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English Literature

Junior Year English Final

Approbation n- the expression of approval or favorable opinion, praise; official approval Syn- commendation, sanction Ant- disproval, condemnation, censure
Assuage v- to make easier or milder, relieve; to quiet, calm; to put an end to appease, satisfy, quench Syn- mitigate, alleviate, slake, allay Ant- intensify, aggravate, exacerbate
Expostulate v- to attempt to dissuade someone from some course or decision by earnest reasoning
Meritorious adj- worthy, deserving recognition and praise Syn- praiseworthy, laudable, commendable Ant- blameworthy, reprehensible, discreditable
Aplomb (n.) Poise, assurance, great self-confidence; perpendicularity. Synonyms: Composure, Self-Possession, Levelheadedness Antonyms: Confusion, Embarrassment, Abashment
Bombastic (adj.) Pompous or overblown in language; full of high-sounding words intended to conceal a lack of ideas. Synonyms: Inflated, Highfalutin, High-Flown, Pretentious Antonyms: Unadorned, Simple Plain, Austere
Precipitate (v.) To fall as moisture; to cause or bring about suddenly; to hurl down from a great height; to give distinct form to. (adj.) Characterized by excessive haste. (n.) Moisture; the product of an action or process
circuitous (adj.) roundabout, not direct SYNONYMS: indirect, meandering, winding ANTONYMS: straight, direct, as the crow flies
sangfroid (n.) composure or coolness, especially in trying circumstances SYNONYMS: poise, self-assurance, equanimity ANTONYMS: excitability, hysteria, flappability
tenuous (adj.) thin, slender, not dense; lacking clarity or sharpness; of slight importance or significance; lacking a sound basis, poorly supported SYNONYMS: flimsy, insubstantial, vague, hazy ANTONYMS: strong, solid, substantial, valid
archetype (n.) an original model on which something was patterned or replicated; the ideal example of a particular type of person or thing
gossamer adj.) thin, light, delicate, insubstantial; (n.) a very thin, light cloth SYNONYMS: (adj.) filmy, diaphanous, sheer, airy, feathery, gauzy ANTONYMS: (adj.) dense, solid, massive
querulous adj.) peevish, complaining, fretful SYNONYMS: petulant, irritable ANTONYMS: uncomplaining, stoical
salutary (adj.) salubrious, curative
straitlaced adj.) extremely strict in regard to moral standards and conduct; prudish, puritanical SYNONYMS: highly conventional, overly strict, stuffy ANTONYMS: lax, loose, indulgent, permissive, dissolute
vapid adj.) dull, uninteresting, tiresome; lacking in sharpness, flavor, liveliness, or force, insipid, lifeless, colorless SYNONYMS: lifeless, colorless ANTONYMS: zesty, spicy, colorful
castigate to punish severely; to criticize severely Synonyms:chastise, rebuke, censure, upbraid Antonyms: reward, honor, praise, laud Example: After he ********** the unruly children, they settled down to study quietly.
