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Why is Culture important for IB (4) 1,communication 2,preparing PR material 3,developing products for global market 4,negociation
Which 3 cross-cultural business contexts exist 1,Face to face (language, rituals,..) 2,Company to company (labor relations, organization,..) 3,Company to customer (Costumer preference, Quality of demand)
Which 3 managerial orientations exist + explanation 1,Ethnocentric orientation using our own culture to judge other cultures 2,Polycentric orientation developing a strong sence for foreign culture & use it to judge others 3,Geocentric orientation understanding business or market regard to borders
Which managerial orientation should managers strive for geocentric orientation
What is culture (6) 1,collective programming 2,shared 3,learned & enduring 4,power influence on behavior 5,systematic & organized 6,largely invisible (Iceberg paradox)
What are 3 levels of human mental programming 1,Personality (specific to individuals, learn & inherited) 2,culture (specific to groups, learned) 3,human nature (universal, inherited)
What is cultural hybridization (2) 1, cultural mixing, when individuals are exposed to new culture 2, Glocalization (local customization & global efficiency)
What are 6 essential elements of culture (+category) 1,values (essential) 2,attitudes & preferences (essential) 3,institutions (essential) 4,religion (essential) 5,language (essential) 6,customs (established practices manners)
What are 6 Hofstede´s Dimensions of culture 1,Power distance 2,individualism vs collectivims 3,masculinity vs feminity 4,uncertainty avoidance 5,long vs short term orientation 6,indulgence vs restraint (shovívavost vs. zdrženlivost )
What are characteristics of low power distance & high power distance (both 3) 1,Inequalities low.. should be minimalizade high ... inequalities are desired 2, less powereful x more powerful people low.. less powerful should be independent high..shoud be dependent 3,children x relative relations low .. children=parents
Descibe feminity & masculinity acording Hofstede Feminity= preference for cooperation, modesty caring for the weak... Masculinity= achievement, heroism, assertiveness,..
Describe uncertainty avoidance society´s tolerance for uncertainty & ambiguity (what is forrbiden and what is not)
What did Minkov´s 6th Dimension described (3) 1,Indulgence versus restraint 2,indulgent societies..allow free gratification like having fun & enjoying life (USA, Mexico,..) 3,restrained societies.. gratification should be curbed by strict norms (Iraq, China, S.Korea,..)
What are 2 sources of country risk 1, Political System 2,Legal System
What are 3 types of legal systems (+description) 1,Common Law..based on tradition, court previous cases (UK,USA,Canada,..) 2,Civil Law..all-inclusive system, where everything is universally written (Germany,Italy,..) 3,Religious law..non-secular countries (Iran, Afganistan,..)
What are 5 risks of political system 1,Government 2,Political parties 3,Legislative bodies 4,Lobbying groups 5,Trade unions
What are 4 risks of legal system 1,Ensure order in commercial activities 2,resolve disputes 3,Protect intellectual property 4,tax economic output
What are differences between Common law & civil law in 1,Intellectual Property 2,Enforcing agreements 1,Intellectual Property Civ=Registration , Com=prior use 2,Enforcing agreements Civ=only if registred , Com=proof of agreement is enought
What are differences between Common law & civil law in 1,Specifity of contracts 2,Compliance with contacts 1,Specifity of contracts Civ=covered already in Civil law, Com=contracts muss be very detailed 2,Compliance with contacts Civ=noncompliance is extended to include unforeseeable events Com= "Acts of God" are only justifiable excuses for noncomliance
How important are politcal dimension in IB they are very important & critical to IB
What are 4 levels of political involment 1,Geopolitical (UN,WTO.IMF,..) 2,Regional (NAFTA,EU,BRICS,..) 3,National 4,Local
What are supranational institution (3) 1, institution created after WW2 to not allow destabilization 2, their aim is to establish minimum standart for formal institition 3,examples are UN,EU,NAFTA, NATO,..
What are 2 types of barries to trade 1,Tariff barries (quotas, tariffs, ..) 2,Non-tariff barries (like geographical indication,..)
Created by: semester1.IBWL
Popular Business sets




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