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amoxicillin<br>AMOXIL<br>class/action func. class: Antiinfective, antiulcer chem. class: aminopenicillin (antibiotic)Action: Interferes w/ cell wall replication of susceptible organisms; the cell wall, rendered osmotically unstable, swells & bursts from osmotic pressure; bactericidal.
amoxicillin<br>AMOXIL<br>Dosage & Routes Systemic infection: Adult PO 750 mg 1.75g/day in divided doses a8hr or q12hr<br>Child PO 20-50mg/kg/day in divided doses q8hrs
amoxicillin<br>AMOXIL<br>Side Effects CNS: h/a, seizures, agitation, confusion, dizziness<br>GI: n/v, diarrhea, increased AST, ALT, ab pain<br>Hema: anemia, incraseed bleeding time, bone marrow depression, granulocytopenia, hemolytic anemiaInteg: Urticaria, rash
amoxicillin<br>AMOXIL<br>Precautions pregnancy, breast life, metabolized in liver, excreted in uring, crosses placenta, enters breast milk<br>increase: probenecid, warfarin, methotrexate levels<br>decrease: oral contraceptives
amoxicillin<br>AMOXIL<br>Teach pt/family - caps may be opened & contents taken w/ fluids, chewable form avail<br>- take as prescribed-no dub dose<br>- need 2 complete entire course of med to ensure organism death 10-14 days<br>- report sore throat, fever, fatigue, diarrhea; superinfection
digoxin LANOXIN (cardiotonic) *action inhibits the sodium potassium ATPase, which makes more calcium available for contractile proteins, resulting in ^cardiac output(positive inotropic effect); increases force of contraction; decreases HR (- chronotropic effect); decreases AV conduction speed
digoxin LANOXIN (cardiotonic) *side effects cns: h/a, drowsiness, apathy, confusion, disorientation, fatigue, depression, hallucinations cv: dysrhythmias, hypotension, bradycardia, AV block eent: blurred vision, yellow-green halos, photophobia, diplopia gi: n/v, anorexia, ab pain, diarrhea
digoxin LANOXIN (cardiotonic) *Assess - apical pulse for 1min. if <60 adult or <90 infant, take again in 1hr. - I&O ration, daily weight, turgor, lung sounds, edema - cardiac status: apical, charater, rate, rhythm
digoxin LANOXIN (cardiotonic) *Pt. Teaching - dont stop abruptly-take as ordered, monitor HR. - avoid OTC meds, herb remedies-many adverse s/d, dont take antacid. - notify dr: loss appetite, lower ab pain, diarrhea, weakness, drowsiness, h/a, blurred or yellow vision, rash, depression, toxicity
CARDIOTONICS aka cardiac glycoside Make heart beat stronger and slower. action: increase strength or force contraction(pumping) of heart muscle(myocardium). use to treat heart failure, arrhythmias.
furosemide LASIX (loop diuretic) Inhibits absorption of sodium and chloride at proximal and distal tubule and in the loop of Henle.
furosemide LASIX (loop diuretic; antihypertenstive) *Use Pulmonary edema; edema in CHF, hepatic disease, nephrotic syndrome, asites, hypertension
furosemide LASIX (loop diuretic; antihypertenstive) *Side Effects CNS: H/A, fatigue, weakness, vertigo, paresthesias cv: orthostatic hypotension, chest pain,, ECG changes, circulatory collapse eent: loss of hearing, ear pain, tinnitus, blurred vision elect: hypokalemia endo:hyperglycemic gi, n/v, diarrhea, dry mou
furosemide LASIX (loop diuretic; antihypertenstive) *Assess - signs metabolic alkalosis: drowsiness, restlessness - signs hypokalemia: postural hypotension, malaise, fatigue, tachycardia, legcramp, weak - rash, temp elevate daily - confusion - hearing loss, tinnitus
furosemide LASIX (loop diuretic; antihypertenstive) *Pt. Teaching - ^Potassium diet or supplement - rise slowly from lying or sitting - recognize adverse reaction: muscle cramp, weak, nausea, dizzy - take w/ food or mile for GI - use sunscreen or protective cloth - take early to prevent sleepless - avoid OTC med
DIURETICS reduce BP by producing sodium and water loss and lowering the tone or rigidity of the arteries
CALCIUM CHANNEL BLOCKERS diltiazem CARDIZEM reduce peripheral resistance in arms and legs through smooth muscle relaxation and vasodilation.
BETA ANDRENERGIC BLOCKERS metoprolol LOPRESSOR andrenergic inhibitors; block beta1&2 impulses, wide range of s/e
Created by: alogan
Popular Pharmacology sets




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