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Module 3

What is an ecosystem? The fundamental concept appropriate to the biome considered together with all the effective inorganic factors of its environment.
What are autotrophs? Organisms with the ability to use carbon and energy to produce complex organic compounds (e.g. carbohydrates, fats, proteins)
Primary productivity rate of primary production; measures carbon fixation relative to space and time; measured as g/m^2/year
Gross primary production (GPP) total amount of carbon fixed by autotrophs in the ecosystem; photosynthetic drawdown of carbon dioxide; in most ecosystems, it depends on the photosynthetic rate of autotrophs
Leaf Area index (LAI) the amount of leaf area measured per area of ground; describing how much photosynthesis is possible in an ecosystem; differs in different biomes
Net Primary Production (NPP) the amount of energy captured by autotrophs that results in an increase in biomass (new tissue growth in plants); GPP - respiration
What influences NPP? rainfall and temperature
How is NPP influenced by rainfall? initially, NPP increases with precipitation but only to a point (more rainfall generally means more plant growth); with very high rainfall, there is heavy cloud cover year round, resulting in less light and plant growth
NPP influenced by rainfall pt.2 significant rainfall can also cause nutrient leaching from soils, leading to growth being nutrient limited; wet soils can become saturated which gives rise to low oxygen levels in the soil which can limit root function, limiting NPP
How is NPP influenced by temperature? NPP increases with average annual temperature up to a point (chemical reactions and hence plant growth are faster and easier at warmer temperatures); high variation in this relationship as there are interacting factors (e.g. rainfall)
NPP influenced by temp pt.2 although NPP scales with average temperature, this does not mean that ecosystem carbon storage will as well; warmer temps increase respiration rates and loss of carbon; even if NPP is high the net ecosystem exchange (NEE) may not scale with it
How is oceanic NPP produced? phytoplankton perform most of the primary production; primary producer biomass in ocean at any given time relative to NPP is low compared to terrestrial ecosystems (small, rapidly growing organisms); seaweed, kelp, mangroves also contribute to NPP
Variation in NPP can be a good preliminary indication of ecosystem health and it is strongly associated with the global carbon cycle
Normalised difference vegetation index (NDVI) used in larger areas like rainforests; focus on chlorophyll concentrations as a proxy for GPP and NPP ('greenness'); chlorophyll concentrations can be estimated using remote sensing methods that rely on reflection of solar radiation from primary producers
NDVI formula = (NIR - red)/(NIR + red); where NIR = amount of near infra-red wavelengths, red = amount of red wavelengths; vegetation has HIGH NDVI values, soil and water have LOW values
Net ecosystem exchange (NEE) NEE = GPP - (AR + HR); where AR = autotrophic respiration, HR = heterotrophic respiration; the more encompassing estimate of the amount of energy available for transfer and use in an entire ecosystem
Succession and NPP NPP changes through succession; highest NPP usually during intermediate stage (plant diversity and nutrient supply highest); in old-growth forests, NPP may decline with decreasing LAI and photosynthetic rates
Trophic levels the ecological roles of organisms in an ecosystem are dtermined by their trophic interactions which determine how energy and nutrients move through an ecosystem
Limitations of food webs note all organisms conveniently confined themselves to an 'assigned' trophic level; the number of organisms and interactions to identify, qualify and quantify is massive; not metamorphosis; static description of energy flow; no migration
Detritus dead particulate organic matter; in terrestrial systems detritus present in leaf litter and other organic matter intermixed with soil (soil organic matter); in aquatic systems, organic material suspended in water and accumulates on sea floor (marine snow)
Detritus in terrestrial systems only a small portion of biomass is consumed due to land plants not being mostly consumable (woody lignin) means that most of the energy flow passes through detritus
Allochthonous energy inputs external energy inputs from outside the ecosystem
Autochthonous energy inputs energy produced by autotrophs within the ecosystem
Aquatic systems energy inputs autochthonous input is from photosynthesis of large plants and algae in shallow waters and phytoplankton in open water; allochthonous input provided by rivers via groundwater or wind
Terrestrial biomass and energy pyramids primary producers have most biomass and energy whereas secondary carnivores have least biomass and energy
