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Esp3 Unidad 1A Vocab

Esp3 Unidad 1A Vocabulario

colaborar to collaborate
el consejo estudiantil student council
el coro choir
el ensayo rehearsal
hacerse miembro to become a member
la orquesta orchestra
aparecer to appear, to turn up
desaparecer to disappear
establecer to establish
merecer to deserve, to merit
obedecer to obey
parecer to seem
parecerse to look like, to resemble
pertenecer to belong, to pertain to
reconocer to recognize
ahora mismo right now
¡Apúrate! Hurry up!
¡Chévere! Great!
darse prisa to hurry
En fin... Any way...
enseguida right away, immediately
Igualmente. Me, too. / Likewise.
¡Para nada! Not at all!
Pasándola. Getting by.
rápido quickly
Se me hace tarde. It's getting late.
tal vez maybe, perhaps
¡Te lo juro! I swear!
¡Tengo prisa! I am in a hurry!
¡Ya voy! I'm coming!
chistoso(a) funny
estricto(a) strict
estudioso(a) studious
fascinante fascinating
fenomenal phenomenal, great
genial great, cool
insoportable unbearable
motivado(a) motivated
organizado(a) organized
orgulloso(a) proud
responsable responsible
talentoso(a) talented
trabajador(a) hard working
vago(a) lazy, idle
harto(a) (de) tired (of), fed up with
dedicar to dedicate
depender (de) to depend (on)
fijarse to notice
prestar atención to pay attention
tener confianza en sí/ti mismo to have self-confidence
A mí me tocan... I get...
¡No es justo! It's not fair!
¡No hay quien lo aguante! Nobody can stand him!
¡No hay quien la aguante! Nobody can stand her!
la nota grade, note
Created by: SraGant
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