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Spanish Vocab
Term | Definition |
Malversacion | Embessalment |
Asumir | To take on |
El mito | The Myth |
Conjunto | Cohort |
Fracaso | Failed |
Entre | Amongst |
Tan...que | So...that |
Denuncia | Reported |
Mismo | Himself/Same |
ETA | Terrorist Group |
Estado | Estate |
Vasco | Basque |
Llevo a cabo | Carry out |
Alto de fuego | Ceasefire |
Anade | Add |
Debilitarlo | Weaken it |
El tribunal | The courts |
Fijan | Fix |
Carecec | Lack |
Octavo lugar | 8th (place) |
El intercambio intercultural | Intercultural exchange |
El pais receptor | The receiving country |
El pais de origen | The country of origin |
Eliminar puestos de trabajar | Eliminate jobs |
Elevar la tasa de natalidad | Increase birth rates |
Incitar | Incite |
El crecimiento de la economia | Economic growth |
Enriquecer la cultura | Enrich the culture |
La fuga de cerebros | Brain drain |
El grafico / Las cifras | The graph / the figures |
En cuanto a | Regarding |
Estar resfriado | To have a cold |
Ser atendido | To be attended to |
El apoyo polictico | Political support |
La campana electoral | Electoral campaign |
A la hora de erradicar | When it comes to readicating |
No ha hecho mas que aumentar | It has only increased |
No tiene nada que ver | It has nothing to do with |
Sea cual sea nuestol origen | Regardless of our origin |
Dejar boquiabierto | To leave speechless |
Hay que fomentar/vigilar/denunciar | We must promote / watch / report |
Se pretende concienciar | The aim is to raise awareness |
Aunque parezca | Even though it may seem |
Se estima que | It is estimated that |
De la misma forma/manera | In the same way |
Se ha convertido | It has become |
Basta ya de prejuicios | Enough with the prejudices |
No se castiga de forma justa | It is not punished fairly |
Respetar la libertad de expresion | To respect freedom of speech |
Se debe | It should be |
Obedecer una orden judicial | To obey a court order |
Hace falta que la ley se respete | It is necessary for the law to be respected |
Hemos de sancionar | We must sanction |
Tener mas mano dura | To have a tougher stance |
Hay que castigar | It is necessary to punish |
Puede suponer mucho | It can mean a lot |
No se puede negar | It cannot be denied |
Al no tener acceso | Due to not having access |
Propinar una paliza | To deliver a beating |
Posteriormente | Subsequently |
Previamente | Previously |
Mientras | While |
Actualmente | Currently |
Por orta parte | On the other hand |
Una iniciativa | An initiative |
Eleccion libre | Free choice |
Un choque cultural | A cultural shock |
El aprendizaje | Learning |
Yo paso de votar | I dont bother voting |
Da igual lo que hagamos | It doesnt matter what we do |
Las estadisticas | The statistics |
En cambio | On the other hand |
En promedio | On average |
Mostrar | To show |
Pretender | To intend |
Indicar | Indicate |
Como se puede ver | As you can see |
Construir | To build |
Estar dispuesto a | Be willing to |
No solo...sino tambien | Not only...but also |
Dar la vuelta al mundo | Travel around the world |
A principios de | At the beginning of |
Llegar a fin de mes | Make ends meet |
A media jornada | Part-time |
Nacio en | She / He was born in |
Se involucro en la politica | She / He got involved with politics |
Un papel | A role |
El lado | The side |
Lesionar | To injure |
La posquerra | Post-war years |
Posteriormente | Later on |
Por aquel entonces | At that time |
Es dudoso que | It is doubtful that |
Existe la posibilidad de que | There is the possibility that |
Lamento que | I regret that |
Con tal que | Provided that |
Quienquiera | Whoever |
Se puede perdoner | I can be forgiven |
Ejercer | To exert |
Cometer un delito | To commit a crime |
Es una verguenza que | It is a shame that |
Inconcebible | Inconceivable |
A mi me parace insoportable | It seems unbearable to me |
Atestar | To attest |
Destacar | Highlight |
La publicidad en la prensa | Advertising in the press |
Rechazar la propuesta | Reject the proposal |
Abierto al dialogo | Open to dialogue |
Fortalecer | Strengthen |
La perdida | The loss |
El porcentaje | The percentage |
Se nota fuertas tasas de crecimiento en lo que se refiere a | Strong growth rates are noticeable regarding |
...corresponde/equivale a... | ...corresponds to / is equivalent to... |
Los ninos fueron secuestrados | The children were kidnapped |
Las madres comenzaron a juntarse | The mothers started to gather |
Una reunion familiar | A family gathering |
Echar de menos | To miss someone |
La etapa | The stage |
La licenciatura | A university degree |
Quedarse | To stay |
La aportacion | The contribution |
El auge | The boom |
El derrumbe | The collapse |
La riqueza | The wealth |
A escondidas | Hidden |
Despedir | To sack |
Lograr | To achieve/manage |
Marcharse | To leave |
El traslado | The move |
La valla | The fence / wall |
Alievado | Relieved |
Anhelar | To long for / To yearn |
Las arepas | Corn snacks |
Los efluvios | The outpours |
Empujar | To push |
Estadounidense | American |
Semejante | Similar |
Suponer | To represent |
Vale la pena | Worthwhile |
Los vinculos | The links |
Alimentar | To feed |
Arrendar | To rent |
Permanecer | To stay |
Veraneantes | Holiday makers |
Ahorrar | To save |
Conceder | To give |
Con ganas | Willingly |
Rumbo a | On the way to |
Lesionados | Injured |
Una bofetada | Slap / punch |
Una empleada de hogar | Housemaid |
Un empujon | A push / shove |
Acercarse a | To approach |
Agacharse | To bend down |
Humillar | To humiliate |
Repeochar | To reproach |
Testigo | Witness |
Sea cual sea | No matter what |
Vergonzoso | Shameful |
Huir | To escape |
Pisar | To tread |
La discapacidad | The disability |
El lema | The slogan |
Mezclarse | To mix (with one another) |
Pretender | To intend |
Los relatos | The stories |
Superar | To overcome |
Afirmar | To affirm / confirm |
Argelino | Algerian |
Las letras | The lyrics |
Antecedentes penales | Criminal Convictions |
Negar | To deny |
La infraccion leve | Minor offence |
Desafio | Challenge |
Concertado | Semi-private |
La juventud | The youth |
La lealtad | The loyalty |
Plantearse | To consider |
Exigir | To demand |
La angustia | Anxiety |
Entorno | Surrounding |
Un golpe | Coup |
Los partidarios | Supporters |
Sindiscatos | Trade union |
Suministrar | To provide |
Un amago de esperanza | A faint hope |
Ocultar | To hide |
Los fosas comunes | Mass graves |
Reavivar | Rekindle |
El paradero | The whereabouts |
Cerrar el ciclo | To bring closure |
El cumplimeitno | The fulfilment |
Arruinar | To ruin / destroy |
Estar harto | To be fed up |
Cubrir | To cover |
El umbral | The threshold |
Abogar por | To stand up for |
Vinculado | Linked to |
Cobrar | To earn |
Evitar | To avoid |
El parto | The birth |
Relatar | To tell |
Sobrevivir | To survive |
Gritar | To shout |
Punado | Handul |
Recutamiento | Recruitment |