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C/S special tests

Vertebral Artery test purpose Assesses the integrity off vertebro-basilar vascular system
Vertebral Artery test description With pt supine, examiner passively takes pt's head and neck into extension and side flexion. After this movement is achieved, the examiner rotates the pt's head to the same side and holds it for 30 sec
Vertebral Artery test results Positive test provokes referring system if the opposite artery is affected
Hautant's test purpose Differentiate dizziness or vertigo caused by articular problems from that caused by vascular problems
Hautant's test description Pt sits & forward flexes both arms to 90. The eyes are then closed. Examiner watches for any loss of arm position. If arms move, the cause is nonvascular. Then rot or ext%rot neck, eyes closed, hold position. If arms waver. dysfunction is vascular.
Transverse ligament stress test purpose test integrity of transverse ligament
Transverse ligament stress test description Pt lies supine with head supported on table. Glide C1 anterior. Should be firm end feel. Position held for 10-20 sec to see whether symptoms occur, indicated a positive test.
Transverse ligament stress test results Positive symptoms include soft end feel; m spasm; dizziness; nausea; paresthesia of lip, face, or limb; nystagmus, or lump sensation in the throat
Sharp purser test purpose Determine subluxation of the atlas on the axis
Sharp purser test description Examiner places 1 hand over pt's forehead while thumb of other hand placed over SP of axis to stabilize it. Pt asked to slowly flex the head; while this is occurring, the examiner presses backward with the palm
Sharp purser test results Positive: examiner feels head slide backward during the movement. Slide backward indicates that the subluxation of atlas has been reduced, and the slide may be accompanied by a clunk,
Anterior shear test purpose Test the integrity of the supporting ligamentous and capsular tissues of the cervical spine
Anterior shear test description Pt lies supine with head in neutral, resting on the bed. Examiner applies an anterior force through posterior arch of C2 or SP of C2 to T1 or B through the lamina of each vertebral body. In each case, normal end feel is tissue stretch with an abrupt stop
Anterior shear test result Positive signs, esp when upper C/S is tested, include nystagmus, pupil changes, dizziness, soft end feel, nausea, facial or ip paresthesia, and a lump sensation in the throat
Foraminal compression (Spurling's test) purpose Identifies dysfunction (compression) of cervical nerve root
Foraminal compression (Spurling's test) description Pt bends of side flexes the head to unaffected side first, followed by affected side. Examiner carefully presses straight down on the head
Foraminal compression (Spurling's test) result Dermatome distribution of pain and altered sensation can give some indication as to which nerve root is involved
Maximal cervical compression test purpose Identify compression or neural structures at intervertebral foramen of facet joint dysfunction
Maximal cervical compression test description Pt side flexes head and rotates it to same side. The test is repeated to the other side. A positive test: pain radiates to arm. If head extends, side flex, and rot, and compression, intervertebral foramina close maximally.
Maximal cervical compression test result extension, side flexion, and extension: if pain o concave side: nerve root or facet joint. Pain on convex side: muscle strain.
Distraction test purpose identify compression of neural structures at intervertebral foramen or facet joint dysfunction
Distraction test description Pt sitting and distract head passively
Distraction test result Positive: decrease in symptom in neck (facet condition) or decrease in upper limb pain (neurological condition)
Shoulder abduction test purpose Test for radicular symptoms, esp involving C4-C5 nerve roots
Shoulder abduction test description Pt sitting/supine, and examiner passively or pt actively elevates arm through abduction so hand/forearm rests on top of hand
Shoulder abduction test results Decrease or relief of symptoms indicates a cervical extradural compression problem, such as herniated disc, epidural vein comrpession, or nerve root compression, usually in C4-c5 OR c5-C6 area
Lhermitte sign purpose Identifies dysfunction of spinal cord and upper motor lesion
Lhermitte sign description Pt is in long sitting. Examiner passively flexes pt's head and one hip simultaneously with leg kept straight
Lhermitte sign result Positive: sharp, electric shock-like pain down the spine and into upper or lower limbs; it indicates dural or meningeal irritation in the spine or possible cervical myelopathy
Created by: ecosio
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