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II-2B Grammar
Demonstrative Adjectives
Term | Definition |
esa camisa | that shirt |
estas camisas | these shirts |
estos pantalones | these pants |
esos pantalones | those pants |
esas gorras | those hats |
estas gorras | these hats |
esta chaqueta | this jacket |
esta corbata | this tie |
estas corbatas | these ties |
esa corbata | that tie |
este vestido | this dress |
estos vestidos | these dresses |
ese vestido | that dress |
esos abrigos | those coats |
estos abrigos | these coats |
esa bolsa | that purse |
esta bolsa | this purse |
estas bolsas | these purses |
estos calcetines | these socks |
esos calcetines | those socks |
esta falda | this skirt |
esa falda | that skirt |
esas faldas | those skirts |
estas faldas | these skirts |
esos zapatos | those shoes |
estos zapatos | these shoes |
esa blusa | that blouse |
este | THIS (masculine singular) |
esta | THIS (fem, singular) |
estos | THESE (masc, plural) |
estas | THESE (fem, plural) |
ese | THAT (masc, singular) |
esa | THAT (fem, singular) |
esos | THOSE (masc, plural) |
esas | THOSE (fem. plural) |
aquel | that over there (m) |
aquella | that over there (f) |
aquellos | those over there (m) |
aquellas | those over there (f) |
where does the accent go to make demonstratives a pronoun | first e |