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2024 LCF Reading Q.2
2024 LCF Reading Comprehension Q.2
Term | Definition |
a du mal à | is finding it difficult to |
à propos de son avenir | in relation to his future |
son fils souffre | her son is suffering |
elle s'inquiète pour lui | she is worried about him |
Il se renfermait | he was becoming withdrawn |
il errait dans la maison | he was roaming around the house |
tristesse épouvantable | terrible sadness |
le poids du monde sur ses épaules | the weight of the world on his shoulders |
ensemble | together |
sans les autres | without the others |
Il poussa un soupir | he let out a sigh |
arrêter | to stop |
Je n'en peux plus | I can't take it any longer |
Il se mit à parler | He began talking |
il n'avait aucune idée | he had absolutely no idea |
le sentiment | the feeling |
presque tous | almost all of them |
ce qu'ils souhaitaient faire | what they wanted to do |
Découvrir le monde | discover the world |
à peine | scarcely |
Quelques jours plus tard | a few days later |
je lui ai raconté | I told him |
un conseiller d'orientation | a guidance counsellor |
trouver sa voie | to find his way |
poursuivre ses études | to continue his studies |
marcher dans tes pas | to follow in your footsteps |
tout de suite | immediately |
le mettre sous pression | to put him under pressure |
Peu après | shortly after |
emmener mon fils au restaurant | to bring my son to the restaurant |
Je lui souris doucement | I smiled at him softly |
Il n'y a rien de drôle | There is nothing funny |
le choix | the choice |
apprendre des autres | to learn from others |
tu avais des envies de voyages | you wanted to travel |
dès ta naissance | As soon as you were born |
j'ai toujours mis de l'argent de côté | I have always saved money |
le dépenser | to spend it |
aux quatre coins de la planète | to the four corners of the planet |
je te soutiendrai le plus possible | I will support you as much as possible |
il me serra fort | he gave me a big hug |
Tu seras fière de moi | You will be proud of me |
Je le suis déjà | I already am |