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Ankle Special Tests

Neutral subtalar positioning purpose Identifies abnormal rearfoot to forefoot positioning
Neutral subtalar positioning description Pt prone with foot over edge of table. Palpate dorsal aspect of talus on both sides with 1 hand, and grasp lateral forefoot with other hand. Gently dorsiflex foot until resistance then gently move food through arc of supination of pronation
Neutral subtalar positioning result Neutral position is here you feel foot fall off easier to one side or other. At this point compare rearfoot to forefoot to leg
Anterior drawer test purpose Identify ligamentous instability (particularly anterior talofibular ligament)
Anterior drawer test description Pt lies supine with foot relaxed. Examiner stabilizes tibia and fibula, holds pt's foot in 20 degrees of PF, and draws the talus forward in ankle mortise
Anterior drawer test result positive test if talus has excessive anterior glide/pain is noted
Talar tilt test purpose To identify instability of calcaneofibular ligament
Talar tilt test description Pt lies supine or sidely with foot relaxed. Pt' gastroc m may be relaxed by flexion of knee. Foot is held in anatomical 90 degree position, talus is then tilted side to side into inversion and eversion.
Talar tilt test result Inversion tests the calcaneofibular ligament. Eversion stresses the deltoid ligament
External Rotation Stress Test (Kleiger test) purpose Evaluates syndesmosis injury and a tear of the deltoid ligament.
External Rotation Stress Test (Kleiger test) description Pt is seated with leg handing over examining table with knee at 90. Examiner stabilizes leg with 1 hand. With other hand, examiner holds foot in plantigrade (90) and applies passive lateral rotation stress to the foot and ankle
External Rotation Stress Test (Kleiger test) result Test positive for syndesmosis (high ankle) injury if pain is produced over anterior/posterior tibiofibular ligaments and the interosseous membrane. Pain present medially, & examiner feels the talus displace from medial malleolus: tear of deltoid lig.
Squeeze test of the leg purpose Assess syndesmosis integrity
Squeeze test of the leg description Pt lies supine. Examiner grasps lower leg at midcalf and squeezes tibia and fibula together. Examiner applies he same load a more distal locations moving toward the ankle
Squeeze test of the leg results Pain in lower leg may indicate syndesmosis injury, provided that fracture, contusion, and compartment syndrome have been rule out.
Thompson's test purpose Evaluates integrity of Achilles tendon
Thompson's test description Pt lies prone or knees on chair with feet over edge of table/chair. While pt is relaxed, examiner squeezes the calf muscles.
Thompson's test result Absence of PF when muscle if squeezed indicates a positive test and a ruptured Achilles tendon (3rd degree strain)
Tinel's sign purpose Identifies dysfunction of posterior tibial nerve
Tinel's sign description Anterior tibial branch of deep peroneal nerve may be percussed in front of the ankle. Posterior tibial nerve may be percussed as it passes behind the medial malleolus
Tinel's sign result In both cases, tingling/paresthesis felt distally is a positive sign
Morton's test purpose Identifies stress fracture or neuroma in forefoot
Morton's test description Pt lies supine. Examiner grasps the foot around the metatarsal heads and squeezes the heads together
Morton's test result Pain positive for stress fracture or neuroma
Created by: ecosio
Popular Physical Therapy sets




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