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Atoms and Radiation (Section 7)

Isotopes are atoms with the same number of ________ but different number of __________ protons, neutrons
How do some electrons jump to a higher shell? By absorbing electromagnetic radiation
What do we call an electron that has jumped to a higher energy shell? Excited
What 2 things can happen when an electron becomes excited? 1. It falls back to a lower energy level, emitting electromagnetic radiation in the process 2. It absorbs enough energy to leave the atom all together in what is known as ionisation
What factors affect when a nuclei is going to decay? None, it decays spontaneously at a random time
What are the 4 types of radiation? 1. Alpha 2. Beta 3. Gamma 4. Neutrons
What are the 3 types of IONISING radiation? 1. Alpha 2. Beta 3. Gamma
Alpha particles are just the nuclei of what element? Helium
What are alpha particles made up of? 2 protons and 2 netrons
Alpha particles are big/small, heavy/light, fast/slow moving big, heavy, slow
Why are alpha particles strongly ionising? They are very large, meaning they bash into a lot of atoms and knock electrons off them
What charge do alpha particles have? 2+
Why are alpha particles deflected by electric and magnetic fields? Because they are electrically charged (positive)
Emitting an alpha particle decreases the atomic number by ___ and the mass number by ____ 2, 4
Describe how a beta particle is emitted from a nucleus The electron is emitted when a neutron turns into a proton and and an electron
What happens to the mass and atomic number of an atom when a beta particle is emmited? Atomic number increases by 1, mass number stays the same
How big are beta particles? Quite small
How fast are beta particles? Quite fast
How far do alpha particles penetrate into materials? Not far, they are stopped quickly
How far do beta particles penetrate into materials? Moderately far
Why are beta particles deflected by electric and magnetic fields? Because they're negatively charged
What are gamma rays? Very short wavelength EM waves
What is the mass of gamma rays? No mass
How far can gamma rays penetrate into materials? Very far
How ionising are alpha particles? Strongly ionising
How ionising are beta particles? Moderately ionising
How ionising are gamma rays? Weakly ionising
Why are gamma rays weakly ionising? They tend to pass through rather than collide with atoms
What charge do gamma rays have? No charge
What must first happen for gamma emission to occur? There must first be alpha or beta decay, gamma rays are never emitted alone
What does a nucleus with excess energy do? Emits gamma rays to lose energy
What are alpha particles blocked by? Paper, skin, or a few cm of air
What are beta particles blocked by? Thin metal
What are gamma rays blocked by? Thick lead or very thick concrete
Created by: JoeMather
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