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French Expressions


Coûter les yeux de la tête To cost an arm and a leg(literally, "to cost the eyes in the head")
Avoir le cafard To feel blue or down (literally, "to have the cockroach")
Faire la grasse matinée To sleep in (literally, "to do the fat morning")
Être dans la lune To be daydreaming (literally, "to be in the moon")
Avoir le coup de foudre To fall in love at first sight (literally, "to have the strike of lightning")
Être sur son 31 to be dressed to the nines (literally, "to be on one's 31")
Avoir la pêche To feel great or be in high spirits (literally, "to have the peach")
Raconter des salades To tell lies or tall tales (literally, "to tell salads")
Avoir un poil dans la main To be lazy (literally, "to have a hair in the hand")
Être au bout du rouleau To be at the end of one's rope (literally, "to be at the end of the roll")
Mettre du beurre dans les épinards To improve one's financial situation (literally, "to put butter in the spinach")
Mettre la main à la pâte To lend a hand (literally, "to put the hand in the dough")
Avoir du pain sur la planche To have a lot of work to do (literally, "to have bread on the board")
Être haut comme trois pommes To be very short (literally, "to be as tall as three apples")
Ce n'est pas la mer à boire It's not that difficult (literally, "it's not the sea to drink")
Être rouge comme une tomate To be very embarrassed (literally, "to be red as a tomato")
Chercher la petite bête To nitpick (literally, "to look for the little beast")
Donner sa langue au chat To give up trying to guess (literally, "to give one's tongue to the cat")
Se mettre dans la peau de quelqu'un To put oneself in someone else's shoes (literally, "to put oneself in someone's skin")
Faire d'une pierre deux coups To kill two birds with one stone (literally, "to do two things with one stone")
Avoir la tête dans les nuages To have one's head in the clouds
Faire la sourde oreille To turn a deaf ear
Être au pied du mur To be backed into a corner (literally, "to be at the foot of the wall")
Être en pleine forme To be in great shape
Avoir la gueule de bois To have a hangover (literally, "to have a wooden mouth")
Manger sur le pouce To eat quickly or on the go (literally, "to eat on the thumb")
Être fauché comme les blés To be broke (literally, "to be as poor as wheat")
Jeter l'argent par les fenêtres To throw money out the window
Mettre de l'eau dans son vin To compromise or tone down one's stance (literally, "to put water in one's wine")
Se casser la figure To fall flat on one's face
Remuer ciel et terre To move heaven and earth (to do no matter what to accomplish something)
Tirer les vers du nez To extract information from someone (literally, "to pull worms from someone's nose")
Avoir un cœur d'artichaut To fall in love easily (literally, "to have an artichoke heart")
Mettre les pieds dans le plat To put one's foot in one's mouth (literally, "to put one's feet in the dish")
Avoir le cœur sur la main To be very generous (literally, "to have the heart on the hand")
Donner sa langue au chat To give up trying to guess (literally, "to give one's tongue to the cat")
Poser un lapin To stand someone up (literally, "to put down a rabbit")
Être fier comme un coq o be as proud as a peacock (literally, "to be proud as a rooster")
Il était une fois Once upon a time
En un clin d'œil In the blink of an eye
Faire d’une pierre deux coups To kill two birds with one stone
Ne pas être dans son assiette To not feel well (literally, "to not be in one's plate")
Être soupe au lait To be quick-tempered (literally, "to be milk soup")
Avoir un chat dans la gorge To have a frog in one's throat (literally, "to have a cat in the throat")
Avoir une mémoire d'éléphant To have an excellent memory (literally, "to have the memory of an elephant")
Chercher la petite bête To nitpick (literally, "to look for the little beast")
Avoir le moral à zéro To be down in the dumps
Rire comme une baleine To laugh one's head off (literally, "to laugh like a whale")
Voir la vie en rose To see life through rose-colored glasses
Travailler d'arrache-pied To work tirelessly (literally, "to work tearing the foot")
Mettre les bouchées doubles To double one's efforts (literally, "to put in double mouthfuls")
Être au four et au moulin To be in two places at once (literally, "to be at the oven and the mill")
Porter bonheur To bring good luck
Toucher du bois To knock on wood
Être né sous une bonne étoile To be born under a lucky star (to be lucky)
Être comme chien et chat To fight like cats and dogs
Prendre quelqu'un la main dans le sac To catch someone red-handed (literally, "to catch someone with their hand in the bag")
Tenir la chandelle To be the third wheel (literally, "to hold the candle")
C'est la goutte d'eau qui fait déborder le vase It's the last straw (literally, "it's the drop of water that makes the vase overflow")
Être dans le pétrin To be in trouble (literally, "to be in the dough")
Avoir le feu aux trousses To be in a hurry (literally, "to have fire at one's heels")
Created by: Anushi Jain
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