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First aid (vet)

Principles of first aid in veterinary nursing

Aims of first aid. - Provide relief where possible - Preserve life - Prevent suffering - Prevent deterioration
Which section of the RCVS Code of Professional Conduct relates to first aid in veterinary medicine? Section 3, 3.2.
Who can first aid be given by? Anyone!
DR ABC - Danger - Response - Airway - Breathing - Circulation
What do you check for major body systems assessment? - Cardiovascular - Respiratory - Neurological
What do you check on a secondary survey? - nose, eyes, ears - thorax, abdo - limbs - external genitalia - tail
What do you call collapsed; comatose? Unconscious.
What do you call collapsed & quiet? Depressed.
What do you call collapsed with decreased level of consciousness but responding to painful stimuli? Obtunded.
What do you call collapsed with normal mentation? Alert.
What side you lie a patient on when putting in the recovery position? Right side, or sternal recumbency.
What are the 3 types of haemorrhage? - Arterial - Venous - Capillary
What is a common cause of hypovolemic shock n dogs? Haemorrhage into the peritoneal cavity.
Name 3 pressure points - Femoral artery (inner thigh) - Brachial artery (inner elbow) - Coccygeal artery (tail base)
What type of animal is more susceptible to heat stroke? Brachycephalic
What type of burns form blisters? Partial thickness
What are 3 symptoms of anaphylaxis? - Facial swelling - Excessive salivation - Hives or wheals
What is the initial prognosis of anaphylaxis? Guarded.
What emetic is suitable for cats? Xylazine; 1.1mg/kg
Which emetics are suitable for dogs? - Apomorphine; 0.04-0.08mg/kg - Washing soda crystals; 1-2 crystals
Name 3 routes of poisoning. - Ingestion - Inhalation - Absorption through skin
Name 3 clinical signs of allium poisoning - Dark urine - Hypersalivation - Ataxia
Name 3 clinical signs of theobromine poisoning - Cardiac arrhythmia - Restlessness - V+, possibly D+
What is the treatment for Metaldehyde poisoning? Supportive treatment only.
What does a Pulse Oximeter do? Measures the % of oxygen bound to haemglobin.
What is capnography? Measurement of O2 concentration in inspired and expired gases.
What is blood gas analysis? Measures arterial blood pH, PaO2 or PvCO2.
Created by: CatLady93
Popular Veterinary sets




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