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Regular Verbs ERE
Conjugation of common ERE verbs
Italian | English |
Scrivo la email. | I am writing the email |
Leggono il libro. | they are reading the book. |
Leggi il ibro? | Are you (s) reading the book? |
Vinciamo! | Let's win! |
Vendono la macchina. | They are selling the car. |
Lei vive a Melbourne | She lives in Melbourne. |
Lui vive a Melbourne ? | Does he live in Melbourne? |
Prendiamo il treno ogni giorno. | We cattch the train every day. |
Prendete il treno ogni giorno? | Do you (pl) catch the train every day? |
Spendono dieci dollari. | They spend ten dollars. |
Spende dieci dollari. | He/ she spends ten dollars. |
Vendete la macchina? | Are you (pl) selling the car? |
Prendi l'autobus sabato? | Are you taking the bus on Saturday? |
Prende l'autobus sabato. | Is he/she catching the bus on Saturday? |
Chiudi la porta per favore. | Close (you s) the door. please |
Chiudono la porta. | They close the door |
Scrivete la email? | Are you (pl) writing the email? |
Scrivono la poesia. | They write the poem. |
Scrivi la poesia? | Are you (s) writing the poem? |