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Question | Answer |
Tell me about yourself | I'm currently a college student going back to school in the spring and looking to work in the meantime |
Strengths | Time Management, Dependable, Team Player |
Weaknesses | Introvert, Asking For Help, Small Talk |
Something you had to overcome? | interview |
A Time You Got Irritated by a Coworker or Family Member? | a |
How do you communicate with others? How do you multitask? | b |
Why do you want to work here and why should we hire you? | c |
What do you want out of this job? | d |
A common misperception of you? | e |
Describe your desired day working at our establishment? What are your expectations for this position | f |
What is your relationship with your last employer? What would your last employer say about you? | g |
How would your spouse/significant other describe you? What would they say you are good at? What would they say you struggle with? | h |