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Reflexive verbs
Question | Answer |
Lavarse | to wash oneself |
banarse | to bath oneself |
dedicarse | to dedicate oneself |
divertirse | to amuse oneself, to have a good time |
expresarse | to express oneself |
llarmarse | to call oneself |
preguntarse | to ask oneself, to wonder |
acostarse, me acuesto | to go to bed, I go to bed |
defenderse, me defiendo | to defend oneself, I defend myself |
despertarse, me despierto | to wake up, I wake up |
ducharse | to shower |
dormirse, me duermo | to fall asleep, I fall asleep |
enfermarse | to get sick |
levantarse | to get up, to raise oneself |
sentarse, me siento, te sientas | to sit down, I sit down, you sit down |
vestirse | to get dressed |
afeitarse | to shave |
cepillarse (los dientes, el pelo) | to brush ones(teeth, hair) |
maquillarse (la cara) | to put makeup on(one's face) |
peinarse (el pelo) | to comb (one's hair) |
pintarse (las uñas) | to put makeup on, (to put nail polish on) |
ponerse | to put on (clothing) |
quitarse | to take off (clothing) |
alegarse (de) | to become happy, to be glad |
animarse | to cheer up |
asustarse | to get frightened, scared |
calmarse | to calm down |
enfardarse (con) | to get angry (with) |
enojarse (con) | to get angry (with) |
preocuparse (de) | to worry |
tranquilizarse | calm down |
quedarse | to remain |
mudarse | to move(from one place to another) |
pararse | to stand up |
caerse, me caigo | to fall down, I fall down |
irse | to go away, leave quickly |
movarse, me muevo | to move, I move |
ponerse + adjective | to become Me pongo feliz cuando veo mi perro. |
volverse + adjectivo | sudden involuntary change Te vuelves enferma cuando comes camarones |
hacerse | becoming a professional of some type. Estamos estudiendo a nos hacimos actors |
llegar a ser | becoming something (Se llegaran a ser profesoras de inglés cuando graduadas) |
arreglarse | to get ready to go out, to fix oneself up |
aprovecharse (de) | to take advantage of |
atreverse (a) | to dare to |
bularse (de) | to make fun of |
callarse | to become quiet |
demorarse | to delay |
desayunarse | to have breakfast |
enarmorarse (de) | to fall in love with |
equivocarse | to make a mistake |
fiarse (en) | to trust, to have trust in |
lastimarse | to hurt oneself |
llevarse (bien) (con) | to get along (well) with |
meyorarse | to get better |
meterse (en) | to get involved in, to meddle |
portarse (bien/mal) | to behave oneself (well/badly) |
Quejarse (de) | to complain about |
quemarse | to burn oneself |
reunirse (con) | to meet with |