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Energy flash cards

What is a system? A system is an object or group of objects.
What is a system? Energy can be stored as: Chemical, Gravitational Potential, Kinetic, Elastic Potential, Thermal, Internal.
What are the four methods of transferring energy between stores? Energy is transferred by heating, by waves, by electric current, or by a force moving an object.
What is the law of conservation of energy? Energy can be transferred usefully, stored or dissipated, but cannot be created or destroyed.
What is a closed system? A closed system is a system where no energy can be transferred in to or out of the system.
How does the energy in a closed system change during an energy transfer? The total energy of a closed system is the same before and after the transfer of energy.
What is work done (in Physics)? Work done on an object is the amount of energy transferred to the object by a force acting over a distance.
How does friction effect work done? Work done to overcome friction is transferred energy to the thermal energy stores of the objects that rub together.
What is the gravitational potential energy store? The gravitational potential energy store of an object increases when it is lifted up because work is done to overcome gravitational force.
What determines how big the gravitational field strength is? The gravitational field strength of a star or planet is linked to its mass. Earth is more massive than the moon.
What is the kinetic energy store? The energy in the kinetic energy store of a moving object depends on its mass and speed.
What is the elastic potential energy store? Elastic potential energy is the energy stored in an object when it is stretched. It is proportional to the square of the extension (assuming
How will the total energy input in to a system be used? Of the total energy input into a system, a fraction will be useful and the rest will be wasted.
What happens to energy that is wasted in a system? Wasted energy dissipates to the surroundings which become warmer.
Why is no machine 100% efficient? No machine is 100% efficient. Some energy is wasted as heat due to friction between moving parts, air resistance, electrical resistance and noise.
How could we improve efficiency? Efficiency can be improved by using lubrication on moving parts, make the machine more aerodynamic, reducing electrical resistance and noise.
What provides mots of the electrical energy used in home? Gas and oil provide most of the electrical energy used in average homes.
What is power (in Physics)? Power is how fast energy is transferred.
What are the main energy resources? The main energy resources are; Fossil Fuels, Nuclear Fuel, Biofuel, Wind, Hydroelectricity, Geothermal, Tidal, Solar and Waves.
What is a renewable energy source? A renewable energy source is one that can be replenished or replaced after it is used.
What is a non-renewable energy source? A non-renewable resource is one that cannot be replaced after it is used.
What can energy resources be used for? Energy resources can be used for transport, generating electricity and heating
How is most of the global energy demand met? Most of the energy demand across the world is supplied using fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas)
Give two examples of fuels in nuclear power stations Uranium and plutonium is used as the fuel in a nuclear power station.
Give one benefit or nuclear fuels as an energy source over fossil fuels Much more energy is released from 1kg of uranium or plutonium as compared to fossil fuels
Biofuels are considered to be carbon neutral. What does carbon neutral mean? Carbon neutral, in theory, implies that the carbon a living organism takes in during its lifetime balances the amount released when it is burnt.
Give one disadvantage of fossil fuels Fossil fuels produce increased levels of greenhouse gases, which could cause global warming
Give one disadvantage of radioactive waste Nuclear fuels product radioactive waste
Give one disadvantage of renewable energy resources Renewable energy resources cover large areas, aren’t always reliable and can disturb natural habitats.
Give one advantage of gas-fired and pump-storage power stations Gas-fired and pump-storage power stations can meet the variations in demand
Created by: JonasB
Popular Physics sets




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