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Half-Life + Uses/Risks of Nuclear Radiation (Section 7)

What is a half-life? The time taken for half of the radioactive atoms currently present to decay
What does a short half-life mean? Activity falls quickly, due to lost of nuclei decaying quickly
What does a long half-life mean? Activity falls slowly, as nuclei take a long time to decay
What is radioactivity measured in? Becquerels (Bq)
What does becquerel mean? 1 decay per second
Name 4 uses of nuclear radiation 1. Treat cancer 2. Sterilise food 3. Sterilise medical equipment 4. Smoke detectors
How is nuclear radiation used in medical tracers? - Source of radiation is swallowed - It can then be detected externally from inside the body - Doctors can see if organs are working properly
What kind of radiation must be used for medical tracers and why? Gamma or beta, as they can penetrate body tissues and aren't strongly ionising
What is required of the radioactive source used for medical tracers? A short half-life, as radioactivity needs to disappear quickly inside patient
What kind of radiation is used to treat cancer? Gamma rays
What kind of radiation is used to sterilise food and medical equipment? Gamma rays
Why is radiation a better method of sterilisation of food and medical equipment than boiling? It doesn't involve high temperature that may damage the food/equipment
When sterilising food and medical equipment, why does the radioactive source have to have a long half-life? So it doesn't need replacing too often
What kind of radiation is used to detect leaks in pipes? Gamma rays
How does radiation help detect leaks in pipes underground? The source is fed into the pipe and people know there is a leak if more radiation is recorded in one area compared to the rest of the pipe
Why are beta and gamma particles more dangerous when outside the body? If they get inside, most radiation will pass out without doing damage
Why is alpha radiation only dangerous inside the body? It can't penetrate skin
Why is radiation bad for cells in the body? Radiation collides with molecules in the cells, ionising them, which damages or destroys the molecule
What does radiation cause in cells which leads to cancer? Mutations, which then divide uncontrollably
What is the effect of high doses of radiation? Cells are killed completely, causing radiation sickness (not cancer)
What is the effect of low doses of radiation? Minor damage is caused without killing the cell, which leads to mutations
What word is used to describe exposure to radiation? Irradiation
Does irradiation make something radioactive? No, it is simply the exposure to a radioactive source
Name 2 ways you could reduce the risk of irradiation? 1. Keeping sources in lead-lined boxes 2. Standing behind barriers/being in different room
What is an object called if unwanted radioactive atoms get onto it? Contaminated
Name 2 ways to avoid contamination when handling radioactive sources 1. Use gloves/tongs 2. Wear a mask
How is high-level radioactive waste disposed of? Put in a glass container, which is sealed in a metal canister and buried deep underground
Why must an area where high-level radioactive waste is buried must not suffer from earthquakes? Earth quakes could move rocks, which disturb the canisters and allow waste to leak out
Created by: JoeMather
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