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All GRE Key Terms

aberrant deviating from the norm
abscond to depart clandestinely
alacrity enthusiastic willingness
anomaly deviation from the normal order
approbation expression of approval or praise
arduous strenuous; taxing
assuage to ease, lessen, or pacify
audacious daring and fearless; bold
austere simple; ascetic
axiomatic taken as given; possessing self-evident truth
canonical following traditional standards
capricious inclined to change one's mind impulsively; erratic
censure to criticize severely
chicanery trickery or subterfuge
connoisseur an astute judge in matters of taste; expert
convoluted complex; difficult to follow
disabuse to undeceive; to set right
discordant conflicting; dissonant or harsh in sound
disparate fundamentally distinct
effrontery boldness; presumptuousness
eloquent well-spoken; articulate
enervate to weaken; to reduce in vitality
ennui dissatisfaction and restlessness resulting from boredom
equivocate to use ambiguous language with deceptive intent
erudite learned; scholarly
exculpate to exonerate, clear of blame
exigent urgent
extemporaneous improvised
filibuster intentional obstruction
fulminate to loudly attack or denounce
ingenuous frank and candid; unpretentious
inured accustomed to accepting something undesirable
irascible easily angered
laud to praise highly
lucid clear; easily understood
magnanimity generously noble in mind and heart, especially in forgiving
martial associated with war and the armed forces
mundane of the world; typical of the ordinary
nascent coming into being; in early developmental stages
nebulous vague; cloudy; lacking defined form
neologism a new word, expression, or usage; the creation or use of new words or senses
noxious harmful, injurious
obtuse lacking sharpness of intellect; not clear or precise
obviate to anticipate and make unnecessary; remove
onerous burdensome
paean a song or hymn of praise
parody a humorous imitation intended for comic effect
perennial happening repeatedly
perfidy treachery
perfunctory cursory; done without care or interest
perspicacious acutely perceptive; wise
prattle to yap meaninglessly
precipitate (adj.) acting with excessive haste
precipitate (verb) to cause or happen before required
predilection preference
prescience foreknowledge
qualms misgivings; reservations
recant to retract, especially a previously held belief
refute to disprove; to successfully argue against
relegate to forcibly assign, especially to a lower position
reticent quiet; reserved; reluctant to express thoughts
solicitous concerned and attentive; eager
sordid characterized by filth; foul
sporadic occurring only occasionally, or in scattered instances
squander to waste
static not moving
stupefy to stun or amaze
stymie to thwart
synthesis the combination of parts to make a whole
torque a force that causes rotation
tortuous winding; excessively complicated
truculent fierce; eager to fight
veracity honesty
virulent extremely harmful
voracious having an insatiable appetite for a pursuit; ravenous
waver to sway; to be unsettled in opinion
abate to lessen in intensity or degree
accolade an expression of praise
adulation excessive praise; adoration
aesthetic dealing with art or the beautiful
ameliorate to make better
ascetic practices rigid self-denial, especially as an act of devotion
avarice greed
burgeon flourish
bucolic rustic and pastoral
cacophony discordant sound; dissonance
canon an established set of principles, often religious
castigation severe criticism or punishment
catalyst a person or thing that causes change
caustic burning or stinging; causing corrosion
chary wary
cogent appealing forcibly to the mind; convincing
complaisance willingness to please others
contentious argumentative; causing controversy
contrite regretful
culpable deserving blame
dearth scarcity
demur to question or oppose
didactic intended to teach or instruct
discretion cautious reserve in speech; ability to make responsible decisions
disinterested impartial
dogmatic expressing rigid opinion based on unproved principles
ebulliance enthusiastic expression of thoughts and feelings
eclectic composed of elements drawn from various sources
elegy a mournful poem, especially one lamenting the dead
emollient soothing; making less harsh
empirical based on observation or experiment
enigmatic mysterious
ephemeral fleeting
esoteric intended for a small, specific group
eulogy a speech honoring the dead
exonerate to remove blame
facetious playful; humorous
fallacy a mistaken belief
furtive covert
gregarious outgoing
harangue ranting speech or writing
heretical violating accepted convention
hyperbole an exaggerated statement, often a figure of speech
impecunious without money
incipient beginning to come into being or to become apparent
inert unmoving; lethargic
innocuous harmless
intransigent refusing to compromise
inveigle to obtain by deception or flattery
morose sullen
