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allusion study guide

studying for english exam

What is the background/origin of the Achillies' Heel? Mythological figure who was dipped into the River Styx
What is the modern definition of the Achillies' Heel? A person's only weak or vulnerable point
What is the background/origin of Handwriting on the Wall? Biblical King who saw a hand appear and predict the end of his reign
What is the modern definition of Handwriting on the Wall? The handwriting on the wall is a warning of doom to come
What is the background/origin of White Elephant? King Siam gave this as a gift to those who displeased him
What is the modern definition of White Elephant? An object that has no use to its owner and may be a financial burden
What is the background/origin of Sound and Fury? In Shakespeare's play, Macbeth, Macbeth compares life to sound and fury when his beloved wife dies
What is the modern definition of Sound and Fury? Great uproar that is actually meaningless
What is the background/origin of Cain? Cain murdered his younger brother due to jealousy. this was the first recorded murder in the Bible.
What is the modern definition of Cain? Causing trouble or commotion
What is the background/origin of Methuselah? Biblical figure who lived to be 969 years old
What is the modern definition of Methuselah? Refers to an extremely old person
What is the background/origin of Phoenix? Mythical bird that rose from the ashes of destruction
What is the modern definition of Phoenix? Symbolizes resurrection of someone after facing many obstacles
What is the background/origin of Holy Grail? Medieval legend of a cup that Jesus drank from at The Last Supper
What is the modern definition of Holy Grail? Object (or anything) that is extremely desirable
What is the background origin of Machiavellian? Historical figure who believed in using undesirable methods to rule his people
What is the modern definition of Machiavellian? Elaborately cunning and scheming
What is the background/origin of Catch-22? Sane airmen trying to prove insanity so they can be relieved of flight duty, but to prove insanity, they are obviously sane
What is the modern definition of Catch-22? An absurd, no-win situation
What is the background/origin of Ivory Tower? French poet, Alfred DeVingy, shut himself up in an ivory-colored tower so he could write beautiful poems
What is the modern definition of Ivory Tower? Being out of touch with reality
What is the background/origin of Freudian Slip? Sigmund Freud was a psychotherapist whose work centered on the subconscious mind
What is the modern definition of Freudian Slip? An unintentional slip of the tongue that reveal subconscious thought
What is the background/origin of Medusa? Famous Gorgon sister who has snakes for hair and turned people to stone with a look
What is the modern definition of Medusa? Repulsive or terrifying woman
What is the background/origin of Murphy's Law? Originated in the 1900s--"Anything that can go wrong will go wrong."
What is the modern definition of Murphy's Law? Something goes wrong and everyone knew it would
What is the background/origin of Icarus? In Greek Mythology, he disobeyed his father, flew too close to the sun, and died
What is the modern definition of Icarus? To fail or be destroyed because of ambition
What is the background/origin of Pavlov's Dogs/Pavlovian? Pavlov was a Russian scientist who conducted conditioned response experiments with animals (mainly dogs)
What is the modern definition of Pavlov's Dogs/Pavlovian? An automatic, unthinking response
What is the background/origin of Throw Down the Gauntlet? In Medieval times, knights threw down their gloves to challenge another knight
What is the modern definition of Throw Down the Gauntlet? Issuing a challenge in a dramatic manner
What is the background/origin of Scapegoat? Jewish priest laid the sins of the people on a goat and released it into the wilderness
What is the modern definition of Scapegoat? Any person who takes the blame for the wrongdoing of others
What is the background/origin Left-handed Compliment? In literature, the left hand is associated with negativity, clumsiness, doubtful sincerity. The left-hand side of a shield was considered the sinister side
What is the modern definition Left-handed Compliment? A compliment that is also rude and insulting in some way
What is the background/origin Juggernaut? A Hindu deity--worshippers threw themselves under his cart so they would die and go to paradise
What is the modern definition of Juggernaut? Any destructive force that defies opposition
What is the background/origin of Adonis? In Greek Mythology, a beautiful youth who was loved by Aphrodite and Persephone
What is the modern defintion of Adonis? A man with a handsome face and gorgeous body
What is the background/origin of Bedlam? Nickname for mental hospital in London where people wandered the halls screaming and fighting
What is the modern definition of Bedlam? Wildy chaotic, raucous and noisy
Created by: haidyniscool
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