinolysis and decreased platelet aggregation; modify antidiabetic doses. H/F: None; H/H: Acidophilus deceases absorption of garlic
GingerZingiber officinale Class 1 (fresh root)Class 2b/2dDried rootRhizome Stimulates digestion, increases bile and motility; antispasmodic; decreased platelet aggregation; decreases absorption and increases excretion of cholesterol; antioxidant Take with foodCap/tab/tea: 2–4 g in 2–3 divided dosesFor motion sickness start 2 d to 2 hr before travelInflammatory joint disease: 4 g in 2–3 divided doses Nausea : 1 g in divided doses for 1–4 dTincture: 1.5-3 ml in 8 oz juice q.i.d., PRN Avoid long-term use with pregnancy, thrombocytopenia (abortifacient in large amounts)Caution: With prescription anticoagulants (additive effect) May cause gastric discomfort if not taken with food; anorexia Nausea, pregnancy morning sickness (short term, low dose ONLY); motion sickness; gastric protection with NSAIDs Consult with HCP before use if have gallstonesMay increase absorption of all PO medications H/F, H/H: None known
Ginkgo bilobaGingko folium Class 1 (leaf)Leaves;(standardized to at least 24% ginkgo flavone glycosides and 6% Terpene lactones) Antioxidant;peripheral vasodilation and increased blood flow to CNS, reduces platelet aggregationUse:Allergic rhinitis, Alzheimer's disease,anxiety/stress, dementia, Raynaud's disease, tinnitus, vertigo, impotence, poor circulation; altitude sickness Cap/tab: 120–240 mg/d in 2–3 divided dosesTincture: 5–10 ml b.i.d., t.i.d.Circulation/memory: 120 mg/d in 2–3 divided dosesAlzheimer's dementia, tinnitus: up to 240 mg/d in 2–3 divided doses Effects seen in 2–3 wk; 12-wk course recommendedAvoid use in pregnancy, lactation, children, and with MAOIs,Caution: With prescription anticoagulants monitor bleeding and prothrombin times. Extra caution if using ginger, garlic, or feverfew Initially, mild transient headache that usually stops in 2 d; mild gastric distress;Toxicity: vomiting, diarrhea, dermitis, irritability Allergic rhinitis, Alzheimer's disease, anxiety/stress, dementia, Raynaud's disease, tinnitus, vertigo, impotence, poor circulation; altitude sickness May increase BP if used with thiazide diureticsDiscontinue 2 wk before surgeryGinkgo fruit may result in severe rash; seeds are toxic. H/F, H/H: None known
Ginseng, eleuthera or SiberianEleutherococcus senticosus, Acanthopanax senticosus Class 2b/2c/2dRoot Supports adrenal glands, enhances energy levels by inhibiting alarm phase SNS response, stimulates RBC production, decreases blood sugar levels, protects from cellular mutation from carcinogens Cap/tab: 2–3 g/d in 3–4 divided dosesTea: 1–4 c/dTincture: 5–20 ml/d in 3–4 divided doses Take for 6–8 wk; then 1 wk drug holiday, and resume for total of 3 moAvoid with BP >170/90, pregnancy, lactation, children, bipolar or psychic disorders, DM, may increase or decrease anticoagulants (dependent on species), anticoagulants Hypertension, palpitations, occasional diarrhea, possible insomnia if taken at bedtimeGinseng abuse syndrome: Edema, insomnia, hypertonia; may be life threatening Cold and flu prevention, adaptation to stress, chronic fatigue syndrome, SLE, HIV, mental fatigue and physical exhaustion, following chemotherapy or radiation treatments, recovery from chronic or long-term illness May increase effects of caffeine and HRT, falsely elevate digoxin levels, interact with antipsychotic drugs. H/F: Overstimulation may occur with caffeinated coffee, cola, and tea. H/H: None
GoldensealHydrastis canadensis Class 2bRoot, rhizome Stimulates immune system and bile secretion, antipyretic, broad spectrum antibiotic activity Cap/tab: 2–4 g/d in divided doses (standardized to 8%-12% alkaloid content) Avoid with pregnancy, lactation, children, HTNDosing >5-7 d of higher doses may increase liver enzymes or malabsorption of B vitamins In higher doses may be hepatotoxicToxicity: CNS depression, restlessness, seizures, cardiovascular collapseEndangered plant species For infection: respiratory, digestive, urinary tract, mucous membranes, cholecystitis, cirrhosis Avoid with pregnancy, lactation, children, HTNDosing >5-7 d of higher doses may increase liver enzymes or malabsorption of B vitamins