odious evoking intense aversion
opaque impenetrable by light
oscillation the state of swinging back and forth with steady rhythm
penurious ungenerous
pernicious extremely harmful in a way that is unnoticed
peruse to examine with great care
pious extremely devout
precursor one that precedes or announces another
preen to groom with elaborate care
prodigious abundant in size, force, or extent; extraordinary
prolific producing large volumes
putrefy to rot; to give off foul odor
quaff to drink deeply
quiescence stillness
redoubtable awe-inspiring
sanction authoritative permission; a penalty intended to enforce compliance
satire a literary work that ridicules or criticizes a human vice through humor or derision
squalid sordid; dirty; neglected
stoic unaffected by pleasure or pain; steadfast
supplant to take the place of
torpid lethargic
ubiquitous constantly encountered; widespread
urbane sophisticated
vilify to defame
viscous thick; sticky
acumen keen, accurate judgement
adulterate to reduce purity
amalgamate to combine several elements into a whole
archaic outdated; associated with a more primitive time
aver to state as a fact
bolster to provide reinforcement
bombastic pompous
diatribe a harsh denunciation
dissemble to disguise; to mislead
eccentric departing from norms
endemic characteristic of a particular region
evanescent tending to disappear like vapor; vanishing
exacerbate to make worse
fervent greatly emotional or zealous
germane relevant to the subject at hand
grandiloquence pompous speech or expression
hackneyed rendered trite by frequent usage
halcyon peaceful
hedonism devotion to pleasure, especially of the senses
hegemony the consistent dominance of one group over others
iconoclast one who undermines traditional conventions
idolatrous given to intense devotion to something
impassive revealing no emotion
imperturbable marked by extreme calm
implacable not capable of being appeased or significantly changed
inchoate not fully formed
infelicitous unfortunate; inappropriate
insipid lacking in qualities that interest
loquacious extremely talkative
luminous characterized by brightness
malevolent having vicious ill will
malleable capable of being shaped
mendacity, mendacious dishonesty, dishonest
meticulous precise
misanthrope one who hates all other humans
mitigate to make less severe
obdurate unyielding
obsequious exhibiting a fawning attentiveness
occlude obstruct
opprobrium contempt
pedagogy the profession or principles of teaching
pedantic overly concerned with the trivial details; showing off one's knowledge
penury poverty
pervasive having the tendency to penetrate
pirate to illegally use or reproduce
pith the essential part
pithy precise and brief
placate to appease, by making concessions
platitude a superficial remark, especially one offered as meaningful
plummet drop straight down
polemical controversial; argumentative
prodigal recklessly extravagant
profuse given or coming forth abundantly
proliferate to grow swiftly and abundantly
queries questions; reservations
querulous prone to grumbling
rancorous characterized by bitter, long-lasting resentment
recalcitrant obstinately defiant; difficult to manage
repudiate refuse to have anything to do with
rescind retract
reverent marked by profound awe and respect
rhetoric the art of effective use of language for communication
salubrious promoting health
solvent able to meet financial obligations
specious plausible but false; misleadingly attractive
spurious counterfeit
subpoena a court order requiring appearance
succinct brief
superfluous exceeding what is necessary
surfeit excess; to supply to excess
tenacity persistence; determination
tenuous having little substance; flimsy
tirade a long and critical speech
transient fleeting
zealous devoted
acerbic bitter taste or character; sharp; biting
aggrandize to increase in intensity or power
alchemy a medieval science aimed at the transmutation of metals
amenable agreeable; responsive to suggestion
anachronism something or someone out of place in terms of historical context
astringent having a tightening effect on living tissue; harsh
contiguous adjacent
convention a generally agreed-upon practice
credulous gullible
cynicism an attitude that all people are motivated by selfishness
decorum polite conduct
derision ridicule
desiccate to dehydrate; to make dull
dilettante one with a superficial interest, amateur
disparage to slight or belittle
divulge to disclose something secret
fawn to flatter excessively
flout to show contempt for, as in a rule
garrulous pointlessly talkative
glib nonchalant; lacking in depth
hubris arrogance
imminent impending
immutable incapable of change
impetuous impulsive and vehement
indifferent showing no interest or concern; showing no bias or prejudice
inimical damaging; harmful; injurious; hostile
intractable stubborn
intrepid steadfast and courageous
laconic using few words
maverick an independent who does not go along with a group