Aquatic biomass and energy pyramids can sometimes be inverted (mainly in open ocean); little biomass or primary producer and large amount of predator biomass; energy is biggest at primary level and smallest at top; inverted pyramids more common in low productivity areas
3 hypotheses that explain available edible biomass 1. top-down population regulation 2. autotroph defences against herbivory 3. phytoplankton are more nutritious for herbivores than terrestrial plants
Hypothesis 1 herbivore populations are constrained by predators and never reach carrying capacity; predator-removal experiments in some ecosystems support this
Hypothesis 2 plants of resource-poor environments tend to have stronger defences than plants from resource-rich environments
Hypothesis 3 terrestrial plants have structural components (wood) with few nutrients; carbon to nutrient ratio is an indicator of food qaulity; phytoplankton have carbon to nutrient ratio closer to those of herbivores than of terrestrial plants
Trophic efficiency a measure of how energy transfers between trophic levels; incorporates 3 types of efficiency: consumption, assimilation and production efficiency
Consumption efficiency proportion of available energy that is ingested; higher in aquatic than terrestrial ecosystems; higher usually for carnivores than for herbivores
Assimilation efficiency proportion of ingested energy that is assimilated (digested); determined by both food quality and the physiology of the consume; plants and detritus have lower food quality (low N & P), animals are higher quality; endotherms higher assimilation efficiency
Production efficiency proportion of assimilated food that goes into new consumer biomass; body size affects heat loss in endotherms (SA:V ratio decreases with increased body size, larger endotherms have higher production efficiency
Trophic cascades types of control bottom-up control; top-down control
Bottom-up control (trophic cascades) suggests the things that limit net primary production are the plants themselves and the nutrients are available to them
Top-down control (trophic cascades) suggests that energy movement is governed by the top predators, which then governs everything below; idea that plants aren't completely consumed because carnivores keeping herbivores in line
Trophic cascade describing the resultant changes to the balance and energy transfer of an ecosystem that are caused by alterations to the abundance or biomass of a single trophic level or species
Limitations of food webs pt.2 only feeding interactions, no pollination, symbiosis etc.; micro-organisms often ignored; often main focus of food webs is only those deemed most important for research and conservation
Food web uses quantify importance of trophic connections by estimating interaction strength; identify keystone species and predict the impact of removing these from an ecosystem; predict how pollutants will bioaccumulate or biomagnify through the food web
Interaction strength measure of the effect of one species on the population size or abundance of another species; can quantify it through removal experiments, observations, comparisons, predator/prey body size
Keystone species those which have a greater (disproportional) influence than their abundance or biomass might predict; have important conservation implications
Bioaccumulation where some chemicals are not metabolised or excreted by animals or plants and they become progressively more concentrated in tissues over an organism's lifetime
Biomagnification when something else eats those affected oragnisms; occurs when concentration of toxic compounds increases in animals at higher trophic levels; animals at each level consume prey with higher and higher concentrations of the compounds
Nutrient requirements and makeup of organisms all ecosystems have similar nutrient requirements, with some variation; organism's nutrient requirements related to its physiology, mode of energy acquisition, mobility, thermal physiology; C/N ratio of plants is much lower in animals than plants
Ideal C/N ratio carbon is main component of plant structural compounds; nitrogen largely tied in enzymes; herbivores must ceat more food than carnivores to meet nutrient requirements
Where do plants get their nutrients from? soil solution comprised of minerals from rocks, organic content from decomposing plant and micro-organisms, water
Rock formations on soils (Australia) rock formations determine type of soil, which determines the plant community, flowing up through food web; Australia flora adapted to low nutrient concentrations due to soil type
Leaching during weathering of rock nutrients at surface where rocks are released are leached out by water overtime; flow down soil profile creating different layers of soil; top=rich in organic matter; plants can acquire different nutrients if they send their roots to different levels
