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What is Nudge Theory solution for bounded rationality (how public & private organization can help people making better choices in their daily lives)
What are examples of bounded rationality (2) 1, concept of fairness regulates the market 2,Mental accounting (refers to the different values a person places on the same amount of money, based on subjective criteria, often with detrimental results)
What is strategy based on resources & capabilities (3) 1,basic strategy on internal resources & not external demand 2,relevant in industries with volatile customer prefences & fash changing technology 3,can lead to long-term stability
How can we link resources, capabilties & competitive advantage (2) 1, Resources to organizational capabilities to strategy to competitive advantage 2,Industry key success factors to strategy to competitve advantage
What are 3 types of resources 1,Tangible (physical like plant or financial like capital) 2,Intangible (Technology, Reputation, Culture,..) 3,Human (Skills, Motivation, Communication, Collaboration)
What are organizational capabilites (3) 1,Resources are not productive on their own, capabilities is about how to use them 2,Core capabilities are basis for a firm´s strategy & performance 3,Disinctive capabilities are firm-specifics strengt that help to be low-cost or differenciate
What are two basic approaches for classifying firm´s activities + description 1,Functional analysis (identifies organization capabilities within each firm functional areas) 2,Value chain analysis (identifies a dequential chain of the main activities that the firm undertakes)
What are two types of value chain in its analysis 1,primary activities=interaction with costumers & final transformation of product 2,support activities=assisting primary activities
What can lead to strong organisational capabilties Organizational routines (learning curve like)
What are 2 determinants of resourcas & capabilties 1,strategic importance 2,relative strength
What are 2 important things while establishing a competitive advantage 1,Scarcity 2,Relevance
What are 3 important things while sustaining a competitive advantage 1,Durability (the durable the better) 2,Transferability (can´t they be copied/bought from other companies) 3,Replicability (cannot be replicate from competition)
What is a innovation (3) 1,form of key link between technology and competitve advantage 2,it allows some firms to dominate their industries 3,it is responsible why new industries comes into being
What is invention & innovation Invention= creation of new products or processes through new invention or new combiantion Innovation= initial commercialization of an invention
What is the life-cycle of inovation (5phases) 1,Basic knowledge 2,Invention 3,Innovation 4,Diffusion 5,Imitation(supply side) & Adaption(demand side)
Who share profitability of innovation (4) 1,Innovator 2,Followes 3,Suppliers 4,Customers
What are the 2 regimes of approriability 1,strong regime = innovator captures a substantial share of value created (Pharmaceutics,e.g.) 2,weak regime = other parties derive most of the value (music streaming,e.g.)
What are 4 types of property rights 1,Patents (exlusive right to product,desing,process) 2,Copyright(exclusive right to production,sales right,..) 3,Trademark(words,symbols,..) 4,Trade secret(legal protection for recepies,.e.g)
Except for property rights whhat also influence profitability of innovation (3) 1,tactiness & complexity 2,lead time of innovation 3,complementary resources
What is 1,tacitness 2,complexity 1,Tacitness(mlcenlivost) 2,Complexity(how difficult is to imitate the innovation)
Describe lead time of innovation (2) 1,taciness & complexity are only temporary competitive advantage 2,lead time=time required for followers to catch up
How can we manage risk of emerging industries (3) 1,cooperation with lead users 2,limiting risk exposure, if possible (like debt) 3,flexibility (to responde to unpredicted events)
What is Benchmarking (2) 1, comparing one´s processes & performence to those of other (similar) companies 2,can help again too much satisfaction, because of past glories, hope for future & managering wishful thinking
What are 7 management styles (its influence on enviromnent) 1,Laissez-Faire(positive) 2,Authoritarian (negative) 3,Affiliative "pribuzny" (positive) 4,Coaching (positive) 5,Pacesitting (negative) 6,Democratic (positive) 7,Visionary (very positive)
When do different management styles work the best 1,LaissezFaire team experienced more then you 2,Authoritarian crisis 3,Affiliative conflict management 4,Coaching long-term performence 5,Pacesitting quick results 6,Democratic consesus on important topic 7,Visionary new vision
What can we do about key weaknesses Outsource them is mostly the best option
What should be our goal while competing on emerging markets to became industry standard, with network externalities(value depends on number of users)
What can we do if we win/lose "standard war" Winning...if we have intellectual property rights to new standard technology Losing..go for niche-market
How can stimulate innovations (4) 1,Cross-functionaal new product development team 2,Product chapionss (providing best employees with team) 3,Buying innovation 4,Open innovation (sharing amongs firms & external contributors)
Created by: semester1.IBWL
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