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Ops Man

Topic 6 - Quality Control

what is quality control? evaluates results of the process by comparing to ideal results - is any differences = MINIMISE IT - ALL EFFORTS DEDICATED TO OBTAIN PRODUCTS/SERVICES THAT COMPLY DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS AT MINIMUM COST
what is acceptance sampling? determine percentage of products that verify specifications - used to inspect elements purchased from suppliers or pieces in process - random lots of products, measuring a certain characteristic & comparing to a standard - cheaper than 100% inspection
what is sampling by attribute? performed through a sampling plan
what is a characteristic curve? each sampling plan has an associated curve that describes the ability of the plan to distinguish between correct lots and defective lots = indicates the probability that the plan accepts lots of different quantities
what type of decision is the selecting of values used in sampling? economic decision based on costs, company policies & contract requirements
what is a Pareto chart? most defects attributed to a reduced number of causes - classify vital causes from trivial causes - identify causes of a quality problem EASILY & RAPIDLY
what are cause and effect diagrams? used to classify and clear the causes that originate an effect - necessary to identify and face CAUSES (not effects) to solve a problem
what are check sheets? printed sheets that allow data collection in a simple and precise way = easy for operations - objective = ease data collection and organise data for further analysis
what are histograms? graphical representation of distribution of data (organised to study frequency of occurrence) - tell you there is a problem BUT not where
what are the main functions of histograms? - verify production is within specifications - determine behaviour of distribution - analyse stratification if necessary due to interference of different factors that can affect variability
what is a scatter diagram? useful to analyse whether a quality characteristic and a factor are related (correlated)
what is stratification? method to identify origins of variability of collected data
what are control charts? statistical process control (SPC) applies statistical techniques to measure and analyse the variations of a production process
what are the 2 types of control charts? 1) random = can't be controlled, random, affect all processes, always considered 2) assignable = variability of process (eg tiredness), not possible to obtain identical products
what is process capacity? variability amplitude when under control - not due to assignable causes = tolerance intervals define the limits where the product is considered correct = upper tolerance limit (LTS) = lower tolerance limit (LTI)
what are control graphics? differentiate variations due to random or assignable causes - compared to established control limits
what are control graphics by variables? measurements for continuous quality characteristics (weight, length etc) - show variations of average AND dispersion = ANOMALIES IDENTIFIED
what are control graphics by attributes? quality characteristics that can't be measured - classify the product as Acceptable or Defective - monitor the number of detected defects/number of defects
Created by: patriciam03
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