HawthornCrataegus laevigata, C. oxycantha, C. monogyna Class 1Ripe fruit, leaves, flowers Peripheral dilation and increased coronary circulation, improves cardiac oxygenation, antioxidants, mild diuretic, decreases proinflammatory substances Cap/tab: 100–900 mg/d in divided doses (standardized to 20% procyanidins)Average/dose: 100- 250 mg t.i.d.Tea: 2.5-5 ml t.i.d.Tea: 1 c t.i.d. (4-5 g dried/day) May need to modify doses of beta blockers, digitalis, and ACE inhibitorsIncreased effects of digitalis, beta blockage, ACE inhibitors, CNS depressants Hypotension, fatigueSedation, nausea, vomiting, anorexia Mild HTN, early HF, stable angina High doses contraindicated with chronic atrial fibrillation and hypotension from dysfunction of valve: IH/F None known; H/H increases action of Lily of the Valley
KavaPiper methysticum Class 2b/2c/2dDried rhizome, roots CNS sedation without loss of mental acuity or memory Cap/tab: Anxiety: 50–100 mg up to t.i.d.Insomnia: 180–210 mg at bedtime (standardized to 70% kavalactones)Max: 300 g/wk Avoid with pregnancy, lactation, parkinsonism, and if taking levodopa; not for young childrenAvoid alcohol use and if need to be alert or operate machinery Leaf: Long-term higher doses (in animals) anemia, icterus, excitation, death;High doses may cause loss of balance, pulmonary hypertension;May cause liver toxicity;Use >3 mo may turn skin yellow: discontinue drug HTN, headache, weakness Anxiety, insomnia, skeletal muscle spasmGood with psychotic disorders, no risk of tolerance Increases CNS sedating drugs, especially benzodiazepinesFat soluble, so may have delayed effects. H/F increased absorption when taken with food; H/H: None knownUnstable gait, numb tongue, mild GI upset
LicoriceGlycyrrhiza glabra Class 2b/2c/2d (root)Root, leaf Antiinflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral, hepato and gastric protective, antidepressant, estrogenic, laxative Cap/tab: 200–600 mg glycyrrhizin in 3 divided doses; max: 4–6 wk;Tea: 3 c/d;Tincture: 2.5-5 ml t.i.d;DGL: 300–380 mg; max: 1200 mg/d in chewable form 20 min before meals for 8–16 wk Avoid with pregnancy, lactation, children, HTN, kidney or liver disorders, or if at risk for hypokalemiaCaution with DMIncreased aldosterone effect with increasing dose and duration Doses >5000 mg/d results in aldosterone-like syndrome that reverses when herb discontinued Viral infection, upper respiratory infection, inflammation, Addison's disease, depression, ulcersTopically: Herpes, psoriasis, eczemaDCL: IBS, mouth ulcers Antagonizes antihypertensive meds and spirolactonePotentiates corticosteroids and digitalis. H/F none known; H/H may cause hypokalemia with aloe
Milk thistle (Mary thistle wild artichoke)Silybum marianum Class 1Seeds of dried flowers Increased regeneration of liver cells; increases antioxidant activity Cap/tab: Initially: 500 mg/d in 3 divided doses for 6–8 wk;With improvement: 120–240 mg/d in divided doses; may take 7–10 d for effect; 4–8 wk if liver diseased with alcohol;Tincture: 1 ml t.i.d. (avoid ETOHbased tinctures) Avoid use in pregnancy, lactation, in children, with drugs metabolized by P-450 enzyme Diarrhea first days of therapy, nausea, vomiting, menstrual changes Liver disease (hepatitis), cholecystitis, psoriasis Herb does not reverse cirrhotic liver changes but disease may be slowed with increased quality of life. H/F, H/H: None known
PeppermintMentha piperita, var. officinalis or vulgaris Class 4Aerial parts Antispasmodic, increase bile flow, carminative, external analgesic Cap/tab: enteric coated: 1–2 t.i.d. between mealsTea: 2–3 c/d (equivalent 3–6 g dried herb)Tincture/oil: 6–12 gtts/d diluted in divided doses Consult HCP before taking if have cholecystitis or obstructed bile ductNo known drug interactions; may interfere with iron absorption None known BS, indigestion, cholecystitis, infant colic, nasal decongestantTopically: Musculoskeletal pain, itching, colds Consult HCP before taking if have cholecystitis or obstructed bile ductNo known drug interactions; may interfere with iron absorption
