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Spanish Vocab

Malversacion Embessalment
Asumir To take on
El mito The Myth
Conjunto Cohort
Fracaso Failed
Entre Amongst
Tan...que So...that
Denuncia Reported
Mismo Himself/Same
ETA Terrorist Group
Estado Estate
Vasco Basque
Llevo a cabo Carry out
Alto de fuego Ceasefire
Anade Add
Debilitarlo Weaken it
El tribunal The courts
Fijan Fix
Carecec Lack
Octavo lugar 8th (place)
El intercambio intercultural Intercultural exchange
El pais receptor The receiving country
El pais de origen The country of origin
Eliminar puestos de trabajar Eliminate jobs
Elevar la tasa de natalidad Increase birth rates
Incitar Incite
El crecimiento de la economia Economic growth
Enriquecer la cultura Enrich the culture
La fuga de cerebros Brain drain
El grafico / Las cifras The graph / the figures
En cuanto a Regarding
Estar resfriado To have a cold
Ser atendido To be attended to
El apoyo polictico Political support
La campana electoral Electoral campaign
A la hora de erradicar When it comes to readicating
No ha hecho mas que aumentar It has only increased
No tiene nada que ver It has nothing to do with
Sea cual sea nuestol origen Regardless of our origin
Dejar boquiabierto To leave speechless
Hay que fomentar/vigilar/denunciar We must promote / watch / report
Se pretende concienciar The aim is to raise awareness
Aunque parezca Even though it may seem
Se estima que It is estimated that
De la misma forma/manera In the same way
Se ha convertido It has become
Basta ya de prejuicios Enough with the prejudices
No se castiga de forma justa It is not punished fairly
Respetar la libertad de expresion To respect freedom of speech
Se debe It should be
Obedecer una orden judicial To obey a court order
Hace falta que la ley se respete It is necessary for the law to be respected
Hemos de sancionar We must sanction
Tener mas mano dura To have a tougher stance
Hay que castigar It is necessary to punish
Puede suponer mucho It can mean a lot
No se puede negar It cannot be denied
Al no tener acceso Due to not having access
Propinar una paliza To deliver a beating
Posteriormente Subsequently
Previamente Previously
Mientras While
Actualmente Currently
Por orta parte On the other hand
Una iniciativa An initiative
Eleccion libre Free choice
Un choque cultural A cultural shock
El aprendizaje Learning
Yo paso de votar I dont bother voting
Da igual lo que hagamos It doesnt matter what we do
Las estadisticas The statistics
En cambio On the other hand
En promedio On average
Mostrar To show
Pretender To intend
Indicar Indicate
Como se puede ver As you can see
Construir To build
Estar dispuesto a Be willing to
No solo...sino tambien Not only...but also
Dar la vuelta al mundo Travel around the world
A principios de At the beginning of
Llegar a fin de mes Make ends meet
A media jornada Part-time
Nacio en She / He was born in
Se involucro en la politica She / He got involved with politics
Un papel A role
El lado The side
Lesionar To injure
La posquerra Post-war years
Posteriormente Later on
Por aquel entonces At that time
Es dudoso que It is doubtful that
Existe la posibilidad de que There is the possibility that
Lamento que I regret that
Con tal que Provided that
Quienquiera Whoever
Se puede perdoner I can be forgiven
Ejercer To exert
Cometer un delito To commit a crime
Es una verguenza que It is a shame that
Inconcebible Inconceivable
A mi me parace insoportable It seems unbearable to me
Atestar To attest
Destacar Highlight
La publicidad en la prensa Advertising in the press
Rechazar la propuesta Reject the proposal
Abierto al dialogo Open to dialogue
Fortalecer Strengthen
La perdida The loss
El porcentaje The percentage
Se nota fuertas tasas de crecimiento en lo que se refiere a Strong growth rates are noticeable regarding
...corresponde/equivale a... ...corresponds to / is equivalent to...
Los ninos fueron secuestrados The children were kidnapped
Las madres comenzaron a juntarse The mothers started to gather
Una reunion familiar A family gathering
Echar de menos To miss someone
La etapa The stage
La licenciatura A university degree
Quedarse To stay
La aportacion The contribution
El auge The boom
El derrumbe The collapse
La riqueza The wealth
A escondidas Hidden
Despedir To sack
Lograr To achieve/manage
Marcharse To leave
El traslado The move
La valla The fence / wall
Alievado Relieved
Anhelar To long for / To yearn
Las arepas Corn snacks
Los efluvios The outpours
Empujar To push
Estadounidense American
Semejante Similar
Suponer To represent
Vale la pena Worthwhile
Los vinculos The links
Alimentar To feed
Arrendar To rent
Permanecer To stay
Veraneantes Holiday makers
Ahorrar To save
Conceder To give
Con ganas Willingly
Rumbo a On the way to
Lesionados Injured
Una bofetada Slap / punch
Una empleada de hogar Housemaid
Un empujon A push / shove
Acercarse a To approach
Agacharse To bend down
Humillar To humiliate
Repeochar To reproach
Testigo Witness
Sea cual sea No matter what
Vergonzoso Shameful
Huir To escape
Pisar To tread
La discapacidad The disability
El lema The slogan
Mezclarse To mix (with one another)
Pretender To intend
Los relatos The stories
Superar To overcome
Afirmar To affirm / confirm
Argelino Algerian
Las letras The lyrics
Antecedentes penales Criminal Convictions
Negar To deny
La infraccion leve Minor offence
Desafio Challenge
Concertado Semi-private
La juventud The youth
La lealtad The loyalty
Plantearse To consider
Exigir To demand
La angustia Anxiety
Entorno Surrounding
Un golpe Coup
Los partidarios Supporters
Sindiscatos Trade union
Suministrar To provide
Un amago de esperanza A faint hope
Ocultar To hide
Los fosas comunes Mass graves
Reavivar Rekindle
El paradero The whereabouts
Cerrar el ciclo To bring closure
El cumplimeitno The fulfilment
Arruinar To ruin / destroy
Estar harto To be fed up
Cubrir To cover
El umbral The threshold
Abogar por To stand up for
Vinculado Linked to
Cobrar To earn
Evitar To avoid
El parto The birth
Relatar To tell
Sobrevivir To survive
Gritar To shout
Punado Handul
Recutamiento Recruitment
Popular Spanish sets




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