How does climate influence soil development (e.g. warm, wet conditions)? soil development faster in these conditions as chemical reactions are faster with lots of water; tropical forest soils usually high rates of weathering and leaching and often nutrient-poor; most nutrients in them are in held above-ground biomass
How does climate influence soil development (e.g. higher latitudes)? soils usually richer in mineral nutrients here; have seen periods of glaciation and de-glaciation which slowed the leaching process
Nitrogen fixation in plants performed by bacteria that possess energetically expensive enzyme nitrogenase; trade-off in symbiosis is that the allocation of energy to N-fixation rather than growth reduces the competitive ability of plants for other resources
Nitrogen fixation in ocean performed by cyanobacteria
What is decomposition? process where detritivores break down detritus to obtain energy and nutrients; releases nutrients as simply, soluble organic and inorganic compounds that can be taken up by other organisms
How are decomposition rates influenced by the climate? faster in wet and moist conditions, with soil moisture especially influencing the availability of water and O2 to micro-organisms; if soils too wet, low O2, inhibits detritivores; if soils too dry, low water, no micro-organism metabolism
How to achieve landscape ecology? aerial photography; remote sensing from satellite images; Geographic Information Systems (GIS, enables storage and display of spatial data from different sources, can use it to produce layers of data to help understand pattersna dn what drives them)
Global Positioning Systems (GPS) in landscape ecology can attach device to animals and track movements and migratory patterns (radiotelemetry); limitations: difficult to attach to small short-lived animals and small birds (can't fly)
What is landscape ecology? concerned with spatial arrangement of landscape elemtns across Earth's surface; landscape elements might be any abiotic or biotic characteristic of a landscape that contributes to the habitat it defines
Landscape definition an area in which at least one element is spatially heterogenous, and often can include multiple ecosystems
Heterogeneity definition may refer to different types of landscape elements and their arrangement
Patches def discrete areas of similar habitat within a larger landscape
Corridors definition linear elements that connect patches
Matrix def refers to the overall dominant landscape type
Mosaic def a composite of heterogenous elements (patches, corridors, and matrix) that makes up the landscape
How to achieve biotic flow in landscape? patches must be directly connected by corridors, or else the surrounding habitat (the matrix) must be suitable for dispersal
What affects landscape structure? size of patches, aggregation/dispersal of patches, complexirty of patch shape, degree of fragmentation
Scale in landscape ecology depends on the range and size of the organisms being studied; landscape may be heterogenous at a scale important to a beetle, but homogenous at a scale important to a kangaroo
What causes landscape patterns? can be caused by physical forces (e.g. weather) but also by ecological processes (e.g. grazing); anthropogenic activities (agriculture, logging etc.) may affect current biodiversity and ecosystem processes, even after people have left (landscape legacies)
What is habitat loss and its causes? the reduction of habitat available for species in a landscape; caused by human activities such as flooding, clearing, urbanisation, road-laying
What is fragmentation? splitting of a landscape into smaller habitable patches; results in spatial isolation of population, making them vulnerable to the problems of small populations
What are edge effects? biotic/abiotic changes associated with habitat boundary as it shrinks from habitat loss and fragmentation; the environment changes over a certain distance into the fragment; increase in fragmentation=increased amount of edges
What do habitat edges do? can promote or deter dispersal (some species may benefit from foraging in one habitat and reproducing in another); invasive species especially often thrive at habitat edges
Characteristics of well-designed national parks and marine protected areas: large size; fuse small reserves into larger ones; close proximity; connected by corridors (can reduce effects of fragmentation by preventing isolation of populations); circular (minimise edge effects relative to area); buffer zones (minimise edge effects)
What does a successful restoration require? correct diagnosis of the ecological state of the area; accurate pre-determining of the restoration goals; application of ecological knowledge to recreate the desired type of ecosystem
Created by: tkeen40
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