PsylliumPlantago psyllium Class 4 ½ t soaked in water for 15–60 min at bedtime with at least 8 oz waterPO extract: 1–4 ml t.i.d. Major ingredient in MetamucilMay decrease lithium absorptionAvoid use during pregnancy, lactation, in children None known Laxative, treatment of hemorrhoids, colitis, Crohn's disease, IBSHerb of longevity, poultice: wound healing effects Major ingredient in MetamucilMay decrease lithium absorptionAvoid use during pregnancy, lactation, in children
SageSalvia officinalis Class 2b/2d (leaf)Whole plant Gargle tea for sore throat, dries up mother's milk, decreases hot flashesAntidepressant and antiviral activity Take with food Cap/tab: (standardized to at least 0.1% hypericin) 300 mg t.i.d. Limit use to 2 wk to avoid toxic effects of tanninsCaution clients with DM and seizure disorders Nausea, vomiting, anorexia, oral irritation Gargle tea for sore throat, dries up mother's milk, decreases hot flashesAntidepressant and antiviral activity Limit use to 2 wk to avoid toxic effects of tanninsCaution clients with DM and seizure disorders
St. John's wortHypericum perforatum Class 2dFlowers Mood swings, mild to moderate depression, anxiety, sleep disordersTopically: Burns/wounds Tea: 1–2 c/d for 4–6 wkTincture: 1–2 ml t.i.d. Long-term use recommended; effects seen in 4–8 wkAvoid with pregnancy, lactation, prescription antidepressants, MAOIs, indinavir, children <2 yMay decrease effect of digoxin related to bioavailability Skin photosensitivity, headache, occasional GI upset, dry mouth, dizziness, confusion Mood swings, mild to moderate depression, anxiety, sleep disordersTopically: Burns/wounds Monitor serum digoxin levelsUse with amphetamines, trazodone, tricyclics may cause serotonin syndromeInterferes with absorption of iron and other minerals; high doses may increase liver enzymes
Saw palmettoSerenoa repens, Sabal serrulata Class 4Berries Decreases size of prostate; increases breakdown of estrogen, progesterone, and prolactin: antiandrogenicDiuretic Cap/tab: 230 mg/d in 1–2 doses (standardized to 85%- 95% fatty acids)Tea: 1 c t.i.d. (equivalent dose 1–2 g/d)Liquid extract: 5–6 ml daily Recommend 45–90 d of treatment; effects seen after 30 d. If effective, may take long termAvoid in pregnancy, lactation, in children, in clients with breast cancerEffectiveness of prophylactic treatment not shown Headache, dysuria, back painGastric disturbance (rare) BPH, chronic cystitis; sexual potency May interfere with PSA test; discontinue herb 1–2 wk before testMay increase or decrease effects of antiinflammatories and immunostimulants; may antagonize hormone therapy
ValerianValeriana officinalis Class 1Root Sedative/hypnotic, antispasmodic, increases deep sleep Cap/tab: (standardized to 0.5% essential oils, equivalent to 2–3 g up to b.i.d.)Tea: 1–3 c/d or at bedtimeTincture: 1–3 ml; may repeat 2–3 × over 6 h Effects may take several dosesFor long-term use; monitor liver function if elevated, discontinue herbAvoid in pregnancy, lactation, children, with prescription sedative/hypnotics, MAOIs, anticoagulants Anxiety, headache, occasional GI upset and hang-over effect with high doses, CNS depression Insomnia, stress headaches, mild anxiety, muscle cramps and spasms Increased sedative effect with barbiturates; negates effects of phenytoinFoul smell; no dependence or tolerance
Class 1Herbs that can be safely consumed when used appropriately 2a: For external use only 2b: Not to be used during pregnancy 2c: Not to be used while nursing 2d: Other specific use restrictions as noted Class 3-“To be used only under the supervision of an expert qualified in the appropriate use of this substance.Dosage, contraindications, potential adverse effects and drug interactions, and any other relevant information related to safe use Class 4Herbs for which insufficient data are available for classification