mercurial characterized by rapid and unpredictable change in mood
mollify to soothe; to reduce in emotional intensity
neophyte a recent convert; a novice
obfuscate to deliberately obscure; to make confusing
obstinate stubborn
ostentatious showy
pervade to penetrate throughout
phlegmatic calm; sluggish; unemotional
plethora surplus
pragmatic practical rather than idealistic
presumptuous overstepping due bounds; taking liberties
pristine pure
probity complete integrity
proclivity a natural predisposition
profligate excessively wasteful
propensity a natural inclination
prosaic dull; lacking in spirit or imagination
pungent characterized by a strong, sharp smell or taste
quixotic foolishly impractical; marked by lofty romantic ideals
quotidian recurring daily; commonplace
rarefy to make less dense; to refine
recondite concealed; difficult to understand
refulgent radiant
renege to go back on a promise
sedulous diligent; persistent
shard a piece of broken pottery or glass
soporific causing drowsiness
sparse thin
spendthrift one who spends money wastefully
subtle not obvious
tacit, taciturn implied
terse brief
tout to publicly promote
trenchant perceptive
unfeigned genuine
untenable indefensible; not viable; uninhabitable
vacillate to waver indecisively
variegated multicolored
vexation annoyance
vigilant watchful
vituperate to abuse with language
volatile readily changing; fickle
alloy to commingle; to debase by mixing with something inferior
appropriate to take for one's own use; to confiscate
arrest to suspend; to engage
august majestic
bent inclination
broach to bring up
brook to tolerate
cardinal fundamental
chauvinist a blindly devoted patriot
color to change
consequential pompous, self-important
damp to diminish the intensity of
die a tool used for shaping
essay to attempt
exact to demand; to take
fell (verb) to cause to fall
fell (adj) inhumanly cruel
flag to sag; to become spiritless
flip sarcastic, impertinent
ford to wade across water
grouse complain
guy a brace or guide; to reinforce
intimate to imply
list to lean to one side
lumber to move heavily and clumsily
meet fitting, proper
milk to exploit
mince to pronounce affectedly; to euphemize; to speak carefully
nice precise
occult concealed, beyond comprehension
pedestrian unremarkable
pied multicolored
pine to lose vigor (as through grief)
plastic moldable
pluck courage
prize to pry; to force with a lever; something taken by force
rail to complain about bitterly
rent torn; an opening or tear
quail to lose courage
qualify to limit
sap (verb) to weaken
sap (noun) a fool
scurvy despicable
singular exceptional
stand a group of trees
steep to saturate
strut the supporting structural cross-part of a wing
table to remove from consideration
tender to offer
waffle to equivocate
wag joker
abjure to reject solemnly; to avoid
adumbrate to foreshadow vaguely; to obscure
anathema a solemn or ecclesiastical curse; accursed or loathed person or thing
anodyne soothing
apogee farthest or highest point
apostate one who abandons long-held beliefs
apotheosis deification; a model of excellence
asperity severity; irritability
asseverate to assert
assiduous hard-working
augury omen
bellicose belligerent, warlike
calumniate to slander
captious disposed to point out trivial faults; calculated to confuse in argument
cavil to find fault without good reason
celerity speed (acceleration)
chimera an illusion; imaginary monster
contumacious insubordinate
debacle complete failure
denouement an outcome
descry to catch sight of
desuetude disuse
desultory aimless; random
diaphanous transparent
diffident reserved, shy
dirge a song of grief
encomium glowing praise; tribute, elegy
eschew to shun
excoriate to censure scathingly
execrate to denounce
exegesis critical examination
expiate to make amends for
extirpate to destroy
fatuous silly, inane
fractious unruly
gainsay to deny
heterodox unorthodox
imbroglio difficult or embarrassing situation
indefatigable tireless
ineluctable inevitable
inimitable one-of-a-kind
insouciant carefree
inveterate ingrained
jejune vapid; childish
lubricious lewd, greasy
mendicant a beggar, supplicant
meretricious gaudy
minatory menacing
nadir low point
nonplussed baffled
obstreperous noisily defiant, to make noise against
ossified becoming more rigid and conventional with age
palliate to gloss over
panegyric formal praise; eulogy
parsimonious cheap, miserly
pellucid transparent, easy to understand
peroration the concluding part of a speech; flowery, rhetorical speech
plangent thundering, resounding
prolix verbose
propitiate to appease
puerile childish, unimportant
puissance power
pusillanimous cowardly
remonstrate to protest
sagacious wise
salacious appealing to sexual desire
salutary remedial, causing improvement
sanguine cheerful; blood red
saturnine gloomy
sententious moralistic; epigrammatic
stentorian extremely loud and powerful
stygian dark
sycophant servile; self-seeking flatterer
tendentious biased
timorous timid
tyro novice