ennui weariness and dissatisfaction from lack of occupation or interest, boredom Synonyms: languor, world-weariness, listlessness Antonyms: enthusiasm, liveliness, excitement, intensity
. insurgent one who rebels or rises against authority [(adj.) rising in revolt, refusing to accept authority; surging or rushing in or on] Synonyms: (adj.) revolutionary, rebellious, mutinous Antonyms: (adj.) loyalist, loyal, faithful
austere (adj.)severe or stern in manner; without adornment or luxury, simple plain; harsh or sour syn. forbidding, rigorous, puritanical, ascetic, unadorned, subdued ant. mild, indulgent, luxurious, flamboyant
crass adj.)coarse, unfeeling; stupid syn. crude, vulgar, tasteless, oafish, obtuse ant. refin
inconsequential (adj.)trifling, unimportant syn. trivial, negligible, petty, paltry ant. important, essential, crucial, vital
bovine resembling a cow or ox; sluggish, unresponsive Synonyms: stolid, dull, slow, stupid Antonyms: alert, sharp, bright, keen, quick
corpulent fat; having a large, bulky belly Synonyms: overweight, heavy, obese, stout, portly Antonyms: slender, lean, spare, gaunt, emaciated
dispassionate i impartial; calm, free from emotion Synonyms: unbiased, disinterested, cool, detached Antonyms: committed, engaged, partial, biased
abate (v.) to make less in amount, degree, etc.; to subside, become less; to nullify; to deduct, omit Synonyms: diminish, decrease, subside, let up Antonyms: intensify, increase, magnify, wax
adulation (n) praise or flattery that is excessive Synonyms: adoration, idolization, hero-worship Antonyms: ridicule, derision, odium
avarice (n.) a greedy desire, particularly for wealth Synonyms: cupidity, rapacity, acquisitiveness
bedlam (n.) a state or scene of uproar and confusion
fortuitous (adj.) accidental, occurring by a happy chance synonyms: lucky antonyms: premeditated
munificent (adj.) extremely generous, lavish synonyms: bounteous antonyms: miserly
abstemious (adj.) moderate, sparing (as in eating and drinking); characterized by abstinence and self-discipline synonyms: temperate, sober, moderate antonyms: indulgent, immoderate, intemperate
foist (v.) to impose by fraud; to pass off as worthy or genuine; to bring about by stealth, dishonesty, or coercion synonyms: pass off, palm off, fob off
pernicious (adj.) extremely harmful; deadly, fatal synonyms: injurious, deleterious, baleful, noxious antonyms: harmless, innocuous, salutary, salubrious
satiate (v.) to satisfy completely; to fill to excess; (adj.) full, satisfied synonyms: (v.) gratify, cloy, surfeit, gorge antonyms: (v.) starve, deprive entirely of
absolve to clear from blame, responsibility, or guilt S: acquit, exonerate, vindicate, excuse, pardon A: condemn, convict, incriminate, inculpate
extenuate to lessen the seriousness or magnitude of an offense by making partial excuses S: moderate, mitigate, diminish, downplay A: intensify, aggravate, worsen, exacerbate
ostentatious marked by a conspicuous or pretentious display, showy S: flashy, overdone, affected, flamboyant A: modest, plain, simple, demure, retiring
sanctimonious making a show of virtue or righteousness; hypocritically moralistic or pious, selfrighteous, canting, holier-than-thou A: heartfelt, sincere, humble
Abet (v.) to encourage, assist, aid, support (especially in something wrong or unworthy) Antonym: Hamper, Hinder, Impede, Frustrate
Disconsolate (adj.) deeply unhappy or dejected; without hope, beyond consolation Synonym: Grief-Stricken, Inconsolable, Comfortless Antonym: Cheerful, Blithe, Buoyant, Jaunty
Incontrovertible (adj.) unquestionable, beyond dispute Synonym: Incontestable, Indisputable, Indubitable Antonym: Debatable, Dubious, Open to question
amenable (adj) willing to follow advice or authority, tractable, submissive; responsive; liable to be held responsible Synonyms: agreeable, compliant, docile Anto
berate (v) to scold sharply Synonyms: chide, rebuke, reprove, reprimand Antonyms: praise, compliment, pat on the back
expatiate v) to expand on, write or talk at length or in detail; to move about freely Synonyms: elaborate, enlarge, descant, wander, roam Antonyms: sketch roughly, summarize, condense, adumbrate
obdurate (adj) stubborn, unyielding Synonyms: obstinate, adament Antonyms: yielding, tractable, flexible
surfeit (n) an excess or overindulgence, as in eating or drinking, causing disgust; (v) to feed or supply with anything to excess Synonyms: (n) excess, glut; (v) cloy, satiate Antonyms: (n) dearth, paucity, lack
cloy (v.) to spoil or destroy an appetite by too much indulgence, especially in sweet or rich things, to glut, satiate, surfeit A: stimulate, whet
mollify (v.) to soften, make gentle, pacify; to calm; to reduce in intensity S: pacify, placate A: aggravate, exacerbate
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