Aloe/aloe Vera/ Aloe barbadensis Class 1Leaf gelClass 2b/2dDried, juiceClass 2dTopicalBladelike leaf Internal for constipation; externally to relieve pain and promote healing of burns, wounds, sunburn, psoriasis Internal: Tincture/extract: 50–300 mgExternal: t.i.d. or PRN Internal use contraindicated if pregnant, lactating, children <12 yConsult with HCP before taking if have ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease, taking cardiac glycosides, antiarrhythmics, thiazide diuretics, licorice, or corticosteroids Internal: Overdose/long-term may cause arrhythmias, neuropathies, edemas, albuminuria, hematuria (side effects are rare) Internal for constipation; externally to relieve pain and promote healing of burns, wounds, sunburn, psoriasis Internal use contraindicated if pregnant, lactating, children <12 yConsult with HCP before taking if have ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease, taking cardiac glycosides, antiarrhythmics, thiazide diuretics, licorice, or corticosteroids
BilberryVaccinium myrtillus L. Class 4Extract of dried fruit and leaf Fruit may promote healthy vision, increase visual pigment regeneration; decrease diarrhea in childrenLeaf used for diabetes, arthritis, dermatitis, gout Fruit extract: 80–160 mg t.i.d. (St: 25% anthocyanosides) Avoid with pregnancy, lactation, childrenNo reported significant interaction with fruitLeaf: May decrease blood sugar and triglyceride levels; may increase action of anticoagulants and NSAIDs; monitor for dose adjustments Leaf: Long-term higher doses (in animals) anemia, icterus, excitation, death Fruit may promote healthy vision, increase visual pigment regeneration; decrease diarrhea in childrenLeaf used for diabetes, arthritis, dermatitis, gout Avoid with pregnancy, lactation, childrenNo reported significant interaction with fruitLeaf: May decrease blood sugar and triglyceride levels; may increase action of anticoagulants and NSAIDs; monitor for dose adjustments
Black cohosh (bugwort, snakeroot, squaw root)Cimicifuga Class 2b/2cRootUses: Antispasmodic, astringent, diuretic, vasodilator, PMS, dysmenorrhea, infertility, menopausal symptoms Suppresses luteinizing hormone, optimizes estrogen levels Cap/tab: 20 mg b.i.d.Tincture: 2–5 mg b.i.d. Avoid with pregnancy, lactation, childrenLimit use to 6 mo; no data on long-term useUnder supervision of qualified herbalist, increases action of antihypertensives; may alter effects of HRTMay decrease iron absorption Higher doses: dizziness, headache, nausea, change in heart rate Antispasmodic, astringent, diuretic, vasodilator, PMS, dysmenorrhea, infertility, menopausal symptoms Avoid with pregnancy, lactation, childrenLimit use to 6 mo; no data on long-term useUnder supervision of qualified herbalist, increases action of antihypertensives; may alter effects of HRTMay decrease iron absorption
Chamomile (green chamomile)Matricaria recutita Class 2bDried flower tops Stimulates normal digestion, antiinflammatory, antispasmodic, mild sedative, mild diuretic, mild antibacterial with topical use Between meals:Cap/tab: 2–3 g t.i.d., Tea: 1–4 c/dTincture: max: 1 tsp t.i.d. Avoid if allergic to daisy family (e.g., ragweed, asters, chrysanthemums)May increase effects of sedatives and interfere with action of anticoagulants. None known Anxiety, insomnia, indigestion, inflammatory skin conditions Avoid if allergic to daisy family (e.g., ragweed, asters, chrysanthemums)May increase effects of sedatives and interfere with action of anticoagulants. H/F, H/H: None known.
CranberryVaccinium macrocarpon Ait. Class 4Berries Prophylaxis (not treatment) of urinary tract infections; to treat kidney stones Extract: 300–400 mg concentrated juice b.i.d.Cocktail: 300 ml/d commercial cranberry juice Caution: avoid use with oliguria and anuria. Clients with DM should use sugarfree cranberry juice; lactating clients, children <12 y, and clients with history of oxalate kidney stones limit to 1 L/day. Doses of >3 L/day may produce diarrhea Prophylaxis (not treatment) of urinary tract infections; to treat kidney stones Caution: avoid use with oliguria and anuria. Clients with DM should use sugarfree cranberry juice; lactating clients, children <12 y, and clients with history of oxalate kidney stones limit to 1 L/day. H/D, H/F, H/H: None known
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