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What is tort?
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Three types of tort?
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Tort and Crime

Review Questions

What is tort? A civil wrong that interferes with one's property or person.
Three types of tort? Intentional, Negligence and Strict Liability
What is Intentional torts? When wrongdoers engage in intentional conduct.
What is Negligence? Failure to exercise due care.
What is Strict liability? Absolute liability due to inherent danger of the activity, regardless of intent.
What is assault? Threatening a person with imminent harm.
What is battery? The wrongful touching of another person without their consent.
Two forms of defamation? Slander and Libel
What is Slander? Spoken words
When a newspaper produces reports on a person using inaccurate information, what is that called ? Libel
Elements of negligence? Duty to exercise reasonable care Breach of duty Causation Damages
Defenses to Negligence? Contributory Comparative Assumption of the risk Immunity
Contributory negligence is the____________ plaintiff's negligence is a complete bar to recovery of damages from the defendant.
What is it called when a negligent plaintiff to entitled to damage recovery? Comparative negligence
In what instance can strict liability be mostly imposed? Product liability
What is Crime? a conduct that is prohibited and punished by a government.
How many years is Misdemeanors punishable by? less than one year in prison
How many years is Felonies punishable by? more than one year in prison
True or False: Does Money Laundering Control Act allows knowingly participating in a financial transaction to conceal the source of the funds? False
What is the purpose of the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act_____________ Prevent those involved in organize crime from investing money obtained through racketeering in legitimate businesses.
Define Bribery____________ the act of giving money, property or a benefit to a person to influence their judgment.
True or False: Is it perjury if a defendant lies under oath? True
A computer crime requires that a person have some knowledge of the operation of a computer.
Types of common law crimes Larceny Robbery Burglary Arson
True or False: Due process is the right to be heard, question a witness and present evidence in court True
What is a Miranda right? Warnings given to those who face criminal proceedings at the time of arrest.
Created by: Nic3089
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