vitiate to corrupt
voluble fluent, talks incessantly
sidereal of the distant stars
etiolated pale from lack of light; feeble
stolidity resigned; apathetic; dependability
commensurate corresponding in size
beseech implore
conduit a channel for conveying a fluid
prerogative a privilege of a certain individual or class
invidious likely to cause anger in others
antediluvian ridiculously old-fashioned
disencumber to free from burden
apocryphal doubtfully true, but circulated as such
senescence deterioration with age
gauche unsophisticated and awkward
prepossessing attractive in appearance
facile superficial
doughty brave, persistent
countenance facial expression; to admit as acceptable
cadge ask for or obtain something that one isn't entitled to
edify instruct morally or intellectually
pavonine like a peacock
equanimity mental calmness
thewy brawny
flocculent loosely clumped, like tufts of wool
capitulate surrender
obloquy public verbal abuse
evince reveal the presence of; indicate
recreant cowardly; unfaithful
redolent strongly reminiscent of; fragrant
droll curious or unusual in a way that provokes dry amusement
limpid completely clear
estimable worthy of great respect
verisimilitude the appearance of being real
beguiling charming, often in a deceptive way
noisome having an offensive smell; disagreeable
atavistic characterized by reversion to something ancestral
mephitic foul-smelling
munificent overly generous
nugatory useless, unimportant
ersatz a substitute, fake
clandestine kept secret
ingenuity clever, inventive
solipsistic self-centered
sophomoric pretentious, juvenile
cabal secret political faction
literati people well-educated in literature
hoi polloi the common people
parochial related to a church parish; limited in scope
dulcet sweet, soothing
officious authoritative in an annoyingly domineering way
outstrip move faster than, and overtake
poultice soft moist mass to treat inflammation
foible a minor weakness or eccentricity
mores the customs of a community
peccadillo a small offense or sin
lionize treat as a celebrity
indemnify compensate for harm (opposed: condemn)
posit assume as fact
cajole persuade by coaxing
coda an ending that sums up what came before
providential occurring at a good time; involving foresight
concomitant naturally accompanying
dissipated indulgent
canny having good judgement
sangfroid composure
expatiate speak at length, in detail
cosmopolitan familiar with many cultures; worldly
tony fashionable
spartan sparse; simple
licentious promiscuous
whet stimulate
paucity littleness
punctilious conscientious
puckish playful
uncouth lacking manners
wizened old, withered
conciliatory anti-war
unscrupulous without moral principles
conspicuous noticeable
proscribe forbid
artful clever, cunning
stipulate demand, specify
callow inexperienced, immature
appellation name or title
pundit expert
deleterious causing harm
blithe untroubled happiness
retrograde reversion to an earlier state
transmogrify transform, often magically
malign slander
solecism a grammatical error
red-blooded vigorous
pell-mell disorderly
effete lacking vigor or energy
propound set forward or lay out
scotch decisively put an end to
bay yell loudly
illiberal narrow-minded
belie to be at odds with
congenial warm, cordial
erstwhile former
fealty loyalty
hinging on dependent on
lassitude tiredness
sartorial relating to style of dress
feckless incompetent, good for nothing
punctiliousness strict in observance of formalities
plum desirable
part and parcel an essential piece of something
earthy direct and uninhibited, perhaps about sex
genteel polite
explicate explain
heuristic enabling someone to learn something themselves; loosely defined
antipathy pure hatred
patent obvious, evident
buttress to support
balkanized divided into hostile groups
denigrate dismiss
besmirch attack the honor of something
coalesce combine distinct elements
sophistry the use of fallacious arguments, often to deceive
dissolute lax in morals
moribund dying
plaudits praise
artless without deception; without pretension
surreptitious kept secret
tractable easily formed; pliable
peevish easily irritated
vehement passionate
fastidious precise
proffer offer
portent an omen
pugnacious eager to fight
rout defeat, disorderly retreat
upbraid to scold
refractory stubborn
perigee low point; orbit close to Earth
craven cowardly
lascivious lewd
aphorism a general, witty truth
fettered restrained
laconic using few words
demagogic intended to arouse negative sentiments
histrionic overly theatrical
hermetic protected from outside influence
precocious advanced for ones age
immolate burn as a sacrifice
mimetic copying
boondoggle wasteful project
mordant sharp, discerning
synergetic working together in a group
collusive cooperate for illegal purposes
coup successful move
rejoinder witty comeback
dear expensive
aggrieve make resentful
hamstring cripple
Created by: lilyamirzadeh
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